44 research outputs found
Active Learning Models in Science Classes
研究の第1年次に当たる本年は,理科におけるアクティブラーニング型授業の構造化に向けて,内化と外化の往還を取り入れた授業デザインとその実践に取り組み,具体的実践の蓄積を行った。小学校,中学校,高等学校それぞれで実践を行ったところ,1)学習内容の定着が図られる,2)発展的な内容や未習内容を生徒が主体的に理解することが可能である,3)協働的な学びの場面を加えることで理解の深化が図られる,4)どのような課題に取り組ませるのかといった課題の設定がカギである,5)アクティブラーニングであるか否かを判断するための要素を明らかにする必要がある,などの一定の成果と課題が明らかになった。The purpose of this study is to create active learning models in science classes. As the first-year research, the authors designed the classes which would include a round trip between externalization and internalization, and put them into practice. The designed models were adopted in elementary, junior high and senior high school classes. What have become clear are as the following; 1) Students’ acquisition of the learning contents can be promoted, 2) Students can understand advanced contents proactively, 3) Students’ learning can be deepened by adding collaborative activities, 4) The success or failure to active learning may depend on the quality of the tasks which students work on, 5) It is necessary to clarify the factors to determine active learning
The Role of Science Education in the Construction of a Knowledge-Based Society
知識基盤社会における理科の役割は,科学的に探究する活動を通して得られた結果(情報)を活用し,それらの情報から導き出した自らの考えを表現する能力を高めることである。これまでに明らかになったことは,授業者が実験結果に対して関連付けることができる事項を明確にし,分析・解釈する視点を与えることが重要であるということである。今年度は,小学校,中学校,高等学校の理科で,パフォーマンス課題を取り入れた探究活動を行い,多くの授業者が共有できる方向性を考えた。実践の結果,以下のことが明らかになった。1)小集団での話し合いの質を高めるためには,話し合いの目的と方法を明示することが重要であること。2)そのために授業者の関わり方を引き続き検討する必要があること。3)パフォーマンス課題の設計には授業者がよりメタ認知を働かせることが必要であること。今後は,このような実践経験を広く共有すべきであると考えている。Science education should help students to utilize results and information through activities, to investigate scientifically, and to develop their abilities to express ideas they have derived from those results. We have learned that it is important for instructors to clarify which results from experiments relate to each other and to give students some clear perspectives for analyzing and interpreting them. This academic year, we investigated performance tasks at elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels. Through our research we have learned that to improve the quality of discussion in small groups, it is important to make the purpose and method clear. We also showed that instructors should monitor how they engage with students in the course of discussion and that they need to function meta-cognitive abilities more to design performance tasks
Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy in the nascent era
The detections of gravitational waves (GW) by the LIGO/Virgo collaborations provide various possibilities for both physics and astronomy. We are quite sure that GW observations will develop a lot, both in precision and in number, thanks to the continuous work on the improvement of detectors, including the expected new detector, KAGRA, and the planned detector, LIGO-India. On this occasion, we review the fundamental outcomes and prospects of gravitational wave physics and astronomy. We survey the development, focusing on representative sources of gravitational waves: binary black holes, binary neutron stars, and supernovae. We also summarize the role of gravitational wave observations as a probe of new physics
Bit‐level evaluation of piccolo block cipher by satisfiability problem solver
Abstract In the field of symmetric key cryptography, the security against distinguishing attacks is one of the crucial security requirements. With advancements in computing capabilities and cryptanalysis techniques in recent years, more efficient methods have been proposed for exploring distinguishers using Mixed‐Integer Linear Programing (MILP) or satisfiability problem (SAT), thereby updating the security bounds of various ciphers. Piccolo is a lightweight block cipher proposed at CHES in 2011, with support 80‐bit and 128‐bit keys. Designers have undergone a rough security evaluation against differential, impossible differential, and related‐key differential attacks, based on nibble‐wise estimations due to the limitation of computational resource. Here, the authors perform bit‐level evaluations on Piccolo block cipher against differential, integral and impossible differential attacks by leveraging SAT‐based approaches. For the first time, the authors succeed in identifying optimal differential distinguisher on 6 rounds in the single key setting, and on 10/12 rounds in the related‐key setting for 80‐bit and 128‐bit keys, respectively. For integral attacks, the authors find integral distinguisher up to 7 rounds. Although the number of attacked rounds is the same as that of the previous attack, the authors find the 56th ordered integral distinguisher, which enable reducing the data complexity for attacks from 263 to 256. As a result, the authors find the 7‐round impossible differentials which is the same number of rounds as the previous nibble‐wise evaluation
A Case with Spondyloenchondrodysplasia Treated with Growth Hormone
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia (SPENCD) is an autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia caused by loss of function mutations in acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant (ACP5). Hypomorphic ACP5 mutations impair endochondral bone growth and create an interferon (INF) signature, which lead to distinctive spondylar and metaphyseal dysplasias, and extraskeletal morbidity, such as neurological involvement and immune dysregulation, respectively. We report an affected boy with novel ACP5 mutations, a splice-site mutation (736-2 A>C) and a nonsense mutation (R176X). He presented with postnatal short stature, which led to a diagnosis of partial growth hormone (GH) deficiency at 3 years of age. GH therapy was beneficial in accelerating his growth velocity. At 6 years of age, however, metaphyseal abnormalities of the knee attracted medical attention, and subsequent assessment ascertained the typical skeletal phenotype of SPENCD, brain calcifications, and an INF signature. This anecdotal experience indicates the potential efficacy of GH for growth failure in SPENCD
Predictors of the enhanced response to mepolizumab treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma: A retrospective, long-term study
Abstract Mepolizumab significantly reduces the number of annual exacerbations (AEs) and the maintenance dose of systemic corticosteroids (CSs) in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma (SEA). However, there are few studies based on real life with a long-term observational period in Japan. Between July 2016 and December 2019, 24 Japanese patients received mepolizumab at Jikei University Hospital for at least 12 months. We retrospectively evaluated these characteristics, AEs and CS doses. To elucidate the predictors of the enhanced responders, we performed multivariate logistic regression analysis. After introduction, asthma symptoms improved and were maintained for over a year. The number of AEs and CS doses significantly decreased. In the subgroup analysis, the younger than 65 years-old, body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2, eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis, or eosinophil count ≥ 400/mm3 exhibited effective reductions in either AEs or CS doses with mepolizumab treatment. The percentage change in the AEs (≤ −75%) was significantly decreased in the patients with a BMI < 25 using multivariate logistic regression analysis (odds ratio 31, 95% confidence interval: 1.4–700, P = 0.03). In real-life, BMI < 25 could be a predictor for reductions in AEs with mepolizumab treatment in the patients with SEA. Abbreviations IL, interleukin; CS, corticosteroid; SEA, severe eosinophilic asthma; BMI, body mass index; ECRS, eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis; CRSwNP, chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyp
Prostaglandin E-Major Urinary Metabolite (PGE-MUM) as a Tumor Marker for Lung Adenocarcinoma
Background: Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is metabolized to prostaglandin E-major urinary metabolite (PGE-MUM). Enhanced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression demonstrated in lung adenocarcinoma indicates increased PGE-MUM levels in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Objectives: We aimed to elucidate the clinical usefulness of measuring PGE-MUM as an indicator of tumor burden in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Methods: PGE-MUM was measured by a radioimmunoassay in control healthy volunteers (n = 124) and patients with lung adenocarcinoma (n = 54). Associations between PGE-MUM levels and clinical characteristics of the patients (including lung cancer stage and TNM factors (T: Tumor, N: Node, M: Metastasis) were examined. Results: PGE-MUM levels were significantly elevated in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. A PGE-MUM level of 14.9 μg/g∙Cr showed 70.4% sensitivity and 67.7% specificity for the diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma. PGE-MUM levels tended to be positively correlated with cancer progression as determined by the TNM staging system. Advanced stage (stage III, stage IV, and recurrence) was significantly associated with high PGE-MUM levels by logistic regression analysis. No apparent correlation was demonstrated between PGE-MUM and carcinoma embryonic antigen (CEA) levels. Conclusions: PGE-MUM can be a promising biomarker reflecting the systemic tumor burden of lung adenocarcinoma
A study of science teaching to develop student's creative skills
本研究では, 児童・生徒が創造性を育むことのできる理科学習の実現を目指して, 2008年度より教材開発と教育実践を行っている。今年度, 小学校の実践では, 「ヒトの体のしくみ」を取り上げ, 児童同士の相互作用の場を組織化することで科学的な概念の形成をはかる授業を展開した。中学校の実践では, 新学習指導要領において再び取り扱うことになった「電力・電力量」と新設された最終項目「自然環境の保全と科学技術の利用」を結びつけ探究活動を設定した。テーマに対する主張を作成するために必要となる論拠を得るための活動を行った。高等学校の実践では「酸化と還元」を取り上げ, 既習知識を活用し, 仮説を設定し実験によって確かめるといった探究的な活動を展開した。中学校及び高等学校の実践には「協同学習」の手法を取り入れた。いずれの実践においても, 観察・実験方法の計画, 結果の予測, 結果の分析や解釈, 表現など, 授業の様々な場面に「他者との差異の認識」, 「差異の表現」, 「差異の理解」を行う活動を取り入れ, 「言語活動」が活発に行われたことによって, 児童・生徒の思考が深まり, 「創造的である」と判断できる事例を得ることができた