41 research outputs found

    Estudio de la formaci贸n de complejos de la 4,5-diamino 3-metil-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6,-tetrahidropirimidina con cationes divalentes de la primera serie de transici贸n

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    Se investiga la formaci贸n de complejos en disoluci贸n acuosa y medio hidroetan贸lico, del clorhidrato de la 4,S-diamino-3-metil-2,6-dioxo- 1, 2; 3, 6, tertahidropirimidina (LH2Cl) con cationes divalentes de la primera serie de transici贸n por m茅todos potenciom茅tricos conductim茅tricos y espectrofotom茅tricos. Los datos potenciom茅tricos o espectrofotom茅tricos permiten determinar las constantes estequiom茅tricas globales de formaci贸n de complejos con relaciones metal/ligando 1/ 1, 1/2 Y 1/3 a 2S.00卤0.OS oC, 1=0. 1 M(KCl) y en atm贸sfera inerte (N2). De la mezcla Cu (I1)-LH2 Cl se aisla un s贸lido verde de aspecto rnicrocristalino. La caracterizaci贸n de este compuesto por an谩lisis elemental, espectroscopia IR, an谩lisis t茅rmico (TG, ATD), Y medidas magn茅ticas conduce a la f贸rmula CuLC12 *6H2.The formation of the complexes in aqueous solution and ethanolic medium, between the 4,S-diamine-3-methyl-2,6-dioxo- 1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyrirnidine hydrochloride and sorne bivalent ions of the rust row transitions elments, has been investigated by potentiometric, conductometric and spectrofotometric methods. The potentiometric or spectrofotometric data, allow to obtain the overall stoechiometric stability constants for :隆everal complexes with metal/ligand ratios 11 1 .. 1/2 and 1/3 at 2S.00卤0.OS oC, 1=0. 1 M(KC1) in inert atmosphere (N2). From the Cu-LH2 Cl we have isolated a microcristaline green solido Ihe characterisation of this material by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermal analysis (TG, DTA) and magnetic measurements given the formula CuLC12*6H20

    Degradaci贸n del 4,5-diamino-2,6-dioxo-3-metil-1,2,3,6-tetrahidropirimidina en disoluci贸n acuosa

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    The cinetic of the degradation process of the 4,5-diamine-2,6-dioxo-3-methyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahidropyrimidine has been studied in aqueous solution. The fmal product of the degradation process has been characterized by means of chemical analysis, espectrofotometry of mass, IR, NMR, suggests that tite formula corresponds to 1,6-dimethyl-2,4,7,9- tetrahidroxypyrimido-4,5, h pteridine.Se ha estudiado la cin茅tica del proceso de degradaci贸n del 4,5-diamino-2,6-dioxo-3-metil-1,2,3,6-tetrahidropirimidina en disoluci贸n acuosa. El producto final del proceso de degradaci贸n se ha caracterizado mediante an谩lisis qu铆mico, espectrofotometr铆a de masas, IR y RMN, sugiriendo se para el, la f贸rmula correspondiente al 1 ,6-dimetil-2,4, 7 ,9-tetrahidroxipirimidina4,5, h-pteridina

    Estudio en disoluci贸n de los complejos de la 4,5-diamino-3-metil-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahidropirimidina con Fe(III) y Cr(III)

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    Se determina la estequiometr铆a de los complejos formados por reacci贸n del clorhidrato de la 4,5-diamino-3-metil-2,6-dioxo-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahidropirimidina (LH2 Cl) con FeCl3 y CrCl3 por m茅todos potenciom茅tricos, conductim茅tricos y espectrofotom茅tricos. La banda de absorci贸n del complejo FeL3 (位=510 nm.) permite determinar el orden y la entalp铆a de activaci贸n del proceso de su formaci贸n.The stoichiometry of the complexes formed by reaction of 4,5-diamino-3- methyl-2,6-dioxo-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyrimidine hydrochloride (LH2 Cl) with FeC13 or CrC13 has been investigated by potentiometric, conductimetric and spectrofotometric methods. An absorcion band of FeL3 complex ( A =510 nm.) allow to obtain the order and activation enthalpy of the reaction

    Complejos de cefalexina con cationes de elementos del cuarto periodo. I.-Estudio en disoluci贸n acuosa

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    The formation of the complexes, in aqueous solution, between the cephalexin and sorne ious of the fourth period elements has been investigated by potentiometric and spectrophotometric methods. The stability constants has been determinated.Se ha investigado la formaci贸n de complejos, en disoluci贸n acuosa, de cefalexina [谩cido 7-(D-2-amino-2-fenil-acetamido )-3-metil-8-oxo-S-tia-1-azabiciclo [4.2.O] oct-2-eno-2-carboxilico] con cationes de elementos del cuarto per铆odo, por m茅todos potenciom茅tricos y espectrofotom茅tricos. Se han determinado as铆mismo las constantes de formaci贸n de complejos


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    A partir de los espectros de absorci贸n en la zona del ultravioleta e I. R., as铆 como del espectro de R. M, N. se ha determinado la estructura m谩s probable para la mol茅cula de 4,5-diamino-1,6-dihidro-1-metil-2-metiltio-6-oxo-pirimidina. Asimismo, se ha estudiado la estabilidad t茅rmica de esta sustancia a partir de los diagramas de A. T. D. Y T. G. Por 煤ltimo, se ha determinado el valor de su constante 谩cida, que es del orden de 10-12.From the absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and infrarred regions, and from the MNR spectrum, the most probable molecular structure of the 4,5-diamino-1,6-dihidro-1-methyl-2-methylthio-6-oxo-pyrimidine has been determined. The thermal stability of this substance has been studied from the D. T. A. and T. G. diagrams. The apparent acid constant of the mentioned substance has also been calculated

    Treatment of Activated Carbon with HO. Effect on the Porous Texture

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    The effect of the oxidation of activated carbon (AC) with aqueous solutions of H 2 O 2 on the porous texture of the material has been investigated. In such treatments of AC, H 2 O 2 solutions of varying concentration and pH (i.e., unchanged pH and pH values of 2.5 and 11.5) were used. Oxidizing solutions containing Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ , ethanol or ether were also employed. Initial outgassing of AC and contact of the intermediate product with the oxidizing solution were effected under controlled conditions of temperature and time. The resulting samples were characterized texturally by gas adsorption (N 2 , 77 K) and mercury porosimetry. The mass of sample significantly increased when H 2 O 2 solutions at pH 2.5 were used. Such treatment of AC produced a loss of microporosity or none depending on the method of preparation of the samples. Thus, a loss of microporosity occurred, for example, when contact between the H 2 O 2 solution and the AC was effected at 0掳C, whereas no loss of microporosity occurred when the temperature was 70掳C. For a few samples the unfavourable effect of oxidation of the AC on its porous texture not only concerned the micropores but also the mesopores and macropores