6 research outputs found

    A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in Sri Lanka

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    Foreign Direct Investment plays a very important role in the growth of the country. It is very much vital in the case of developing countries. A typical characteristic of these developing economies is the fact that these economies do not have the needed level of savings in order to meet the required level of investment needed to sustain the growth of the economy. In such cases, foreign direct investment plays an important role of bridging the gap between the available capital and the required capital. It plays an important role in the long-term growth of a country not only as a source of capital but also for enhancing competitiveness of the domestic economy through transfer of technology, strengthening infrastructure, raising productivity and generating new employment opportunities. This paper analyses the impact of Foreign Direct Investment on economic growth and development of manufacturing exports in Sri Lanka. Time series data were collected between 1980 and 2010. Simple linear regression was employed to analyses the relationship between variables. Empirical results indicate that Foreign Direct Investment has positive relationship with economic growth and manufacturing export and are statistically insignificant in the Sri Lankan economy. The study seems to suggest that other factors rather than Foreign Direct Investment determining economic growth should be strength and to admire Foreign Direct Investment inflow, country must take care on the political stability and infrastructure Development

    The role of socio–economic factors in education status of vamaradchchy division

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    In today’s world education helps man to live properly. In this respect, at present stage Third World Countries play an important role in the development of education. To suit this trend literacy development of Sri Lanka helps to provide free education. Even it is so, socio – economic factors gain importance in the decline of education level. In Asia, Sri Lanka is in the high rank in literacy (92.5%). It becomes important to carry out educational level research in the Vadamaradchchcy division which is in Jaffna district. The effort of the researcher is viewed as conducive to socio- economic factors, it helps to education and to the development of the region as well. Future education restructuring is indispensable considering the past education level. The research conducted in this respect would be very useful. In this way the, relationship was found out with the help of statistical methods. There is a negative relationship found between the level of education of parents, irregular attendance, socio – economic environment the number of children and educational achievement. In the education level of the school children of the research area is to identify on what extend and what type of influence are exerted by socio – economic factors also analyzed in this research. The schools in Karaveddy, Pointpedro, and Marujankeny in the Vadamaradchchy division were taken for research. 226 students from two developed schools and tow les developed school were subjected for this research and the role of socio – economic factors also analysed. This socio – economic factors such as school attendance, educational level of parent, their interests, displacement, education facilities, private education facilities, addiction to liquor of father, Family and socio economic levels, living environment, number of children in the family also influence the education level. The result for obtained considering the above hypothesis. In this respect socio –economic factors are found to have significant influence in the educational level of students in the research area

    Behaviour of Granular Soils Under Environmentally Induced Cyclic Loads

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