68 research outputs found

    N,N′-Bis(2-amino­phen­yl)-3,4-diphenyl­thio­phene-2,5-dicarboxamide acetonitrile solvate

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    In the title solvate, C30H24N4O2S·CH3CN, the substituted thiophene possesses approximate Cs(m) intrinsic symmetry, with the mirror plane passing through the S atom and the mid-point of the (Ph)C—C(Ph) bond. Despite the main backbone of the mol­ecule being a long chain of conjugated bonds, it adopts a non-planar conformation due to the presence of various intra- and inter­molecular hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen bonds result in twist configurations for both the amido and amino­phenyl fragments relative to the central thio­phene ring. There are two intra­molecular Namine—H⋯O hydrogen bonds within the thio­phene-2,5-dicarboxamide mol­ecule that form seven-membered rings. In the crystal, the thio­phene-2,5-dicarboxamide mol­ecules form inversion dimers by four amide–amine N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds. The dimers are further linked into layers propagating in (100) both directly (via Namine—H⋯O hydrogen bonds) and through the acetonitrile solvate mol­ecules (via amine–cyano N—H⋯N and CMe—H⋯O inter­actions)

    2,25-Dioxo-27,28-diphenyl-30-oxa-29-thia-3,10,17,24-tetra­aza­penta­cyclo­[,15.04,9.018,23]triaconta-5,7,9(4),10,12,14,16,18,20,22,26,28-dodeca­ene chloro­form disolvate

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    The macrocycle of the title compound, C36H24N4O3S·2CHCl3, contains a rigid framework with the nitro­gen and oxygen heteroatoms pointing in towards the center of the macrocyclic cavity. The macrocycle is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.027 Å) except for the thio­phene ring. The dihedral angle between the thio­phene ring plane and the mean plane of the central macrocyclic core including all atoms except sulfur is 21.6 (1)°. Four intra­molecular hydrogen bonds occur: two are between the amide hydrogen atoms and the Schiff base nitro­gen atoms, while the others are between the amide hydrogen atoms and the sulfur atom of the thio­phene. The two solvate chloro­form mol­ecules are bound to the carbonyl oxygen atoms of the ligand by weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. In addition, the structure reveals inter­molecular Cl⋯Cl close contacts [3.308 (2), 3.404 (2) and 3.280 (2) Å] between the chloro­form solvate mol­ecules. In the crystal, the macrocycles form layers parallel to (101), with an inter­layer distance of 3.362 (3) Å. This short distance is determined by the stacking inter­actions between the amide carbonyl and imine fragments of neighboring ligands


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    Nowadays medicine needs to use all modem biotechnical devices to increase the results of treatment. Sequencing allows one to reduce the time of pathogen diagnostic. This become possible by new bioinformatic methods that can predict properties of pathogen by using of special databases


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    This article describes a clinical case of a patient with acute cerebrovascular accident, acute respiratory failure and acute coronary syndrome. The ischemic lesion was associated with sodium nitrate, poisoning and its metabolite nitrite which resulted in increased methemoglobin concentration in blood and manifested as reversible discirculatory encephalopathy, respiratory disorder and myocardial damage. The article shows figures, reflecting changes in the biochemical composition of blood and changes in the electrocardiogram. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate clinical features of acute poisoning with sodium nitrate.В данной статье приводится описание клинического случая развития у пациента одновременно клинических симптомов острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения, острой дыхательной недостаточности и острого коронарного синдрома. Причиной развития ишемического поражения в данном случае явилось отравление нитратом натрия и его метаболитом — нитритом натрия, которое привело к повышенному содержанию метгемоглобина в крови, что в клинической картине выразилось обратимыми дисгемической энцефалопатией, нарушением дыхания и повреждением миокарда. В статье представлены графики и рисунки, отражающие изменения в биохимическом составе крови и на электрокардиограмме. Целью данной работы является демонстрация особенностей клинической картины острого отравления нитратом натрия и его метаболитом

    Outcomes of primary accreditation within pharmacy at Bashkirian state medical university

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    According to the Federal Law № 323 of 21.11.2011 on «Principles of health protection of Russian citizens», individuals educationally prepared and satisfying requirements for accreditation have the right to provide pharmaceutical services. In this context, in 2016, BSMU graduates were first accredited. Three-stage accreditation included tests, estimation of the simulation-based skills, and diverse problem situations. The Accreditation Board approved by the Russian Health Ministry evaluated the performance at all stages.Согласно Федеральному закону от 21.11.2011 № 323-ФЗ «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации» право на осуществление фармацевтической деятельности имеют лица, получившие сертификат специалиста или свидетельство об аккредитации специалиста. В связи с этим выпускники БГМУ по специальности «Фармация» в 2016 году впервые приняли участие в процедуре первичной аккредитации специалистов. Аккредитация включала три этапа: тестирование, оценку практических навыков в симулированных условиях и решение ситуационных задач. Правильность выполнения заданий на всех этапах оценивала аккредитационная комиссия, утвержденная Минздравом России

    Immobilization, Trapping, and Anion Exchange of Perrhenate Ion Using Copper-Based Tripodal Complexes

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    We describe a multidentate tripodal ligand in which three pendant arms carrying di(2-picolyl)amine units are linked to the ortho positions of a tris(o-xylyl) scaffold, providing N(CH[subscript 2]-o-C[subscript 6]H[subscript 4]CH[subscript 2]N(CH2py)[subscript 2])[subscript 3] (L). Reaction of L with CuCl[subscript 2] in the presence of hexafluorophosphate anion afforded blue cubes of [(CuCl)[subscript 3]L](PF[subscript 6])[subscript 3]·5H[subscript 2]O (1). Crystallographic studies of 1 revealed that the three symmetry-related arms each coordinate a {Cu[superscript II]Cl} unit, and two molecules of 1 are connected to one another through a Cu(μ-Cl)[subscript 2]Cu bridge, extending the molecular structure to form a two-dimensional (2-D) layer. These 2-D layers pack in an ABCABC... fashion with PF[subscript 6]– anions located in between. Reaction of 1 with a stoichiometric amount of perrhenate ion afforded blue plates of [(CuCl)[subscript 3]L](PF[subscript 6])(ReO[subscript 4])[subscript 2]·3H[subscript 2]O (2). Compound 2 has the same lattice structure as 1, but the tricopper unit backbone now traps one ReO[subscript 4]– anion through Coulombic interactions. In addition, three molecules of 2 are bridged by a perrhenate ion, forming a Cu[subscript 3](μ[superscript 3]-ReO[subscript 4]) cluster, to give a different 2-D structure displaying a rare tridentate bridging ReO[subscript 4]– mode. Thus, in addition to classic perrhenate trapping through weak Coulombic interactions, 2 represents an exceptional example in which the ReO[subscript 4]– anion is immobilized in an extended framework through tight covalent interactions. The interlamellar PF[subscript 6]– anions in 1 can be exchanged with other anions including perrhenate, perchlorate, or periodate. The structural similarity between perrhenate and pertechnetate makes these materials of potential interest for pertechnetate trapping

    Дослідження комбінаційних характеристик вітчизняних радіонепрозорих тканин М1, М2 та М3

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    The research of domestic radio-stable fabrics M1, M2 and M3 for determination of shielding factor for different combinations of the fabrics has been performed. It is defined screening coefficient both in case of horizontal and in case of vertical layout of the fabrics. In the research it is used the following installation. When the receiving antenna was in the dielectric box enveloped each of three fabrics in different combinations. The results of measurement show that combinations of the fabrics M1-M2 and M2-M3 have the same parameters and higher screening coefficient. However, combination M1-M3 have wider band but smaller screening coefficient. Fig.: 6. Refs: 12 titles.Проведены исследования отечественных радионепрозрачных тканей М1, М2 и М3 на определение суммарного коэффициента экранирования при разных комбинациях их использования. Измерения произведены как при горизонтальном, так и при вертикальном расположении волокон. В исследовании была использована установка, в которой передающая антенна находилась внутри диэлектрического корпуса, который обворачивался поочередно тканями в разных комбинациях: М1-М2, М2-М3 и М1-М3. Результаты измерений показали, что комбинации тканей М1-М2 и М2-М3 имеют схожие характеристики и большие коэффициенты экранирования, однако комбинация М1-М3 имеет большую полосу экранирования, хотя и с меньшим коэффициентом экранирования. Ил.: 6. Библиогр.: 12 наим.Проведено дослідження вітчизняних радіонепрозорих тканин М1, М2 та М3 на визначення сумарного коефіцієнта екранування при різних комбінаціях їхнього застосування. Виміри проведено як при горизонтальному, так і при вертикальному розташуванні волокон. У дослідженнях використано установку, в якій передавальна антена знаходилася всередині діелектричного корпусу, що обгортався по черзі тканинами у різних комбінаціях: М1-М2, М2-М3 та М1-М3. Результати вимірювань показали, що комбінації тканин М1-М2 та М2-М3 мають подібні характеристики і більші коефіцієнти екранування, проте комбінація М1-М3 має більшу смугу екранування, хоча і з меншим коефіцієнтом екранування

    The screening of the compounds with antiaggregation activity among benzimidazole and xantine

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    Antiaggregation activity of first synthesized benzimidazole and xantine derivatives has been studied. Differences in impact of the compounds on blood coagulability have been shown. We have synthesized L-65, on active compound, that suppresses platelet aggregation and has an acetylsalicylate acid-like effect. The results obtained concerning the screening of bioactive substances are promising


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    This article describes a clinical case of a patient with acute cerebrovascular accident, acute respiratory failure and acute coronary syndrome. The ischemic lesion was associated with sodium nitrate, poisoning and its metabolite nitrite which resulted in increased methemoglobin concentration in blood and manifested as reversible discirculatory encephalopathy, respiratory disorder and myocardial damage. The article shows figures, reflecting changes in the biochemical composition of blood and changes in the electrocardiogram. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate clinical features of acute poisoning with sodium nitrate