78 research outputs found

    From cooperation to globalization

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    Globalization is seen as a consequence of cross-border business. This complex and irreversible process can be seen as an extension of capitalist relations of production or increased interdependence in the economic system. Globalization has given rise to more and more fields of activity worldwide. To meet the challenges of business globalization, many companies form strategic alliances, cooperate or merge with other companies. Cooperation is seen by many companies as an alternative path to success. In recent years joint international associations, licensing, co-production agreements, joint research programs, exploration of consortia and other cooperative relationships between two or more corporations with potential have increased. We notice a cooperation tendency among small-sized companies, especially among those from the developing countries.

    Organization of the Statutory Audit of Financial Statements in Romania

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    Economic entities around the world, regardless of their membership - public or private sector - the size, the object of activity, prepare financial statements for presentation of financial information users (investors, creditors, customers, suppliers, public institutions). The financial statements provide information about financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an entity - information underlying to base decision process. For Romania, the financial audit was not a tradition. Recognized as a top area of the accounting profession, financial audit was legislated in 1999. Statutory audit, audit of annual financial statements or consolidated annual statements have been established 9 years later (Emergency Regulation no. 90 June 24, 2008), by transposing Directive 2006/43/EC of 17 May 2006 of the European Parliament and of Council on statutory audit of annual accounts and consolidated accounts, in order to ensure oversight of auditors, in the public interest


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    Internal Audit, compared with verification of transactions and compliance with established procedures, identify risks and assess the effectiveness of risk management.Internal audit based on risk analysis assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control in all areas of activity, helps management in its task by analyzing the causes and consequences, with recommendations concerning the activities examined, whereas both shareholders and existing and potential investors are interested in how the entity is governed

    The route of joint of the transnational corporations and globalization

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        Today’s discussions on globalization are more alive and controversial. As is acknowledged as a fact, globalization is studied not only as an economic category but as a process, system, phenomenon. Currently, on international level, a variety of companies operate. From all of these, the transnational corporation represent particular interest, being designated as an "entity-key of global economic activity, a creative net worth to devote a large proportion of global resources needed to sustain economic growth processes. The new trend in the TNC’s sites emphasize, efforts to promote corporate social responsibility that contributes to change the attitude of many corporations and individuals working for them. Company efforts are visible in contributions to community development and environmental impact. Corporations want to impose their own standards of development, which reflects some positive attitude towards regulations that support behavioral codes, which they argue. Globalization has opened the way for limited progress, offered alternatives to local development, has generated deep changes, n dimensional complex with sometimes unpre-dictable consequences on economic and socio-institutional development.


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    According to European Union evaluations, absorption of European funds is a challenge for all member states, but it is particularly difficult for those countries that joined later and are still catching up and aligning with the Union's economic policies and standards, leading to a lower absorption rate. In this context, the Antur project, which has been launched by Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava in cooperation with Addvances Strategic Solutions, should be seen as a solution to these findings. The project's primary objective was to promote the growth of the private sector and employment in the North-East region while also fostering entrepreneurship and developing entrepreneurial spirit on a regional scale. Because education has long-term effects and can cause changes in how people report to the labor market, the project's target group of 300 beneficiaries constitutes a substantial boost in medium and long-term human capital investment. The purpose of this research is to measure the project beneficiaries' level of affiliation with the entrepreneurial ecosystem by employing a questionnaire as a quantitative research approach to determine their perceptions of the entrepreneurial ecosystem pillars. Each pillar was given a hypothesis, which was either confirmed or disproved after the application of the questionnaire, which also included questions that aided us to operate a demographic profile of the respondents, along with questions regarding their education level and field of activity. After analyzing the data, we encountered that six of the eight hypotheses proposed have been confirmed, implying that the Antur project's beneficiaries own a solid knowledge of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as a result of the entrepreneurial skills training and the successful implementation of the startups


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    The main joint commercial operations are counterpart, re-export and switch operations. Regardless of the evolution of barter, these arrangements may be made at the firm level, as well as at the governmental one. Delivery in counterpart has extended relatively a lot in the contemporary international trade and it implies the elimination or the reduction of the traditional paying tools and its replacement with the exchange of goods and services normally sustained by financial deals. The counterpart operations are mainly based on the oldest form of trade – the barter (exchanging goods for goods) which precedes the use of money. The barter as an arrangement between Governments of different countries has some specific features such as: the high value level of the occasional barter exchanges, the long-term convention, an agreement regarding different safeguarding stipulations.clearing agreement; buy-back; switch; off-sets; compensation; barter

    Romania’s trends in lohn system evolution

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    In the current economic conditions of the financial crisis, companies must identify and use all the opportunities that the market offers for reducing the financial flows influence on the performance of their current activities. One of these possibilities is lohn operation, which combines the import of raw materials and the export of finished products and manpower, ensuring the use of production capacities and the increase of labor employment.The paper addresses both theoretical aspects as well practical ones, analyzing the evolution and lohn’s impact on the Romanian market.    

    Project management – the way to performance among corporations

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    Project management has developed from a simple management philosophy restricted to a few functional areas into a business process that include various areas from global market. Nowadays, most of the corporations are using project management systems to achieve performance on the global market, and they realize that project management and productivity are related.

    Could the Corporations Become Engines for International Cooperation?

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    Currently, the international market is crossed by complex operations and relations proving a large variety activity of companies. From all of them, the transnational corporation behaviors have caught the specialists’ interest, with their challenging particularities that enable for to designating the keyentities of global economic activity. The transnational corporations, the core of a creative and strong super network is worth becoming the engagement and devotion for a large proportion of global resources claimed to sustaining the sound growth processes. The organization and development of transnational corporations could also be considered as a boost in promotion international retailing companies in particular inter-trade. Traders have subsequently developed new techniques that revealed on the one hand the capital from developed countries, the mother country of transnational corporation, and on the other hand the resources from the host countries. As the world crisis has affected the large corporations through insufficient liquidity, the moment could help in developing those techniques to apply them for stimulating the emergence of alternative methods of financing business operations and cooperation in production and sales. Our paper is developed on research documentation and intends to bring some new contribution to the above mentioned topics, sustaining the sound farther development based on alternative tools and techniques that could give a lift face to the efforts incorporated and another image to the big economic communities.corporation, cooperation, crisis, international trade, sound contribution
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