7 research outputs found

    Anterior impingement syndrome in dancers

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    Anterior impingement is a common problem in dancers occurring primarily secondary to the repetitive forced ankle dorsiflexion inherent in ballet. Symptoms generally occur progressively and may respond to conservative treatment including addressing biomechanical faults that contribute to the problem. As impingement progresses, movements essential to ballet may become impossible and arthroscopic ankle surgery is often effective for both diagnosis and treatment, allowing athletes to return to dance

    Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis with discoid lateral meniscus tear in the same knee in a child

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    Cas de synovite villonodulaire pigmentĂ©e (tumeur bĂ©nigne Ă  cellules gĂ©antes des articulations) frappant le genou d'un enfant de 9 ans. Histologie : lĂ©sions constituĂ©es de tissu fibroblastique et histiocytaire trĂšs vascularisĂ©. IntĂ©rĂȘt de l'IRM, et de l'arthroscopie dans le diagnostic et le traitement

    Technical Aspects of Addressing Multiligament Knee Instability

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