13 research outputs found

    Monitoring and mapping soil functionality in degraded areas of organic European vineyards

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    Póster presentado en el 11th International Terroir Congress, celebrado en Willamette Valley, Oregon (Estados Unidos) del 10 al 14 de julio de 2016.Soil malfunctioning, caused by an improper land preparation before vine plantation and/or management, is a common problem in European vineyards. Soil malfunctioning can include: reduced contribution of the soil fauna, poor organic matter content, imbalance nutritional status, altered pH, water deficiency, soil compaction and/or scarce oxygenation. To address these problems, ReSolVe, a transnational European research project, aimed at testing the effects of selected agronomic strategies for restoring optimal soil functionality in degraded areas within organic vineyard. The project involves 8 research groups in 6 different EU countries (Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Slovenia, and Turkey) with experts from several disciplines including soil science, ecology, microbiology, grapevine physiology, viticulture, and biometry. The experimental vineyards are situated in Italy (Chianti hills and Maremma plain, Tuscany), Spain (La Rioja), France (Bordeaux and Languedoc), and Slovenia (Primorska) for winegrapes, and in Turkey (Adana and Mersin) for tablegrapes. Three different restoring strategies have been implemented: (i) compost, (ii) green manure with winter legumes, and (iii) dry mulching with cover crops. These strategies have being tested according to their efficiency to improve i) plant and root growth; and ii) grape yield and quality; optimize iii) the quality of soil ecosystem services; and iv) the terroir effect. The first activity of the project was characterizing and mapping the degraded areas within experimental vineyards. In the work we used non-invasive technologies to characterize soil and plant status. In Spanish and Italian vineyards, the delineation of degraded areas was performed by gamma-ray spectroscopy for topsoil, RGB machine vision for canopy status and thermography for plant water status. Gamma-ray spectroscopy measured continuously the natural gamma-ray emitted from the first 30-40 cm of soil, calculating the contribution of the main radionuclides (40K, 232Th, and 238U). The spectra of gamma-ray were able to provide information about mineralogy, texture, surficial stoniness and carbonates. RGB and thermal cameras were used to assess canopy porosity, leaf area exposure and vine water status of both degraded and non-degraded areas. All soil, canopy and water status parameters were mapped.Peer Reviewe

    Soil ecosystem functions in a high-density olive orchard managed by different soil conservation practices

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    The long-term effects of two different soil management practices, natural grass cover (NC) and conservation tillage (CT), on soil functions (carbon sequestration, habitat for organisms, and water movement and retention) were determined in a high-density, mature olive orchard (Olea europaea L. cv. Frantoio) growing in a sandy loam soil (Typic Haploxeralf) in a Mediterranean environment. Ten years after the beginning of the different soil management, soil samples were collected at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depth and at two distances from the trunk, underneath the olive canopy (UC) and in the inter-row (IR). There were no differences in fruit yield, oil yield, and yield efficiency between the two soil management systems during the 2011–2013 period. CT negatively affected soil organic carbon pools (total and humified), but only at the IR position. The distance from the plant did not significantly influence soil structure and hydrological properties, while NC treatment increased water movement and retention. Tillage reduced the microarthropod abundance, in particular Collembola and eu-edaphic forms, which were the most sensitive groups to soil perturbation. We conclude that natural grass cover was more effective than conservation tillage in maintaining or improving elements of soil functionality

    Scale effect of viticultural zoning under three contrasting vintages in Chianti Classico area (Tuscany, Italy)

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    The present study, performed in one of the largest farm of “Chianti Classico” wine district (Tuscany, Italy), focused on the effect of terroir on the peculiarities of the wine at two different scale of zoning. At a broader scale, the experimental vineyards were selected on the basis of lithology, soil type, morphology and climate and these were called macro-terroir (MT). Each vineyard was subdivided into a couple of homogeneous zones (Unité Terroir de Base, UTB), differentiated on the basis of soil proximal sensing, and then, high-detailed soil mapping. The study was conducted during three consecutive vintages (2012, '13 and '14), on four different vineyards MT, which are representative of the Chianti Classico wine district. Grape harvest, wine-making and six-month ageing were carried out separately for each UTB, using the same methodology. This study demonstrates that characteristics of geopedological landscapes can be used for a wine district zoning, while a more detailed soil mapping, leading to UTB identification, is needed to highlight some wine peculiarities


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    WOS: 000435853000001The work aims to investigate the effects of different soil management strategies on carbon sequestration and total nitrogen in areas of vineyards suffering from loss of soil functionality. Treatments, selected for inter-row management, to re-install soil functionality were based on compost or other organic amendments (COMP), green manure (GM), and dry mulching (DM) strategies using winter legumes and cereals. Cover crops were seeded in fall and mown in late spring, leaved in the ground for mulching in DM or incorporated into the uppermost soil layers in GM. Such approaches were investigated in six vineyards in Italy, six in France, and two vineyards in Slovenia and Turkey. The results showed that COMP significantly increased total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in the topsoil after one year of application. Also DM tends to increase significantly TOC in the topsoil, but only after two years. Modelling 20-year carbon stock dynamics in Italy vineyards, the average increase resulted 0.49, 0.34, 0.21 and 0.03 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) for COMP, DM, GM and control, respectively

    Effects of Land-Use Change on Soil Functionality and Biodiversity: Toward Sustainable Planning of New Vineyards

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    Sustainable agriculture largely depends on soil biodiversity and requires efficient methods to assess the effectiveness of agronomic planning. Knowledge of the landscape and relative pedosite is enriched by data on the soil microarthropod community, which represent useful bio-indicators for early soil-quality detection in land-use change (LUC). In the hilly Maremma region of Grosseto, Italy, two areas, a >10ys meadow converted into a vineyard and an old biodynamic vineyard (no-LUC), were selected for evaluating the LUC effect. For maintaining soil vitality and ecosystem services by meadow, the vineyard was planted and cultivated using criteria of the patented “Corino method”. The aim was to evaluate the LUC impact, within one year, by assessing parameters characterizing soil properties and soil microarthropod communities after the vineyard was planted. The adopted preservative method in the new vineyards did not show a detrimental impact on the biodiversity of soil microarthropods, and in particular, additional mulching contributed to a quick recovery from soil stress due to working the plantation. In the short term, the adopted agricultural context confirmed that the targeted objectives preserved the soil quality and functionality

    Effect of Long-Term Soil Management Practices on Tree Growth, Yield and Soil Biodiversity in a High-Density Olive Agro-Ecosystem

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    Edaphic arthropod communities provide valuable information about the prevailing status of soil quality to improve the functionality and long-term sustainability of soil management. The study aimed at evaluating the effect of plant and grass cover on the functional biodiversity and soil characteristics in a mature olive orchard (Olea europaea L.) managed for ten years by two conservation soil managements: natural grass cover (NC) and conservation tillage (CT). The trees under CT grew and yielded more than those under NC during the period of increasing yields (years 4–7) but not when they reached full production. Soil management did not affect the tree root density. Collecting samples underneath the canopy (UC) and in the inter-row space (IR), the edaphic environment was characterized by soil structure, hydrological properties, the concentration and storage of soil organic carbon pools and the distribution of microarthropod communities. The soil organic carbon pools (total and humified) were negatively affected by minimum tillage in IR, but not UC, without a loss in fruit and oil yield. The assemblages of microarthropods benefited, firstly, from the grass cover, secondly, from the canopy effect, and thirdly, from a soil structure ensuring a high air capacity and water storage. Feeding functional groups—hemiedaphic macrosaprophages, polyphages and predators—resulted in selecting the ecotonal microenvironment between the surface and edaphic habitat

    Causes of soil malfunctioning in degraded areas of European and Turkish vineyards

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    A study was carried out in nineteen vineyards of five countries, well representative of major viticultural districts, which showed areas with fertility problems, consequence of strong soil erosion occurred during either pre-planting or ordinary cultivation. The comparison between degraded and non-degraded areas highlighted that the soil features limiting water nutrition and enhancing potential water stress were the most frequent discriminant soil conditions. Low nitrogen availability was the second most important cause of soil malfunctioning, together with low organic matter content. The degradation was also reflected in the very low values of the C/N ratio, pointing to a difficulty of microbiota in synthetizing humus. Other limiting factor were excessive lime content and poor drainage. Also nutrient unbalance or toxicity and low cation exchange capacity sporadically occurred. Since physical and hydrological limitations are hardly modifiable, especially in depth, the study underlines the difficulties to restore the fertility of degraded soils, and suggests caution in planning new vineyards.The research work was carried out in the framework of the EU project RESOLVE (Restoring optimal Soil functionality in degraded areas within organic vineyards), supported by transnational funding bodies, being partners of the FP7 ERA-net project, CORE Organic Plus, and the cofound from the European CommissionPeer reviewe

    Effect of organic treatments on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in vineyard

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    The work aims to investigate the effects of different soil management strategies on carbon sequestration and total nitrogen in areas of vineyards suffering from loss of soil functionality. Treatments, selected for inter-row management, to re-install soil functionality were based on compost or other organic amendments (COMP), green manure (GM), and dry mulching (DM) strategies using winter legumes and cereals. Cover crops were seeded in fall and mown in late spring, leaved in the ground for mulching in DM or incorporated into the uppermost soil layers in GM. Such approaches were investigated in six vineyards in Italy, six in France, and two vineyards in Slovenia and Turkey. The results showed that COMP significantly increased total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in the topsoil after one year of application. Also DM tends to increase significantly TOC in the topsoil, but only after two years. Modelling 20-year carbon stock dynamics in Italy vineyards, the average increase resulted 0.49, 0.34, 0.21 and 0.03 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 for COMP, DM, GM and control, respectively