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    Flamingo Vol. IV N 7

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    Schmitz, E. Cover. Picture. 0. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 7. Schmitz. George Platt Knox- Dean. Picture. 8. C.K. Flamingo. Picture. 9. E.B.T. Christmas Eve. Prose. 9. Anonymous. We pray that Time will ever greet thee . . . Picture. 12. F.R. Awgawan. Poem. 12. V.F. Song. Poem. 12. F.R. When? Poem. 12. F.R. Drifting. Poem. 12. V. Doggies\u27 Lament. Poem. 12. O.L. Love Chant. Poem. 12. V.J. Seers. Poem. 12. V.J. Last of All. Poem. 12. Cal. Untitled. Poem. 12. Aussi. A Reasonable Doubt. Poem. 12. R.P. Which Got What. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Tough Luck. Poem. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. V.F. Wish. Poem. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. She— Poor girl! She\u27s so awfully delicate. Picture. 13. Anonymous. MISTLETOE—AND THE BABE IN THE MANGER. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Anonymous. How Much for My Elephant? Poem. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. H.G.P. THE GLOVER ROAD or The Trail to Happiness and a Bushy Head . Prose. 20. W.A.R. Line\u27s Busy. Picture. 20. Ubersax, Del. She— Oh, my sucker\u27s broke! Picture. 21. G.W. SANTA GLAUS BETRAYED The tragedy of the modern home. Poem. 22. W. You look sweet enough to eat! Picture. 22. W. Slip-horn— What do we play next? Picture. 22. E.A. He— Poverty is no disgrace. Picture. 23. Anonymous. Award the Damages. Prose. 23. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. G.W. COLLEGE BOYS SAVE SELVES FROM FREEZING IN UNIQUE MANNER. Prose. 23. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. E.S. Beauty— Have you read \u27To a Fieldmouse?\u27 Picture. 23. Anonymous. BONES (Both fresh and dry.) Prose. 23. Anonymous. The Shap, God Bless \u27er. Prose. 23. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 23. Anonymous. Oh, Shoot! Prose. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 24. E.J.H. BUT. Poem. 24. W. Truthik: How did the whale that swallowed Jonah obey the divine law? Picture. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 24. Anonymous. Maybe. Prose. 24. Anonymous. No Place for a Union Man. Prose. 24. Brown Bull. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS. Prose. 27. Voo Doo. Untitled. Prose. 27. Dirge. Untitled. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Bison. Untitled. Prose. 27. Log. Untitled. Prose. 27. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 28. Witt. Untitled. Prose. 28. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 28. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 28. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 28. E.B. Untitled. Picture. 30. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 30. Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 30. Lemon Punch. Untitled. Prose. 30. Siren. Untitled. Prose. 30. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 30. Lemon Punch. DOESN\u27T GO FAR ENOUGH. Prose. 32. Witt. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Flamingo Vol. III N 7

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    Clyde. Cover. Picture. 0. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 1. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. C.O. Untitled. Poem. 5. Anonymous. DEEDS FIELD, NOVEMBER 25, 1922. Picture. 6. Anonymous. THE LAYING OF THE CORNER STONE OF SWASEY CHAPEL HOME-COMING DAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1922. Picture. 6. Anonymous. For Denison. Prose. 6. Vogel, W.A. The Outcast. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Some Views on Ethics. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 8. C.O. Untitled. Poem. 8. K.K.H. Canyon Cascade. Poem. 9. C.O. The Moon. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 9. Bill. Dear Editor. Poem. 9. K.K.H. REVERIE. Poem. 9. L.A.H. A Night Before Classes. Poem. 10. C.K. and K.H. I KNEAD THEE EVERY HOUR. Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 10. Anonymous. Honest Horace. Poem. 10. Anonymous. LINES BY A SEA-GOING COLLEGE BOY. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. B.P. Forsaken. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. A Run on the Bank. Picture. 11. Anonymous. The Man Who\u27s Never Late. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Pyroler. FATHER (SUSPICIOUSLY)— TOMMY, DID YOU TAKE A BATH? TOMMY— NO, PA, I DIDN\u27T, HONEST. IS ONE MISSING? Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. H.F. THE BARISTON CASE. Prose. 12. Uber. WHAT MISS \u27LL TOE THIS MARK FOR MB? Picture. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. A Sure Hit. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous, MONEY TO BUY THIS COAT, DARLING. DOUGHLESS— HOW DID YOU MANAGE IT, PRECIOUS? MRS. D. — I BOUGHT IT WITH THE MONEY YOU GAVE ME FOR A NEW HAT AND HAD THE HAT CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. Picture. 13. L.A.H. EARLY IN JANUARY. Poem. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 13. Anonymous. A SKIN YOU LOVE TO TOUCH. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Multiple Authors. Hey Listen. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Merry Christmas. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Welcome. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Judge Not. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 16. Uber. SHE WEARS HER HEART UPON HER SLEEVE, ONE OFTEN HEARS IT SAID. YET HOW SHE DOES, WE CAN\u27T CONCEIVE, WHEN ON HER ARMS SHE\u27S GARBED AS EVE WITHOUT A SINGLE THREAD. SO WE SUGGEST, (WITH FASHION\u27S LEAVE) THAT HEARTS BE WORN—NOT ON THE SLEEVEBUT ON THE BELT INSTEAD. Picture. 16. Anonymous. WOULDN\u27T IT BE WONDERFUL IF. Prose. 16. N.J.P. Untitled. Poem 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. E.B. JUST BEFORE THAT CHRISTMAS DANCE. Picture. 17. Anonymous. SOME LOCAL CHRISTMAS COLOR IN CASE NATURE FAILS TO FUNCTION. Picture. 18. L.A.H. In Regard to D Notices. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. The Seven Wonders of Denison. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. K. AUNTY, DID YOU EVER RECEIVE ANY PROPOSALS OF MARRIAGE ? YES, DEAR, ONCE—OVER THE TELEPHONE. BUT HE HAD THE WRONG NUMBER. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. H.F. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. HE— THE FAMILY IS PROUD OF THAT MEDAL FOR ORATORY MY GRANDFATHER WON. SHE— A SORT OF HOT HEIRLOOM, ISN\u27T IT? Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. H.K. The Girls of Today. Picture. 19. K.H. The Girls of Today. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. EUCLID— *!*!!*?!*?!, I DIDN\u27T GET A LINE TODAY. DESCARTES— HUH, YOU\u27RE LUCKY, DID. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 20. Anonymous. The Rover Boys\u27 Big Year. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 21. Uber. Is it true that statistics show that women live to be older than men? They ought to. Paint\u27s a great preservative, you know. Picture. 22. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 22. Life. Untitled. Prose. 22. Brown Bull. Send \u27Er Here. Prose. 22. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 22. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. BALLAD OF AN ANNUAL DIFFICULTY. Poem. 22. Ted Robinson in Life. L\u27Envoi. Poem. 22. E.B. This young pair will show you If you don\u27t already know The only proper thing to do Beneath the mistletoe! Picture. 22. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 25. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 25. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 25. Widow. RUBBING IT IN. Prose. 25. Georgia Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 25. London Opinion. AND WRENCHES AIN\u27T ALL. Prose. 25. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 26. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 26. Siren. YES, YES, WHAT? Prose. 26. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Cougar\u27s Paw. A Hot Remark. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 30. Frivol. Untitled. Prose. 30. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 30. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 30. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 30. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 30

    Flamingo Vol. IV N 8

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    E.B. Cover. Picture. 0. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. Schmitz, E. Bunyan S. Spencer Professor of Philosophy. Picture. 6. W.G. MRS. SELBY A Leap Year Story.Prose. 7. E.B. Monkey Business. Picture. 7. F.R. HAPPY. Poem. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 8. E.B. Harold, B\u27gosh, I luv yah. . . Picture. 8. G.W. A Leap Year Lyric. Poem. 8. F.R. OH JILT, WHERE THY STING? Poem. 8. Quip. Ben Jonson Leap-Yearized. Poem. 8. V.F. Nope I Won\u27t. Poem. 9. V.J. East and West. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Front. Picture. 9. Anonymous. Front. Poem. 9. F.R. Untitled. Poem. 9. V.F. Cobwebs. Poem. 9. F.R. Just A Little Love Song. Poem. 9. G.W. Leap Year Reflections. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. Del. Ay! Ay! Picture. 12. F.R. Ay! Ay! Poem. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. N.H.G. Granville. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Ubersax, Del. Untitled. Picture. 12. F.R. Untitled. Poem. 12. D. Untitled. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Nat. TO WILL FROM NAT. Prose. 13. One Whose Nose. How To Tie a Bow Tie on a Tuxedo Collar. Prose. 13. H. Leap Year Advice Harry, when I print a kiss on your lips, I wish you\u27d remember that it\u27s not to be published, Picture. 13. Anonymous. FEBRUARY. Prose. 14. Anonymous. The Team. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. N.H.G. SONG STATISTICS Compiled for 1923. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. H. This We Dedicate to the All-Shepardson Dance. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 20. Anonymous. DENISON DEFEATS KENYON COURTERS. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. W.J. Untitled. Poem. 20. W.C.B. He: How d\u27yah get that way? Picture. 20. Anonymous. MOST ANYTHING — OUR OWN —. Prose. 21. E.B. and F.R. De Cop Wot. Picture/Poem. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. PAGE BAALAM! Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 21. N.H.G. Denison Customs. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Davis. One: I\u27m through with Grace for good. Picture. 21. Anonymous. What a whale of a difference a few \u27scents\u27 make. Picture. 22. Boston Transcript. EXPENSES PAID. Prose. 25. Lemon Punch. Untitled. Prose. 25. Brown Jug. Untitled. Prose. 25. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 25. Medley. Untitled. Prose. 25. Swiped. STRICTLY GERM-PROOF. Poem. 26. Voo Doo. Untitled. Prose. 26. Kasper. WELL, YES. Prose. 28. The Wasp. Another Species. Prose. 31. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 31. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 31. Punch Bowl. He Knew the Girl. Prose. 31. Lampoon. Untitled. Prose. 31. Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Flamingo Vol. IV N 6

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    E.B. Cover. Picture. 0. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. Schmitz, E. EDWARD A. DEEDS The Colonel. Picture. 6. C.K. Flamingo. Picture. 7. H.W.B. KISMET. Prose. 7. Tuttled, F.B. AUTUMN IN GRANVILLE. Poem. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 8. F.R. SHE LOVES SHE! Poem. 8. Anonymous. The Windfall. Poem. 8. I.K. SHEPARDSON CAMPUS ON A NIGHT OF MIST. Poem. 8. F.R. You. Poem. 8. G.W. AN AUTUMN DAY. Poem. 8. F.R. WE JANES! Poem. 9. F. AINT LlFE AWFUL. Poem. 9. F.R. LITTLE BOY BLUE. Poem. 9. Anonymous. —UNDER THEIR SKINS. Poem. 9. W.G. SOONER OR LATER. Prose. 9. C.K. Untitled. Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anoymous. Are you fond of music? Picture. 11. V.F. ROOM-MATES. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Him- You used to say there was something about me you liked. Her— Yes, but you\u27ve spent it all. Picture. 11. Anonymous. She (after the proposal)— What! Marry you—a drunkard and a gambler? Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. \u27Pears So. Prose. 11. Anonymous. HOWD\u27Y, BOY!. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 12. Anonymous. ONCE UPON A TIME. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. INTRODUCING Moses and the Queen of Sheba. Picture. 14. Anonymous. A MUSICAL COMEDY. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14. Anonymous. WHERE WAS MOSES When the lights went out? Picture. 14. Anonymous. ANYTIME, ANYFRAT. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14. F. Epic. Poem. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Are they engaged? Picture. 15. E.J.H. SUBSTITUTION. Poem. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. E.T. He\u27s so clever! Always making so many original remarks! Picture. 16. Tyroler. I asked Bill . . . Picture. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. Anonymous. THE PARDONED CONVICT (Just Released.) Prose. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 17. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 17. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 17. W.V. Woman. Prose. 17. Ubersax. CAMOUFLAGE. Picture. 17. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 17. Anonymous. Imaginary Books by Imaginary Authors. Prose. 17. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 17. C.K. A person never gets all he wants in life. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Slang. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Editor Musicale. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. E.T. The One— Will that watch tell time? Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Roses are red. Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet. But dog-gone you! Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Falling Painter— Weil, I guess this is going down with flying colors. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Once upon a time there were three children. Picture. 19. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 20. Schmitz. The Big Red. Picture. 22. Anonymous. Rogers-Left Half. Picture. 23. Anonymous. Miller-Full Back. Picture. 23. Anonymous. Hundley-Rt. Half. Picture. 23. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Anonymous. Mitchell, L.Guard. Picture. 23. Anonymous. Mclain, R.T. Picture. 24. Anonymous. Thiele, End. Picture. 24. D.K.E. Untitled. Picture. 24. Anonymous. Hundley, QB. Picture. 24. Anonymous. Becker, LG. Picture. 24. Anonymous. Steadman, R.G. Picture. 24. Anonymous. MC Michael, F.B. Picture. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture/Prose. 25. Anonymous. Allen, LH. Picture/Prose. 25. Anonymous. Henderson, Tackle. Picture/Prose. 25. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture/Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture/Prose. 26. Anonymous. Walter J. Livingston. Prose. 26. Anonymous. The BIG RED Squad. Picture. 27. Anonymous. We skin the Cincy Bearcat, 24 to 7. Picture. 27. Anonymous. Shove the ball over the line at the other end three times. Picture. 27. W.V. Freshman. Poem. 28. C.K. Untitled. Picture. 28. Town Topics. Give \u27Em Room. Prose. 28. Frivol. Untitled. Prose. 28. Lyre. Untitled. Prose. 28. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 28. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 28. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 28. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 28. Lemon Punch. The Night Before Pledging. Poem. 28. Cougar\u27s Paw. Same Here. Prose. 28. Burr. Some Trousers. Prose. 28. Funk. I loved her at first sight. But you\u27re not engaged. No. I saw her again. Picture. 30. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 30. Lemon Punch. Untitled. Prose. 30. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 30. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 30. Pitt Panther. Untitled. Prose. 30. Sun Dial. Food for Thought. Prose. 30. Sun Dial. An Awful Reign. Prose. 30. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 30. Purple Parrot. Up in the World. Prose. 30. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 30. Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 33. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 33. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 33. D.K.E. Judy Gottrox and I are strangers now Picture. 34. Punch Bowl. Call the Patrol. Prose. 34. Pelican-Chapparral. Untitled. Prose. 36. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 36. Bison. Untitled. Prose. 36. The Optimist. Untitled. Prose. 36. Burr, Lehigh. ARDENT YOUTH. Prose. 39. Panther. Untitled. Prose. 39. Swiped. Untitled. Prose. 39. Showme. Untitled. Prose. 39. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 39. Siren. Untitled. Prose. 39. Siren. Untitled. Prose. 39. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 39

    Flamingo Vol. IV N 4

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    Schmitz. Cover. Picture. 0. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. Schmitz. CLARK WELLS CHAMBERLAlN. Picture. 6. E.B. LOVE ALL. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 7. Wellman, G.S. THE VISION. Poem. 9. Anonymous. SPRING SONG. Poem. 9. E.T. CARL SANDBURG\u27S DISCIPLE TAKES A TOUR. Poem. 9. Anonymous. HOT DOGGEREL. Poem. 10. E.S. Yes, We Have No Dates. Picture. 10. B. Picture. 10.; Anonymous. THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE\u27LL PRINT THIS. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 10. B. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. Anonymous. HELLO! Prose. 11. Anonymous. Diagram, Working model, and Explanatory Folder May be Had Upon Application at Our Office. Prose. 11. Anonymous. A LAUDER LYRIC. Poem. 11. Del. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Saranac Lake? Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. Anonymous. But the Devil is Still Old Harry . Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. \u2727, B\u27Gosh! Prose. 12. Anonymous. The Dog-gone Bell Again! Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Picture. 14. W.G. NO STORY. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Picture. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Picture. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 15. Anonymous. WANT AD IN THE VOL-STEADVILLE VIOLET. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. Anonymous. Picture. 20. Anonymous. HEADACHE CURE. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 20. Anonymous. SOCIETY FOR SPEEDY SUPPRESSION OF SWITCHES. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Tobacco Ensemble. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 20. Anonymous. Proper Care of the Children. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 21. J.B. Picture. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 21. Anonymous. MAH OLE KAINTUCKY STILL. Poem. 21. Anonymous. LULLABY. Poem. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 21. C.K. Picture. 21. H.K. Picture. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. The little Freshman across the hall says. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Uber. Can she keep a secret? Yes, the mean thing! Picture. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Pelican. Untitled. Prose. 25. Tuf Tonic. Untitled. Prose. 25. Smart Set. Untitled. Prose. 25. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 25. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 25. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 25. Judge. Untitled. Prose. 25. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 26. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 26. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 26. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 26. Speicher, J. Untitled. Picture. 27. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 27. Burr. But Was Not Lost. Prose. 28. Chapparral. Untitled. Prose. 28. Frivol. Add a Couple D\u27s . Prose. 28. Beanpot. Infant Food. Prose. 28. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 28. Punch Bowl. Untitled. Prose. 28. Awgwan. Untitled. Prose. 31. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 31. Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 31. The Engineer. Untitled. Prose. 31. C.K. Untitled. Picture. 31. La Crosse Tribune. NEXT TIME, HE TOOK MOTHER. Prose. 31

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    Ubersax. Cover. Picture. 0. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 1. Don Marquis. Love Sonnet of a Caveman. Poem. 4. Sun Dial. RIPPING, WE\u27D CALL IT. Prose. 4. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 4. Whirlwind. Untitled. Prose. 4. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 4. Voo Doo. Untitled. Prose. 4. Log. Untitled. Prose. 4. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 4. E.S. Untitled. Picture. 5. OLD IRONSIDES. HER THUNDERS SHOOK THE MIGHTY DEEP, AND THERE SHOULD BE HER GRAVE. Picture. 6. A.I.C. AFTER CHAUCER. Poem. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. ODE TO A CATFISH. Poem. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. E.T. SCENE TWO. Picture. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. WHAT EVERY COLLEGE MAN KNOWS. Poem. 7. Anonymous. LIKE KELLY DID. Poem. 7. Anonymous. TRAINED ANATOMY. Prose. 7. Taylor, Edna B. COUTEAU ET FOURCHETTE-A Farce in One Smack. Prose. 8. Anonymous. TWO CHARMS. Poem. 9. W.A.V. Untitled. Poem. 9. Anonymous. A Tribute to Genius. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 9. A.E.R. INDIFFERENCE. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 9. W.A.V. Untitled. Poem. 9. Anonymous. CIN— IN THAT DEATH SCENE OF MINE I MOVED THEM ALL TO TEARS. EMMA— YES. THEY KNEW YOU WERE ONLY PLAYING DEAD. Picture. 10. Anonymous. PIED PIKER. Prose. 10. Anonymous. IN A HISTRIONIC SCENTS. Picture/Poem. 10. XE. Lines. Poem. 10.; Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. STAGE DIRECTIONS SAME SET THROUGHOUT THE PLAY. Picture. 11. W.M.P. TALES OF THE RAZZ AGE. Prose. 11. Anonymous. BENNY\u27S BLANK VERSE. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Grayce. YOU ALL KNOW THAT GUY WE LOVE SO MUCH— I SWEAR WE\u27LL HAVE TO CROWN HIM YET— WHO AFTER EVERY ACT, OR SCENE, OR SUCH, GOES OUT TO HAVE HIS CIGARETTE. Picture. 11. H.K. Untitled. Picture. 11. H.G.P. UH-UH. Prose. 11. W.G.M. THE VISION OF SIR LONGFALL. Prose. 12. Anonymous. -NIGH HALF UPON THY HORSE, A GRACEFUL SEMITE TRICK. Picture. 12. Anonymous. I\u27m Preserving That Lock of Hair... Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Grayce. IT\u27S A LONG JANE THAT HAS NO CRUVES. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Relativity. Prose. 13. Anonymous. STOP THIEF! Prose. 14. Anonymous. FLAMINGO PINFEATHERS. Prose. 15. Anonymous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Prose. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. Anonymous. A STUDY OF WILD LIFE. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Names. Poem. 18. Anonymous. YOU ARE THE FIRST MAN I EVER PERMITTED TO KISS ME. AND YOU ARE THE FIRST GIRL I EVER KISSED. WILL YOU MARRY ME? I WOULDN\u27T MARRY A LIAR. I WOULD. Picture. 18. Anonymous. TECHNICAL STUFF. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. JACK, WHEN WE ARE MARRIED, I MUST HAVE THREE SERVANTS. YOU SHALL HAVE TWENTY, DEAR, BUT NOT ALL AT ONE TIME. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. THEN THIS IS FINAL? ABSOLUTELY. SHALL I RETURN YOUR LETTERS? YES, THERE\u27S SOME GOOD MATERIAL IN THEM I CAN USE. Picture. 18. Anonymous. MY BUT YOU\u27RE CONTRADICTORY TO-NIGHT \u27\u27WHY, I AM NOT. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. SPRING THIS AND RUN. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. E.S. STOP THIEF! Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Grayce. HER REASON. Picture/Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. LIKE KELLY DID. Prose. 19. N.H.G. FAVORITE FICTION. Poem. 19. Anonymous. HARD JUVENILE LEAD: D— THAT BALL!\u27 Picture. 19. E.B. THE END—. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. NODE 2 A BLOCK HEAD. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. E.B. OF A PERFECT DAY. Picture. 20. Wisconsin Octopus. Sweet Kisses. Prose. 22. Log. Untitled. Prose. 22. Bean Pot. Untitled. Prose. 22. Gargoyle. EXACTLY. Prose. 22. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 22. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Chaparral. Famous Hands. Prose. 24. Chaparral. WASH OUT FOR THIS. Prose. 24. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 24. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 24. Octopus. A Tragedy. Poem. 24. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 24. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 24. Lord Jeff. THE FROSH RETORT. Prose. 25. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 25. Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Judge. AN EXPLANATION. Prose. 25. Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Spider Web. Untitled. Prose. 25. Chapparal. Untitled. Prose. 26. Williams Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 26. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 26. Gargoyle. SHERIFF, DO YOUR DUTY. Prose. 26. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 26. Sun Dial. A WELL BALANCED SENTENCE. Prose. 26. Chapparal. Untitled. Prose. 26. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 26. Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 27. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 27. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 27. Lemon Punch. Untitled. prose. 27. Schmitz. Untitled. Picture. 28. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 28. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 28. Jester. SO IT GOES. Poem. 29. Brown Jug. CONTRIBUTORS ATTENTION! Prose. 29. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 29. Scalper. QUALIFIED. Prose. 29. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 29. E.B. D\u27JA EVER FEEL LIKE THIS? Picture. 29. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 30. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 30. Malteaser. STOP THIEF! Prose. 30. Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 30. Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 30. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 30. Gargoyle. RIGHTO. Prose. 30. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 31. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 31. Puppet. Untitled. Poem. 31. Virginia Reel. Untitled. Prose. 31. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 31. Virginia Reel. Untitled. Prose. 31. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 31. Exchange. Untitled. Prose. 31. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 31. Orange Peel. Untitled. Prose. 31. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 32. Puppet. A SHORT TRAGEDY. Poem. 32. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 32. Ex. Untitled. Prose. 32. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Flamingo Vol. III N 4

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    Schmitz. Cover. Picture. 0. Octopus. The Creed of a Frosh. Poem. 4. Widow. Chanson Du Frosh. Poem. 4. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 4. W.M.P. The College Creed. Prose. 4. Anonymous. SHE\u27S GOT THE CLOTHES, THIS FROSH SO FINE, AND HEAVEN KNOWS SHE\u27S GOT THE LINE. SHE\u27S TEETH OF PEARL THAT OFTEN SHOW. HER HAIR WOULD CURL IF IT COULD GROW. WITH ME SHE\u27S IT, GETS BY IMMENSE— BUT I MUST ADMIT SHE\u27S GOT NO SENSE. Picture. 5. Schmitz. SHADES OF THE SUMMER RESORTSOME, ER, KIDD. Picture. 6. Holt, Kilburn. Priest and Levite. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Commentary on a Poem. Prose. 9. Anonymous. Address to an Idle Dream. Poem. 10. Anonymous. Apology. Poem. 10. Uber, D. ONCE MEN LIKED THE GIRLS WHOSE ACQUAINTANCE THEY MADE FOR THE SHY, BASHFUL GLANCES THEY MET. BUT NOW IT\u27S THE HANG OF THE EARRINGS OF JADE, AND THE TILT OF THE CIGARETTE. Picture. 11. K.K.H. Helpful Hints for Foggy Freshmen. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Sonnet in Slang. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Clyde. CAN YOU FIGHT? NOT WITH A WOMAN. COME ON THEN YOU PIE-FACE! . Picture. 11. Anonymous. VITRIOLA RECORDS FOR SEPTEMBER. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. E.B. Chapel Cherubs. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. DO YOU THINK YOU COULD CARE FOR A CHAP LIKE ME? I THINK SO—IF HE WASN\u27T TOO MUCH LIKE YOU. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. BASIC PLOT FOR SOCIETY DRAMA. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Editor. Picture. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. Ubersax. I HAVE BAD NEWS FOE YOU, CLARENCE. SO? YES. I VISITED A FORTUNE TELLER\u27S THIS AFTERNOON, AND SHE TOLD ME THAT I AM GOING TO MARRY A HANDSOME MAN. Picture. 18. Anonymous. The Career of a Good Joke. Prose. 18. W.M.P. Gentle Hints on Curriculum-Synopsis of Popular Courses. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. MAY— WOULD YOU WEAR A RENTED BATHING SUIT? JUNE-\u27TT DEPENDS WHERE THE RENT WAS. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. A READ-LETTER DAY AT THE SEM THIS MONTH. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Famous Greens. Prose. 19. Anonymous. TIE— HOW CAN I THICKEN MY HAIR? CURLS— TRY MOLASSES AND FLOUR. Picture. 19. Anonymous. \u27Twas Ever Thus! Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Schmitz. POPULAR COURSE IN TENNYSON. Picture. 23. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 24. Purple Parrot. Heard After Vacation. Prose. 24. Octopus. The Cost of Custom. Prose. 24. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 24. Chaparral. All That Glitters-. Prose. 24. Jack-0-Lantern. Untitled. Prose. 24. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 24. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 24. Anonymous. Oh Gosh! Prose. 25. Brown Jug. Untitled. Prose. 25. Orange Peel. Try and Laugh This Off. Prose. 25. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 25. Banter. Untitled. Prose. 25. Punch Bowl. Extract From Mythology. Prose. 26. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 26. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 26. Orange Owl. PAGE MUELLER. Prose. 26. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 26. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 26. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 26. The Cougar\u27s Paw. The Devil\u27s Dictionary. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Where Did IO Dine? Prose. 27. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 27. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 27. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 27. Mirror. Untitled. Prose. 28. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 28. Widow. Higher Mathematics. Prose. 28. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 28. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 28. Tiger. This May Be New To Someone. Prose. 28. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 28. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 28. Widow. Page Red Stone. Prose. 28. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 28. Anonymous. Their Idea of Something Funny. Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 29. Garber, Jock. OUR QUESTIONABLE DEPARTMENT. Prose. 30. Brown Jug. Untitled. Prose. 31. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 31. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 32. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Flamingo Vol. III N 6

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    Ubersax. Cover. Picture. 0. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 1. Don Marquis. Love Sonnet of a Caveman. Poem. 4. Sun Dial. RIPPING, WE\u27D CALL IT. Prose. 4. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 4. Whirlwind. Untitled. Prose. 4. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 4. Voo Doo. Untitled. Prose. 4. Log. Untitled. Prose. 4. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 4. E.S. Untitled. Picture. 5. OLD IRONSIDES. HER THUNDERS SHOOK THE MIGHTY DEEP, AND THERE SHOULD BE HER GRAVE. Picture. 6. A.I.C. AFTER CHAUCER. Poem. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. ODE TO A CATFISH. Poem. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. E.T. SCENE TWO. Picture. 7. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 7. Anonymous. WHAT EVERY COLLEGE MAN KNOWS. Poem. 7. Anonymous. LIKE KELLY DID. Poem. 7. Anonymous. TRAINED ANATOMY. Prose. 7. Taylor, Edna B. COUTEAU ET FOURCHETTE-A Farce in One Smack. Prose. 8. Anonymous. TWO CHARMS. Poem. 9. W.A.V. Untitled. Poem. 9. Anonymous. A Tribute to Genius. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 9. A.E.R. INDIFFERENCE. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 9. W.A.V. Untitled. Poem. 9. Anonymous. CIN— IN THAT DEATH SCENE OF MINE I MOVED THEM ALL TO TEARS. EMMA— YES. THEY KNEW YOU WERE ONLY PLAYING DEAD. Picture. 10. Anonymous. PIED PIKER. Prose. 10. Anonymous. IN A HISTRIONIC SCENTS. Picture/Poem. 10. XE. Lines. Poem. 10.; Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. STAGE DIRECTIONS SAME SET THROUGHOUT THE PLAY. Picture. 11. W.M.P. TALES OF THE RAZZ AGE. Prose. 11. Anonymous. BENNY\u27S BLANK VERSE. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Grayce. YOU ALL KNOW THAT GUY WE LOVE SO MUCH— I SWEAR WE\u27LL HAVE TO CROWN HIM YET— WHO AFTER EVERY ACT, OR SCENE, OR SUCH, GOES OUT TO HAVE HIS CIGARETTE. Picture. 11. H.K. Untitled. Picture. 11. H.G.P. UH-UH. Prose. 11. W.G.M. THE VISION OF SIR LONGFALL. Prose. 12. Anonymous. -NIGH HALF UPON THY HORSE, A GRACEFUL SEMITE TRICK. Picture. 12. Anonymous. I\u27m Preserving That Lock of Hair... Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Grayce. IT\u27S A LONG JANE THAT HAS NO CRUVES. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Relativity. Prose. 13. Anonymous. STOP THIEF! Prose. 14. Anonymous. FLAMINGO PINFEATHERS. Prose. 15. Anonymous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Prose. 15. Bridge. Denison Comics. Picture. 16. Anonymous. A STUDY OF WILD LIFE. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Names. Poem. 18. Anonymous. YOU ARE THE FIRST MAN I EVER PERMITTED TO KISS ME. AND YOU ARE THE FIRST GIRL I EVER KISSED. WILL YOU MARRY ME? I WOULDN\u27T MARRY A LIAR. I WOULD. Picture. 18. Anonymous. TECHNICAL STUFF. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. JACK, WHEN WE ARE MARRIED, I MUST HAVE THREE SERVANTS. YOU SHALL HAVE TWENTY, DEAR, BUT NOT ALL AT ONE TIME. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. THEN THIS IS FINAL? ABSOLUTELY. SHALL I RETURN YOUR LETTERS? YES, THERE\u27S SOME GOOD MATERIAL IN THEM I CAN USE. Picture. 18. Anonymous. MY BUT YOU\u27RE CONTRADICTORY TO-NIGHT \u27\u27WHY, I AM NOT. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. SPRING THIS AND RUN. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. E.S. STOP THIEF! Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Grayce. HER REASON. Picture/Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. LIKE KELLY DID. Prose. 19. N.H.G. FAVORITE FICTION. Poem. 19. Anonymous. HARD JUVENILE LEAD: D— THAT BALL!\u27 Picture. 19. E.B. THE END—. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. NODE 2 A BLOCK HEAD. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. E.B. OF A PERFECT DAY. Picture. 20. Wisconsin Octopus. Sweet Kisses. Prose. 22. Log. Untitled. Prose. 22. Bean Pot. Untitled. Prose. 22. Gargoyle. EXACTLY. Prose. 22. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 22. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Chaparral. Famous Hands. Prose. 24. Chaparral. WASH OUT FOR THIS. Prose. 24. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 24. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 24. Octopus. A Tragedy. Poem. 24. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 24. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 24. Lord Jeff. THE FROSH RETORT. Prose. 25. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 25. Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Judge. AN EXPLANATION. Prose. 25. Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Spider Web. Untitled. Prose. 25. Chapparal. Untitled. Prose. 26. Williams Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 26. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 26. Gargoyle. SHERIFF, DO YOUR DUTY. Prose. 26. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 26. Sun Dial. A WELL BALANCED SENTENCE. Prose. 26. Chapparal. Untitled. Prose. 26. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 26. Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 27. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 27. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 27. Lemon Punch. Untitled. prose. 27. Schmitz. Untitled. Picture. 28. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 28. Malteaser. Untitled. Prose. 28. Jester. SO IT GOES. Poem. 29. Brown Jug. CONTRIBUTORS ATTENTION! Prose. 29. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 29. Scalper. QUALIFIED. Prose. 29. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 29. E.B. D\u27JA EVER FEEL LIKE THIS? Picture. 29. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 30. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 30. Malteaser. STOP THIEF! Prose. 30. Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 30. Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 30. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 30. Gargoyle. RIGHTO. Prose. 30. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 31. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 31. Puppet. Untitled. Poem. 31. Virginia Reel. Untitled. Prose. 31. Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 31. Virginia Reel. Untitled. Prose. 31. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 31. Exchange. Untitled. Prose. 31. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 31. Orange Peel. Untitled. Prose. 31. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 32. Puppet. A SHORT TRAGEDY. Poem. 32. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 32. Ex. Untitled. Prose. 32. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Beyond CHO – Non-mammalian hosts could be the future expression systems of choice for recombinant biotherapeutics

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    Over the last 30 years there have been tremendous advances in CHO cell culture process engineering. Novel process concepts, such as fed batch, perfusion and continuous cultures, evolved from a deep understand of CHO metabolic needs and extensive media/feed formulation development. This knowledge has led to large gains in protein productivity that can be captured with culture duration and/or scale. The biotechnology industry is consistently pressured to reduce cost of manufacturing and improve per batch productivity. Independent, but related to this burden, is the ability to support an ever growing patient population with high doses of therapeutic protein. As such, Biogen partnered with MIT to take a holistic view of the potential future of biomanufacturing to identify technologies that can make step changes in productivity and cost reduction. These efforts have cast doubt that CHO would be the optimal host in the future, whereas a non-mammalian host could be a key to realizing the most significant gains in productivity and reduction in cost of manufacturing. Recombinant antibody production from non-mammalian hosts has been reported in the past, for example from the yeast pichia and filamentous fungi Trichoderma, and antibody material produced from pichia has been used in clinical trials. In the next phase of this initiative, we sought to take a more comprehensive approach to investigate alternative hosts in recombinant antibody production. Eight non-mammalian hosts were selected based on a number of properties, including proven secretion of recombinant protein products, ability to glycosylate proteins, established genome or molecular biology toolkit, amongst other characteristics. We designed an experimental plan that would enable more straightforward comparative analysis between hosts and included two main criteria to maintain a level playing field. First, only non-engineered, wild-type strains would be used as a starting point for all eight hosts of interest. Second, a single IgG1 model antibody was selected to be expressed by all hosts. In this presentation, the outcome of this comparative analysis will be discussed, including productivity values and details of the model antibody product quality. Based on this data the most productive strains will be made available for use without restrictions to allow others in the community to freely work with these hosts

    c-Abl mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Aha1 activates its co-chaperone function in cancer cells

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    The ability of Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90) to hydrolyze ATP is essential for its chaperone function. The co-chaperone Aha1 stimulates Hsp90 ATPase activity, tailoring the chaperone function to specific "client" proteins. The intracellular signaling mechanisms directly regulating Aha1 association with Hsp90 remain unknown. Here, we show that c-Abl kinase phosphorylates Y223 in human Aha1 (hAha1), promoting its interaction with Hsp90. This, consequently, results in an increased Hsp90 ATPase activity, enhances Hsp90 interaction with kinase clients, and compromises the chaperoning of non-kinase clients such as glucocorticoid receptor and CFTR. Suggesting a regulatory paradigm, we also find that Y223 phosphorylation leads to ubiquitination and degradation of hAha1 in the proteasome. Finally, pharmacologic inhibition of c-Abl prevents hAha1 interaction with Hsp90, thereby hypersensitizing cancer cells to Hsp90 inhibitors both in vitro and ex vivo
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