3,060 research outputs found

    The contribution of the new technologies to the 21st - Century Design

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    In the past the market economy was dominated by the local and regional design,characterized for strong links to the customs, traditions and natural resources from eachregion.As the consequence of the technological advances and the growing needs of consumption,at present, products are manufactured based on economical, functional and marketingcriterions, which means that their design is very offset from the regional and local signs.Between the challenges that characterize the actual economy, one highlights the existenceof more market niches, product variations and shorter life cycles. To survive in this economy,marked by the competition and the globalisation, one search to imply in product developingprocess, the design, engineering, marketing and production department, that composes aknown industrial methodology called concurrent or simultaneous engineering.In this article, one intends to exhibit the applications and advantages of the newtechnologies, like Rapid Prototyping (RP), that are valuable tools of the concurrentengineering and to analyse the specific implications in the design history and teaching.RP is a family of modern technologies that generate three-dimensional solid objects undercomputer control. Besides its designation be reported to the first major application that isindustrial prototyping, the RP equipments also allow the rapid tooling and the directmanufacture of small series or single products.Nowadays, the commercialisation of RP equipments, termed concept modellers or 3Dprintersis in great expansion. Although these machines use a very reduced class of cheapmaterials with poor mechanical characteristics, they allow the designers to verify and quicklytest the ideas that they are developing during the creative process. The designer can realize inplenitude the iterative process of creation without the traditional economical and materialslimitations, being enough to send the CAD file directly to the RP equipment placed in aoffice, like an usual inkjet printer. So it is possible to test new ideas with better accuracybefore its concretisation, avoiding misunderstandings and delays and inciting the positivecriticism through the involvement of the technical staff from all the related departments.Particularity, faced to the challenges due to the globalisation, the traditional and regionalindustries will find in these technologies the means that they need to ensure its own futuresurviving.This presentation is divided in the following sections:- Innovation loop in the past and in the present. The iterative process.- New technologies available to the design and the designers: Rapid Prototyping andInternet.- Design Pedagogy: new challenges in the formation of future generations of designers.- Conclusions and future trends

    Controle do ácaro-da-necrose-do-coqueiro Aceria guerreronis (Acari: Eriophyidae).

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    O óleo de algodão bruto vem sendo indicado no controle alternativo do ácaro-da-necrose, no entanto há uma carência de estudos que demonstrema eficiência relativa desse produto no controle da praga bem como de sua seletividade a ácaros predadores. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do óleo de algodão bruto em comparação com agrotóxicos registrados para o controle do ácaro-da-necrose bem como sua seletividade ao ácaro predador Typhlodromus ornatus (Acari: Phytoseiidae), comumente encontrado em plantios de coqueiro. Avaliações quinzenais das populações do ácaro-da-necrose demonstraram que Fenpiroximato, Abamectina e o óleo de algodão controlaram eficientemente a praga em condições de campo. Adicionalmente, experimentos de laboratório indicaram que além da toxicidade, esses produtos repelem o ácaro-da-necrose e o ácaro predador T. ornatus.

    Numerical solution of linear models in economics: The SP-DG model revisited

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    In general, complex and large dimensional models are needed to solve real economic problems. Due to these characteristics, there is either no analytical solution for them or they are not attainable. As a result, solutions can be only obtained through numerical methods. Thus, the growing importance of computers in Economics is not surprising. This paper focuses on an implementation of the SP-DG model, using Matlab,developed by the students as part of the Computational Economics course. We also discuss some of our teaching/learning experience within the course, given for the first time in the FEP Doctoral Programme in Economics.SP-DG Model, Output, Inflation, Numerical Simulation, Teaching of Economics

    A comparison of mass parameters determination using capacitive and optical sensors

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    AbstractThis paper presents a comparison study between the use of 1mm resolution capacitive and optical sensors for the determination of yarn mass parameters. A parallel plate capacitive sensor to determine yarn mass variations and a yarn diameter and hairiness determination solution using optical sensors and integrating optical signal processing based on Fourier analysis are described. As there is a high correlation between yarn diameter and yarn mass, it is possible to determine yarn mass and infer variations in yarn diameter and vice-versa. Moreover, by optically detecting the degree of yarn hairiness, one can quantify its influence on the capacitive sensor mass variation measurements. Here we present the results of a signal processing analysis and statistical description of measurements carried out on a 100% cotton 295 g/km linear mass yarn. We conclude that an accurate yarn characterization can be carried out using optical sensors alone, reducing systems cost, complexity and increasing efficiency

    Indirect rapid tooling with aluminium and milled fibre reinforced resins

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    It is well known that Rapid Prototyping (RP) and Rapid Tooling (RT) are fundamental technologies to reduce the time tomarket and consequently increase productivity and competitiveness of companies working in different industrial sectors.RT with epoxy resins is presently accepted as an established process of indirect rapid tooling. However, patents,processing difficulties and companies limitations disable a wider implementation of this technology.This paper presents the experimental results of a detailed work, conducted at INEGI, to manufacture moulds for plasticinjection, with tailored properties, using RP models and aluminium filled and fibres reinforced epoxy resins