4 research outputs found

    Interpretative Planning for a Neglected Historic Site in Istabul, Turkey

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    In the 20th Century, war and other misfortunes have taught us to protect our historic and archeological past, in terms of both buildings and landscapes. While the world has already lost much of the past, much remains to be discovered, protected and interpreted. In the small pocket of urban open space located in Istanbul, Turkey that is the subject of this study, for example, the past usage\u27s have been obliterated by contemporary employment of the site for automobile parking. This study presents an alternative way to use the site that takes better advantage of its central location among world-famous antiquities. It envisions a usage that is modem, practical, and yet still in keeping with the ancient usage\u27s of the site, which have always been inseparable from the built historic fabric that surrounded it. Over the nearly twenty centuries surveyed in the this study, the site has been a simple open space, an autdoor ceremonial area for the abutting Great Palace of Byzantium, a parade ground, a processional area for embassies to the ruler of the successor Ottoman Empire, a place for humbler visitors to gather and enjoy shade and cool water, and a small formal garden after the French style. By taking steps to once more integrate the site into the surrounding pedestrian traffic flow, and by providing for the re-enactment of some of these past activities with historic accuracy, we can bring the modem spectator to a better understanding of the succession of very different cultures and peoples that have inhabited this world historical city


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    İstanbul Belgrad Ormanı’nın doğuda İstanbul Boğazı ile buluştuğu vadi olan Balabandere Vadisi konumu ve sahip olduğu zengin ekolojik yapısı ile önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu çalışmaya konu olan arazi parçası İstanbul geneli ve yakın çevresi düşünüldüğünde doğa bilimleri çalışmaları açısından önemli bir labratuvar özelliği taşımaktadır. Belgrad Ormanı sınırları ile yerleşim alanları arasında kalan bir koruma zonu olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz Balabandere vadisi ve yakın çevresi sahip olduğu tarihi kültürel ve ekolojij açıdan önemle korunması gereken doğal ve yarıdoğal ekosistemlerin bulunduğu bir su havzasıdır. Bu araştırmada yapılan biyotop alımları ile alanın bitki örtüsü açısından serveti yanısıra kısa ve uzun vadede yapılacak planlamalara yetişme ortamı açısından ışık tutması amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Vejetasyon alımı, biotop haritalama, vejetasyon envanter

    A Study to Determine Recreational Participation Tendency of the Eğirdir Vocational School Students

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    The objective of this study is to determine the recreational participation tendency of the university students who are enrolled in Eğirdir Vocational School at the Suleyman Demirel University. In this sense, the general characteristics of students have been overviewed; their tendencies to recreation activities were measured with economic and socio-cultural conditions. In the 2008 – 2009 Education Year (spring semester), the randomly selected 334 students, who were applied standard questionnaire form, educated in various programs at the Eğirdir Vocational school. After the data collection with questionnaire form, the finding was analyzed with using SPSS 13.0 (Statistical Program for the Social Science) statistic program. The study results and statistical analyses were discussed in the text