242 research outputs found

    XML-Based Automatic Test Data Generation

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    Software engineering aims at increasing quality and reliability while decreasing the cost of the software. Testing is one of the most time-consuming phases of the software development lifecycle. Improvement in software testing results in decrease in cost and increase in quality of the software. Automation in software testing is one of the most popular ways of software cost reduction and reliability improvement. In our work we propose a system called XML-based automatic test data generation that generates the test data automatically according to the given data definition. We also proposed a test data definition language to describe the test data to be generated. This system reduces the testing time compared to manual test data generation and increases the testing reliability compared to the random test data generation by eliminating meaningless test data

    Fen ve Teknoloji Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel, Sözde-Bilimsel Ayrımına Yönelik Algıları

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    Due to increasing interest in science, theories and claims are placed in the media. However, theories and claims involving pseudoscientific expressions mislead individuals and cause some misconceptions about science. By taking that problem into consideration, evaluating the perceptions and competencies of teacher candidates about the issue of demarcation becomes a need simply because they are educated for science classes that are assumed to be the most proper contexts to prepare the individuals for such discussions. With this in mind, this demarcation is taken as the problem of this research. Open ended questions, a sample case and interviews performed by randomly selected 11 candidates constituted the data sources of the research in which 57 freshman candidates participated. Results showed that most of the participants perceive science as being provable on one hand and as a discipline that examines everything on the other. Also, they seem to lack skills necessary to examine science-pseudoscience difference critically which results in deficiencies in such an important demarcation.Bilime olan ilginin artışıyla birlikte medyada daha çok teori, iddia gündeme getirilmeye başlanmıştır. Ancak bu iddiaların barındırdığı sözde-bilimsel anlatımlar, yanlış algılamalara yol açabilmektedir. Bu araştırmada, bu sorundan yola çıkılarak bireylerin bu tür tartışmalara hazırlanmasında en etkin bağlam olduğu düşünülen fen ve teknoloji dersi için yetiştirilen öğretmen adaylarının bilimsel, sözde-bilimsel ayrımına yönelik algıları, yeterlikleri inceleme konusu yapılmıştır. 57 birinci sınıf öğretmen adayı ile yürütülen araştırmanın veri kaynaklarını açık uçlu sorular, bir örnek olay metni ve rasgele seçilmiş on bir aday ile yapılan görüşmelerin kayıtları oluşturmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları adayların büyük çoğunluğunun eleştirel bir tavır içinde olmadığını, bir uçta ispatlanabilirlik üzerine kurulu, diğer uçta ise her şeyin inceleme konusu yapıldığı bir bilim anlayışı sergilediklerini ve bilimsel, sözde-bilimsel ayrımında büyük oranda yetersiz kaldıklarını göstermiştir

    A Study on Physical and Chemical Properties of Cellulose Paper Immersed in Various Solvent Mixtures

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    The cellulose paper treated in proportional mixture systems showed higher liquid absorption compare to only EtOH and MeOH treatments. It was approximately 40–70% and 50–91% higher for EtOH-NaOH and MeOH-NaOH treated papers, respectively. All conditions apparently bring about an effect of decreased strength for papers. The lowest tensile strength of 13.0 N/mm was found with EtOH and NaOH treated samples after 5th repeating wetting-drying stage. But, some conditions gave approximately 21–59.5% higher stretch than untreated samples. The pore size distributions of papers were evaluated with Simons stain procedure and experimental results usually consisted with sorption data. The less intense CH2–CH2- vibrations (1450–1700 cm−1) and C-C and C-O-C peak areas in FTIR spectra indicates lowering H-bonds in solvent treated and dried paper network structure

    Conifer Cones: An Alternative Raw Material for Industry

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    The cone is an organ of conifers that contains the reproductive structures. There is growing interest products from natural materials in worldwide. However, the chemical compounds from cones are great interest because of its residue products. A number of studies on conifer cones haveavailable in literature. Majority of these studies are on morphological, chemical and material properties of cones. All these findings have contribute to better utilization of materials from conifer cones as new medicinal plant products. However, it was consistently reported that the chemical constituents of cones changed depend on geographical, seasonal, genotypic and environmental situations. It was reported that conifer cones have similar chemical constituents like wood but in various proportion. They markedly contain rich of phenoloic compounds and some extractives. They primarilly consists cellulose, lignin, and hemicelluloses as major constituents. They have also some condense tannins, resin acids, stilbenes, flavonoids, etc. Many of researchers have already reported that these extracts, which have various proportions in different species may offer some advantages in terms of utilization from waste materials and may show exceptional medicinal properties. A number of different approaches have applied to find alternative and economical utilization from coniferous cones. It has also used for manufacturing various kinds of composite and paper material as substituent of wood. It has already tried to use for particleboard, fiberboard and plastic composite process aiming to without lowering properties. The results reported in that area is promising. It has been utilized for purifying of waters as bioabsorbent or scavengers for heavy metals from waste streams. It has also found to be useful for producing cellulose with its intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight. However, it has already well explained that some extracts from cones show antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial properties and may cure some disorders of humans. The utilization of these constituents from as a forest residue material may offer many possible applications as raw material

    Determinación del índice de calidad del suelo en el delta de Batumi, Georgia

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    The soil quality index is a quantitative assessment concept and it is used in the evaluation of ecosystem components. Because of the high potential for agriculture and biodiversity, deltas are the most valuable parts of the ecosystem. This study aimed to determine the soil quality index (SQI) in the Batumi Delta, Georgia. For this purpose, the study area was divided into five plots due to their morphological positions (L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5). A total of 125 soil samples were taken for analysis including clay content (CC), silt content (SC), sand content (SaC), mean weight diameter (MWD), aggregate stability (AS), amount of water retained under -33 kPa (FC) and -1500 kPa (WP) pressures and organic matter content (OM). These properties were used as the main criteria, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Factor Analysis were used for weighting them. Sub-criteria were scored using expert opinion and the linear score functions, such as “more is better” and “optimum value”. For determining SQI, the additive method (SQIA), the weighted method with AHP (SQIAHP), and the weighted method with factor analysis (SQIFA) were used. The resulting SQI scores of the three methods were ordered as SQIAHP>SQIA>SQIFA, but these differences were not significant. However, the SQI scores of the plots (p£0.01) showed statistically significant differences and were ordered as L5>L4>L3>L2>L1.El índice de calidad del suelo es un concepto de evaluación cuantitativa y se utiliza en la evaluación de los componentes del ecosistema. Debido a su potencial alto para la agricultura y la biodiversidad, los deltas son las partes más valiosas del ecosistema. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el índice de calidad del suelo (SQI) en el delta de Batumi, Georgia. Es por ello que el área de estudio se dividió en cinco parcelas con base en sus posiciones morfológicas (L1 , L2 , L3 , L4 y L5 ). Un total de 125 muestras de suelo se tomaron para su análisis, e incluyeron contenido de arcilla (CC), contenido de limo (SC), contenido de arena (SaC), diámetro medio ponderado (MWD), estabilidad de agregados (AS), cantidad de agua retenida de presiones por debajo de -33 kPa (FC) y -1500 kPa (WP) y contenido de materia orgánica (OM). Estas propiedades se utilizaron como criterios principales, y para ponderarlas usamos el Proceso analítico jerárquico (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) y el Análisis de factores. Los subcriterios se calificaron de acuerdo con la opinión de expertos y con las funciones de calificación lineal, como “más es mejor” y “valor óptimo”. Para determinar el SQI, se utilizó el método aditivo (SQIA), el método ponderado con AHP (SQIAHP) y el método ponderado con análisis de factores (SQIFA). Los valores resultantes de SQI de los tres métodos se ordenaron como SQIAHP> SQIA> SQIFA, pero estas diferencias no fueron significativas. Sin embargo, los valores de SQI de las parcelas (p£0.01) mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas y se ordenaron como L5 > L4 > L3 > L2 > L

    Determining suitable arable lands with ahp method

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    Tarımdan sanayiye kadar birçok sektörün vazgeçilmezi olan toprak, insanoğlu için hayati öneme sahiptir. Toprağın yeteneğine uygun olarak kullanımı, doğal kaynakların sürekliliği ve ülke kalkınması açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Dünya’da ve özellikle ülkemizde, nüfusun hızla artmasıyla birlikte yaşamsal ihtiyaçlar artmakta ve bu durum toprak üzerinde yoğun baskı oluşturmaktadır. Bu baskı, yanlış arazi kullanımına ve doğal kaynakların hızla tüketilmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, arazinin sadece günümüzün değil geleceğin ihtiyaçlarını da karşılayacak şekilde yeteneğine uygun olarak kullanımının planlanması ve arazi kullanımına yönelik doğru kararların verilebilmesi için arazi kullanımı uygunluk analizlerinin yapılması gerekmektedir. Arazi kullanımı uygunluk analizi, sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı destekleyen arazi kullanım politikaları geliştirmek için vazgeçilmez bir işlemdir. Aynı zamanda tarım, yerleşim ve rekreasyon gibi farklı kullanım türleri için arazinin potansiyelini belirlemeye yönelik bir çok kriterli karar verme sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, inşası planlanan barajlar nedeniyle başta ilçe merkezi olmak üzere, mevcut yerleşim ve tarım alanları sular altında kalacak olan Artvin ili Yusufeli ilçesindeki uygun tarım alanlarının belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada, arazi kullanımı uygunluk analizlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan “Analitik Hiyerarşi Process (AHP)” yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Uygulamada, Büyük Toprak Grubu, Diğer Toprak Özellikleri, Arazi Kullanım Kabiliyeti, Arazi Kullanım Kabiliyeti Alt Sınıfı, toprak derinliği, erozyon derecesi, eğim, bakı ve yükseklik parametreleri kullanılmıştır. Parametrelerin ağırlıklandırılmasında uzman görüşlerine başvurulmuş ve üretilen uygunluk haritası, Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü (FAO)’nün arazi uygunluk sınıflandırmasına göre 5 kategoriye ayrılmıştır. Yeniden sınıflandırılan uygunluk haritasına göre, çalışma alanının % 0,42’sinin (981,90 ha) tarımsal üretim için yüksek derecede uygun, % 2,34’ünün (5431,19 ha) orta derecede uygun, % 61,03’ünün (141387,60 ha) ise düşük derecede uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında, mevcut haliyle tarımsal üretim için uygun olmayan alan oranının % 17,49 (40521,05 ha) ve tamamen uygun olmayan alan oranının ise % 18,71 (43335,29 ha) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara ulaşılmasında, çalışma alanındaki eğimin oldukça yüksek olmasının, toprak derinliğinin tarımsal üretim için yeterli olmamasının ve erozyon derecesinin yüksek olmasının etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Considered as an indispensible resource for many sectors from agriculture to industry, soil (land) has a vital importance for human being. It possesses great importance for sustainability of natural resources and development of countries when it is used sufficiently, in other words, according to its ability. With the population growth in the World and especially in our country, living needs are increasing, causing high pressure over soil. This pressure results in misuse of land and rapid consumption of natural resources. That is why land use suitability analyses need to be completed in order to plan lands to be used according to their abilities and to make proper decisions not only for current but also for future needs. Land use suitability analysis is an essential process for generating land use policy to support sustainable development. In addition, it is a multi-criteria decision making process towards determining potential of lands for various usages such as agriculture, settlement and recreation. The purpose of this study was to determine suitable arable lands in Artvin’s Yusufeli district since present settlements (including the district center) and agricultural areas will be inundated due to the construction of planned large dams. In this study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that has commonly being applied to land use suitability analyses was used. In the application process, several parameters including great soil groups, some other soil properties, land use capability classification, land use capability sub-classification, soil depth, erosion degree, slope, aspect and elevation were used. In weighting of these parameters, we asked experts’ opinions and a suitability map created from these opinions were separated into 5 categories according to the land suitability classification provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nation. Newly classified suitability map showed that only 0,42% (981,90 ha) of the whole study area was highly suitable while 2,34% (5431,19 ha) and 61,03% (141.387,60 ha) were suitable with moderately and marginally degrees, respectively. On the other hand, it was found that while 17,49% (40521,05 ha) of land was currently unsuitable, 18,71% (43335.29 ha) of land was classified as permanently not suitable for agricultural production. It was interpreted that very high slope, insufficient soil depth for agricultural production, and high erosion degree of the study area were effective factors in these findings

    Introducing the Hiking Suitability Index to evaluate mountain forest roads as poten- tial hiking routes – a case study in Hatila Valley National Park, Turkey

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    Planning recreational areas for a conservation-use balance is important in the sustainable use of national parks. This study was conducted to determine the ability of forest roads as hiking routes in Hatila Valley National Park, northeostern Turkey. The indicators used as evaluation criteria were determined using the natural characteristics and landscape values of the National Park. A multi-criteria decision analysis (the Analytic Hierarchy Process; AHP) was used, with route length, slope, altitude, aspect, walking time, landscape quality and access to clean water as the main parameters. Experts were consulted to determine the weights of parameters and the linear scoring functions. Expert opinions were also used for scoring measurable and unmeosurable sub-parameters. A Hiking Suitability Index (HSI) was formulated using these parameters to score the suitability of existing roads for hiking. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to map the parameters and hiking routes. Results showed that slope was the most important parameter in assessing suitability. We concluded that forest roads can be used for hiking in protected areas without harming nature, and the suitability of routes can be determined using AHP

    Determination of the physical characteristics of the trekking tracks in Hatila National Park through GIS

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    Today's living conditions restrict the time people can spend in the nature. Studies conducted in the recent years exhibit that people's longing for the nature increases more and more. Trekking is an activity that can be performed by almost everyone and it is among the sports activities people can perform in order to satisfy their longing for the nature. This study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the quality of 45 in-forest tracks of the mainly mountainous Hatila National Park located in the city of Artvin in terms of being regarded as trekking tracks. The area is an important recreational spot where the characteristics of natural landscape meet cultural landscape, and is under protection owing to the flora and wild life it embodies. Within the scope of the study, the physical characteristics of the trekking tracks including the slope, walking distance, walking time, aspect and elevation were determined through the use of geographic information system (GIS). From the findings obtained in the study, it was determined that the examined 45 tracks varied largely in terms of length (min 1612 m, max 33735 m), and that also track walking distances and the elevation differences between track starts and track ends vary (min 157 m, max 2189 m) according to the track length. It was also determined that variability in terms of slope levels also exists (minimum average gradient being 16.07% and the maximum average gradient being 27.90%) due to the topographical characteristics of the area, and that once again due to the topography, four different aspects are predominant in the area

    Agricultural land use suitability analysis using GIS and AHP technique

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    The aim of this study was to determine suitable lands for agricultural use in the Yusufeli district of Artvin city (Turkey), where the current agricultural land in the district center and 3 villages will be completely inundated while the land in 22 villages will be partially inundated due to three large dams currently being constructed. The ‘‘Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)’’ method, commonly used in land use suitabil- ity analysis, was utilized in this study. In application, the parameters of great soil group, land use capa- bility class, land use capability sub-class, soil depth, slope, aspect, elevation, erosion degree and other soil properties were used. In determining the weights of the parameters, experts’ opinions were consulted, and the agricultural land suitability map generated was divided into 5 categories according to the land suitability classi?cation of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). After deducting the forests, pastures and reservoir areas from the reclassi?ed suitability map, it was estimated that 0.08% of the study area (177.87 ha) is highly suitable for agricultural production, while 1.55% (3578.33 ha) is moderately suitable and 6.3% (14575.91 ha) is marginally suitable for agricultural production. In addition, it was found that the proportion of land that is currently unsuitable for agricultural production is 2.24% (5183.63 ha), while the amount of land that is permanently unsuitable is 3.42% (7923.39 ha). It was also determined that the following facts were all effective factors in reaching these results: a substantial por- tion (approximately 85%) of the study area is covered with forests and pastures, the soil depth is inade- quate for agricultural production, the slope in the study area is quite high and, accordingly, the erosion degree is high

    Investigation of the relationship between the coastal land use and land ownership: the case of Hopa

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    In our country, particularly the Constitution, Civil Code, Cadastre Law, Coastal Law and relevant regulations state that the coasts are under the provision and possession of the government, cannot be subject of private ownership, and are primarily for purpose of the public welfare. However, the legislation in effect both in the Ottoman Empire time and the Republic era (until 1972) enabled the coasts to be subject of private ownership, and privately owned ownerships developed on the coasts under the government guarantee. Also, delays in determination of the “Shore Border Line” (SBL) delimiting the coastal area further caused these areas to be the subject of private ownership. The mentioned problem is also being observed along the coastline of Artvin Province. The SBL determination work was started on the Black Sea coastline of the Artvin province which is about 33 km long, in mid 1970s and completed in the year 2012. During that time private ownerships developed on the coastal area. Besides, due to the construction of the Black Sea coastal roadway, some distortion occurred along the Black Sea coast, destroying the natural shores and causing misuse of land on the coastline. Use of the coasts in line with its potential, free and equal use of them by everyone can only be possible with the coastal planning. Such planning primarily requires identifying how the coasts are currently being utilized, and making the prevailing legislative status of the coasts clear. This study aims to identify the ownership profile along the coastline and to determine the real estates remained on the Black Sea coast of Hopa district of Artvin by infringing the SBL with the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The study, where the use of coastal areas is also being analyzed in terms of landscape, also offers some recommendations to relieve the pressure of the private ownership and public institutions on the coasts; thus, enabling them to be utilized for public interest according to their potentia