160 research outputs found
Kalk se promatra kao jedan od oblika jeziÄnoga posuÄivanja. Iako se autori slažu u odreÄivanju samoga pojma, nesuglasja se javljaju u definiranju tipova i podtipova i u svezi s time oÄituju se razilaženja u kalkoloÅ”koj nomenklaturi. U ovome se prilogu prezentira tipologija i terminologija kalkova kao odraz razliÄitih pristupa toj problematici u razvoju lingvistike jeziÄnih dodira. Na kraju se predlaže moguÄa klasifikacija u Å”ire kategorije prema jeziÄnim razinima na kojima se kalkira i njihova daljnja raÅ”Älamba na podtipove. KonaÄno se definira svaki podtip i ilustrira leksemima iz hrvatskoga jezika kalkiranim prema predloÅ”cima razliÄite provenijencije.Calque is a form of language borrowing. Although the autors generally agree on the definition of the term itself, there seems to be some disagreement as regards the definition of its types and subtypes, resulting in differences in its nomenclature. The paper presents a calque typology and terminology which reflects the verious approaches to the subject in the development of the linguistics of languages in contact. It also proposes a possible classification into broader categories according to the linguistic level on which calques are made, as well as their further division. Finally, each subtype is defined and illustrated by Croatian lexemes calqued according to the models of different origin
U radu se obraÄuju Äimbenici semantiÄke razumljivosti kalkova. Visoki stupanj razumljivosti i opÄa prihvaÄenost kalkova pretpostavka je za stilsku raslojenost tih izraza. Stilska se svojstva kalkova promatraju s glediÅ”ta pripadnosti kalka pojedinom funkcionalnom stilu hrvatskoga standardnog jezika, s glediÅ”ta prijelaza kalka iz jednoga funkcionalnog stila u drugi i s glediÅ”ta stilske obilježenosti, odnosno neobilježenosti.This paper discusses the factors which affect the semantic understanding of calques. High understanding and widespread acceptance of calques contribute to the stylistic stratification of these expressions. Three stylistic characteristics of calques are examined: first, their relation to functional styles of standard Croatian; second, their transfer from one functional style to another; third, their stylistic markedness
Semantic loans as a kind of translation loans
U ovome se prilogu odreÄuju semantiÄke posuÄenice kao oblik prevedenica u kojima se pod utjecajem nekoga stranog jezika postojeÄem oznaÄitelju pridružuje novo oznaÄeno. Pozornost se posveÄuje samome pojmu, problemu i kriterijima identifikacije, pitanju jezika uzora i jezika posrednika, vrstama semantiÄkih posuÄenica, semantiÄkim odnosima izazvanim semantiÄkim posuÄivanjem, odnosu semantiÄke posuÄenice prema drugim tipovima prevedenica, a u vezi s time problematizira se preciznost tradicionalnoga naziva toga tipa prevedenica.The paper defines semantic loans as a kind of translation loans in which, under the influence of a foreign language, the existing signifier is given a new signified. The author describes the concept of semantic loan itself and the criteria for its identification, together with the model language and the media tor language, various kinds of semantic loans, semantic relations resulting from semantic borrowings and the relation between semantic loans and other types of translation loans, and consequently questions the accuracy of the traditional term for this type of translation loans
U ovome se radu govori o podrijetlu frazema u hrvatskome jeziku. Iako su frazemi specifiÄni za svaki pojedini jezik, postoje i zajedniÄki, opÄeeuropski frazemi koji se u hrvatskom jeziku javljaju u prevedenom i neprevedenom obliku. Posebna se pažnja posveÄuje kalkiranim frazemima, njihovom znaÄenju i strukturi, te moguÄim utjecajima i posrednicima.In diesem Beitrag wird Ć¼ber die Herkunft der Phraseme im Kroatischen gesprochen. Obwohl Phraseme spezifisch fĆ¼r jede einzelne Sprache sind, gibt es gemeinsame, europƤische Phraseme, die im Kroatischen in Ć¼bersetzter oder nicht-Ć¼bersetzter Form vorkommen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird den LehnĆ¼bersetzungen geschenkt, ihrer Bedeuntung und Struktur, so wie den mƶglichen EinflĆ¼ssen und Vermittlungen
Fonemi su svežnjevi inherentnih distinktivnih obilježja koji uvjetuju fonemsku diferencijaciju. Inherentna distinktivna obilježja ne funkcioniraju izolirano, nego u meÄusobnim odnosima. U prilogu se problematizira odnos: inherentna distinktivna obilježja i kompatibilnost fonema te njihov odnos prema valentnosti pojedinog fonema. S glediÅ”ta kompatibilnosti fonema zakljuÄuje se da inherentna distinktivna obilježja mogu biti kompatibilna, inkompatibilna i tolerantna. Kompatibilna obilježja omoguÄuju kombinacije fonema koji meÄusobno oponiraju po nekoj od opreka (npr. vokalnost, konsonantnost, stridentnost itd.). Inkompatibilna obilježja iskljuÄuju kombinacije fonema (npr. vokalnost, kompaktnost, gravisnost itd.). Tolerantna obilježja dopuÅ”taju udruživanje fonema, ali su takvi spojevi marginalni u jeziku.Njihova krajnost upuÄuje na strani utjecaj ili morfonoloÅ”ku prinudu. Redundantna svojstva omoguÄuju povezivanje fonema (npr. difuznost, nazalnost itd.). S glediÅ”ta valentnosti pojedinih fonema utvrÄeno je da u hrvatskome standardnom jeziku prevladavaju kombinacije fonema koje ne poÄivaju ni na prevelikom ni na premalom broju binarnih izbora. Mali se broj binarnih izbora protivi kontrastnome naÄelu, a veliki ekonomiÄnosti u jeziku
U Älanku se utvrÄuju tipovi prijevodnih ekvivalenata i inaÄica struÄnog nazivlja u ParÄiÄevim rjeÄnicima i usporeÄuju s jednakovrijednicama zabilježenim u dvojeziÄnim i viÅ”ejeziÄnim rjeÄnicima ParÄiÄevih prethodnika i suvremenika. TumaÄi se ParÄiÄev postupak u kalkiranju i utvrÄuje status prevedenica u suvremenome hrvatskom standardnom jeziku.The paper presents the types of translatation equivalents and varants of the technical terminology found i ParÄiÄs dictionaries and compares them to their equivalents found in bilingual and multilingual dictionaries of ParÄiÄ\u27s predecessors or contemporaries. ParÄiÄ\u27s procedure of calque-formation is explained and the status of translation forms in the current Croatian standard usage assessed
Grafija i ortografija u prvoj ĖrijeÄkojĖ knjizi ĖBraÅ”no duhovno
At the first part of this article, finding out relations between phonetic (phonemic) and graphic (graphemic) aspects of language in Nikola Hermon\u27s book Ā»BraÅ”no duhovnoĀ« (The Spiritual Flour) printed in 1693, the authoress wriĀ¬tes about specific graphical decisions; using that method she finds out relation graphic (graphemic) / phonetic (phonemic) and presents the function of graphic system. This article, on the other hand, wants to show us that graphic system, systematization and function of graphic decisions and methods, especially aboĀ¬ut problem of inconsequence and arbitrary in graphic decisions of ancient textes
Despite the fact that in understanding semantic loan words in theory of language caiques there are no significant aberations, and that notional determination can mean that they are one type of loan translations, in which for something marked new, under the influence of a foreign language, the marker from the lexeme inventory of the language borrowed is taken; to deal with the problems is very complex and opens new questions. Semantic loans due to the very same exspression with already confirmed native or loan words are more difficult to be identified than loans and other loan translation types. Except for usual proceedings and criteria necessary in identifying loan translations, as are content identities and forming model concordances, to semantic loan words it is necessary to take into consideration social and historical options when borowing models.
The paper deals with some cognitions on semantic loan words in the Croatian language, especially in the terminology of particular fields of specialization with regard to the time of their origin, and in consideration of the model language, that is, the language mediator, similar solutions in other European languages are quoted in the paper. Semantic loans then are being analyzed from the point of view of their content and formal construction, and the changes that they have provoked in the Croatian languages are being established
U Älanku se raÅ”Älanjuje odnos razina jeziÄnog izraza, jedinica i njihovih realizacija te odgovarajuÄih lingvistiÄkih disciplina.It is the purpose of the article to analyse the relation existing between the levels of language expression, units and their realizations and the corresponding linguistic disciplines
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