29 research outputs found
Feeding Rabbits with tropical Foliage, Sugar Cane, and Sunflower Seeds.
The productive behavior of fattening rabbits was assessed using four feeding variants combining tropical foliage (Teramnus labiales, Hibiscus rosas-sinensis, Pyla nodiflora and Ipomoea batata) with sugar cane and sunflower seeds. Sixty Cuban Brown rabbits weaned at 40 days of age were used, weighing an average 679 g, after 80 days of fattening. Three animals were placed in each cage, following a completely random design. Each animal was consid-ered a replica for the following variables: initial live weight, final live weight, and mean daily gain. For feed con-sumption and feed conversion variables, the means of the animals in every cage were considered. Sugar cane foliage and stems were administered at will. The sunflower seeds were administered at a rate of 25 g/rabbit/day; water was supplied ad libitum. Variants Teramnus labialis-sugar cane-sunflower, Ipomoea batata-sugar cane-sunflower and Phyla nodiflora-sugar cane-sunflower had the best y (100 % viability, live weigh gains between 19.28 and 22.78 g/rabbit/day, and cleaned meat production, between 785 and 972 g, at a cost of 11.45, 16.94 and 12.52 CUP) for Teramnus labialis-sugar cane-sunflower, Ipomoea batata-sugar cane-sunflower and Phyla nodiflora-sugar cane-sunflower, respectively. Variant Hibiscus rosa-sinensis sugar cane-sunflower was the least efficient
Rabbit Nutrition with Tropical Foliage and Sugar Cane.
The behavior of productive indicators was assessed in 45 growing Cuban Brown rabbits (498 g average mean weight), fed with tropical foliage and sugar cane stems. A completely random design was used, with three treatments and 15 repetitions: foliage of Teramnus labialis+sugar cane stem; foliage of Ipomoea batata+sugar cane stem; and foliage of Phyla nodiflora+sugar cane stem. The highest consumption of fresh foliage was observed in Ipomoea ba-tata (269 g) and Teramnus labialis (205 g). Animal variants Phyla nodiflora+sugar cane had a basic consumption of sugar cane (144.87 g). The Teramnus labialis-sugar cane alternative produced the highest consumption levels of raw protein (9.32 g) and digestible energy (0.79 MJ). Live weight gains were observed between 10.46 and 16.96 g/d, and feed conversion between 4.06 and 5.23, similar in both indicators for Teramnus labialis-sugar cane and Ipomoea batata-sugar cane. Live weight gain was extremely low in the Phyla nodiflora-sugar cane variant, with the highest values observed for feed conversion. Teramnus labialis-sugar cane and Ipomoea batata-sugar cane may be used by rab-bit breeders with lands for tropical foliage, and sugar cane in Cuba. The opposite was observed for P hyla nodiflora-sugar cane, which turned out little attractive for rabbit fattening
Evaluación del raquis de maíz troceado como cama avícola sobre el desempeño productivo de pollitas ponedoras de reemplazo Dekalb White®
Antecedes: El empleo de la cama avícola es un factor importante para los productores; se requiere materiales que brinden un buen confort para el ave y no depriman su potencial productivo. Objetivo: Evaluar el uso del raquis de maíz troceado como cama en el desempeño productivo de pollitas ponedoras de reemplazo Dekalb White® (1-16 semanas).
Métodos: Un total de 1,416 pollitas ponedoras de reemplazo Dekalb White® de un día de edad se ubicaron durante 112 días según diseño completamente aleatorizado con dos tratamientos (dos camas, una con viruta de madera y otra con raquis de maíz troceado) y 12 repeticiones con las mismas condiciones experimentales. En los periodos de 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 y 13-16 semanas se determinó el desempeño productivo y en la semana 16, se calculó la uniformidad según dos métodos.
Resultados: El uso del raquis de maíz troceado no deprimió (P˃0,05) el peso vivo, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia y la mortalidad durante todas las fases productivas evaluadas. La uniformidad según el método ±10 no mostró diferencias significativas entre tratamientos (P˃0,05), sin embargo, según el método del peso estándar de la línea genética, el empleo del raquis de maíz troceado incrementó (P<0,05) la uniformidad del lote.
Conclusiones: El uso alternativo del raquis de maíz troceado como cama no reduce el comportamiento productivo de pollitas de levante (hasta la semana 16). Además, mejoró la uniformidad según el método del peso estándar de la línea genética, aunque sin cambios significativos según el método ±10.
Palabras clave: comportamiento productivo, homogeneidad del lote, pollona, raquis de maíz, yacija (Fuente: AGROVOC
Alimentación cunícola con follajestropicales, caña de azúcar y semillas de girasol.
Se evaluó el comportamiento productivo de la ceba cunícola, mediante cuatro variantes de alimentación que combinaron follajes tropicales (Teramnus labialis, Hibiscus rosas-sinensis, Phyla nodiflora e Ipomoea batata) con caña de azúcar y semillas de girasol. Se utilizaron 60 conejos de la raza Pardo Cubano, destetados a los 40 días de edad, con pesos vivos promedios de 679 g. Se ubicaron tres animales por jaulas, según diseño completamente aleatorio. Se consideró cada animal una repetición para las variables: peso vivo inicial, peso vivo final y ganancia media diaria; y para las variables consumo de alimentos y conversión alimentaria se consideró los promedios de los animales aloja-dos en cada jaula. Los follajes y el tallo de caña de azúcar se suministraron a voluntad. Las semillas de girasol se suministraron a razón de 25 g/conejo/día; el agua se suministró ad libitum, durante 80 días de ceba. Las variantes de alimentación Teramnus labialis-caña-girasol, Ipomoea batata-caña-girasol y Phyla nodiflora-caña-girasol mostraron mejores comportamiento productivos (100 % de viabilidad, ganancias promedio de peso vivo entre 19,28 y 22,78 g/conejo/día. El costo fue de 11,45; 16,94 y 12,52 CUP para las variantes Teramnus labialis-caña-girasol, Ipomoea batata-caña-girasol y Phyla nodiflora-caña-girasol, respectivamente. La variante de alimentación de Hibiscus rosa-sinensis-caña resultó la menos eficiente.Tropical Foliage, Sugarcane, and Sunflower Seeds for Rabbit Feedin. ABSTRACTProductive performance of rabbit fattening was evaluated through four feeding variants combining tropical foliage (Teramnus labialis, Hibiscus rosas-sinensis, Phyla nodiflora, and Ipomoea batata) with sugarcane stems and sun-flowers seeds. A sample of 60 Cuban Brown rabbits, weaned at 40 days old and with an average liveweight of 679 g, were distributed into cages 3 animals per cage) according to a completely randomized design. Each animal was con-sidered a replica for the variables initial liveweight, final liveweight, and average daily weight gain, while average values for the three caged rabbits were used to measure food consumption and food conversion rate variables. Tropical foliage, sugarcane, and water were ad-lib supplied and supplemented with sunflower seeds at a rate of 25 g/rabbit daily for an 80-day fattening period. The feeding variants including T. labialis, I. batata, and Ph. nodiflorafoliage showed a better productive performance (100 % viability and average daily weight gain between 19,28 g and 22,78 g per rabbit) and costs of 16.94, and $ 12.52 pesos (national currency). However, the feeding variant with H. rosa-sinensiswas the least effective
Semilla de calabaza en dieta para pollos de ceba
Parts imported from feed for broiler chickens were partially replaced by pumpkin seed meal. The inclusion levels were: 0; 33 and 66 g of said flour for each kilogram of feed (g / kg); where they stopped using, partially, vegetable oil and soy cake. The productive indicators, edible portions and economic results were evaluated in 108 EB-34 chickens, during 12 days in the finishing stage of the fattening, with a completely randomized design with three treatments and six repetitions. No significant differences were found (P <0.05) in the birds for the final weight, feed conversion, cumulative consumption, carcass weight, breast weight, weight of the thigh to include up to 66 g / kg of seed meal. of pumpkin in the feed. The weight of the total viscera, thigh and liver increased, while abdominal fat decreased with the inclusion of this food. Including 66 g / kg reduced the cost of food (USD 37.40), the cost of food / t of live weight by 82.54 USD, the cost of food / t of carcass at USD 133.54 and the cost of the food / t of breast in 532.28 USD. The inclusion of 33 and 66 g / kg of pumpkin seed flour did not alter the main productive indicators and quality of the edible portions and the cost of production was reduced.Se sustituyó parcialmente componentes importados del pienso para pollos de ceba, por harina de semilla de calabaza. Los niveles de inclusión fueron: 0; 33 y 66 g de dicha harina por cada kilogramo de pienso (g/kg); donde se dejó de usar, parcialmente, aceite vegetal y torta de soya. Se evaluaron los indicadores productivos, porciones comestibles y resultados económicos en 108 pollos EB-34, durante 12 días en la etapa de finalización de la ceba, con un diseño completamente aleatorio con tres tratamientos y seis repeticiones. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P < 0,05) en las aves para el peso final, conversión alimenticia, consumo acumulado, peso de la canal, peso de la pechuga, peso del contramuslo al incluir hasta 66 g/kg de harina de semilla de calabaza en el pienso. El peso de las vísceras totales, muslo e hígado incrementó, mientras la grasa abdominal disminuyó con la inclusión de este alimento. Al incluir 66 g/kg se redujo el costo del alimento (37,40 USD), el costo del alimento/t de peso vivo en 82,54 USD, el costo del alimento/t de canal en 133,54 USD y el costo del alimento/t de pechuga en 532,28 USD. La inclusión de 33 y 66 g/kg de harina de semilla de calabaza no alteró los principales indicadores productivos y calidad de las porciones comestibles y se redujo el costo de producción
Alimentación cunícola con follajes tropicales y caña de azúcar.
Se evaluó el comportamiento de los indicadores productivos de 45 conejos en crecimiento (498 g peso vivo pro-medio) de la raza Pardo Cubano, al alimentarlos con follajes tropicales y tallos de caña de azúcar. Se utilizó un dise-ño completamente aleatorio, con tres tratamientos (follaje de Teramnus labialis+tallo de caña de azúcar; follaje de Ipomoea batata+tallo de caña de azúcar, y follaje de Phyla nodiflora+tallo de caña de azúcar) y 15 repeticiones. Los mayores consumos de follaje en base fresca se obtuvieron con los de Ipomoea batata (269 g) y Teramnus labialis (205 g). Los animales alimentados con la variante Phyla nodiflora+caña, consumieron mayormente caña de azúcar (144,87 g). Se observó que en la variante Teramnus labialis-caña se alcanzaron los más altos consumos de proteína bruta (9,32 g) y energía digestible (0,79 MJ). Se obtuvieron ganancias de PV entre 10,46 y 16,96 g/d, y conversión alimenticia 4,06 y 5,23, similares en ambos indicadores en las variantes Teramnus labialis-caña e Ipomoea batata-caña. La ganancia de peso vivo fue extremadamente baja en la variante Phyla nodiflora-caña, con los valores más al-tos de conversión alimenticia. Las variantes de alimentación Teramnus labialis-caña e Ipomoea batata-caña pueden ser utilizadas por los cunicultores que disponen de tierra para sembrar los follajes tropicales y la caña de azúcar en Cuba, no así la variante Phyla nodiflora-caña, poco atractiva para la ceba de conejos.Tropical Foliage and Sugarcane for Rabbit Feeding.ABSTRACTProductive-indicators performance was evaluated in 45 growing Cuban Brown rabbits (498 liveweight) fed with tropical foliage and sugarcane stems. A completely randomized design with three treatments (Teramnus labia-lis+ sugarcane, Ipomoea batata+sugarcane, and Phyla nodiflora+ sugarcane) and 15 replicas was applied. Fresh foliage higher consumption rates were registered for I. batata(269 g) and T. labialis(205 g). Animals fed with Ph. nodiflora+ sugarcane showed a higher consumption rate for sugarcane (144,87 g). The variant T. labia-lis+ sugarcane exhibited higher consumption rates for the indicators raw protein (9,32 g) and digestible energy (0,79 MJ). Both indicators showed similar liveweight gains (10,46 g/d and 16,96 g/d) and food conversion rates (4,06 and 5,23) for T. labialis+ sugarcane and I. batata+ sugarcane feeding variants. Liveweight gain was markedly lower for the Ph. nodiflora+sugarcane variant, but food conversion rate exhibited the highest values. Therefore, the feeding variants T. labialis+sugarcane and I. batata+ sugarcane are a better option for rabbit breeders
A Model to Estimate the Laying Curve of White Leghorn Hens in the Last Three Years in the Province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba
A number of 15 976 egg production records from three hen batches in Ciego de Avila (2016) were used. The laying curve was characterized in similar conditions to IIA (2013), Republic of Cuba. The estimation of the laying curves made of mean productions from three stages in a year was presented. Four mathematical models were applied for curve adjustment: McNally, Wood, quadratic logarithmic, and linear hyperbolic. Different statistical criteria were used for validation: determination coefficient (R2), (R2A), residual analysis, and others. The means, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), and variation coefficient (VC) were made for each period. Egg production accounted for 84.35 and 60.61% of total laying, the best year was 2016. The highest values of SE and VC were observed at the end of production, as expected. Adjustment and discrimination showed a high adjustment criterion in the four models, but the best values were observed with McNally (1971), in R2 (99.60%), and adjusted R2 (99.42%). McNally reached the highest adjustment values: YM=-2233.62-18583.8*(MONTH/426)-029.0*(MONTH/426**2+780.241*log (426/MONTH)-68.1269*(log(426/MONTH))*2, and it described the best production of White Leghorn (L33) hens in Ciego de Avila
Non-Linear Models for Growth, Development, and Posture of L-33 White Leghorn Hens, according to Economic Indicators
The Zootechnical Factors established by the main indicators of bioeconomic behavior were determined for the pro-ductive-commercial cycle of L-33 White Leghorn hens in the province of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. A number of 55 cycles were analyzed for validation of mathematical models between 2002 and 2014; other 18 cycles were studied between 2014 and 2016. Descriptive statistics, generalized mixed models (GLIMMIX), and five-function modelling were used. SAS 9.3 for Windows was also used. The productive cycles were similar to the standard set up for the breed and line in Cuba. Laying was 293 eggs/poultry, with a conversion of 1.40 feed kg/10 eggs, and a cost of $ 0.36 CUP an egg. The starting sheds and year had effects on live weight, tarsus length, uniformity, and daily weight gain up to 175 days. Sexual maturity, conversion, egg production, egg cost, and net income were influenced by farm, whereas each farm´s starting shed and the years, had negative effects on most biological indicators. Low, but significant effects of combined climate variables were observed in the bioeconomic indicators. The Gompertz´s model for growth, and Mc Nally´s for laying, were the best predicting tools for production. Along with GLIMMIX, they will contribute with suitable criteria for better decision making to increase egg production
Hidroforraje de Leucaena leucocephala para alimentar conejos
Leucaena leucocephala hydroforage nutritional value for rabbit feeding was found out by determining its chemical composition, amino-acid profile, antinutritional factors presence, physical properties, and in vitro digestibility using a completely randomized design. Results showed 23 % of dry matter, high levels of raw protein (27,2 %), 31,38 % of neutral detergent fiber, 19,06 % of acid detergent fiber, and 8,43 % of ashes. Proper levels of essential aminoacids for rabbits, i.e., lycine, threonine, phenylalanine, and leucine were found out; however, methionine levels were low. Antinutritional factors decreased by the hydroforage aging process: tannin concentration in L. leucocephala seeds dropped from 9 % to 1,1 % following 20 days of hydroforage aging. Similarly, 4,5 % of mimosine was also detected in L. leucocephala seeds, but none appeared after a 25-day aging process of the hydroforage. Fiber solubility was 26,61 % with a water absorption capacity of 11,98 (gg-1 FDN). Dry matter digestibility was 67,73 %. These features fit feeding requirements for rabbits.Con el objetivo de determinar el valor nutritivo del hidroforraje de Leucaena leucocephala (HFL) para la alimentación de conejos, se determinó: la composición química, perfil aminocídico, presencia de factores antinutricionales, propiedades físicas y digestibilidad in vitro. Se empleó un diseño completamente aleatorio. El alimento mostró 23 % de materia seca, altos niveles de proteína bruta (27,2 %), 31,18 % de fibra neutro detergente, 19,06 % de fibra ácido detergente y 8,43 % tenores de ceniza. Este alimento tiene adecuados niveles de lisina, treonina, fenilalanina y leucina, aminoácidos esenciales para los conejos; en cambio los niveles de metionina fueron bajos. Se encontró que a medida que aumentaba la edad del hidroforraje, disminuían los factores antinutricionales: los taninos se presentaron en las semillas de leucaena en 9 %, y a los 20 días del alimento su concentración era de 1,1 %. Se detectó presencia de mimosina en las semillas de esta planta (4,5 %); no así a los 25 días del hidroforraje. La solubilidad de fibra fue 26,61 % con capacidad de absorción de agua de 11,98 (gg-1FDN). La digestibilidad de la materia seca fue 67,73 %. Estas características se ajustan a las exigencias alimenticias de la especie cunícola
Digestibilidad de dietas con niveles crecientes de harina de coco desgrasada en conejos en crecimiento
In order to evaluate the influence of defatted coconut flour on the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of nutrients for growing rabbits, five diets were elaborated with increasing levels of defatted coconut flour (0 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30 % and 40 %). The diets were given to 50 Chinchilla rabbits, distributed in a totally randomized design, with an experimental period of 12 days. The ADC of the dry matter (MS), gross protein (PB), gross fiber (BFC), organic matter (MO) and ash (Czs) were determined. The inclusion of defatted coconut flour into the rabbit’s diet had not effect on the ADC of MS, with average values close to 60 %. High values of ADC of PB were observed (74.92 % and 77.86 %), which decreased for levels of defatted coconut flour of 30 % and 40 %. The ADC of BFC behaved similar to the PB, with mean values between 44.66 % and 49.80 %. The rabbits showed a good use of the ash content with ADC from 66.80 % to 72.99 %, which were more elevated for diets with 0 % and 10 % of defatted coconut flour. The results indicate that the rabbits carried out a high absorption of the inorganic compounds.Para evaluar la influencia de la harina de coco desgrasada sobre los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente (CDA) de los nutrientes para conejos en crecimiento, fueron elaboradas cinco dietas con niveles crecientes de esta (0, 10, 20, 30 y 40 %), las cuales fueron suministradas a 50 animales de la raza Chinchilla, con un diseño completamente aleatorizado. Fueron determinados los CDA de la Materia seca (MS), Proteína bruta (PB), Fibra bruta (FB), Materia orgánica (MO) y las Cenizas (Czs). El período experimental fue de 12 días. La inclusión de la harina de coco desgrasada en la dieta no afectó el CDA de la MS, con valores promedios próximos al 60 %. Se encontraron altos CDA para la PB (74.92 y 77.86 %), los cuales decrecieron para los niveles de inclusión del 30 % y el 40 %. Los CDA de la FB presentaron tendencia similar a los de la PB, con valores medios entre 44.66 y 49.80 %. Los conejos mostraron un buen aprovechamiento del contenido de cenizas, con CDA de 66.80 % a 72.99 %, superiores para los niveles de inclusión del 0 % y 10 %. Los resultados indican que los conejos realizaron una elevada absorción de los compuestos inorgánicos