19 research outputs found

    Tumor-Initiating Cells: a criTICal review of isolation approaches and new challenges in targeting strategies

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    Most cancers contain a subpopulation of highly tumorigenic cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor-initiating cells (TICs). Targeting TICs may be essential to achieve cure, because of their self-renewal and tumorigenic properties as well as their resistance to conventional therapies. Despite significant advances in TIC biology, their isolation and identification remain largely disputed and incompletely established. In this review, we discuss the latest developments in isolation and culturing approaches of TICs, with focus on colorectal cancer (CRC). We feature recent findings on TIC-relevant signaling pathways and the metabolic identity of TICs, as well as their current clinical implications. Lastly, we highlight the influence of inter- and intra-tumoral heterogeneity on TIC function and targeting approaches

    Hypoxia- and MicroRNA-Induced Metabolic Reprogramming of Tumor-Initiating Cells

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC), the second most common cause of cancer mortality in theWestern world, is a highly heterogeneous disease that is driven by a rare subpopulation of tumorigenic cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor-initiating cells (TICs). Over the past few years, a plethora of di erent approaches, aimed at identifying and eradicating these self-renewing TICs, have been described. A focus on the metabolic and bioenergetic di erences between TICs and less aggressive di erentiated cancer cells has thereby emerged as a promising strategy to specifically target the tumorigenic cell compartment. Extrinsic factors, such as nutrient availability or tumor hypoxia, are known to influence the metabolic state of TICs. In this review, we aim to summarize the current knowledge on environmental stress factors and how they a ect the metabolism of TICs, with a special focus on microRNA (miRNA)- and hypoxia-induced e ects on colon TICs

    Loss of Myosin Vb in colorectal cancer is a strong prognostic factor for disease recurrence

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    Background: Selecting the most beneficial treatment regimens for colorectal cancer (CRC) patients remains challenging due to a lack of prognostic markers. Members of the Myosin family, proteins recognized to play a major role in trafficking and polarization of cells, have recently been reported to be closely associated with several types of cancer and might thus serve as potential prognostic markers in the context of CRC. Methods: We used a previously established meta-analysis of publicly available gene expression data to analyse the expression of different members of the Myosin V family, namely MYO5A, 5B, and 5C, in CRC. Using laser-microdissected material as well as tissue microarrays from paired human CRC samples, we validated both RNA and protein expression of MYO5B and its known adapter proteins (RAB8A and RAB25) in an independent patient cohort. Finally, we assessed the prognostic value of both MYO5B and its adapter-coupled combinatorial gene expression signatures. Results: The meta-analysis as well as an independent patient cohort study revealed a methylation-independent loss of MYO5B expression in CRC that matched disease progression. Although MYO5B mutations were identified in a small number of patients, these cannot be solely responsible for the common down-regulation observed in CRC patients. Significantly, CRC patients with low MYO5B expression displayed shorter overall, disease- and metastasis-free survival, a trend that was further reinforced when RAB8A expression was also taken into account. Conclusions: Our data identifies MYO5B as a powerful prognostic biomarker in CRC, especially in early stages (stages I and II), which might help stratifying patients with stage II for adjuvant chemotherapy

    Hypoxia-induced Autophagy Drives Colorectal Cancer Initiation and Progression by Activating the PRKC/PKC-EZR (Ezrin) Pathway

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    In solid tumors, cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor-initiating cells (TICs) are often found in hypoxic niches. Nevertheless, the influence of hypoxia on TICs is poorly understood. Using previously established, TIC-enriched patient-derived colorectal cancer (CRC) cultures, we show that hypoxia increases the self-renewal capacity of TICs while inducing proliferation arrest in their more differentiated counterpart cultures. Gene expression data revealed macroautophagy/autophagy as one of the major pathways induced by hypoxia in TICs. Interestingly, hypoxia-induced autophagy was found to induce phosphorylation of EZR (ezrin) at Thr567 residue, which could be reversed by knocking down ATG5, BNIP3, BNIP3L, or BECN1. Furthermore, we identified PRKCA/PKCα as a potential kinase involved in hypoxia-induced autophagy-mediated TIC self-renewal. Genetic targeting of autophagy or pharmacological inhibition of PRKC/PKC and EZR resulted in decreased tumor-initiating potential of TICs. In addition, we observed significantly reduced in vivo tumor initiation and growth after a stable knockdown of ATG5. Analysis of human CRC samples showed that p-EZR is often present in TICs located in the hypoxic and autophagic regions of the tumor. Altogether, our results establish the hypoxia-autophagy-PKC-EZR signaling axis as a novel regulatory mechanism of TIC self-renewal and CRC progression. Autophagy inhibition might thus represent a promising therapeutic strategy for cancer patients

    Integrated In Vitro and In Silico Modeling Delineates the Molecular Effects of a Synbiotic Regimen on Colorectal-Cancer-Derived Cells

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    By modulating the human gut microbiome, prebiotics and probiotics (combinations of which are called synbiotics) may be used to treat diseases such as colorectal cancer (CRC). Methodological limitations have prevented determining the potential combina- torial mechanisms of action of such regimens. We expanded our HuMiX gut-on-a-chip model to co-culture CRC-derived epithelial cells with a model probiotic under a simulated prebiotic regimen, and we integrated the multi-omic results with in silico metabolic modeling. In contrast to individual prebi- otic or probiotic treatments, the synbiotic regimen caused downregulation of genes involved in procarci- nogenic pathways and drug resistance, and reduced levels of the oncometabolite lactate. Distinct ratios of organic and short-chain fatty acids were produced during the simulated regimens. Treatment of primary CRC-derived cells with a molecular cocktail reflecting the synbiotic regimen attenuated self-renewal ca- pacity. Our integrated approach demonstrates the potential of modeling for rationally formulating synbi- otics-based treatments in the future

    MicroRNA regulation of hypoxia-induced tumorigenicity and metastatic potential of colon tumor-initiating cells

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    The initiaton and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC), which is the second most common cause of cancer mortality in Western countries, are driven by a subpopulation of highly tumorigenic cells, known as cancer stem cells or tumor-initiating cells (TICs). These self-renewing TICs are, to a large extent, responsible for therapy resistance, cancer recurrence, and metastasis formation. TICs are known to extensively interact with their microenvironment and can be influenced by various extrinsic factors, such as inflammatory signaling or tumor hypoxia. Previous expression profiling studies have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in the regulation of CRC inititation and metastatic progression. Moreover, specifc miRNAs have been identified as potential mediators of the cellular response to hypoxia. On the other hand, the molecular mechanisms that link hypoxia, miRNA expression, colon TIC regulation, and CRC progression, remain poorly understood. Thus, the main objectives of this work were to analyze the effects of hypoxia on the miRNA expression of colon TICs and to identify miRNAs that regulate metastasis initiation. In a first phase, we generated and thoroughly characterized different stable TIC-enriched spheroid cultures (SCs), both from CRC cell lines and from primary patient material. Each established SC was thereby shown to display key TIC properties, including substantial plasticity, in vitro and in vivo self-renewal capacity and, most importantly, extensive tumorigenic potential. Moreover, the individual SCs displayed increased chemoresistance capacity, compared to adherent counterpart cultures. Taken together, we could demonstrate that the spheroid system is a suitable model to study colon TICs, thereby laying the methodological foundation for the following subparts of this project. In a second step, we studied the influence of hypoxia on the miRNA expression profile of our established SCs. MiR-210-3p was thereby identified as the miRNA with the strongest response to hypoxia. Importantly, both hypoxic culture conditions and stable overexpression of miR-210 were shown to promote in vitro and in vivo self-renewal capacity of our colon TIC-enriched cultures. Moreover, by promoting lactate production and by repressing mitochondrial respiration, miR-210 was found to trigger the metabolic reprogramming of colon TICs towards a glycolytic and aggressive phenotype. Finally, we studied the role of miRNAs in the context of TIC-driven metastasis formation. By comparing primary tumor- and lymph node metastasis-derived SCs, we were able to identify the miR-371~373 cluster as an important regulator of tumorigenic and metastatic potential. Stable overexpression of the entire miR-371~373 cluster, followed by gene and protein expression analysis, enabled us to uncover the transforming growth factor beta receptor II (TGF-βRII) and the inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (Id1) as miR-371~373 cluster-responsive proteins. Most importantly, different sphere, tumor, and metastasis formation assays revealed that the miR-371~373/TGF-βRII/Id1 signaling axis regulates the self-renewal capacity and metastatic colonization potential of colon TICs. Taken together, our findings emphasize the strong plasticity of colon TICs and clearly illustrate that miRNAs can act as potent modulators of essential TIC properties. Accordingly, we could show that miR-210 and the miR-371~373 cluster are involved in metabolic reprogramming of TICs and in the regulation of metastasis formation, respectively. Altogether, our study contributes to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that drive TIC-induced tumor progression and may provide indications for interesting miRNA biomarker candidates and target molecules for future TIC-specific therapies

    Hypoxia- and MicroRNA-Induced Metabolic Reprogramming of Tumor-Initiating Cells

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC), the second most common cause of cancer mortality in the Western world, is a highly heterogeneous disease that is driven by a rare subpopulation of tumorigenic cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs) or tumor-initiating cells (TICs). Over the past few years, a plethora of different approaches, aimed at identifying and eradicating these self-renewing TICs, have been described. A focus on the metabolic and bioenergetic differences between TICs and less aggressive differentiated cancer cells has thereby emerged as a promising strategy to specifically target the tumorigenic cell compartment. Extrinsic factors, such as nutrient availability or tumor hypoxia, are known to influence the metabolic state of TICs. In this review, we aim to summarize the current knowledge on environmental stress factors and how they affect the metabolism of TICs, with a special focus on microRNA (miRNA)- and hypoxia-induced effects on colon TICs

    What Do We Learn from Spheroid Culture Systems? Insights from Tumorspheres Derived from Primary Colon Cancer Tissue.

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    Due to their self-renewal and tumorigenic properties, tumor-initiating cells (TICs) have been hypothesized to be important targets for colorectal cancer (CRC). However the study of TICs is hampered by the fact that the identification and culturing of TICs is still a subject of extensive debate. Floating three-dimensional spheroid cultures (SC) that grow in serum-free medium supplemented with growth factors are supposed to be enriched in TICs. We generated SC from fresh clinical tumor specimens and compared them to SC isolated from CRC cell-lines as well as to adherent differentiated counterparts. Patient-derived SC display self-renewal capacity and can induce serial transplantable tumors in immuno-deficient mice, which phenotypically resemble the tumor of origin. In addition, the original tumor tissue and established SC retain several similar CRC-relevant mutations. Primary SC express key stemness proteins such as SOX2, OCT4, NANOG and LGR5 and importantly show increased chemoresistance ability compared to their adherent differentiated counterparts and to cell line-derived SC. Strikingly, cells derived from spheroid or adherent differentiating culture conditions displayed similar self-renewal capacity and equally formed tumors in immune-deficient mice, suggesting that self-renewal and tumor-initiation capacity of TICs is not restricted to phenotypically immature spheroid cells, which we describe to be highly plastic and able to reacquire stem-cell traits even after long differentiation processes. Finally, we identified two genes among a sphere gene expression signature that predict disease relapse in CRC patients. Here we propose that SC derived from fresh patient tumor tissue present interesting phenotypic features that may have clinical relevance for chemoresistance and disease relapse and therefore represent a valuable tool to test for new CRC-therapies that overcome drug resistance

    Tumor suppressor miR-215 counteracts hypoxia-induced colon cancer stem cell activity

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    Cancer stem cells, also known as tumor-initiating cells (TICs), are a population of aggressive and self-renewing cells that are responsible for the initiation and progression of many cancers, including colorectal carcinoma. Intratumoral hypoxia, i.e. reduced oxygen supply following uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells, is thought to support TIC activity by inducing specific hypoxia-responsive mechanisms that are not yet entirely understood. Using previously established and fully characterized patient-derived TIC cultures, we could observe increased sphere and colony formation under hypoxic conditions. Mechanistically, microRNA (miRNA)-profiling experiments allowed us to identify miR-215 as one of the main hypoxia-induced miRNAs in primary colon TICs. Through stable overexpression of miR-215, followed by a set of functional in vitro and in vivo investigations, miR-215 was pinpointed as a negative feedback regulator, working against the TIC-promoting effects of hypoxia. Furthermore, we could single out LGR5, a bona fide marker of non-neoplastic intestinal stem cells, as a downstream target of hypoxia/miR-215 signaling. The strong tumor- and TIC-suppressor potential of miR-215 and the regulatory role of the hypoxia/miR-215/LGR5 axis may thus represent interesting points of attack for the development of innovative anti-CSC therapy approaches

    Hypoxia-responsive miR-210 promotes self-renewal capacity of colon tumor-initiating cells by repressing ISCU and by inducing lactate production

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    Low oxygen concentrations (hypoxia) are known to affect the cellular metabolism and have been suggested to regulate a subpopulation of cancer cells with tumorigenic properties, the so-called tumor-initiating cells (TICs). To better understand the mechanism of hypoxia-induced TIC activation, we set out to study the role of hypoxia-responsive miRNAs in recently established colon cancer patientderived TICs. We were able to show that low oxygen concentrations consistently lead to the upregulation of miR-210 in different primary TIC-enriched cultures. Both stable overexpression of miR-210 and knockdown of its target gene ISCU resulted in enhanced TIC self-renewal. We could validate the tumorigenic properties of miR- 210 in in vivo experiments by showing that ectopic expression of miR-210 results in increased tumor incidence. Furthermore, enhanced miR-210 expression correlated with reduced TCA cycle activity and increased lactate levels. Importantly, by blocking lactate production via inhibition of LDHA, we could reverse the promoting effect of miR-210 on self-renewal capacity, thereby emphasizing the regulatory impact of the glycolytic phenotype on colon TIC properties. Finally, by assessing expression levels in patient tissue, we could demonstrate the clinical relevance of the miR-210/ISCU signaling axis for colorectal carcinoma. Taken together, our study highlights the importance of hypoxia-induced miR-210 in the regulation of colon cancer initiation