13,621 research outputs found

    Swine Sanitation

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    From the very beginning of Nebraska\u27s agricultural development its farmers have recognized that the production of swine must of necessity accompany the growing of corn. The latter, one of the state\u27s most important staples, cannot be marketed in a more economical manner than after having been transformed into pork, bacon, and lard. As a result the state has for many years maintained a rather dense swine population mainly divided into large herds kept on relatively small areas of land. This density of population, as well as certain practices in management and selective breeding, has brought about conditions favorable for the propagation of a number of microbic or parasitic diseases which, in a costly manner, force themselves to our attention

    Swine Sanitation

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    From the very beginning of Nebraska\u27s agricultural development its farmers have recognized that the production of swine must of necessity accompany the growing of corn. The latter, one of the state\u27s most important staples, cannot be marketed in a more economical manner than after having been transformed into pork, bacon, and lard. As a result the state has for many years maintained a rather dense swine population mainly divided into large herds kept on relatively small areas of land. This density of population, as well as certain practices in management and selective breeding, has brought about conditions favorable for the propagation of a number of microbic or parasitic diseases which, in a costly manner, force themselves to our attention

    The Abortion Problem in Farm Live Stock

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    This casting out of a dead or at least abnormal fetus we call abortion. It constitutes the culminating accident in a process set into motion by disease or injury. To the breeder it is its most conspicuous feature, and it\u27s more or less constant occurrence among live stock warrants us to speak of the abortion problem. It is the purpose of this publication to lay before our Nebraska breeders such information on the subject as can be gathered from the more recent literature and from observations in the field and the laboratory

    Pig Typhus (Salmonellosis suis)

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    Salmonellosis suis or pig typhus, also designated as pig typhoid, infectious necrotic enteritis, or necro, is an infectious disease among young pigs. It constitutes a major factor in the mortality of juvenile swine, and as such must be regarded as a more or less perennial hazard in swine production. Infectious necrotic enteritis caused by Salmonella suipestifer is the subject of the present publication

    The preparation of laboratory specimens as an aid to the diagnosis of animal diseases

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    Many problems in connection with animal diseases require for their solution the application of methods which can only be undertaken in properly equipped laboratories. This ordinarily involves the collection, packing, and shipping of samples of specimens. The manner in which this is done is a most important factor and to a very large extent is responsible either for the success or for the failure of the undertaking. The discussion of the subject to which the following pages are devoted is taken in hand in the hope that it may provide guidance to the veterinarians and others who may have occasion to require the assistance of a laboratory in the solution of disease problems

    An Inquiry into the Cause of the Increase of Tuberculosis of Swine

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    The great increase in the number of swine found to be tuberculous presented a problem, the solution of which appeared to be desirable before adequate control measures could be devised or recommended. In the hope that a solution of the problem may be found this station undertook an investigation and attempted by experimental inquiry to determine the infection type of the tuberculosis associated with the animals which constituted the bulk of the retentions. In view of the apparent increased incidence and spread of tuberculosis among poultry in a large hog raising section, of which Nebraska forms a part, the experimental project mentioned was to a large extent so directed as to prove or disprove the hypothesis that avian infection may at least in part be held accountable for the great morbidity rate for tuberculosis among swine and its marked increase during the last fifteen years

    The Immunizing Value of Commercial Vaccines and Bacterins Against Hemorrhagic Septicemia

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    In the course of certain studies having to do with hemorrhagic septicemia, we were particularly struck with the difficulties which we encountered in the immunization of susceptible laboratory animals (rabbits). This difficulty in no small degree excited our curiosity regarding the immunizing value of the considerable number of Hemorrhagic Septicemia bacterins and vaccines which during recent years have become such a prominent article of commerce. In the hope of securing some information relative to the immunizing value of the agents mentioned, we undertook a series of experiments in which the immunity of the bacterin and vaccine injected laboratory animals was definitely tested by subsequent inoculations with B. bipolaris

    Collected Observations Pertaining to Hog Cholera

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    This bulletin reports on the following: (1) the possible role of Salmonella suipestifer in failed vaccinations (vaccination breaks); (2) excessive serum dosages as a cause of vaccination breaks; (3) experiments with crystal-violet hog cholera vaccine and (4) hog cholera vaccine of tissue origin, and (5) phenolized hog cholera virus as a possible vehicle for pathogenic contaminants

    The Incidence of Avian Tuberculosis in Mammals other than Swine

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    The recognition of a very widespread and intense distribution of avian tuberculosis on the farms of a wide area of the United States, as well as the involvement of a mammalian species also, brought to the foreground the question whether or not the great prevalence of poultry tuberculosis could be of importance also from a public health point of view. This phase of the problem not only pertains to the people on the farms but likewise is of fundamental importance to the consumers of poultry produce. European authors had already identified the avian tubercle bacillus in human lesions while in this country careless speakers outside the profession of medicine and irresponsible journalists had made more or less sensational statements on the subject. The alleged public health phase of avian tuberculosis was regarded as warrant for an attempt to acquire more definite information on this subject. The importance of the problem arising from the widespread distribution of avian tuberculosis and its demonstrated communicability to at least one mammalian species of economic importance justified an extension of the investigation and hence the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station undertook the inquiry, the results of which are set forth in the following account

    The Value of Commercial Vaccines and Bacterins Against Fowl Cholera

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    A great prevalence of the disease known as fowl cholera has naturally stimulated an interest in possible means of prevention and especially in those which may bring about a more or less lasting immunity. Vaccines which were favorably reported by some failed utterly in the hands of others, so that on the whole no substantial advantage has been gained. Vaccines and bacterins are nevertheless constantly urged on poultry owners confronted with disease and the Experiment Station is frequently called upon to give an opinion on their value or to recommend any special preparation. In order to comply with those demands in an intelligent and impartial manner, we have thought it wise to make some experiments with the various preparations offered by the pharmaceutical trade in the hope that this may enable us to recommend all or any preparation for the relief of our poultry raisers
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