605 research outputs found

    A Broad Search for Counterrotating Gas and Stars: Evidence for Mergers and Accretion

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    We measure the frequency of bulk gas-stellar counterrotation in a sample of 67 galaxies drawn from the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey, a broadly representative survey of the local galaxy population down to M_B-15. We detect 4 counterrotators among 17 E/S0's with extended gas emission (24% +8 -6). In contrast, we find no clear examples of bulk counterrotation among 38 Sa-Sbc spirals, although one Sa does show peculiar gas kinematics. This result implies that, at 95% confidence, no more than 8% of Sa-Sbc spirals are bulk counterrotators. Among types Sc and later, we identify only one possible counterrotator, a Magellanic irregular. We use these results together with the physical properties of the counterrotators to constrain possible origins for this phenomenon.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, AJ, accepte

    Vacuum energy in the presence of a magnetic string with delta function profile

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    We present a calculation of the ground state energy of massive spinor fields and massive scalar fields in the background of an inhomogeneous magnetic string with potential given by a delta function. The zeta functional regularization is used and the lowest heat kernel coefficients are calculated. The rest of the analytical calculation adopts the Jost function formalism. In the numerical part of the work the renormalized vacuum energy as a function of the radius RR of the string is calculated and plotted for various values of the strength of the potential. The sign of the energy is found to change with the radius. For both scalar and spinor fields the renormalized energy shows no logarithmic behaviour in the limit R→0R\to 0, as was expected from the vanishing of the heat kernel coefficient A2A_2, which is not zero for other types of profiles.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Mogelijkheden voor ondersteunende en kleinschalige horeca op agrarische bedrijven binnen bestaande regelgeving

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    Het platteland trekt steeds meer recreanten en agrarische ondernemers en hun gezinsleden spelen hierop in met onder andere campings, rondleidingen op het bedrijf, verkoop van streekproducten en kleinschalige horeca. Gemeenten kiezen ervoor om ondersteunde horeca te stimuleren omdat deze bijdraagt aan de kwaliteit van het gebied. Diverse gemeenten hebben beleid opgesteld voor ondersteunende en kleinschalige horeca met afgeleide regelgeving, bijvoorbeeld ten behoeve van detailhandel. Dit biedt veel overeenkomsten en aanknopingspunten voor horeca op agrarische bedrijven

    Starbursts versus Truncated Star Formation in Nearby Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present long-slit spectroscopy, B and R bandpass imaging, and 21 cm observations of a sample of early-type galaxies in nearby clusters which are known to be either in a star-forming phase or to have had star formation which recently terminated. From the long-slit spectra, obtained with the Blanco 4-m telescope, we find that emission lines in the star-forming cluster galaxies are significantly more centrally concentrated than in a sample of field galaxies. The broadband imaging reveals that two currently star-forming early-type galaxies in the Pegasus I cluster have blue nuclei, again indicating that recent star formation has been concentrated. In contrast, the two galaxies for which star formation has already ended show no central color gradient. The Pegasus I galaxy with the most evident signs of ongoing star formation (NGC7648), exhibits signatures of a tidal encounter. Neutral hydrogen observations of that galaxy with the Arecibo radiotelescope reveal the presence of ~4 x 10^8 solar masses of HI. Arecibo observations of other current or recent star-forming early-type galaxies in Pegasus I indicate smaller amounts of gas in one of them, and only upper limits in others.Comment: to be published in Astronomical Journa

    Radial Color Gradients in K+A Galaxies in Distant Clusters of Galaxies

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    Galaxies in rich clusters with z ≳\gtrsim 0.3 are observed to have a higher fraction of photometrically blue galaxies than their nearby counterparts. This raises the important question of what environmental effects can cause the termination of star formation between z ≈\approx 0.3 and the present. The star formation may be truncated due to ram-pressure stripping, or the gas in the disk may be depleted by an episode of star formation caused by some external perturbation. To help resolve this issue, surface photometry was carried out for a total of 70 early-type galaxies in the cluster Cl1358+62, at z ∌\sim 0.33, using two-color images from the Hubble Archive. The galaxies were divided into two categories based on spectroscopic criteria: 24 are type K+A (e.g., strong Balmer lines, with no visible emission lines), while the remaining 46 are in the control sample with normal spectra. Radial color profiles were produced to see if the K+A galaxies show bluer nuclei in relation to their surrounding disks. Specifically, a linear gradient was fit to the radial color profile of each galaxy. We find that the K+A galaxies on average tend to have slightly bluer gradients towards the center than the normals. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test has been applied to the two sets of color gradients. The result of the test indicates that there is only a ∌\sim2% probability that the K+A and normal samples are drawn from the same parent distribution. There is a possible complication from a trend in the apparent magnitude vs. color gradient relation, but overall our results favor the centralized star formation scenario as an important process in the evolution of galaxies in dense clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Breaking up is hard to do: RalA, mitochondrial fission and cancer

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    The small GTPases RalA and RalB are activated downstream of oncogenic Ras. While activation of RalA is critically important for tumor initiation and growth of Ras-driven cancers, the highly similar small GTPase RalB is implicated in cell survival and metastasis. This difference in function between these two related proteins maps to the C-terminus, a 30 amino acid region that regulates subcellular localization and contains several potential phosphorylation sites. Here we discuss our recent evidence that phosphorylation by the mitotic kinase Aurora A promotes RalA relocalization to mitochondrial membranes, where it recruits the effector RalBP1 and the large dynamin-related GTPase Drp1 to promote mitochondrial fission. As upregulation of both RalA and Aurora A have been observed in human tumors, and phosphorylation of RalA at the site targeted by Aurora A promotes tumorigenesis, it is possible that regulation of mitochondrial fission is one mechanism by which RalA promotes cancer

    Color Gradients and Surface Brightness Profiles of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field-North

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    We fit elliptical isophotes to the Hubble Deep Field-North WFPC-2 and NICMOS data to study the rest-frame UV_{218}-U_{300} color profiles and rest-frame B surface brightness profiles of 33 intermediate redshift galaxies (0.5 <= z <= 1.2) with I_{814} < 25 and 50 high redshift galaxies (2.0 <= z <= 3.5) with H_{160}< 27. From the weighted least-squares fit to the color profiles we find that, at intermediate redshifts, the galaxies possess negative color gradients indicating a reddening towards the center of the profile similar to local samples whereas, at high redshifts, the galaxies possess positive color gradients. This indicates that star formation is more centrally concentrated in the distant galaxy sample which differs from the prevalent mode of extended disk star formation that we observe in the local universe. Additionally, we find that it is critical to correct for PSF effects when evaluating the surface brightness profiles since at small scale lengths and faint magnitudes, an r^{1/4} profile can be smoothed out substantially to become consistent with an exponential profile. After correcting for PSF effects, we find that at higher look-back time, the fraction of galaxies possessing exponential profiles have slightly decreased while the fraction of galaxies possessing r^{1/4} profiles have slightly increased. Our results also suggest a statistically insignificant increase in the fraction of peculiar/irregular type galaxies. We compare our results with recent semi-analytical models which treat galaxy formation and evolution following the cold dark matter hierarchical framework.Comment: 31 pages, 10 JPEG figures. To be published in AJ Vol. 124, October 200

    Galactic bulge formation as a maximum intensity starburst

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    Properties of normal galactic star formation, including the density dependence, threshold density, turbulent scaling relations, and clustering properties, are applied to the formation of galactic bulges. One important difference is that the bulge potential well is too deep to have allowed self-regulation or blow-out by the pressures from young stars, unlike galactic disks or dwarf galaxies. As a result, bulge formation should have been at the maximum rate, which is such that most of the gas would get converted into stars in only a few dynamical time scales, or ~10^8 years. The gas accretion phase can be longer than this, but once the critical density is reached, which depends primarily on the total virial density from dark matter, the formation of stars in the bulge should have been extremely rapid. Such three-dimensional star formation should also have formed many clusters, like normal disk star formation today. Some of these clusters may have survived as old globulars, but most got dispersed, although they might still be observable as concentrated streams in phase space.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, scheduled for ApJ, vol. 517, May 20, 199

    Natuurorganisaties en hun achterban: doelgroep of partner?

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    Veel Nederlanders dragen bij aan natuur en landschap. Natuurorganisaties zoeken meer particuliere bijdragen. Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving liet onderzoek doen naar de relatie natuurorganisaties en burgers. Uit het rapport ‘Energiek aan de slag: natuur- en landschapsorganisaties en hun achterban’ blijkt dat de achterban op veel manieren bijdraagt, maar dat natuurorganisaties deze vaker als doelgroep ziet die bijdraagt aan hun beoogde activiteiten dan als partner die zelf wensen en oplossingen voorstelt
