9 research outputs found

    Anarchistische und patriotische Motive in Karel Tomans Lyrik (1902–1918)

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    Karel Toman started as a vagabond and anarchist poet, and accordingly the subjects of his lyrics were liberty, loneliness, need, and alienness. Turning away from his anarchistic way of life, the subjects changed, too: the war, the Czech land, the earth became new themes of his poems. In both stages, biblical motifs played a significant role

    Josef Štefan Kubíns Sammlung von Volkserzählungen aus dem Riesengebirgsvorland

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    In the first quarter of the 20th century, the Czech teacher J. St. Kubín collected far more than 1000 folktales of Czech countrymen, especially in the Giant Mountains. Kubín comprehended the orally passed on folktale as the genuine cultural tradition of ‘unsophisticated’ people. The narrator is the bearer of this tradition, which Kubín defends as autonomous and native against modernism and civic society. Different from Václav Tille, who claimed the literary written origin of folktales, Kubín emphasizes the oral tradition of the folktales. His rich collection shows the internationality of the types of the folktale

    Bulletin der deutschen Slavistik

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    Das Jahrbuch des Deutschen Slavistenverbandes, Band 21, 2015. Neben der kostenpflichtigen Print-Version ist eine PDF-Version im Open Access verfügbar