6,390 research outputs found

    Deconfinement vs. chiral symmetry and higher representation matter

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    The interplay of deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration are considered in terms of effective theories. We generalize the earlier model studies by considering fermions in higher representations, and study the finite temperature phase diagrams of SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories with two fermion flavors in fundamental, adjoint or two-index symmetric representations. We discuss our results in relation to recent lattice simulations on these theories and outline possible applications in the context of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Finite Temperature Phase Diagrams of Gauge Theories

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    We discuss finite temperature phase diagrams of SU(N) gauge theory with massless fermions as a function of the number of fermion flavors. Inside the conformal window we find a phase boundary separating two different conformal phases. Below the conformal window we find different phase structures depending on if the beta function of the theory has a first or higher order zero at the lower boundary of the conformal window. We also outline how the associated behaviors will help in distinguishing different types of theories using lattice simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Naturality, unification and dark matter

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    We consider a model where electroweak symmetry breaking is driven by Technicolor dynamics with minimal particle content required for walking coupling and saturation of global anomalies. Furthermore, the model features three additional Weyl fermions singlet under Technicolor interactions, which provide for a one-loop unification of the Standard Model gauge couplings. Among these extra matter fields exists a possible candidate for weakly interacting dark matter. We evaluate the relic densities and find that they are sufficient to explain the cosmological observations and avoid the experimental limits from earth-based searches. Hence, we establish a non-supersymmetric framework where hierarchy and naturality problems are solved, coupling constant unification is achieved and a plausible dark matter candidate exists

    Discriminating between technicolor and warped extra dimensional model via pp \to ZZ channel

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    We explore the possibility to discriminate between certain strongly-coupled technicolor (TC) models and warped extra-dimensional models where the Standard Model fields are propagating in the extra dimension. We consider a generic QCD-like TC model with running coupling as well as two TC models with walking dynamics. We argue that due to the different production mechanisms for the lowest-lying composite tensor state in these TC theories compared to the first Kaluza-Klein graviton mode of warped extra-dimensional case, it is possible to distinguish between these models based on the angular analysis of the reconstructed longitudinal Z bosons in the ppZZpp \to ZZ \to four charged leptons channel.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    On finite-temperature holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit

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    Holographic models in the T=0 universality class of QCD in the limit of large number N_c of colors and N_f massless fermion flavors, but constant ratio x_f=N_f/N_c, are analyzed at finite temperature. The models contain a 5-dimensional metric and two scalars, a dilaton sourcing TrF^2 and a tachyon dual to \bar qq. The phase structure on the T,x_f plane is computed and various 1st order, 2nd order transitions and crossovers with their chiral symmetry properties are identified. For each x_f, the temperature dependence of p/T^4 and the quark-antiquark -condensate is computed. In the simplest case, we find that for x_f up to the critical x_c\sim 4 there is a 1st order transition on which chiral symmetry is broken and the energy density jumps. In the conformal window x_c<x_f<11/2, there is only a continuous crossover between two conformal phases. When approaching x_c from below, x_f\to x_c, temperature scales approach zero as specified by Miransky scaling.Comment: 66 pages, 29 figure

    Discursive space of the European Parliament plenary:Nigel Farage and the continuum of populist Eurosceptic discourse

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    Abstract. This thesis explores the discourse strategies employed by Nigel Farage in the European Parliament plenary and attempts to relate one of his speeches to a larger continuum of populist and Eurosceptic discourses. The former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) gained notoriety as an outgoing spokesman for Brexit, the British exit from the European Union. As such, studying his argumentative strategies gives insight into what aspects construct his narrative concerning the British referendum and EU policies. This thesis also attempts to answer whom Farage directs his speech at in the plenary sitting, and whether his speech is a serious attempt at debate in the plenary or rather an attempt to show himself opposing the EU on its own turf. The analysis will employ Critical Discourse Analysis as its approach, and further, Discourse Historic Approach as the methodological base for the analysis.Tiivistelmä. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii Nigel Faragen käyttämiä diskursiivisia strategioita Euroopan Parlamentin täysistunnossa, ja pyrkii yhdistämään yhden hänen puheistaan suurempaan populististen sekä Euroskeptisten diskurssien jatkumoon. Entisenä UK Independence Partyn (UKIP) johtajana Farage sai julkisuutta Brexitin, Britannian EU-eron, kannattajana. Siitä syystä hänen argumentoivien strategioidensa tutkiminen valaisee sitä, mitkä rakenteet luovat hänen narratiivinsa liittyen Ison-Britannian EU-jäsenyyttä koskeneeseen kansanäänestykseen, sekä yleisesti EU:n rakentamaan politiikkaan. Tämä opinnäytetyö pyrkii myöskin vastaamaan kenelle Farage kohdistaa puheensa EP:n täysistunnossa, ja mikäli hänen puheensa todellinen tarkoitus on olla osa täysistunnon väittelyä, vaiko pelkkä pyrkimys saada näkyvyyttä itsellensä hänen vastustaessa Euroopan Unionia sen omalla kotikentällään. Opinnäytetyön analyysi käyttää CDA:ta (Critical Discourse Analysis) tieteellisenä lähestymistapana analyysille, sekä DHA:ta (Discouse Historical Approach) metodologisena pohjana analyysille

    Crisis of the rule of law:dimensions of political discourse between the European Commission and Hungary

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    Abstract. The European Union has experienced a rule of law crisis for the past several years. As a result, the Union attached a rule of law clause into its multiannual budget of 2021–2027 that would enable suspension of funds from Member States that violate the principles of the rule of law. Hungary has been a target for rule of law related proceedings by the union, and it cast a veto on the multiannual budget because of the rule of law clause attached to it. This thesis will explore the discourse surrounding the Hungarian veto, and rule of law in general. Using the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) of Critical Discourse Analysis, this thesis will explore the different dimensions of discourse surrounding the rule of law crisis in the European Union. As materials, this study will use the 2020 Rule of Law Report by the European Commission, as well as two texts by Hungarian ministers associated with it; a statement by the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, and an opinion piece by the Hungarian Minister of Justice Judit Varga. The aim of this paper is to explore discursive strategies used by the European Commission, Viktor Orbán and Judit Varga as well as how they construct rule of law as a term in the materials. Additionally, this paper will examine how their discursive strategies have evolved over time. Ultimately, this thesis attempts to describe the discourse about rule of law in the discursive spaces of the European Commission and the Hungarian Government.Oikeusvaltioperiaatteen kriisi : Euroopan Komission ja Unkarin välisen poliittisen diskurssin ulottuvuudet. Tiivistelmä. Euroopan Unioni on ollut keskellä oikeusvaltioperiaatteen kriisiä jo monen vuoden ajan. Tämän seurauksena EU liitti oikeusvaltioperiaatetta koskevan ehdollisuusasetuksen vuosien 2021–2027 budjettiesitykseen. Ehdollisuusasetus mahdollistaa rahoituksen jäädyttämisen jäsenmaalta, jonka katsotaan toimivan oikeusvaltioperiaatetta vastaan. Unkari on ollut oikeusvaltioperiaatetta koskevien käsittelyiden kohteena, ja se käytti veto-oikeuttansa budjettiesityksestä äänestettäessä kyseisen ehdollisuusasetuksen takia. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tutkii Unkarin vetoääntä ja laajemmin oikeusvaltioperiaatetta ympäröivää diskurssia. Käyttäen tutkimusmetodina kriittiseen diskurssianalyysiin perustuvaa diskurssihistoriallista lähestymistapaa (DHA), tämä opinnäytetyö tarkastelee Euroopan unionin oikeusvaltioperiaatetta koskevan diskurssin eri ulottuvuuksia. Materiaalina työssä käytetään Euroopan komission julkaisemaa vuoden 2020 oikeusvaltiokertomusta sekä kahta unkarilaisten ministerien tekstiä; Unkarin pääministeri Viktor Orbánin lausuntoa liittyen budjettiesityksen vetoääneen, sekä Unkarin oikeusministeri Judit Vargan kirjoittamaa mielipidekirjoitusta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella Euroopan komission, Viktor Orbánin sekä Judit Vargan käyttämiä diskursiivisia strategioita sekä sitä, miten oikeusvaltioperiaate rakentuu terminä heidän teksteissään. Lisäksi tämä tutkimus tarkastelee, miten kyseisten toimijoiden diskursiiviset strategiat ovat muotoutuneet ajan myötä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on lopulta pyrkiä kuvailemaan Euroopan komission sekä Unkarin luomaa diskursiivista tilaa oikeusvaltioperiaatteeseen liittyen

    Optical quality assurance of GEM foils

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    An analysis software was developed for the high aspect ratio optical scanning system in the Detec- tor Laboratory of the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki Institute of Physics. The system is used e.g. in the quality assurance of the GEM-TPC detectors being developed for the beam diagnostics system of the SuperFRS at future FAIR facility. The software was tested by analyzing five CERN standard GEM foils scanned with the optical scanning system. The measurement uncertainty of the diameter of the GEM holes and the pitch of the hole pattern was found to be 0.5 {\mu}m and 0.3 {\mu}m, respectively. The software design and the performance are discussed. The correlation between the GEM hole size distribution and the corresponding gain variation was studied by comparing them against a detailed gain mapping of a foil and a set of six lower precision control measurements. It can be seen that a qualitative estimation of the behavior of the local variation in gain across the GEM foil can be made based on the measured sizes of the outer and inner holes.Comment: 12 pages, 29 figure