5 research outputs found

    Industrial Data Homogenization and Monitoring Scheme with Blockchain Oracles

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    Research efforts on Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) for industrial applications have constantly been increasing over the last years. The use of DLTs in the Industry 4.0 paradigm provides traceability, integrity, and immutability of the generated industrial data. However, Industry 4.0 ecosystems are typically composed of multiple smart factory clusters belonging to several companies, which are immersed in constant interaction with other business partners, clients, or suppliers. In such complex ecosystems, multiple DLTs are necessarily employed to maintain the integrity of the data throughout the whole process, from when the data is generated until it is processed at higher levels. Moreover, industrial data is commonly heterogeneous, which causes compatibility issues, along with security and efficiency issues in the homogenization process. Thus, the data needs to be pre-processed and homogenized in a secure manner before being exploited. Consequently, in this work, we address the issues mentioned above by providing an industrial raw data pre-processing and homogenization process according to a standard data model. We employ decentralized blockchain oracles to guarantee the integrity of the external data during the homogenization process. Hereafter, we design an interoperable plant blockchain for trustworthy storage and processing of the resulting homogenized data across several industrial plants. We also present a prototype implementation of the aforementioned scheme and discuss its effectiveness. Finally, we design a monitoring scheme to overview the usage the performance of the architecture processes and identify possible performance and security issues.This work has been financed by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe program under the IDUNN project (grant agreement number 101021911). It was also partially supported by the Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnológicos grant of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the project EGIDA (CER-20191012), and by the Basque Country Government under the ELKARTEK program, project ELKARTEK program, project REMEDY - REal tiME control and embeddeD securitY (KK-2021/00091)

    Zibererasoetatik babesteko, hacking etikoaren balioa

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    2020an, teknologiak bultzatutako gizarte batean bizi gara, eta datuak komunikatzeko sistemak funtsezkoak bihurtu dira gure eguneroko bizitzaren alderdi guztietan. Covid19-k erakutsi digu ezagutzen ez dugunak eszenatoki eta bizimodu berrietara eraman gaitzakeela, duela hilabete batzuk imajinatu ere ezin genituen lekuetara. Gaur egun, pertsonen, enpresen eta erakundeen arteko harremanak inoiz baino gehiago oinarritzen dira telekomunikazio-sareetan, eta, beraz, zibersegurtasun sofistikatuaren beharra oso garrantzitsua bihurtzen ari da gero eta handiagoak diren zibererasoetatik babesteko. Enpresak eta erakundeak diru kopuru handiak inbertitzen ari dira beren segurtasun zibernetikoan. Egoera horretan, hacking etikoa ohiko tresna bihurtu da behar den segurtasun-maila zehazteko. Hacking etikoaren helburua da sare informatikoetan ahuleziak eta kalteberatasunak aurkitzea, hackerrek sareetan sartzeko eta softwarearen ahuleziak azaltzeko erabiltzen dituzten ezagutza eta tresna berberak erabiliz. Dibulgazio-artikulu honek hacking etikoa zer den, zer onura dituen eta zergatik den beharrezkoa azaltzen du. Hacking etikoari buruzko artearen egoera bat aurkezten du, eta erakusten du enpresek eta erakundeek nola inplementa lezaketen hacking etikoa, sarbide-testetan (Penetration Testing Execution Standard, PTES) oinarritutako metodologia erabiliz.; In 2020, we are living in a technology driven society where data communication systems have become essential in all aspects of our daily life. Covid19 has shown us that the unknown can take us to new scenarios and ways of life that we could not even imagine months ago. Nowadays, relationships between people, companies, and institutions are based more than ever, on telecommunication networks and thus the need for sophisticated cybersecurity is becoming extremely important to protect us from ever-increasing cyber-attacks. Companies and institutions are investing substantial amounts of money in their own cybersecurity. In this scenario, ethical hacking has become a frequent tool to determine the needed security-level. Ethical hacking aims to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in computer networks, using the same knowledge and tools that hackers use to penetrate networks and expose software vulnerabilities. This disclosure article describes what ethical hacking is, its benefits and why it is needed. It presents a state of the art about ethical hacking and shows how companies and institutions could implement ethical hacking using a methodology based on Penetration Tests (Penetration Testing Execution Standard, PTES)

    Nuevos modelos para la provisión de servicios comerciales basados en Grid

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    En este artículo se va a presentar un trabajo en curso, en el que se plantean varios esquemas para la comercialización de servicios basados en el paradigma Grid (en la acepción más amplia, el uso de recursos distribuidos de una manera colaborativa) diseñados para ser ofrecidos con la participación de un ISP. Se estudiarán las características que tiene que tener un servicio de este tipo y se describirá más a fondo el tercero de los esquemas propuestos y el servicio escogido denominado de "almacenamiento perdurable". Se discutirá brevemente su arquitectura y los criterios de diseño a utilizar