11 research outputs found

    The role of an external facilitator in developing new co-creation platforms in university education

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    Today’s university graduates, regardless of their discipline, need thinking and working skills, that help them to face the complex, “wicked” real-life problems and challenges that cannot be solved tackled with purely rational thinking and straightforward problem solving. Education in general needs to be able to continuously change and develop to meet the needs of the global and local society, and industry. The interest of this study is twofold: to investigate the role of an external facilitator in a process of educational change and to examine whether development is easier initiated, sustained and facilitated from within the organization by an embedded actor, or by an external facilitator along with the factors influencing the process. In this paper we are looking at the role of an external facilitator in change process and we draw our insights from two different cases, from China and Austria. The aims in both cases were essentially similar: to create a collaborative learning environment and implement new practices and more student-centric culture. In both cases the change was initiated with a recruitment of an external facilitator. The results indicate that an active change agent and an outsider who is not fixated with the norms and practices of the current organization, can be a significant catalyst in driving change. The study depicts advantages of pushing change as an outsider who is not embedded in the organization, but also downsides stemming from issues such as lacking tacit knowledge and insider information. In addition, the cases illustrate how change promoters are required on different levels of university hierarchy starting from university leadership to the faculty and students.Peer reviewe

    Performance-based testing for ICT skills assessing: a case study of students and teachers’ ICT skills in Finnish schools

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    Skills enabling and ensuring universal access to information have been investigated intensively during the past few years. The research results provide knowledge on the differences and digital divides. When examining ICT skill levels, the accuracy of assessment is one of the key issues to address the results and gain the applicable data for appropriate interventions to enhance digital inclusion. To date, ICT skill assessment is based mainly on self-reports and subjective evaluations. However, as previous studies have shown, people tend to overrate or underrate their own levels of competence. Thus, novel performance-based approach for assessing ICT skills is presented in this paper. The ICT skill test contains 42 tasks grouped into 17 ICT fields. The study was conducted with upper comprehensive and upper secondary level school students (n = 3159) and their teachers (n = 626) during years 2014–2016 in Finland. Using factor analysis, three ICT skills factors were created: basic digital skills, advanced technical skills, and professional ICT skills. The performance in the ICT skill test was also divided by gender, as the male students and teachers outperformed the female students and teacher. Outperformance also occurred by educational level, as both upper secondary level students and teachers were seen as possessing higher-level ICT skills than students and teachers at the comprehensive level. We thus argue that to compare the ICT skills and the validity of the assessments, we needed to ensure consistent assessment for both students and teachers. In addition, in order to diminish the ICT skill gap among students, interventions using formal education are urgently needed, and in particular, more attention should be given to both teacher training and in-service training.</p

    Mobiilimaksupalveluiden koettu turvallisuus

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    Saanko luvan? Sino-Finnish Centre Aalto- ja Tongji-yliopistojen yhteistyöalustana

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    The cooperation between Aalto and Tongji Universities begun on the day after the Aalto University was officially opened. Memorandum of Understanding indicated that a common platform, the Sino-Finnish Centre, was to be established. The first phase of collaboration was the establishment of Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, introducing a new collaboration space for two universities. Sino-Finnish Centre was officially announced in late October 2010. This thesis studies the university cooperation as strategic partnership where the two partners have a common child, Sino-Finnish Centre. Sino-Finnish Centre as a collaboration unit is studied as a joint venture where two national cultures meet. Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, as a manifestation of Aalto Design Factory, is studied through organizational culture and culture transfer through manifestations, people, and a common vision. Objectives for the study are to define the forms, levels and actors of Aalto-Tongji cooperation, to study the challenges in the collaboration, to build an ideal model for the collaboration, and to present concrete ways for improving the collaboration. In order to reach these objectives, the three research questions were initiated: 1) What is Aalto-Tongji Partnership, 2) What are the challenges in the collaboration, and 3) How to improve the dance. To find the answers to these questions, Sino-Finnish Centre is studied with the archival data and documentary, participatory observation, and various interviews. Empirical findings gathered have then been analyzed through the theoretical frameworks, and combined together applying the grounded theory method. The research builds a theory on organization culture transfer in multicultural joint venture. The findings of study show that the university cooperation through the collaboration platform combining the two platforms, Sino-Finnish Centre and Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, has been successful, and challenging at the same time. The study proposes that the common ground of the two platforms should be increased through a common vision and goals, capable management, and support, in order to improve the collaboration. As a conclusion, the research suggests that by increasing the common dance floor the quality of the dance could be increased.Aalto-yliopisto perustettiin tammikuussa 2010. Perustamista seuraavana pÀivÀnÀ Aalto- ja Tongji-yliopistot sopivat strategisesta kumppanuudesta ja yhteistyöalustan rakentamisesta Tongji-yliopistoon, Kiinaan. EnsimmÀinen askel kohti yhteistyötÀ otettiin siirtÀmÀllÀ Aalto-yliopiston Design Factoryn periaatteet Kiinaan uutena opiskelijalÀhtöisenÀ tilana Aalto-Tongji Design Factoryna. Viisi kuukautta myöhemmin yhteistyöalusta nimettiin virallisesti Tongji-yliopiston kansainvÀliseksi keskukseksi, Sino-Finnish Centreksi. YliopistoyhteistyötÀ tarkastellaan tÀssÀ työssÀ strategisena kumppanuutena. Yhteistyöalusta Sino-Finnish Centre on kumppaneiden kansainvÀlinen yhteishanke, jossa kaksi kansallista kulttuuria kohtaavat. Aalto-Tongji Design Factorya tarkastellaan organisaatiokulttuurin ja kulttuurin siirtÀmisen kautta. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selittÀÀ monitasoisen yhteistyön tasot, toimijat ja yhteistyömuodot, löytÀÀ yhteishankkeen kulttuuriset haasteet ja analysoida kulttuurin syntymistÀ ja kehittÀmistÀ monikulttuurisessa organisaatiossa. Tavoitteisiin pÀÀsemiseksi, tutkimus alustettiin kolmella tutkimuskysymyksellÀ: 1) MitÀ on Aalto-Tongji yhteistyö, 2) MitÀ haasteita yhteistyöalustalla on, ja 3) Kuinka tanssia voidaan kehittÀÀ. Tutkimuksen lÀhteinÀ toimivat ensisijaisesti osallistuva havainnointi, dokumentaatio, ja avoimet haastattelut. Teoreettiset viitekehykset toimivat empiirisen aineiston analysoinnin tukena. Grounded theory -menetelmÀÀ soveltaen teoria organisaatiokulttuurin siirtÀmisestÀ kansainvÀlisessÀ yhteishankkeessa rakentuu empiirisen ja teoreettisen aineiston yhdistelmÀnÀ. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ monikulttuurinen yhteistyöalusta, joka yhdistÀÀ kaksi alustaa, Sino-Finnish Centren ja Aalto-Tongji Design Factoryn, on haastava toimintaympÀristö. Yhteistyö vaatii yhteisesti sovitut pelisÀÀnnöt, tavoitteet ja osaavaa johtamista. Vain siten yhteinen alusta voi kasvaa. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettÀ kasvattamalla yhteistÀ tanssialustaa, tanssin laatu ja yhteistyö on mahdollista parantua

    Kivun hoito ja arviointi naistentautien vuodeosastolla

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ, kuinka kirurgisen potilaan kivunhoito ja kivunhoidon arviointi toteutuu hoitajan nĂ€kökulmasta synnytys- ja naistentautien vuodeosastolla Kanta-HĂ€meen keskussairaalassa. Kanta-HĂ€meen keskussairaalan kipuhoitajat olivat tilanneet kivunhoitoa ja kivunhoidon arviointia selvittĂ€viĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetöitĂ€ HĂ€meenlinnan ammattikorkeakoululta. Tavoitteena tĂ€ssĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ oli saada kĂ€sitys siitĂ€, kuinka tĂ€rkeĂ€ksi hoitajat kivunhoidon ja kivunhoidon arvioinnin kokevat, sekĂ€ selvittÀÀ, kuinka hyvin hoitajat kokevat hallitsevansa kivunhoidon ja olisiko lisĂ€koulutukselle mahdollisesti tarvetta. OpinnĂ€ytetyö sisĂ€ltÀÀ teoreettisen viitekehyksen, tutkimustulosten yhteenvedon sekĂ€ johtopÀÀtökset ja pohdinnan. Teoriaosuuteen koottiin tietoa kivun eri muodoista, kivunhoidosta, kivunarvioinnista sekĂ€ yleisimmistĂ€ naistentauteihin liittyvistĂ€ kirurgisista toimenpiteistĂ€. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€ttiin paperisella kyselylomakkeella, jossa oli sekĂ€ avoimia ettĂ€ suljettuja kysymyksiĂ€. Kyselyyn vastattiin osastolla työaikana anonyymisti. Vastauksia saatiin yhteensĂ€ 14 kappaletta, joten vastausprosentiksi tuli 56 %. Tulosten mukaan kivunhoito naistentautien vuodeosastolla toteutuu hyvin ja monipuolisesti ja kivunhoidon vaikuttavuutta arvioidaan lĂ€hes joka kerta. Vastauksista kĂ€y ilmi myös, ettĂ€ hoitajat toivoisivat yhtenĂ€isempiĂ€ linjoja kivunhoidon toteutukseen sekĂ€ sen arviointiin. LisĂ€ksi kivunhoidon koulutusta tulisi tulosten mukaan työelĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ lisĂ€tĂ€. TĂ€tĂ€ työtĂ€ voidaan hyödyntÀÀ kivunhoidon ja kivunhoidon arvioinnin kehittĂ€misessĂ€ eri osastoilla. Jatkotutkimuksena voisi selvittÀÀ, miten kivunhoitoa voisi lisÀÀ kehittÀÀ tai minkĂ€ tyyppinen koulutus kivunhoidosta koetaan kaikkein tehokkaimmaksi. LisĂ€ksi voitaisiin selvittÀÀ hoitajien todellinen tietĂ€mys kivunhoidosta ja sen arvioinnista. Kivunhoidon onnistumista voitaisiin kysyĂ€ myös potilaan nĂ€kökulmasta. Tutkimuksen mukaan hoitajat kokivat kivunhoitotaitonsa hyviksi, joten olisi mielenkiintoista selvittÀÀ esimerkiksi havainnoimalla, kuinka tĂ€mĂ€ toteutuu kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€.The purpose of the thesis was to study how assessment of pain is achieved on the gynaecological diseases ward from the nurses’ point of view. The subject of the thesis was commissioned by the central hospital of Kanta-HĂ€me. The aim of this study was to find out, whether the nurses find the pain assessment important and to examine if there is need for more education of pain treatment. This thesis includes a theoretical framework, summary of the research and the conclusions. The theoretical framework consists of different kinds of forms of pain, the assessment of pain, the treatment of pain and of the most common surgical operations of the gynaecological diseases. The research material was collected with a questionnaire, where there were both multiple choice and open ended questions. The questionnaire was answered on the ward anonymously and by 14 nurses and midwives. According to the results the assessment and treatment of pain on the ward is achieved well and is diverse. The results also revealed, that more education of pain treatment in the working life is needed and that the nurses wish for more uniform ways to both treat and assess pain. This study can be used on different kinds of wards to improve the pain treatment and assessment. As a further research, one could study for example how the treatment of pain could be developed and what kind of education is the most effective. Also the nurses’ real knowledge of taking care of pain could be researched. The study about taking care of pain could also be done from the patient’s point of view. According to this study, the nurses find their pain treating skills to be quite good, so it would be interesting to find out how this comes true in the practical nursing, using for example observation

    Varhaisen tuen toimintamalli Jaakonpuiston pÀivÀkotiin

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli luoda varhaisen tuen toimintamalli Jaakonpuiston päiväkotiin. Opinnäytetyö on kehittämistyö, ja sen on tarkoitus edistää lastensuojelun ja päivähoidon yhteistyötä sekä kehittää päivähoidon henkilökunnan valmiuksia lapsiperheiden varhaiseen tukemiseen. Kouvolan kaupungissa on pitkään ollut tilanne se, että päivähoidosta tulee liian vähän lastensuojeluilmoituksia. Vähäiset ilmoitukset päiväkodista tulevat kaiken lisäksi yleensä liian myöhään. Tavoitteena on rakentaa konkreettinen toimintamalli, joka helpottaa arjen työtä ja huolen kartoittamista päivähoidossa. Työssä selvitettiin, mitä toimintatapoja Jaakonpuiston päiväkodin henkilökunta on tähän asti käyttänyt huolen tullessa esille. Tutkimus toteutettiin päiväkodin kasvatushenkilökunnalle jaettavien ideointilomakkeiden avulla. Ideointilomakkeita jaettiin yhteensä neljä kappaletta tiimeihin. Jokaisesta tiimistä tuli vastauksia. Kerätty aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysilla. Aineistosta selvisi, että henkilökunnalla on jo hyvät työtavat, mutta edelleen heille on epävarmaa, milloin lastensuojeluilmoitus on hyvä tehdä. Henkilökunta epäili oman huolensa riittävyyttä. Vanhempien kanssa huolen puheeksi ottamisessa henkilökunnalla oli kuitenkin selkeät toimintatavat pienistä tiimien vastauseroista huolimatta. Haasteena päiväkodissa koettiin yhteistyö lastensuojelun ja päivähoidon välillä. Opinnäytetyöprosessissa kehitetty varhaisen tuen toimintamalli toimii päivähoidon henkilökunnan apuna lasten ja perheiden tuen tarpeen suuruutta arvioidessa. On tärkeää kehittää lastensuojelun ja päivähoidon välistä yhteistyötä. Jatkossa tarvitaan tutkimustietoa toimintamallin käytöstä sekä sen vaikutuksista päivähoitotyöhön ja päivähoidosta tulleisiin lastensuojeluilmoituksiin.The subject of the thesis was to create an operating model of early support for Jaakonpuisto’s Kindergarten. The study is a development work and its aim was to promote cooperation between the child welfare and kindergarten and to develop capasity of day care staff to support families with children early. There has been the situation for a long time that there are too few child welfare notifications which come from kindergartens. If there are notifications, they are late. The aim is to build a practical model that facilitates the work of everyday life in day care and helps to identify concerns. The aim of this thesis was to find out what policies the staff in Jaakonpuisto’s Kindergarten had when concern about children came up. The survey was conducted by distributing the ideation forms for the day care workers. The forms were handed out a total of four teams ant the answers came from every team. The collected data was analyzed by content analysis. The material revealed that the staff already has good working methods but still it is uncertain when it is time to make a child welfare notification. The day care workers doubted the adequacy of their own concerns. Taking up One’s worries the day care workers had clear policies. Between the teams there were small differences in the responses. Cooperation between the kindergarten and child welfare was seen as a challenge in the kindergarten. The operating model of early support, which was developed in the writing process, helps the daycare staff to assess children’s and families need for support. It is important to develop co-operation between child welfare and daycare. In the future we need more information about the operating model’s work and practicality. There is also need to study how it affects the child welfare notifications volumes

    SEFI conference 2016 "Engineering Education on Top of the World: Industry University Cooperation"

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    Previous studies suggest that change in education is often initiated with the recruitment of an external facilitator, faculty with industry experience or newly hired faculty replacing those retiring [1,2]. The main interests of this study are twofold: what role does an external facilitator have in a change process and to discuss whether new development should be initiated, sustained and facilitated from within the organization or by an external change agent.This paper relies on two case studies, one in Austria and one China. Firstly, a case study on an environment supporting an interdisciplinary product development course hosted by a University of Technology in Austria. And secondly, a case study of Sino-Finnish Centre, a collaboration platform between a Finnish and Chinese university. The aims of both cases were essentially similar: to create new practices, a collaborative learning environment and more student-centric culture based on an existing experiential learning platform. In both the change was initiated with a recruitment of an external facilitator. However, the starting points varied significantly: in China the intention was to form a formal strategic partnership between the two universities and the new platform was supposed to be the tangible collaboration environment, whereas in Austria the interest was to create a more student-centric and vibrant atmosphere and a supporting environment around an interdisciplinary product development course.</p

    YhteiskehittÀmisen ABC Askeleet yhteiskehittÀmiseen Espoon oppimisympÀristöissÀ

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    TÀmÀn työkirjan tavoitteena on innostaa yrityksiÀ ja kaupungin oppimisympÀristöjen toimijoita innovatiiviseen yhteiskehittÀmiseen. YhteiskehittÀmÀllÀ voidaan luoda uusia tuotteita, palveluita ja ratkaisuja yhdessÀ eri toimijoiden kanssa. YhteiskehittÀminen tukee uuden oppimista ja vahvistaa osaamista. Työkirja auttaa ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn, mitÀ yhteiskehittÀminen tarkoittaa, mitÀ hyötyjÀ yhteiskehittÀmisestÀ on eri toimijoiden nÀkökulmasta, millaisia rooleja yhteiskehittÀmiseen liittyy ja miten yhteiskehittÀmisen projekti toteutetaan kÀytÀnnössÀ Espoon oppimisympÀristöissÀ. Työkirjan lopusta löydÀt tietoa yhteiskehittÀmisessÀ hyödynnettÀvistÀ menetelmistÀ ja työkaluista