616 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Density of States Gap in a Disordered Superconductor

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    It has only recently been possible to study the superconducting state in the attractive Hubbard Hamiltonian via a direct observation of the formation of a gap in the density of states N(w). Here we determine the effect of random chemical potentials on N(w) and show that at weak coupling, disorder closes the gap concurrently with the destruction of superconductivity. At larger, but still intermediate coupling, a pseudo-gap in N(w) remains even well beyond the point at which off-diagonal long range order vanishes. This change in the elementary excitations of the insulating phase corresponds to a crossover between Fermi- and Bose-Insulators. These calculations represent the first computation of the density of states in a finite dimensional disordered fermion model via the Quantum Monte Carlo and maximum entropy methods.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Proximity effect in ultrathin Pb/Ag multilayers within the Cooper limit

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    We report on transport and tunneling measurements performed on ultra-thin Pb/Ag (strong coupled superconductor/normal metal) multilayers evaporated by quench condensation. The critical temperature and energy gap of the heterostructures oscillate with addition of each layer, demonstrating the validity of the Cooper limit model in the case of multilayers. We observe excellent agreement with a simple theory for samples with layer thickness larger than 30\AA . Samples with single layers thinner than 30\AA deviate from the Cooper limit theory. We suggest that this is due to the "inverse proximity effect" where the normal metal electrons improve screening in the superconducting ultrathin layer and thus enhance the critical temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Energy Gap Induced by Impurity Scattering: New Phase Transition in Anisotropic Superconductors

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    It is shown that layered superconductors are subjected to a phase transition at zero temperature provided the order parameter (OP) reverses its sign on the Fermi-surface but its angular average is finite. The transition is regulated by an elastic impurity scattering rate 1/τ1/\tau. The excitation energy spectrum, being gapless at the low level of scattering, develops a gap as soon as the scattering rate exceeds some critical value of 1/τ⋆1/\tau_\star.Comment: Revtex, 11 page

    Metatranscriptomics and Pyrosequencing Facilitate Discovery of Potential Viral Natural Enemies of the Invasive Caribbean Crazy Ant, Nylanderia pubens

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    BACKGROUND: Nylanderia pubens (Forel) is an invasive ant species that in recent years has developed into a serious nuisance problem in the Caribbean and United States. A rapidly expanding range, explosive localized population growth, and control difficulties have elevated this ant to pest status. Professional entomologists and the pest control industry in the United States are urgently trying to understand its biology and develop effective control methods. Currently, no known biological-based control agents are available for use in controlling N. pubens. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Metagenomics and pyrosequencing techniques were employed to examine the transcriptome of field-collected N. pubens colonies in an effort to identify virus infections with potential to serve as control agents against this pest ant. Pyrosequencing (454-platform) of a non-normalized N. pubens expression library generated 1,306,177 raw sequence reads comprising 450 Mbp. Assembly resulted in generation of 59,017 non-redundant sequences, including 27,348 contigs and 31,669 singlets. BLAST analysis of these non-redundant sequences identified 51 of potential viral origin. Additional analyses winnowed this list of potential viruses to three that appear to replicate in N. pubens. CONCLUSIONS: Pyrosequencing the transcriptome of field-collected samples of N. pubens has identified at least three sequences that are likely of viral origin and, in which, N. pubens serves as host. In addition, the N. pubens transcriptome provides a genetic resource for the scientific community which is especially important at this early stage of developing a knowledgebase for this new pest

    Disordered Bosons: Condensate and Excitations

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    The disordered Bose Hubbard model is studied numerically within the Bogoliubov approximation. First, the spatially varying condensate wavefunction in the presence of disorder is found by solving a nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Using the Bogoliubov approximation to find the excitations above this condensate, we calculate the condensate fraction, superfluid density, and density of states for a two-dimensional disordered system. These results are compared with experiments done with 4He{}^4{\rm He} adsorbed in porous media.Comment: RevTeX, 26 pages and 10 postscript figures appended (Figure 9 has three separate plots, so 12 postcript files altogether

    Early stage morphology of quench condensed Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag hybrid films

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    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) has been used to study the morphology of Ag, Pb and Pb/Ag bilayer films fabricated by quench condensation of the elements onto cold (T=77K), inert and atomically flat Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG) substrates. All films are thinner than 10 nm and show a granular structure that is consistent with earlier studies of QC films. The average lateral diameter, 2rˉ\bar {2r}, of the Ag grains, however, depends on whether the Ag is deposited directly on HOPG (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 13 nm) or on a Pb film consisting of a single layer of Pb grains (2rˉ\bar {2r} = 26.8 nm). In addition, the critical thickness for electrical conduction (dGd_{G}) of Pb/Ag films on inert glass substrates is substantially larger than for pure Ag films. These results are evidence that the structure of the underlying substrate exerts an influence on the size of the grains in QC films. We propose a qualitative explanation for this previously unencountered phenomenon.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures and one tabl

    Model for initiation of quality factor degradation at high accelerating fields in superconducting radio-frequency cavities

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    A model for the onset of the reduction in SRF cavity quality factor, the so-called Q-drop, at high accelerating electric fields is presented. Breakdown of the surface barrier against magnetic flux penetration at the cavity equator is considered to be the critical event that determines the onset of Q-drop. The worst case of triangular grooves with low field of first flux penetration Hp, as analyzed previously by Buzdin and Daumens, [1998 Physica C 294: 257], was adapted. This approach incorporates both the geometry of the groove and local contamination via the Ginzburg-Landau parameter kappa, so the proposed model allows new comparisons of one effect in relation to the other. The model predicts equivalent reduction of Hp when either roughness or contamination were varied alone, so smooth but dirty surfaces limit cavity performance about as much as rough but clean surfaces do. When in combination, contamination exacerbates the negative effects of roughness and vice-versa. To test the model with actual data, coupons were prepared by buffered chemical polishing and electropolishing, and stylus profilometry was used to obtain distributions of angles. From these data, curves for surface resistance generated by simple flux flow as a function of magnetic field were generated by integrating over the distribution of angles for reasonable values of kappa. This showed that combined effects of roughness and contamination indeed reduce the Q-drop onset field by ~30%, and that that contamination contributes to Q-drop as much as roughness. The latter point may be overlooked by SRF cavity research, since access to the cavity interior by spectroscopy tools is very difficult, whereas optical images have become commonplace. The model was extended to fit cavity test data, which indicated that reduction of the superconducting gap by contaminants may also play a role in Q-drop.Comment: 15 pages with 7 figure

    Disorder and chain superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}

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    The effects of chain disorder on superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} are discussed within the context of a proximity model. Chain disorder causes both pair-breaking and localization. The hybridization of chain and plane wavefunctions reduces the importance of localization, so that the transport anisotropy remains large in the presence of a finite fraction δ\delta of oxygen vacancies. Penetration depth and specific heat measurements probe the pair-breaking effects of chain disorder, and are discussed in detail at the level of the self-consistent T-matrix approximation. Quantitative agreement with these experiments is found when chain disorder is present.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRB rapid communication

    Role of anisotropic impurity scattering in anisotropic superconductors

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    A theory of nonmagnetic impurities in an anisotropic superconductor including the effect of anisotropic (momentum-dependent) impurity scattering is given. It is shown that for a strongly anisotropic scattering the reduction of the pair-breaking effect of the impurities is large. For a significant overlap between the anisotropy functions of the scattering potential and that of the pair potential and for a large amount of anisotropic scattering rate in impurity potential the superconductivity becomes robust vis a vis impurity concentration. The implications of our result for YBCO high-temperature superconductor are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, 5 PostScript figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (December 1, 1996
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