19 research outputs found
Konspirituaalsus koroonakriisis
The corona crisis brought to the fore otherwise hidden world views in society. Among those protesting on social media or in the streets against the state-applied measures to control the spread of coronavirus, there seemed to be a proportionately high number of people whose attitudes and lifestyles are shaped by conspiracy theories and/or new spirituality. In social media groups, corona issues generated heated debates and led to conflicts and formations of new groups and communities. In the following overview, I will highlight some of the key dynamics and elements of an anti-corona conspiritual field where the new spirituality environment and conspiracy theoretic thinking and information consumption come together. I offer some answers to the questions about conspirituality: what it is, why it has emerged and become increasingly visible
Inglid ja Inglipesa internetifoorum uue vaimsuse kandjate ja legitimeerijatena
The article observes angels as figures important for the contemporary spiritual milieu. The article focuses on an Estonian spiritual Internet forum, The Nest of Angels, and demonstrates how angels help to share virtual social support and create/confirm spiritual meanings. The forum, explicitly opposing the consumerist side of new spirituality, has become popular and demonstrates the nature and various roles of contemporary spiritual angels. Angels constitute a salient example of a recent religious change, becoming the symbols of human-centeredness and this-worldliness of modern religiosity. By asking why angels and why in the internet environment, the study identifies two main modes in which the Nest and the presence of angels have found their place in peopleâs lives. Firstly, emotional support is shared, either by fellow users directly or by confirmations that angels will definitely help. Secondly, the Nest allows people to acquire knowledge both on spiritual and practical issues. As the Nest is dialogical, users can pose questions and find confirmations for their otherwise deviant experiences. Discussions in the Nest encourage everybody to interpret some situations and objects (like feathers) as signs from angels. This interpreting process might change peopleâs perceptions of the world by adding a layer of positive emotions. The study demonstrates how the angelic presence (or at least endeavour towards the presence) helps to establish and keep the tonality of benevolence, which functions as the cornerstone of this virtual space. The ideology of the Nest and the community interactions support âconnected knowledgeâ: being empathic, intuitive, and individualistic. As a rule, commenters do not aim to challenge diverging views (common elsewhere in Internet communication), but attempt to understand and support each other. The trustful virtual relationships actualise the influence and the authority of people similar to users themselves, and increase distrust towards traditional authorities, especially those that do not accept peopleâs free choice and subjectivism. Therefore, although quite opposite to a feminist empowerment ideology, new spirituality and angels support a subjective feeling of self-confidence that is framed with âfeminineâ softness. In addition to active moderation and the strongly perceived normativity of keeping the place âhigh-vibrationalâ, the angels themselves are guardians and guarantors of this intimacy, so knowledge and emotional support can be shared. The angelsâ divine nature supports people directly, but more importantly, makes them speak in a language of goodness and guarantees that fellow users, although not real angels, are trying to be at least slightly angel-like. Angels as symbolic figures unite power and benevolence; they legitimise values and epistemological positions characteristic to the milieu of new spirituality
Religioossus kui kultuuriline tööriistakast: Eesti uue vaimsuse analĂŒĂŒs
VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Ăha suurem osa religioossetest nĂ€htustest jÀÀb LÀÀne sekulaarsetes ĂŒhiskondades vĂ€ljapoole institutsionaalseid religioone. Enamik Eestis levinud religioosseid vĂ”i vaimseid uskumusi ja praktikaid ei kuulu otseselt ĂŒhegi religiooni alla â neid toetab New Ageâi subkultuurist vĂ€lja kasvanud uue vaimsuse keskkond. Et taoliste Ă”petuste jĂ€rgmine ei eelda pĂŒsivat kuulumist kogudusse vĂ”i gruppi ning Ă”petused ise hĂ”lmavad vĂ€ga erinevaid valdkondi, on uut vaimsust vĂ€ga keeruline mÀÀratleda vĂ”i analĂŒĂŒsida lĂ€htudes tavapĂ€rastest religiooni indikaatoritest nagu uskumused, kuuluvus ja religioossed praktikad.
Doktoritöös vaatlen uue vaimsuse keskkonda eelkĂ”ige kui ĂŒht allikat, mis pakub erinevaid kultuurilisi tööriistu nii maailma mĂ”testamiseks kui ka konkreetsete probleemide nagu haiguse vĂ”i töökaotuse puhul abi ja toetuse saamiseks. Taolised kultuurilised tööriistad vĂ”ivad olla nii abstraktsemad vÀÀrtused, tĂ€hendused (sh ka eksistentsiaalse maailmakorralduse kohta) aga ka nĂ€iteks spetsiifilised tehnikad vĂ”i rituaalid nĂ€iteks ârahaĂ”nneâ kasvatamiseks vĂ”i âaja maha vĂ”tmiseksâ. Uue vaimsuse keskkonnas osalemine ei pea olema jĂ€rjepidev, Ă”petusi kasutatakse vajaduse tekkimisel. Uue vaimsuse tegeliku ĂŒhiskondliku ja kultuurilise tĂ€henduse tabamiseks tuleb analĂŒĂŒsi kaasata ka neid, kel on ehk vaid mĂ”ningad (latentsed) uskumused ning ĂŒleĂŒldine valmisolek Ă”petuste poole pöörduda. Töös pakun vĂ€lja mudeli, mis kaardistab inimeste valmisolekut vĂ”i kalduvust uue vaimsuse keskkonnast pĂ€rit lahendusi kasutada.
Ăpetuste jĂ€rgima hakkamine ei ole instrumentaalne tarbimine, kus otsus langetatakse puhtalt nĂ€iteks hinna vm âtoote omadusteâ alusel. Uue vaimsuse keskkonnas peetakse kĂ”ige olulisemaks isiklikku kogemust, mis kinnitab igaĂŒhele personaalselt Ă”petuse tĂ”evÀÀrtuse ja toimivuse. Olulist rolli mĂ€ngib siiski ka laiem tĂ€henduslik foon, mis loob valmisoleku ning tekitab âtĂ”elisuse auraâ, mis paneb inimesi vaimseid lahendusi ja tehnikaid piisavalt usaldama, et neid ise jĂ€rele proovida. Uus vaimsus levib peamiselt interneti, meedia, raamatute toel. Taoliste levikukanalite efektiivsus nĂ€itab, et tavaline kasutajakogemus on (virtuaalsete) vĂ”rgustike toel muutunud ĂŒha olulisemaks Ă”petuste kandjaks ja neile usaldusvÀÀrsuse loojaks. Individuaalseid valikuid tĂ€htsustava religioossuse kandjana on mitteformaalsed vĂ”rgustikud traditsioonilistest institutsioonidest (nagu kirik) isegi efektiivsemad.Under the umbrella of New Age-based spirituality, a series of fuzzy and disguised forms of contemporary religious phenomena are grouped. This dissertation traces how the Estonian spiritual âmilieuâ functions as a source of cultural tools (namely, spiritual knowledge or practices). Given the situational and low-intensity involvement of new spirituality practitioners, concepts such as belief(s) or belonging, commonly used in the study of religions, are inadequate to grasp the full scope of new spirituality. Based on their previous experiences, knowledge, and social contacts people position themselves differently in relation to spiritual tools and values. Inclination to new spirituality indicates the potential willingness of a person to use a spiritual âtoolkitâ and therefore characterizes the personâs mental disposition towards using spiritual solutions. For example, people who have some (generally latent) beliefs in spiritual phenomena and a theoretical willingness to try spiritual solutions could be described as weakly inclined â which is likely the most common position for Estonians.
Using spiritual tools (teachings, practices) requires some degree of practical and attitudinal preparedness and initial willingness to start applying the solutions that the spiritual milieu offers. Turning to spiritual/religious solutions and becoming involved in new spirituality is a multi-layered process involving finding general credibility and then seeking individual confirmations through personal (often bodily) experiences. In the context of weak primary socialization into religions and the presence of hostile public representations, this support is provided by spiritual events or by personal or mediated guidance (internet pages, books, consultations). As informal networks play an increasingly prominent role in disseminating spirituality, the categories of âdominantâ and âvernacularâ religion are losing their relevance. Religious participation is based on new types of institutions â network based and less centrally organized but still structured by implicit internal rules, normativity and power relations. The lines between âsoftâ and âhardâ or âalternativeâ and âdominantâ are blurred; commonly, the informal networks have a stronger impact on peopleâs beliefs and behaviours than religious institutions such as churches
Lapsed ja tarbimisĂŒhiskond: Eesti lapsevanemate kĂ€sitlused
There has been no research on the topics related to parents' opinions on their
children's consuming habits in Estonia before. Marketing that targets children is as a
whole a new branch of study in Estonia on account of which the present BA thesis can
be seen as conceptional.
Therefore almost half of this paper is dedicated to giving an overview of earlier
thoretical treatments and research. The empirical part of my work consists of
conclusions made on the qualitative text analysis of in-depth interviews with 11
parents and describes their viewpoints.
From one side it was necessary to study parents' standpoints for practical reasons. The
questions how to protect children or how to regulate marketing that is targeted on
children are relevant for Estonian society and regarding the increasing pressure of
marketing, become even more relevant in due time.
That is where the parents have an important role, for they largely shape the
consuming habits of children and the formal methods of any kind (laws or the code of
ethics of marketing) are never effective enough to protect children. The results of the
present work can also be used to compile materials and lectures for parents.
On the other hand, different articles on marketing for children express certain broader
attitudes towards consuming culture that is more widely a subject of social way of
thinking. For adults, children's position is special and describing children works as an
indicator of a wider social thinking.
One of the main focuses in this work is the parents' view on the position of subjects
that are placed in the triangle of child, marketing and the parent. In general, there
dominated a pattern where marketing was seen as manipulative and hazardous for
children. At the same time, it was not regarded as a serious problem because of the
important protective-pedagogical influence of parents. The effect of marketing is also
described in a rather simplified manner, it seems that the prototypes of advertising are the washing powder commercials produced for Eastern European market. Therefore
parents might not even consider the typical complicated marketing materials as direct
Secondly this paper focuses on perceptions of the symbolic values of consumption
and opportunities to cope with cognitive tensions when the parents' resources were
limited (in the state of deprivation). Empirical results brought forth dominating
pattern of ârationalâ consumption, parents admitted unfilled needs of their children
but as a rule these were seen as unimportant and marginal.
In general there is the detectable ambivalence in viewpoints, which were influenced
by strong cognition of social norms and overall scarce awareness. Parents with higher
tensions showed more considered and protective attitudes.
This topic certainly needs further research in Estonia, especially with an aim to draw
representative conclusions
Lapsed ja pered tarbimisĂŒhiskonnas: Eesti emade kĂ€sitlused
Numerous multidisciplinary approaches to children in the context of consumer society may be
seen both in academic and public debates. The diversity of views derives from different
sources. Firstly, children can be described from liberal or protectionist positions. Secondly,
there are different viewpoints of the consumption process, which also involves different
practices like shopping or using up the products.
The first and most important task of this thesis was to give an analytical overview of the
approaches among Estonian mothers concerning children and consumption, since despite of
many researches, we do not find enough qualitative analyses of the parentsâ representations.
Therefore, I conducted 12 in-depth interviews with Estonian mothers of children aged
between 5 and 15 and used also 11 interviews with similar structure carried out as research for
my Bachelorâs thesis (Uibu 2005).
The research showed that the approaches of Estonian mothers can be characterized by the
ambivalence, shaped by various factors. In addition to different representations of the topic,
personal involvement is relevant: if consumption has not directly caused any problems, the
parents do not pay much attention to it. Although the attitudes of Estonian mothers are
generally protectionist as suggested by the previous research (e.g. Pellja 1998) criticism
towards consumption and marketing mostly remains on the level of daily consumption.
Children may be manipulable, but the results of the manipulation are not perceived as a real
danger. Mothers whose aim is to protect their children do not see the more critical influences
of the fast-developing consumer society like childrenâs exclusion from peer groups or
bullying based on consumption possibilities.
The second research question focused on how mothers perceive the pressures which
supposedly occur within the process of consumption. The problems vary in different age
groups: the mothers of younger children described the conflict situations in the shop and the
necessity to educate and explain, with older children, peer pressure becomes major concern.
Clearly, the most crucial of the tensions perceived by the parents is the influence of peers,
widely discussed as âpeer pressureâ. For example, mothers of pre-school children clearly state
the fear of forthcoming school.
The research also showed an interesting pattern of social comparison with the richer families,
who, according to mothersâ explanations, may win the battle in the field of consumption, but
are definitely losing on emotional and pedagogical fields. âRationalâ consumption pattern is
seen as normatively pedagogical with strong depreciation of hedonistic âover-consumptionâ
discourse. Mothers emphasize that the expenditures should be controlled and limited even if
there is an opportunity to spend more. Paradoxically, the value of consumption reveals itself
rather in deprived situations.
In Estonian context, significant changes in the society give a good opportunity to the mothers
to compare todayâs children with their own childhood, bringing in interesting tendencies. For
example, mothers note that rich consumption society has decreased the (symbolic) value of a
single product. The parents also bring out the problem that the childrenâs creative ability to
play and come up with games themselves has decreased.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4037412*es
Keha tÀhenduse ja rolli muutumine: kÀsitlused eesti uue vaimsuse Ôpetustes ja nende jÀrgijate seas
As an ongoing tendency in Western cultures the body has gained more importance both in mundane and transcendent issues. Contrary to the Christian (and, in Estonian context, especially Lutheran) understandings of body and flesh as obstacles, âspiritual approach makes the body itself the site of the sacred: the contemporary person relates to transcendence and the divine on the basis of the experience of his/her own bodyâ (Giordan 2009: 233). Physical dimension is also an important element for Estonian spiritual practitioners. For instance, popular practices like yoga or taijiquan, although in Western forms taken often as mere physical training, cultivate different body perception and lead to a spiritual experience through physical means. Participation in alternative medical and spiritual practices increases peopleâs bodily awareness, making the body more âpresentâ. The practices of new spirituality often emphasise the role of the body and its sensations. For example, in some teachings, the body has something that can be seen as its own âconsciousnessâ and/or âlanguageâ, which mediates the âinnerâ and ânaturalâ knowledge. Practitioners try to establish a dialogue with the body, to hear its voice and interpret its signs properly. The body is seen as an âintelligentâ partner, dissolving the rigid dualism of the mind as a conscious subject and the body as a material object. Based on fieldwork observations, in-depth interviews and conversations as well as an Internet-based questionnaire, the article observes the different roles that the body and body-communication take in the Estonian spiritual milieu. It is visible how spiritual practices lead to different body-awarenesses and conceptualisations of the body. New spirituality offers both physical means and specific meanings for novel embodied experiences and understandings of the role of the body
Lapsevanemate ja lapsevanemaks saavate inimeste arvamused, hoiakud ning tajutud infopuudus seoses sĂŒnnitusosakondade sulgemisega
Taust ja eesmĂ€rk. Avalik teadaanne Valga ja PĂ”lva sĂŒnnitusosakonna sulgemise otsuse kohta mĂ€rtsis 2018 tekitas Ă€gedaid vastureaktsioone nii kohalikes omavalitsustes, arstide seas kui ka kogukonnas. Uuringu eesmĂ€rk oli seoses tsentraliseerimisprotsessiga selgitada raseduse, sĂŒnnituse ja sĂŒnnitama minekuga seonduvaid arvamusi, hoiakuid, infovajadust ja -puudust. Uuringus selgitati, kuidas saavad vastajad aru avalikus diskussioonis kasutatud terminitest (nt kodulĂ€hedus ja turvalisus).
Metoodika. Uuringus osales 226 inimest, kes oli viimase aasta jooksul lapsevanemaks saanud vĂ”i saamas. Nad vastasid eFormulari keskkonnas kĂŒsimustikule. AndmeanalĂŒĂŒsis kasutati SPSSi ja MS Exceli tarkvara. Avatud vastused lĂ€bisid tekstianalĂŒĂŒsi.
Tulemused. Vastanud eelistavad infot saada erinevatest allikatest, sh tervishoiutöötajatelt. Kesksete mĂ”istete defineerimisel esineb erinevusi: turvalisust mĂ”istetakse nii personaalse lĂ€henemise kui ka meditsiinilise vĂ”imekusena, 72%-le vastajatest on kodulĂ€hedane kuni 20 km kaugusel asuv sĂŒnnituskoht. Ăldiselt hinnati informeeritust rasedusest, sĂŒnnitusest ja sĂŒnnitama minekust piisavaks. Avatud vastuste pĂ”hjal on suurim infopuudus seotud sĂŒnnitama minekuga: teave on segane ja vastuoluline. Puudub ka selgus, kuidas vĂ”ib kasutada kiirabiteenust.
JĂ€reldused. SĂŒnnitusosakondade tsentraliseerimisprotsessi planeerimine ja elluviimine eeldab kohaliku kogukonna sisulist kaasamist ning tĂ”husat kommunikatsiooni, sh lĂ€bimĂ”eldud sĂ”numit alternatiivide puhul
Teaduslikult alternatiivmeditsiinist
Oma tervise eest vastutuse vÔtmine soosib inimeste suurenenud teadlikkust, aga samas ka suurenenud julgust vÔtta vastu terviseotsuseid. Patsientide enesekindluse kasv lahenduste otsimisel oma terviseprobleemidele on viinud olukorrani, kus jÀrjest enam inimesi kasutab erinevaid tÀiend- ja alternatiivmeditsiini vahendeid, tooteid vÔi teenuseid. Artikli eesmÀrk on olemasoleva kirjanduse pÔhjal avada sotsiokultuurilisi tegureid, mis soodustavad alternatiivide kasutamist.
Ălevaates kasutatud allikatele tuginedes saab vĂ€ita, et peamised pĂ”hjused, mis ajendavad inimesi alternatiivmeditsiinist lahendusi otsima, on seotud kultuuriliste traditsioonidega (nt ravimtaimede kasutamisega), meditsiinilise pluralismi suurenemisega, neoliberaalse ootuse tĂ€itmisega, mis eeldab individuaalse vastutuse vĂ”tmist, ning infotarbimise harjumuste muutumisega. Ăhiskondliku arutelu tekkeks on vajalik kĂ”igi osapoolte kaasatus.
Eesti Arst 2018; 97(8):409â41
Lapsevanemate ja lapsevanemaks saavate inimeste arvamused, hoiakud ning tajutud infopuudus seoses sĂŒnnitusosakondade sulgemisega
Taust ja eesmĂ€rk. Avalik teadaanne Valga ja PĂ”lva sĂŒnnitusosakonna sulgemise otsuse kohta mĂ€rtsis 2018 tekitas Ă€gedaid vastureaktsioone nii kohalikes omavalitsustes, arstide seas kui ka kogukonnas. Uuringu eesmĂ€rk oli seoses tsentraliseerimisprotsessiga selgitada raseduse, sĂŒnnituse ja sĂŒnnitama minekuga seonduvaid arvamusi, hoiakuid, infovajadust ja -puudust. Uuringus selgitati, kuidas saavad vastajad aru avalikus diskussioonis kasutatud terminitest (nt kodulĂ€hedus ja turvalisus).
Metoodika. Uuringus osales 226 inimest, kes oli viimase aasta jooksul lapsevanemaks saanud vĂ”i saamas. Nad vastasid eFormulari keskkonnas kĂŒsimustikule. AndmeanalĂŒĂŒsis kasutati SPSSi ja MS Exceli tarkvara. Avatud vastused lĂ€bisid tekstianalĂŒĂŒsi.
Tulemused. Vastanud eelistavad infot saada erinevatest allikatest, sh tervishoiutöötajatelt. Kesksete mĂ”istete defineerimisel esineb erinevusi: turvalisust mĂ”istetakse nii personaalse lĂ€henemise kui ka meditsiinilise vĂ”imekusena, 72%-le vastajatest on kodulĂ€hedane kuni 20 km kaugusel asuv sĂŒnnituskoht. Ăldiselt hinnati informeeritust rasedusest, sĂŒnnitusest ja sĂŒnnitama minekust piisavaks. Avatud vastuste pĂ”hjal on suurim infopuudus seotud sĂŒnnitama minekuga: teave on segane ja vastuoluline. Puudub ka selgus, kuidas vĂ”ib kasutada kiirabiteenust.
JĂ€reldused. SĂŒnnitusosakondade tsentraliseerimisprotsessi planeerimine ja elluviimine eeldab kohaliku kogukonna sisulist kaasamist ning tĂ”husat kommunikatsiooni, sh lĂ€bimĂ”eldud sĂ”numit alternatiivide puhul
Elu tĂ”elise olemuse tunnetamine, moodsa aja religioon vĂ”i umbluu â uue vaimsuse erinevad nimetamis- ja kĂ€sitlusviisid Eestis
âSensing the True Being", "Modern Religion" or âNonsense": Naming and Understanding of New Spirituality in EstoniaWith the decline of traditional institutional religions in the Western secular societies, religiosity has emerged in a variety of individualized forms. Contemporary manifestations of individualistic spirituality challenge the researchers to find the accurate terms and concepts to name and describe the phenomena. Hie article focuses on the questions related to the Estonian term for ânew spiritualityâ. The study is based on the qualitative and quantitative survey material collected in 2014 using the internet questionnaire with 470 respondents, out of whom more than 96% were involved in spiritual milieu (e.g. practiced something spiritual like Reiki or meditation, or read spiritual books). Although the number of respondents who approved the term ânew spiritualityâ was surprisingly high (56%), the qualitative analysis of peopleâs opinions reveals the reluctance to the naming of spirituality and the tendency to prefer very wide and existential terms like âlife itselfâ, âself-creationâ or âtrue wisdomâ. The respondents expressed strongly the opposition for categorizing spirituality as a religion (less than 9% agree that new spirituality could be called like that). People saw spirituality as natural and intrinsic to human beings whereas religion brought out negative connotations, e.g. as being violent, forced, too narrow, and oppressive. Evidently, naming is a strategy both for proponents and opponents of spirituality. Therefore, the study demonstrates that the terminology about contemporary spirituality is not an instrumental issue but indicates the complexity ofchanging religiosity itself and the battles over the social meanings and the position of spirituality