149 research outputs found

    Investigation of decommissioned reactor pressure vessels of the nuclear power plant Greifswald

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    The investigation of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) material from the decommissioned Greifswald nuclear power plant representing the first generation of Russian-type WWER-440/V-230 reactors offers the opportunity to evaluate the real toughness response. The Greifswald RPVs of 4 units represent different material conditions as follows: • Irradiated (Unit 4), • irradiated and recovery annealed (Units 2 and 3), and • irradiated, recovery annealed and re-irradiated (Unit1). The recovery annealing of the RPV was performed at a temperature of 475° for about 152 hours and included a region covering ±0.70 m above and below the core beltline welding seam. Material samples of a diameter of 119 mm called trepans were extracted from the RPV walls. The research program is focused on the characterisation of the RPV steels (base and weld metal) across the thickness of the RPV wall. This report presents test results measured on the trepans from the beltline welding seam No. SN0.1.4. and forged base metal ring No. 0.3.1. of the Units 1 2 and 4 RPVs. The key part of the testing is focussed on the determination of the reference temperature T0 of the Master Curve (MC) approach following the ASTM standard E1921 to determine the facture toughness, and how it degrades under neutron irradiation and is recovered by thermal annealing. Other than that the mentioned test results include Charpy-V and tensile test results. Following results have been determined: • The mitigation of the neutron embrittlement of the weld and base metal by recovery annealing could be confirmed. • KJc values of the weld metals generally followed the course of the MC though with a large scatter. • There was a large variation in the T0 values evaluated across the thickness of the multilayered welding seams. • The T0 measured on T-S oriented SE(B) specimens from different thickness locations of the welding seams strongly depended on the intrinsic structure along the crack front. • The reference temperature RT0 determined according to the “Unified Procedure for Lifetime Assessment of Components and Piping in WWER NPPs - VERLIFE” and the fracture toughness lower bound curve based thereon are applicable on the investigated weld metals. • A strong scatter of the fracture toughness KJc values of the recovery annealed and re-irradiated and the irradiated base metal of Unit 1 and 4, respectively is observed with clearly more than 2% of the values below the MC for 2% fracture probability. The application of the multimodal MC-based approach was more suitable and described the temperature dependence of the KJc values in a satisfactory manner. • It was demonstrated that T0 evaluated according to the SINTAP MC extension represented the brittle fraction of the data sets and is therefore suitable for the nonhomogeneous base metal. • The efficiency of the large-scale thermal annealing of the Greifswald WWER 440/V230 Unit 1 and 2 RPVs could be confirmed

    Gereja Dan Kemiskinan: Diskursus Peran Gereja Di Tengah Kemiskinan

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    Fibry Jati Nugroho, Church and Poverty: Discourse on the Role of the Church in the Midst of Poverty. The problem of poverty is not only a local problem, but a problem that the world is struggling with. The Church as the Lord's mandate in the middle of the world, is required to play a role in helping the problem of poverty. How naturally does the church play a role in the midst of community poverty? By using descriptive analysis methods, and in conjunction with the thinking of Karl Marx, examine the role of the church in helping to overcome the problem of poverty. The church's calling should be to voice injustice and oppression of poor people's rights. The Church is present to side with the weak, the powerless, the poor, and the marginalized. If the church does not have partiality to the weak, then the presence of the church has no meaning. The church needs to continually offer its prophetic criticism indiscriminately against various abuses of power, the occurrence of injustice, the deprivation of public rights, and the oppressive and impoverishing system of humans. The spirituality and religiosity of the congregation must also come to a social piety, in which the spiritual energy possessed by the congregation is able to encourage concern for various problems in people's lives. Spirituality like this must be a concern of the church in building the life of the church. The cross must be understood as a reflection of the suffering and death of Christ, but at the same time must be able to open the eyes and ears of suffering, misery, and human hope for their dignity and human dignity. That's where the church plays a role. Fibry Jati Nugroho, Gereja dan Kemiskinan: Diskursus Peran Gereja di Tengah Kemiskinan. Permasalahan kemiskinan bukan hanya menjadi masalah lokal, namun menjadi masalah yang digumulkan oleh dunia. Gereja sebagai mandataris Tuhan di tengah dunia, dituntut untuk dapat berperan dalam membantu masalah kemiskinan. Bagaimanakah sewajarnya gereja berperan di tengah kemiskinan masyarakat? Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, serta meminjam pemikiran Karl Marx, untuk menelisik peran gereja dalam membantu mengatasi permasalahan kemiskinan. Panggilan gereja yang seharusnya adalah untuk menyuarakan ketidakadilan dan penindasan hak-hak orang mis­kin.  Gereja hadir untuk berpihak kepada yang lemah, tidak ber­daya, miskin, dan yang terpinggirkan. Jika gereja tidak memiliki keperpihakan kepada yang lemah, maka kehadiran gereja tidak memiliki makna. Gereja perlu terus menerus menyu­ara­kan kritik profetisnya tanpa pandang bulu terhadap berbagai penyalah­gunaan kekuasaan, terjadinya ketidakadilan, terampasnya hak-hak masya­rakat, dan terhadap sistim yang menindas serta memiskinkan manusia. Spiritualitas dan religiusitas jemaat juga harus sampai kepada sebuah kesalehan sosial, di mana energi spiritual yang dimiliki jemaat mampu untuk mendorong kepeduliannya akan berbagai persoalan kehidupan masyarakat. Spiritualitas seperti inilah yang harus menjadi perhatian gereja dalam membangun kehidupan jemaat. Salib harus dipahami sebagai refleksi atas penderitaan dan kematian Kristus, namun di saat yang sama pula harus mampu membuka mata dan telinga akan penderitaan, kesengsaraan, dan pengharapan manusia akan harkat dan martabatnya sebagai manusia. Disitulah gereja berperan

    Reaktoripaineastiateräksen säteilyvanheneminen

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    Ageing phenomena (AGE):Re-embrittlement behaviour of steels

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    Reconstitution of Sub Charpy-Size V-Notched and Pre-Cracked Specimens

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    Specimen reconstitution is a technique which allows limited amounts of material to be used effectively for mechanical testing. In this respect the technique can partly act as an alternative for specimen miniaturization. As welding is the commonly used fusion method there is an inherent risk of annealing of irradiated material, which could lead to non-conservative test results in irradiation embrittlement studies. The objective of this study was to characterize in detail temperature transients in welding and the load carrying capacity of the weld seams. The technique was also verified with Charpy-V and fracture toughness tests using irradiated material

    Ageing phenomena (AGE):Re-embrittlement behaviour of steels

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