18 research outputs found

    Відкритість економік: фактори, показники та переваги

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    In de 'Kennismontage Hitte en Klimaat in de Stad' is een overzicht gemaakt van de huidige kennis rond de thema’s ‘stedelijk hitte-eiland’ en ‘hittestress’ relevant voor de uitvoeringspraktijk. De kennismontage is uitgevoerd door het Climate Proof Cities consortium in opdracht van de Alliantie Klimaatbestendige Steden, een samenwerkingsverband tussen de vier grote steden (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht) en het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu. De kennismontage dient als informatiebasis voor de gemeenteambtenaar die met het thema hitte in de stad aan de slag wil

    Влияние криоаппликации на фрактальную организацию ультраструктуры мягких тканей пародонта в зоне деструкции и пенумбра

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    Методами электронной, оптической, лазерной микроскопии в сочетании с компьютерной морфометрией доказана морфологическая информативность фрактальной размерности для оценки общего состояния тканей ротовой полости. Показано, что применение дозированного криовоздействия ведет к усилению трансцитоза, повышению лабильности, фрактализации ультраструктурных элементов гематосаливарного барьера.Методами електронної, оптичної, лазерної мікроскопії в поєднанні з комп’ютерною морфометрією доведена морфологічна інформативність фрактальної розмірності для оцінки загального стану тканин ротової порожнини. Показано, що застосування дозованого кріовпливу веде до посилення трансцитозу, підвищення лабільності, фракталізації ультраструктурних елементів гематосаліварного бар’єра.With the methods of electron, optical, laser microscopy in combination with computer morphometry there has been proved morphological informativeness of fractal dimensions to estimate a general state of the tissue of oral cavity. It has been shown that the application of dosed cryoeffect leads to the strengthening of trans-cytosis, increase in lability, fractalization of ultra-thin elements of hematosalivary barrier

    Stimuli for municipal responses to climate adaptation: insights from Philadelphia – an early adapter

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    An in-depth understanding of these stimuli is currently lacking in literature as most research has focussed on overcoming barriers to climate adaptation. The aim of this paper is to identify stimuli for municipal responses to climate adaptation and examine how they influence the governance approach to addressing climate adaptation through explorative case study research. Fort this, an early adapter was selected as case: Philadelphia (USA). By reconstructing the organization of two municipal responses to climate adaptation in this city, we have been able to identify stimuli and gain insight in the city’s governance approach. The reconstruction is based on data triangulation that consists of semi-structured interviews with actors involved in these responses, policy documents and newspaper articles. The research illustrates the importance of stimuli such as strategically framing climate adaptation within wider urban agendas, political leadership and institutional entrepreneurs. Moreover the research reveals that it is the combination of stimuli that influences the governance approach to climate adaptation. Some stimuli will trigger a dedicated approach to climate adaptation, while others initiate a mainstreaming approach. This research is important especially to municipalities to recognize stimuli within their own (policy) context and subsequently, make informed decisions to exploit all or some of these stimuli to initiate a governance approach to climate adaptation

    Amsterdam Rainproof : Regen – een verbindende waarde

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    In Amsterdam is wateroverlast door regenwater zeldzaam. Dat komt door een goed functionerend rioolstelsel en de vele grachten en sloten. Als gevolg van klimaatverandering komen hevige buien vaker voor, terwijl tegelijkertijd de stad verdicht: hoe rainproof – oftewel regenbestendig – is de stad dan? Moeten burgers accepteren dat zij vaker natte voeten krijgen of kan Amsterdam zich aanpassen

    Mainstreaming climate adaptation into urban planning: overcoming barriers, seizing opportunities and evaluating the results in two Dutch case studies

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    With cities facing climate change, climate adaptation is necessary to reduce risks such as heat stress and flooding and maintain the goals of sustainable urban development. In climate change literature, the focus has been on developing a new dedicated policy domain for climate adaptation. Yet, empirical evidence shows that in practice actors are searching for solutions that not only serve climate adaptation, but integrate the adaptation objective in existing policy domains (e.g., urban planning, water management, public health). The integration of adaptation in other policy domains, also called “mainstreaming climate adaptation,” can stimulate the effectiveness of policy making through combining objectives, increase efficient use of human and financial resources and ensure long-term sustainable investments. A better understanding of the process of mainstreaming is, however, lacking. The article introduces a conceptual model for mainstreaming climate adaptation to enhance our understanding of the concept as well as the barriers and opportunities that influence these integration processes and to explore strategies for overcoming barriers and creating opportunities. Two Dutch case studies—related to urban planning—are used to illustrate the value of the model. The cases demonstrate the dynamic process of mainstreaming and raise discussion of the appropriate criteria for evaluating mainstreaming in relation to the aims of climate adaptation. The paper concludes with an exploration of specific strategies to facilitate the mainstreaming of adaptation in existing and new policy domains

    Mainstreaming climate adaptation: taking stock about "what works" from empirical research worldwide

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    Adaptation to a changing climate is unavoidable. Mainstreaming climate adaptation objectives into existing policies, as opposed to developing dedicated adaptation policy, is widely advocated for public action. However, knowledge on what makes mainstreaming effective is scarce and fragmented. Against this background, this paper takes stock of peer-reviewed empirical analyses of climate adaptation mainstreaming, in order to assess current achievements and identify the critical factors that render mainstreaming effective. The results show that although in most cases adaptation policy outputs are identified, only in a minority of cases this translates into policy outcomes. This B implementation gapis most strongly seen in developing countries. However, when it comes to the effectiveness of outcomes, we found no difference across countries. We conclude that more explicit definitions and unified frameworks for adaptation mainstreaming research are required to allow for future research synthesesand well-informed policy recommendations.<br/

    Професор Я.С. Голодрига – фундатор генетичних основ селекції винограду (до 90-річчя від дня народження)

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    Поточного року виповнилося б 90 років Павлу Яковичу Голодри зі – видатному вченому-селекціонеру, генетику й фізіологу, доктору біологічних наук, професору, лауреатові премі ї ім . В.Я. Юр’єва НАН України, одному із засновників і активному членові Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів ім . М.І. Вавилова, неймовірній за моральними масштабами особистості