4,875 research outputs found

    Produção e avaliação da qualidade do leite na microrregião de Castanhal.

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    South Portugal population genetic analysis with 17 loci STRs

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    Trabalho apresentado sob a forma de poster no ISFG 21st international CongressSTRs are the standard genetic markers mainly used in forensic cases. In routine casework it is important to establish a population genetic database for further reliable statistical analyses. AmpF1STRIdentifiler (Applied Biosystems) and Geneprint Powerplex 16 (Promega Corporation, Madison WI, USA) are multiplex kits wich co-amplifie 17 STR - loci including the segment of X-Y homologous gene Amelogenina routinely used in our laboratory. 13 core short tandem repeat loci standardized under the combined DNA Index System (Codis): CSF1PO, D3S1358, D5S818, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, vWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, two additional tetranucleotide loci - D2S1338 and D19S433 – and two additional pentanucleotides – Penta E and Penta D. The purpose of this study is to determine the allele distribution data of the 17 STR loci in 2445 caucasian unrelated individuals from the south of Portugal, 176 unrelated individuals from Cabo Verde and 102 unrelated individuals from Angola and compare it with the values of the all the population resident in the same area. Allele frequencies for each locus observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, power of exclusion, power of discrimination, and p values of chi-square test for departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were calculated.N/

    Estudo dos solos do município de Pinheiro Machado.

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    bitstream/item/41425/1/Pinheiro-Machado.pdf; bitstream/item/41426/1/pm-capa.pdf; bitstream/item/41427/1/pm-geo.pdf; bitstream/item/41428/1/pm-solo.pd

    Resistência parasitária e método FAMACHA como alternativa de controle de Haemonchus contortus em pequenos ruminantes no Nordeste brasileiro.

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    Neste documento descreve-se a situação atual da resistência parasitária no Nordeste do Brasil e o estágio atual da pesquisa na região sobre a validação do método FAMACHA, como alternativa de controle de Haemonchus contortus em pequenos ruminantes.bitstream/item/31711/1/UMT-Documentos-100.pd