15 research outputs found

    Towards a comprehensive understanding of new regional industrial path development

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    Path creation is a key concept in economic geography. So far, particularly scholars within evolutionary economic geography have pioneered research on this topic. This paper critically discusses their work and proposes a broader understanding of how new economic activities emerge in regions, which is referred to here as ‘new regional industrial path development’. The paper develops a future research agenda, which stresses the need to develop a multi-actor and multi-scalar approach, to integrate the future into analyses of path development, and to offer a broader view on inter-path relations.© 2019 The Author(s

    Qualitative longitudinal research in health research: a method study

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    Abstract Background Qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) comprises qualitative studies, with repeated data collection, that focus on the temporality (e.g., time and change) of a phenomenon. The use of QLR is increasing in health research since many topics within health involve change (e.g., progressive illness, rehabilitation). A method study can provide an insightful understanding of the use, trends and variations within this approach. The aim of this study was to map how QLR articles within the existing health research literature are designed to capture aspects of time and/or change. Methods This method study used an adapted scoping review design. Articles were eligible if they were written in English, published between 2017 and 2019, and reported results from qualitative data collected at different time points/time waves with the same sample or in the same setting. Articles were identified using EBSCOhost. Two independent reviewers performed the screening, selection and charting. Results A total of 299 articles were included. There was great variation among the articles in the use of methodological traditions, type of data, length of data collection, and components of longitudinal data collection. However, the majority of articles represented large studies and were based on individual interview data. Approximately half of the articles self-identified as QLR studies or as following a QLR design, although slightly less than 20% of them included QLR method literature in their method sections. Conclusions QLR is often used in large complex studies. Some articles were thoroughly designed to capture time/change throughout the methodology, aim and data collection, while other articles included few elements of QLR. Longitudinal data collection includes several components, such as what entities are followed across time, the tempo of data collection, and to what extent the data collection is preplanned or adapted across time. Therefore, there are several practices and possibilities researchers should consider before starting a QLR project

    Qualitative longitudinal research in health research: a method study

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    Abstract Background Qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) comprises qualitative studies, with repeated data collection, that focus on the temporality (e.g., time and change) of a phenomenon. The use of QLR is increasing in health research since many topics within health involve change (e.g., progressive illness, rehabilitation). A method study can provide an insightful understanding of the use, trends and variations within this approach. The aim of this study was to map how QLR articles within the existing health research literature are designed to capture aspects of time and/or change. Methods This method study used an adapted scoping review design. Articles were eligible if they were written in English, published between 2017 and 2019, and reported results from qualitative data collected at different time points/time waves with the same sample or in the same setting. Articles were identified using EBSCOhost. Two independent reviewers performed the screening, selection and charting. Results A total of 299 articles were included. There was great variation among the articles in the use of methodological traditions, type of data, length of data collection, and components of longitudinal data collection. However, the majority of articles represented large studies and were based on individual interview data. Approximately half of the articles self-identified as QLR studies or as following a QLR design, although slightly less than 20% of them included QLR method literature in their method sections. Conclusions QLR is often used in large complex studies. Some articles were thoroughly designed to capture time/change throughout the methodology, aim and data collection, while other articles included few elements of QLR. Longitudinal data collection includes several components, such as what entities are followed across time, the tempo of data collection, and to what extent the data collection is preplanned or adapted across time. Therefore, there are several practices and possibilities researchers should consider before starting a QLR project

    Talking about quality: how ‘quality’ is conceptualized in nursing homes and homecare

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    Abstract Background The delivery of high-quality service in nursing homes and homecare requires collaboration and shared understanding among managers, employees, users and policy makers from across the healthcare system. However, conceptualizing healthcare professionals’ perception of quality beyond hospital settings (e.g., its perspectives, defining attributes, quality dimensions, contextual factors, dilemmas) has rarely been done. This study therefore explores the meaning of “quality” among healthcare managers and staff in nursing homes and homecare. Methods The study applies a cross-sectional qualitative design with focus groups and individual interviews, to capture both depth and breadth of conceptualization of quality from healthcare professionals in nursing homes and homecare. We draw our data from 65 managers and staff in nursing homes and homecare services in Norway and the Netherlands. The participants worked as managers (n = 40), registered nurses (RNs) or assistant nurses (n = 25). Results The analysis identified the two categories and four sub-categories: “Professional issues: more than firefighting” (subcategories “professional pride” and “competence”) and “patient-centered approach: more than covering basic needs” (subcategories “dignity” and “continuity”). Quality in nursing homes and homecare is conceptualized as an ongoing process based on having the “right competence,” good cooperation across professional groups, and patient-centered care, in line with professional pride and dignity for the patients. Conclusion Based on the understanding of quality among the healthcare professionals in our study, quality should encompass the softer dimensions of professional pride and competence, as well as a patient-centered approach to care. These dimensions should be factors in improvement activities and in daily practice

    Talking about quality: how ‘quality’ is conceptualized in nursing homes and homecare

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    Abstract Background The delivery of high-quality service in nursing homes and homecare requires collaboration and shared understanding among managers, employees, users and policy makers from across the healthcare system. However, conceptualizing healthcare professionals’ perception of quality beyond hospital settings (e.g., its perspectives, defining attributes, quality dimensions, contextual factors, dilemmas) has rarely been done. This study therefore explores the meaning of “quality” among healthcare managers and staff in nursing homes and homecare. Methods The study applies a cross-sectional qualitative design with focus groups and individual interviews, to capture both depth and breadth of conceptualization of quality from healthcare professionals in nursing homes and homecare. We draw our data from 65 managers and staff in nursing homes and homecare services in Norway and the Netherlands. The participants worked as managers (n = 40), registered nurses (RNs) or assistant nurses (n = 25). Results The analysis identified the two categories and four sub-categories: “Professional issues: more than firefighting” (subcategories “professional pride” and “competence”) and “patient-centered approach: more than covering basic needs” (subcategories “dignity” and “continuity”). Quality in nursing homes and homecare is conceptualized as an ongoing process based on having the “right competence,” good cooperation across professional groups, and patient-centered care, in line with professional pride and dignity for the patients. Conclusion Based on the understanding of quality among the healthcare professionals in our study, quality should encompass the softer dimensions of professional pride and competence, as well as a patient-centered approach to care. These dimensions should be factors in improvement activities and in daily practice

    International Social Survey Programme: Work Orientation III - ISSP 2005

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    Einstellung zur Arbeit. Arbeitsorientierung und Beschreibung der Arbeitsinhalte. Themen: GewĂŒnschte Zeitaufteilung von Beruf, Hausarbeit, Familie, Freunde und Freizeit; Arbeitsorientierung; Wichtigkeit ausgewĂ€hlter AnsprĂŒche an einen Arbeitsplatz (Skala); PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr die Arbeit in der Privatwirtschaft oder im öffentlichen Sektor; PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr Arbeitnehmerstatus oder berufliche SelbstĂ€ndigkeit sowie fĂŒr das Arbeiten in einem Großunternehmen oder in einem kleinen Unternehmen; VorzĂŒge des Arbeitnehmerstatus (grĂ¶ĂŸere Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und geringere BeeintrĂ€chtigung des Familienlebens); Bedeutung von Gewerkschaften fĂŒr die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und die Arbeitsbedingungen von Arbeitnehmern; PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr VollzeitbeschĂ€ftigung oder TeilzeitbeschĂ€ftigung; PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr mehr Arbeit oder fĂŒr ArbeitszeitverkĂŒrzung; Charakterisierung der eigenen Arbeit und Arbeitszufriedenheit (Skala); physische Erschöpfung nach der Arbeit; HĂ€ufigkeit gefĂ€hrlicher und ungesunder Arbeitsplatzsituationen; flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung; eigene Einflussmöglichkeit auf die Gestaltung des Arbeitstages bzw. die ArbeitsablĂ€ufe; Schwierigkeit der Erledigung privater Angelegenheiten wĂ€hrend der Arbeitszeit; HĂ€ufigkeit der BeeintrĂ€chtigung des Familienlebens durch die Arbeitsanforderungen und umgekehrt; Nutzen der erlernten FĂ€higkeiten aus frĂŒheren TĂ€tigkeiten fĂŒr die derzeitige Arbeitsstelle; EinschĂ€tzung der derzeitigen Arbeitserfahrungen fĂŒr eine Erfolg versprechende Jobsuche; berufliche Fortbildung im letzten Jahr; Beurteilung des VerhĂ€ltnisses von Management zu Mitarbeitern (Betriebsklima); Arbeitszufriedenheit (Skalometer); Beschreibung des eigenen Engagements bei der Arbeit; Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen (Skala); erwartete Schwierigkeiten bei der Suche nach einem Job auf vergleichbarem Niveau; SelbsteinschĂ€tzung der Ersetzbarkeit des Befragten durch die Firma an seinem derzeitigen Arbeitsplatz; Suche nach neuer Arbeit in den nĂ€chsten 12 Monaten; Sorge um die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; akzeptierte ZugestĂ€ndnisse zur Vermeidung eigener Arbeitslosigkeit (Annahme einer Arbeitsstelle mit neuen Anforderungen, Akzeptanz einer geringer bezahlten Position, befristeter Arbeitsvertrag sowie lĂ€ngerer Arbeitswege); Existenz eines Nebenjobs; SelbsteinschĂ€tzung psychologischer Charakteristika der Persönlichkeit. NichterwerbstĂ€tige wurden gefragt: Arbeit fĂŒr mehr als ein Jahr und BeschĂ€ftigungsende der letzten bezahlten Arbeit; GrĂŒnde fĂŒr das Ende der BeschĂ€ftigung; Interesse an einem bezahlten Job; erwartete Schwierigkeiten bei der Jobsuche; momentane Arbeitssuche; AktivitĂ€ten zur Arbeitssuche; Fortbildungen im letzten Jahr; Haupteinkommensquelle. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Familienstand; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; Ausbildung und Ausbildungsdauer; momentaner BeschĂ€ftigungsstatus; Beruf (ISCO88); BeschĂ€ftigung im privaten oder öffentlichen Sektor; SelbstĂ€ndigkeit bzw. ArbeitsverhĂ€ltnis; eigene Angestellte; Wochenarbeitszeit; Vorgesetztenfunktion und Kontrollspanne; BetriebsgrĂ¶ĂŸe; Einkommen; Konfession; ReligiositĂ€t; Gewerkschaftsmitglied; SelbsteinschĂ€tzung der Schichtzugehörigkeit; SelbsteinschĂ€tzung auf einem Links-Rechts-Kontinuum; ParteiprĂ€ferenz; HaushaltsgrĂ¶ĂŸe und Zusammensetzung; OrtsgrĂ¶ĂŸe; Region; ursprĂŒngliches Herkunftsland bzw. ethnische Gruppenzugehörigkeit