1,156 research outputs found

    Study of the Provision of Construction Facilities with Management Personnel

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    This article is devoted to the impact of personnel policy on the rating of construction organizations. The authors carried out a sample survey of construction projects in the city of Samarkand for the provision of management personnel. The presence of objective factors that hinder the improvement of the rating of small construction organizations is shown

    New relations in the algebra of the Baxter Q-operators

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    We consider irreducible cyclic representations of the algebra of monodromy matrices corresponding to the R-matrix of the six-vertex model. In roots of unity the Baxter Q-operator can be represented as a trace of a tensor product of L-operators corresponding to one of these cyclic representations and satisfies the TQ-equation. We find a new algebraic structure generated by these L-operators and, as a consequence, by the Q-operators.Comment: 35 pages, LaTe

    Zamonaviy haykaltaroshlik yo’nalishlari

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    Ushbu maqolada zamonaviy haykaltaroshlik yoʻnalishlari, nafis haykaltaroshlik, monumental haykaltaroshlik, meʼmorlik sanʼati bilan bogʻliq boʻlgan monumental haykaltaroshlik, haykaltaroshlik sanʼatining oʻlkamiz hududidagi zamonaviy jihatlari haqida toʻliq fikr yuritilgan


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    The tax system ranks along the most important economic methods of the provision to state function on making the conditions and stimulation of the development as economy as a whole, so and priority development of the separate branches and managing subject. Since tax policy is a main instrument of realization of state function on regulation of market economies, me thodology of stimulating function of the tax system comes from methodological base of the general system of the government regulation in market economies. On our glance, these methodological bases come simultaneously from two famous main in economic science theory in the field of balanced development of market economies

    Zamonaviy san’atda raqamli haykaltaroshlikning o’rni

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    Mazkur maqolada zamonaviy san’atda raqamli haykaltaroshlikning o’rni, uch oʻlchovli modellashtirishda yordamchi komponent, hozirgi vaqtda raqamli haykaltaroshlikning uch oʻlchovli kompyuter grafikasi sohasida erkin yoʻnalish, anʼanaviy haykaltaroshlikning oʻziga xos xususiyati haiqda batafsil bayon qilingan

    Introduction of modern electronic educational systems in the program of professional training

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    The article deals with the introduction of electronic learning systems in the educational process, on the example of specific measures taken in the State professional educational institution «Anzhero-Sudzhensk Polytechnic College»Рассмотрены вопросы внедрения систем электронного обучения в образовательный процесс на примере конкретных мер, принимаемых в ГПОУ «Анжеро-Судженский политехнический колледж

    Prevention of antisocial behavior adolescents

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    Представлены методы профилактики и коррекции девиантного поведения подростковThe article presents methods of prevention and correction of deviant behavior of teenager