251 research outputs found

    Gendered power dynamics and unmet need for family planning among married women in Bangladesh

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    Context: Bangladeshi women are typically constrained by strict religious norms, patriarchal family structure, and poverty. Relatively little is known, however, about their ability to use contraceptives based on existing power relations at the household level. Drawing on social dominance theory with its focus on four bases of gendered power, this study aims to examine how power dynamics affect unmet need for family planning among married women in Bangladesh. Methods: Logistic regression analyses using data from the Demographic and Health Survey 2011 of Bangladesh were used to examine the socio-demographic and gendered power dynamics associated with unmet need for family planning. Results: About 14 percent of currently married women in Bangladesh have an unmet need for family planning. Muslim women had 54% higher unmet need for family planning than their non-Muslim counterparts. Women with greater participation in domestic decision-making were moderately less likely to have unmet need for family planning. Regression analyses indicated that egalitarian participation in controlling resources rather than women\u27s sole autonomy was a strong predictor in unmet need for family planning models. Furthermore, age, age at marriage, place of residence, exposure to family planning information, and control over resources were significant predictors of unmet need for family planning. Conclusion: The relationships between socio-demographic characteristics, power dynamics, and unmet need for family planning are not straightforward. The study found moderate support for the power bases such as consensual ideologies and resource control in predicting unmet demand for family planning

    Keats's 'Ode to a Nightingale': an Appreciation in Keatsian Aesthetics with Possible Sources and Analogues

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    Sanatsal açıdan Keats’in en iyi algılanan, en tatminkar ve en çok tartışılan şiiri Bülbüle Ağıt’tır. Ancak şiirin ana teması olan doğanın sürekliliği ile insan türünün geçiciliği ve yaratıcı hayal gücünün güvenilmezliği karşıtlığı sıkça ve uzun süre tartışılırken, düşünme sürecinin iç ve yapısal mekanizmaları ve şiirdeki tema ve zıtlıkları kontrollü ama aynı zamanda öneren bir tavırla ortaya koyan söz sanatları detaylı olarak incelenmemiştir. Bu makale görünürdeki gerilimin, ince alaycılığın, belirsizliğin ve septisizmin altında yatan şiirin temel bütünlüğünü göstermek için şiirin iç mekanizmalarına orjinal, canlandıran detaylı bir yaklaşım ve yeni eleştirel bir bakış açısı getirmektedir. Fakat en önemli ve ciddi nokta, şiirin mümkün olan tüm kaynaklarını, benzerlik ve zıtlıklarını en kapsamlı biçimde bir araya getirmesi ve bunların çoğunu ilk defa bu makalede öne sürmesidir.Artistically Keats's Nightingale Ode is one of his best conceived and most satisfying and as such most discussed poems. However, while its principal theme of the contrast between the permanence of nature and the shortlastingness of the human lot and that of the precarious nature of creative imagination have received wide critical attention, the internal and structural mechanisms of the movement of the thought process and the figures of speech by which those themes and contrasts reveal themselves in a controlled but suggestive manner have not been examined in details. This article provides an original, refreshing, and detailed approach, largely from a New Critical point of view, to those mechanisms in order to show the poem's essential unity beneath its apparent tension, irony, ambiguity, and skepticism, which are indeed part of its aesthetic conception in light of Keats's own poetic and aesthetic ideas. But the most original and scholarly point is that it is rich and comprehensive in bringing together a whole range of possible sources and analogues of the poem, many of which have been suggested here for the first time

    Literature of the New Year: Literary Variations on the Celebration of the New Year

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    Is the New Year really new or old? Happy or sad? Is it only part of the process and the cycle of seasons making one look back and think of death? Is it a time to wish to stay where one is or hope for opportunities and possibilities? Like a point in a circle, is every day a New Year’s day? Is it a time for nostalgia and reminiscence or promises and resolutions for the future? With the (Gregorian and the British Government) changes in the Western calendar at different times in history and with different countries/cultures celebrating the New Year at different times of the year and with the fiscal year, political (election) year, and academic year being different from the traditional New Year of January 1st, does the New Year mark the beginning and the ending in just an arbitrary way? Centuries ago Britain’s earliest Poets Laureate introduced the tradition of writing a New Year poem. Since then there have been many authors writing New Year essays and poems. They include Robert Herrick, Charles Cotton, Johann Von Goethe, S. T. Coleridge, Charles Lamb, Lord Alfred Tennyson, William Cullen Bryant, Helen Hunt Jackson, Emily Dickinson, George Curtis, Thomas Hardy, Fiona Macleod (William Sharp), D. H. Lawrence, Rabindranath Tagore, and Sylvia Plath, among others

    Historicity of Ecocriticism and Ecocritical History: An Introductory Overview

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    Overlapping and interconnected, interdisciplinary and heterogeneous, amorphous and multilayered, and deep and broad as it is, countless topics on ecoliterature make ecocriticism a comprehensive catchall term that proposes to look at a text--be it social, cultural, political, religious, or scientific--from naturalist perspectives and moves us from “the community of literature to the larger biospheric community which […] we belong to even as we are destroying it” (William Rueckert)

    Keats's 'Ode to a Nightingale': an Appreciation in Keatsian Aesthetics with Possible Sources and Analogues

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    Sanatsal açıdan Keats’in en iyi algılanan, en tatminkar ve en çok tartışılan şiiri Bülbüle Ağıt’tır. Ancak şiirin ana teması olan doğanın sürekliliği ile insan türünün geçiciliği ve yaratıcı hayal gücünün güvenilmezliği karşıtlığı sıkça ve uzun süre tartışılırken, düşünme sürecinin iç ve yapısal mekanizmaları ve şiirdeki tema ve zıtlıkları kontrollü ama aynı zamanda öneren bir tavırla ortaya koyan söz sanatları detaylı olarak incelenmemiştir. Bu makale görünürdeki gerilimin, ince alaycılığın, belirsizliğin ve septisizmin altında yatan şiirin temel bütünlüğünü göstermek için şiirin iç mekanizmalarına orjinal, canlandıran detaylı bir yaklaşım ve yeni eleştirel bir bakış açısı getirmektedir. Fakat en önemli ve ciddi nokta, şiirin mümkün olan tüm kaynaklarını, benzerlik ve zıtlıklarını en kapsamlı biçimde bir araya getirmesi ve bunların çoğunu ilk defa bu makalede öne sürmesidir.Artistically Keats's Nightingale Ode is one of his best conceived and most satisfying and as such most discussed poems. However, while its principal theme of the contrast between the permanence of nature and the shortlastingness of the human lot and that of the precarious nature of creative imagination have received wide critical attention, the internal and structural mechanisms of the movement of the thought process and the figures of speech by which those themes and contrasts reveal themselves in a controlled but suggestive manner have not been examined in details. This article provides an original, refreshing, and detailed approach, largely from a New Critical point of view, to those mechanisms in order to show the poem's essential unity beneath its apparent tension, irony, ambiguity, and skepticism, which are indeed part of its aesthetic conception in light of Keats's own poetic and aesthetic ideas. But the most original and scholarly point is that it is rich and comprehensive in bringing together a whole range of possible sources and analogues of the poem, many of which have been suggested here for the first time

    Nonlinear and asymmetric exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices in Nigeria : evidence from a smooth transition autoregressive model

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    This paper examines the nonlinearities and asymmetries in the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) to consumer prices in Nigeria using quarterly time series data from 1986 to 2013 and the nonlinear smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) method. The standard literature assumes linearity and symmetry in the ERPT to consumer prices in a developing country, despite the importance and presence of potential asymmetries and nonlinearities which are generated by the presence of various factors such as menu costs, capacity constraints, market share objectives and production switching. This study develops a partial equilibrium microeconomic mark-up model to investigate asymmetric and nonlinear behaviour in the ERPT. The study confirms the presence of nonlinear ERPTs due to different inflation levels. The results also show asymmetric ERPTs in the appreciation and depreciation of exchange rates. The magnitude of the ERPT also depends on the size of the exchange rate change. The ERPT is higher during depreciation than during the appreciation episodes of the Naira; nonlinearity is more prevalent during the high inflationary period of the 1990s than in other periods. The policy implication of the results is that the government, despite temptations to do so, should avoid the devaluation of the Naira during high inflation periods in order to reduce the impact on consumer prices and the associated costs

    Entertainment-Education to Promote Safe Motherhood: in the context of Bangladesh

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    We are now in the era of technological miracles, including in the field of communication. Satellite television brings us news and information across national boundaries. The media have a strong influence of people’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The power of media can be used very effectively to make people healthier. Systematic communication strategies can improve health behavior. Communication shapes how people conduct their daily lives, even their sexual behavior. Mass media techniques that combine entertainment with health education are particularly effective in producing behavior changes. The entertainment education approach are based on assumption that the power of mainstream popular culture is great enough to generate models for over all social behavior. This article is attempt to analyze that how entertainment education could be an important tool to promote safe motherhood in the context of Bangladesh. Key words: Entertainment education, Communication, Safe motherhood, Health promotion, Maternal health, Behavior Change Résumé: Nous sommes maintenant dans l’ère de miracles technologiques, y compris dans le domaine de la communication. La télévision par satellite nous apporte des actualités et des informations à travers les frontières nationales. Le média a une influence importante sur les connaissances des gens, sur leurs attitudes et pratiques. Le pouvoir de média peut être utilisé d’une façon efficace pour rendre la population plus saine. Les stratégies de communication systématique peut améliorer les habitudes hygiéniques des gens. La communicaion façonne leur conduite dans la vie quotidienne, voire leur comportements sexuels. Les techniques de média combinant les divertissements et l’éducation de santé sont particulièrement efficaces pour changer les comportements. L’approche de l’éducation divertissante est basée sur l’hypothèse que le pouvoir de la culture de tendance générale est assez puissant pour engendrer des modèles pour tous les comportements sociaux. Cet article tente d’analyser comment l’éducation divertissante peut devenir un outil important pour promouvoir une maternité saine au Bangladesh. Mots-Clés: éducation divertissante, communication, maternité saine, promotion de la santé, santé maternelle, changements de comportemen