28 research outputs found

    In comparative perspective: the effects of incarceration abroad on penal subjectivity among prisoners in Lithuania

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    This article looks at how global flows of people and policies affect penal subjectivity among prisoners in Lithuania. Those who had previously been incarcerated abroad perceive their punishment in Lithuania’s reforming penal system in comparative terms. We find that international prison experience may either diminish or increase the sense of the severity of the current punishment. Respondents often felt more comfortable in a familiar culture of punishment in Lithuania that emphasizes autonomy and communality. Moreover, internationalized prisoners perceive prison reform emulating West European models as a threat to this culture and are able to articulate comparative critiques of this reform and contest its effects

    Killing Time in Prison: Purposeful Activities and Spare Time in Lithuanian Correctional Facilities

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    How do prisoners in Lithuania spend their time? This article provides evidence from a unique survey of prisoners. The article shows that the rationale for meaningful prison work and education has shifted away from the Soviet emphasis on productivity and correction of deviance towards a logic of vocational training and self-development. Yet, data from the survey suggest that while most Lithuanian prisoners engage in some sort of work or educational program, these programs often do not achieve the aims they set for themselves. Prisoners have limited choices on offer, see little ultimate purpose to the activities, and often simply make do. Moreover, many prisoners opt out completely, finding pastimes in walking in the open space and collective living of Lithuania’s colony-style correctional facilities. Furthermore, outside of work and education, leisure time is still largely defined by the prisoners themselves, leading to inequities in the distribution of recreational resources due to informal power hierarchies

    Risk factors for cardiovascular hospitalization in hemodialysis patients

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors for cardiovascular hospitalization in hemodialysis patients. Materials and methods. A cross-sectional cohort analysis of risk factors during one census month (November) and one-year follow-up for cardiovascular hospitalization rates during 5 consecutive years (2002–2006) in all end-stage renal disease patients hemodialyzed in Kaunas region was carried out. During the census month, we collected data on patient’s age and sex, disability status, comorbidities, anemia control, malnutrition and inflammation, calciumphosphorus metabolism, and patient’s compliance with prescribed medications. We analyzed 559 patients during 1163 patient-years of observation. Patients were considered as new patients every year (1520 cases). Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression analysis were used to evaluate time to first hospitalization. Results. The mean number of cardiovascular hospitalizations was 0.31 per patient-year at risk, the total days of cardiovascular hospitalizations per patient-year at risk were 3.93, and the mean length of one hospitalization was 13.2±12.9 days. Cardiovascular diseases were the most frequent cause of hospitalization (25% of all hospitalizations). The relative risk of cardiovascular hospitalization increased by 1.03 for every year of age, by 1.7 for worse disability status, by 1.4 for nonadherence to medications, by 1.1 for every additional medication prescribed to the patient. Cardiovascular hospitalization risk was decreased by 0.99 with a 1-g/L rise in hemoglobin level. Conclusions. Older age, worse disability status, patient’s noncompliance with medications, and higher number of medications used were associated with a higher risk for cardiovascular hospitalization. Higher hemoglobin level was associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular hospitalization

    The construction of masculinity in the space of prison. The case study of correction facility in Vilnius

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    Tyrimo objektas- Vilniaus pataisos namų nuteistieji, bei jų socialinių santykiu pagrindu esanti kriminalinė subkultūra. Darbo tikslas: ištirti vyriškumo konstravimą Vilniaus pataisos namuose. Šio darbo problema formuluojama klausimu– kaip konstruojamas vyriškumas kalėjimo erdvėje? Kiti probleminiai klausimai: kokie lyčių santykių modeliai propaguojami kalėjimo erdvėje? Kokie vyriškumo modeliai yra priimtini pareigūnams vyrams? Kokia yra moters padėtis tokioje vyriškoje aplinkoje? Kokios įtakos vyriškumo formavimui turi kriminalinė subkultūra? Kokį hegemoninį ir kokį subordinuotą vyriškumą subkultūra išpažįsta? Kokios įtakos „subkultūrinis“ vyriškumas turi nusikalstamumui? Kaip „subkultūrinis“ vyriškumas yra atnaujinamas? Kaip konstruojamas subkultūrai alternatyvus vyriškumas? Subkultūros ideologijos atsisakymas yra realybė ar utopija? Magistro tezių teorinis pagrindas susideda iš antropologijos, sociologijos, kriminologijos studijų teorinių įžvalgų. Magistro tezių metodologinį pagrindą sudaro antropologijos tyrimų metodai: dalyvaujantis stebėjimas, stebėjimas, nestruktūruoti biografiniai interviu. Pirmoje darbo dalyje analizuojamas vyriškumas bei vyriškumo modeliai, vyriškumo ir kriminologijos santykis, aptariami kalėjimo tyrimų ypatumai. Antroje dalyje pristatomas lauko tyrimas bei lauko tyrimo metu naudota metodologija. Trečioje dalyje analizuojami bei interpretuojami tyrimo metu gauti duomenys. Išvadose išskiriami tris pagrindiniai vyriškumo modeliai: hegemoninis, subordinuotas bei alternatyvus. Hegemoninio vyriškumo bruožai yra: heteroseksualumas, išorines bei vidines ypatybes: fizinė, emocinė tvirtybė, vyriškos išvaizdos svarba, sugebėjimas apsiginti, gebėjimas kilus reikiamybei panaudoti psichologinę ir fizinę agresiją bei gebėjimas atsakyti už savo žodžius bei veiksmus. Tuo tarpu subordinuotam vyriškumui priskiriamos savybės būtų: homoseksualumas, fizinių bei charakterio bruožų, kurie priskiriami moteriškiems turėjimas, negebėjimas apsiginti, perdėtas emocionalumas, skundimas, higienos nesilaikymas ar psichinė negalia. Alternatyvus reabilitacijos vyriškumas kuriamas kaip priešprieša „subkultūriniam“ vyriškumui. Fizinę ir psichologinę agresiją, stratifikacijos, nelygybės, pažeminimo, bendravimo normų bei formų, priešiškumo bei kovos vyriškumą turi pakeisti, o ir pakeičia atviras, bendraujantis, jausmus reiškiantis, paklusnesnis, nuolankesnis, platesniu kampu į kitus ir save žvelgiantis, akcentuojantis šeimos vertybes bei mąstantis apie ateitį vyriškumas. Tik dar kol kas toks alternatyvus vyriškumas negali būti aiškiai demonstruojamas ir propaguojamas ten, kur jis yra nepriimtinas.The object of my research is prisoners of Vilnius correctional facility and their social relations based on criminal subculture. The main goal of this research is to explore the construction of masculinity in Vilnius correctional facility. The main key issue of my thesis is formulated on the question of how masculinity is constructed in prison space? The main research questions: how in prison space gender relations are propagated? What models of masculinity are propagated by man officers? What is position of women in such masculine space? How criminal subculture influence construction of masculinity? What hegemonic and subordinate masculinities criminal subculture shapes? How criminal subculture influence criminality? How sub cultural masculinity is restored? How subcultural masculinity is changed by alternative masculinity. Is criminal subculture refusal reality or utopia? The theoretical ground of Master thesis is oriented to anthropological discipline but also contributes to approaches of sociology and criminology studies. The main anthropological methods applied to this research are: participant observation, observation and unstructured biographical interviews The tasks of the research are accomplished by the three parts of the paper. The first part analyses theoretical issues of masculinity and models of masculinity, relation between masculinity and criminology, specifics of researches in prison. The second part presents the fieldwork itself and the methodology used in the fieldwork. The third part analyses and interprets the fieldwork data. In conclusion, the conception of masculinity in prison space is based on criminal subculture. The main subcultural hegemonic masculinities features are: heterosexuality, physical and emotional strength, masculine appearance, ability to fend off, to use physical aggression and be responsible for their word or behavior. Meanwhile subordinate masculinity features are: homosexuality, emotionality, behavior which is considered to be feminine, disability to fend off, denunciation, mental disorders and unhygienic appearance. New masculinity as an alternative exists in drug and alcohol addicted rehabilitation. Alternative masculinity exists as opposite to subculture. This alternative masculinity propagates sensitivity, openness, meekness, emphasizing of value of family.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Laisvės atėmimo bausme nuteistų vyrų adaptacija Lietuvos pataisos namuose

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    The critique of contemporary penal policy and prison systems inevitably creates a greater need for analysis of experiences and effects of imprisonment. The research on adaptation in prisons may help to increase the efficiency in prison management, carry out the prevention of misconduct in the correctional institutions, direct the convicts towards the integration into society and rethink the trends of prison reforms. Only actualizing the issues of prison environment and adaptation to it, we can talk about the impact of the imprisonment and the possibilities of returning to society. The aim of PhD research is to analyze incarcerated men‘s adaptation to imprisonment in Lithuanian correctional houses, focusing on the adaptation techniques and variety of factors affecting them and emphasizing the importance of prison environment in the process of adaptation. The research conducted in three Lithuanian correction houses is based on 60 semi-structured interviews with incarcerated men. During the research different types of adaptation and factors that influence choices of adaptation techniques were identified. The environment of the penal institutions in Lithuania, like in other post-Soviet countries, is characterized by a form of carceral collectivism when the contact between the prisoners is poorly controlled and the functions of keeping the order are delegated to the convicts themselves, and that creates a favourable environment for the informal rules of the prisoners to prevail. The empirical results reveal that prison subculture is the basis of prisoners‘ daily life and adaptation to imprisonment, it creates peculiarities of Lithuanian correctional houses’ setting.Opūs įkalinimo įstaigų kritikos ir reformų klausimai skatina išsamiai analizuoti kalinimo patirtis ir poveikį, diskutuoti ir numatyti įkalinimo įstaigų kaitos perspektyvas. Laisvės atėmimo bausme nuteistų vyrų adaptacijos tyrimai gali pagelbėti efektyvinant kalėjimo valdymą, vykdant netinkamo elgesio įstaigose prevenciją, nukreipiant nuteistuosius integracijos į visuomenę linkme ir atsakingai svarstant apie galimas reformas. Disertacijos tikslas išanalizuoti nuteistų vyrų adaptaciją Lietuvos pataisos namuose, koncentruojantis į adaptacijos būdų ir juos lemiančių veiksnių įvairovę, pagrindinį dėmesį adaptacijos procese teikiant kalėjimo aplinkai. Disertacijos tyrimo pagrindu yra 60 pusiau struktūruotų interviu su laisvės atėmimo bausmę trijose Lietuvos pataisos namuose atliekančiais vyrais. Atliktas tyrimas leido apibrėžti skirtingus nuteistų vyrų adaptacijos tipus ir veiksnius prisidedančius prie adaptacijos tipų pasirinkimo. Lietuvos, kaip ir kitų posovietinių šalių, įkalinimo įstaigų aplinkai būdinga kolektyvinio kalinimo forma, kai nuteistųjų kontaktas menkai ribojamas, o tvarkos palaikymo funkcijos deleguojamos patiems nuteistiesiems, sukuria palankią terpę neformaliems nuteistųjų įstatymams viešėti. Todėl remiantis atliktu tyrimu, galima teigti, kad neformalūs nuteistųjų santykiai – kalėjimo subkultūra - išlieka nuteistųjų kasdieninio gyvenimo ir prisitaikymo prie kalėjimo aplinkos pamatu, formuojančiu savitą laisvės atėmimo bausmės vykdymo ir atlikimo Lietuvos įkalinimo įstaigose kontekstą.Socialinės antropologijos centrasSocialinių mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Gender inequality in Lithuania : analysis and evaluation based on the gender equality index 2015 (by EI GE)

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    Lithuania’s membership in the EU, and various changes such as an increase in women’s employment, changing both traditional gender roles and attitudes to gender equality, legitimised and institutionally supported promotion forms of gender equality, unfortunately, do not give a positive impetus. On the contrary, we have to admit the increasing gender gap in Lithuania. According to the Gender Equality Index 2015 created and calculated by EIGE, in 2005, 2010 and 2012, the gender asymmetry in Lithuania grew, when the average gender equality throughout the European Union increased. The negative trend has been recorded in four of the six key domains: work, knowledge, time, and power, while positive – in other two domains, namely, money and health. According to the Gender Equality Index 2015, the biggest gap between Lithuania and the EU average is visible in the domains of time, power, and money. One of the main reasons for this gap is a double burden of employment and the unequal distribution of family responsibilities women are facing. More effective measures of men’s involvement in family life and a well-developed care service infrastructure, especially for children and elderly members of the family, would facilitate women’s care burden of households. However, such changes cannot be achieved by formal position of the political leadership of the country only. Research reveals negative attitude of the Lithuanian decision makers (for instance, members of Parliament) towards implementation of gender equality measures in Lithuania. It is therefore necessary to actualise all, particularly economic, gender equality benefits at different –family, employment, social and political – levels

    Transformations in prison subculture and adjustment to imprisonment in Post-Soviet Lithuanian penitentiary institutions

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    Online ISSN: 1533-8371As in other post-Soviet countries, carceral collectivism characterizes penal institutions in Lithuania. In these institutions, prisoners’ interactions are minimally controlled and convicts are responsible for the maintenance of order; hence, the informal rules of the criminal subculture prevail in Lithuanian correctional facilities. In this article, we examine the prison subculture and adaptation to imprisonment as a significant part of inmates’ social world in post-Soviet Lithuania. By using semi-structured interviews with male prisoners, semi-structured interviews with prison staff, and data from the inmates’ criminal records, we conceptualize both men’s adaptation to imprisonment and current transformations in the Lithuanian prison subculture. As our research shows, the importance of this subculture has decreased in recent years. This process has been influenced by structural changes such as stronger administrative control of convicts, their differentiation and division into smaller groups that limit their mutual contacts, and convicts’ motivation to obtain parole and participate in various rehabilitation programs. The prison subculture has also experienced transformations because of the increasing impact of financial resources on social life, subcultural rules, and interprisoner relationships. Despite these processes, the subculture still plays an important role in inmates’ attempts to choose different daily coping styles and types of adaptation to imprisonment. In this article, we argue that in reforming post-Soviet correctional institutions, a gradual transition to the system of individual cell–type confinement with some remaining elements of collective imprisonment would be desirableLietuvos teisės institutas, VilniusSociologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta