332 research outputs found

    Analisis Cadangan Devisa Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between variables export, import, and exchange rate against Foreign Exchange Reserves in Indonesia. The data used in the empirical study of a sequence of data monthly time of year 2011.01 through 2014.12 from Bank Indonesia and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The analysis tool used is Auto Regression Vector Model (VAR). The results of this study indicate that the one-way relationship between the variables of foreign reserves and export. Then one-way relationship between exchange rate and exports. Lastly, there is a two-way relationship between imports and foreign exchange reserves, two-way relationship between exchange rate and foreign exchange reserves, two-way relationship between imports and exports, two-way relationship between the exchange rate and imports. The results also showed foreign exchange reserves are significantly influenced by the movement itself at a probability of 1 %. Export variable negative and not significantly affect the foreign exchange reserves. While imports of positive and not significant to the foreign exchange reserves. Foreign Exchange Reserves Indonesia is positively influenced by the exchange rate and not significant

    Peningkatan Kemandirian Belajar melalui Pembelajaran Sastra Nusantara Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter Tanggung Jawab

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pencapaian dan peningkatan kemandirian belajar sastra nusantara mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis pendidikan karakter tanggung jawab. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriftif kualitatif dengan bentuk penelitian tindakan kelas.Hasil penelitian memperoleh peningkatan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa melalui pendidikan karakter tanggung jawab. Hal ini dilihat berdasarkan nilai peningkatan dari hasil analisis lembar observasi kemandirian belajar mahasiswa yang mengalami peningkatan. Dilihat dari hasil belajar mahasiswa mata kuliah sastra nusantara. Adapun rata-rata kemandirian belajar mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan dari 63,57% dengan kategori baik di siklus I menjadi 81,34% pada kategori baik sekali di siklus II. Sehingga pada siklus II persentase setiap aspek kemandirian pada hasil observasi memenuhi indikator keberhasilan

    Pretubulysin derived probes as novel tools for monitoring the microtubule network via activity-based protein profiling and fluorescence microscopy

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    Microtubules (mt) are highly dynamic polymers composed of alpha- and beta-tubulin monomers that are present in all dividing and non-dividing cells. A broad variety of natural products exists that are known to interfere with the microtubule network, by either stabilizing or de-stabilizing these rope-like polymers. Among those tubulysins represent a new and potent class of cytostatic tetrapeptides originating from myxobacteria. Early studies suggested that tubulysins interact with the eukaryotic cytoskeleton by inhibition of tubulin polymerization with EC50 values in the picomolar range. Recently, pretubulysins have been described to retain the high tubulindegradation activity of their more complex tubulysin relatives and represent an easier synthetic target with an efficient synthesis already in place. Although tubulin has been suggested as the dedicated target of tubulysin a comprehensive molecular target analysis of pretubulysin in the context of the whole proteome has not been carried out so far. Here we utilize synthetic chemistry to develop two pretubulysin photoaffinity probes which were applied in cellular activity-based protein profiling and imaging studies in order to unravel and visualize dedicated targets. Our results clearly show a remarkable selectivity of pretubulysin for beta-tubulin which we independently confirmed by a mass-spectrometry based proteomic profiling platform as well as by tubulin antibody based co-staining on intact cells

    Stressor Pemicu Asma pada Penderita Asma

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    Legal Protection of Geographical Indications Concerning Nira Water in Dolog Huluan Village Dolog Masagal Pematang Raya District

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    Geographical Indication Protection aims to protect the uniqueness of a region's products, such as producers from certain regions which are famous for their sap water. usually they do not protect the quality of their regional products. This can open the door for other manufacturers in different locations to produce similar products and claim that their products come from the same area or have the same quality, when in fact they do not The Mini Research Assignment for Group 1 from class A PPKn stambuk 2021 is entitled: "Legal Protection of Geographical Indications for Nira Water in Dolog Haluan Village, Dolog Masagal District, Pematang Raya" The results of this observation will hopefully provide a better understanding of the effectiveness of the geographical indication law in protecting and promoting sap water in the Pematang Raya area. This research aims to understand the role of geographical indication laws in protecting and promoting sap water from the Pematang Raya area. This Mini Research uses normative empirical research methods with a qualitative descriptive approach. &nbsp


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    One of the impact of pandemic Covid 19 in education is the learning lose. The learning lose mean that the student loss the education and skill in academic progress during almost two years the closure of face to face instruction.  One solution that can minimalize the learning lose during the closure of face to face instruction is to give the students in school the tuition classes. In this article, we make the tuition classes after the school time as a community dedication from FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan to SD Negeri 177923 Parikmatia, Tapanuli Utara, SUMUT from February 2 nd to 26 th, 2022. The tuition classes used student Oriented learning method by six students and one lecturer. The program has held successful where the students behave great benefits by the enhancing their competence in literacy and numeracy
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