8 research outputs found

    Система компьютерной интерактивной поддержки мышления молодежи с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

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    The basic principle of creative education - a creative collaboration of students and teachers in the learning process. Dialogic interaction is key when training people with disabilities. Dialogic interaction - a system of formation and development of practical skills of communication and co-creation of trainees based on openness and spiritual enrichment. Interactive technology is self-forming communication skills among the youth of the creative personality

    Педагогическая система НФТМ-ТРИЗ при реализации ФГОС начального общего образования

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    The paper describes possible ways of using pedagogical system of continuous formation of creative thinking and development of creative abilities of students using intelligent means of the theory of inventive problem solving at schools to implement productively Federal State Educational Standard primary general education. The paper describes key features of the pedagogical system NFTM-TRIZ and the necessity of creating consultation centers on this methodology

    Differentiation of Creative Mathematical Problems for Primary School Students

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal a method that will help arrange creative mathematical problems for the development of creative competences of the basic school students. The main method here is modeling of creative mathematical problems taking into account the complexity levels of the tasks in accordance with the systemic scale and the requirements for the formulation of creative tasks in basic school. The article presents author's approaches to the differentiation of creative mathematical tasks for basic school students in accordance with the systemic scale, which were formed by adaptation of creative problem solutions classified in terms of their degree of difficulty and the quality of the obtained results, considered in the theory of inventive problems solvin

    A Comparative Study of the Working Conditions of Science Teachers

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    Effectiveness of instruction in science education largely depends on whether the teachers are satisfied with their working conditions. Consequently, administrative measures aimed at improving working conditions for teachers will also improve the quality of science teaching. The students of teachers, who have the same experience, similar qualifications and some other characteristics, achieve different learning outcomes. We can specify a set of working conditions that influence the effectiveness of science training and the quality of educational programs. In this study, science teachers are teachers of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Ecology, and other related subjects. Accordingly, the article is aimed at analyzing the indicators of teacher working conditions in science education and developing a system of organizational and managerial measures to support the work of science teachers on the basis of these indicators. The research methods are data collection by means of a questionnaire survey of teachers and other school staff, analysis of the characteristics of science teaching, modeling and statistical analysis of the research data. The study was conducted in 2019 – 2020; 1,146 employees of secondary schools of European Russia were involved in the study, including 310 science teachers. The author of the article has arrived at the following conclusion: the most significant motives in choosing the profession of a science teacher are the possibility to influence the child development and to participate in solving social problems; participation in seminars and meetings with the education authorities and collaboration with other young teachers are the most common measures for professional adaptation of novice science teachers; more than half of the school teachers, according to science teachers, are ready for change and innovation and, and they provide support in the process of implementing innovations. The teachers report that the most common sources of stress are a feeling of responsibility for students’ learning achievements, administrative work, and classroom preparation.The theoretical significance of the study lies in its contribution to deeper scientific understanding of the current working conditions of teachers in science education that influence the effectiveness of instruction and the quality of educational programs. The findings of the research can help in developing a set of organizational and managerial measures for supporting science teachers in their work taking into account the specifics of science education

    Professional Training and Professional Deficits of Teachers: a comparative study

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    Teachers with similar qualification, experience and other professional characteristics still may teach their pupils with quite different results. It is supposed that there are some connections between the results of teaching and the measures of improving professional conditions of teachers. The aim of the research is to analyze the indices which characterize the quality of teaching staff in order to offer the measures which could help to improve economic and normative regulations of additional training and professional development of teachers. The data analysis is based on the conception of the third Teaching and Learning International Survey. The research was done in 2019–2021 in the Kirov region (a region of the Russian Federation). The work of 1146 teachers from city and village schools was considered in the research. Data collection by means of a questionnaire-based survey of teachers is the leading method of the research. The main need of teachers’ professional development is connected with individual teaching, with the issues of individual education of pupils with special needs and with using digital technologies at work. The share of teachers with the basic education on the subject taught by them is 65% in city schools and 51% in village schools. The main trends of developing school education are considered lessening the “bureaucracy” load on teachers by means of taking on additional staff, as well as special support of pupils with special needs and investments in digital technologies

    A Comparative Study of the Qualities of School Teachers and Their Teaching Practice

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    There is no doubt that the characteristics of the pedagogical community influence the quality of school education: its problems are often associated with the effectiveness of teachers training and their professional growth. On the other hand, the quality of the school environment and the conditions of pedagogical work are important factors for both the positive education of schoolchildren and its real results. In this perspective, the effectiveness of the education system becomes apparent in comparison with similar systems. That is why the data of international empirical studies aimed at studying the quality of education today are extremely important both for the country as a whole and for its different regions. To take measures for the development of the pedagogical community of the Kirov region, we made a comprehensive analysis of the teaching staff of the regional pedagogical community. The concept is based on materials from the third international study Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018). The purpose of this article is to compare the qualities of regional school teachers and their pedagogical practice with similar indicators in foreign countries. The author of the article, on the grounds of the comparison of working conditions, professional education and development of teachers, justifies the need for administrative decisions in personnel policy. The leading research methods here are the collection of data, obtained by questioning in maintaining feedback from teachers, analyzing the conditions of pedagogical practices, modeling and statistical processing of research results. As a result of a study conducted in 2018–2019, in which 1025 teachers of secondary schools from the Kirov region took part, the author of the article found: teachers spend, on the average, 44 astronomical hours per week to perform their duties, besides it takes urban teachers 4 hours more to make their work as compared with rural teachers; the teaching load of the younger age group teachers is 1.5 times greater than that of the older age group teachers; foreign teachers spend 6 hours a week less to perform their official duties in comparison with teachers of the Kirov region; teachers spend most of their time on individual planning, preparing for lessons, and on general administrative work, while participating in extracurricular activities and communicating with parents takes the least amount of time in the structure of official duties. The professional knowledge of teachers acquired in the process of their education is estimated below the average level from the level of full preparedness to perform their professional duties; every fifth educator notes a high interest in learning the technologies of individual teaching, teaching children with special needs and class supervision issues. The theoretical significance of the article is due to its contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the quality of school teachers in comparison with the national educational systems of other countries. Practical use of the research results allows us to build a trajectory of work with pedagogical staff based on working out and implementing a set of measures for the development of the pedagogical community of the regional educational system

    Professional Training and Professional Deficits of Teachers: a comparative study

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    Teachers with similar qualification, experience and other professional characteristics still may teach their pupils with quite different results. It is supposed that there are some connections between the results of teaching and the measures of improving professional conditions of teachers. The aim of the research is to analyze the indices which characterize the quality of teaching staff in order to offer the measures which could help to improve economic and normative regulations of additional training and professional development of teachers. The data analysis is based on the conception of the third Teaching and Learning International Survey. The research was done in 2019–2021 in the Kirov region (a region of the Russian Federation). The work of 1146 teachers from city and village schools was considered in the research. Data collection by means of a questionnaire-based survey of teachers is the leading method of the research. The main need of teachers’ professional development is connected with individual teaching, with the issues of individual education of pupils with special needs and with using digital technologies at work. The share of teachers with the basic education on the subject taught by them is 65% in city schools and 51% in village schools. The main trends of developing school education are considered lessening the “bureaucracy” load on teachers by means of taking on additional staff, as well as special support of pupils with special needs and investments in digital technologies

    Differentiation of Creative Mathematical Problems for Primary School Students

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal a method that will help arrange creative mathematical problems for the development of creative competences of the basic school students. The main method here is modeling of creative mathematical problems taking into account the complexity levels of the tasks in accordance with the systemic scale and the requirements for the formulation of creative tasks in basic school. The article presents author's approaches to the differentiation of creative mathematical tasks for basic school students in accordance with the systemic scale, which were formed by adaptation of creative problem solutions classified in terms of their degree of difficulty and the quality of the obtained results, considered in the theory of inventive problems solvin