76 research outputs found

    Numerical study of higher order analogues of the Tracy-Widom distribution

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    We study a family of distributions that arise in critical unitary random matrix ensembles. They are expressed as Fredholm determinants and describe the limiting distribution of the largest eigenvalue when the dimension of the random matrices tends to infinity. The family contains the Tracy-Widom distribution and higher order analogues of it. We compute the distributions numerically by solving a Riemann-Hilbert problem numerically, plot the distributions, and discuss several properties that they appear to exhibit.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Control-NeRF: Editable Feature Volumes for Scene Rendering and Manipulation

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    We present a novel method for performing flexible, 3D-aware image contentmanipulation while enabling high-quality novel view synthesis. While NeRF-basedapproaches are effective for novel view synthesis, such models memorize theradiance for every point in a scene within a neural network. Since these modelsare scene-specific and lack a 3D scene representation, classical editing suchas shape manipulation, or combining scenes is not possible. Hence, editing andcombining NeRF-based scenes has not been demonstrated. With the aim ofobtaining interpretable and controllable scene representations, our modelcouples learnt scene-specific feature volumes with a scene agnostic neuralrendering network. With this hybrid representation, we decouple neuralrendering from scene-specific geometry and appearance. We can generalize tonovel scenes by optimizing only the scene-specific 3D feature representation,while keeping the parameters of the rendering network fixed. The renderingfunction learnt during the initial training stage can thus be easily applied tonew scenes, making our approach more flexible. More importantly, since thefeature volumes are independent of the rendering model, we can manipulate andcombine scenes by editing their corresponding feature volumes. The editedvolume can then be plugged into the rendering model to synthesize high-qualitynovel views. We demonstrate various scene manipulations, including mixingscenes, deforming objects and inserting objects into scenes, while stillproducing photo-realistic results.<br

    Playable Environments: {V}ideo Manipulation in Space and Time

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    We present Playable Environments-a new representation for interactive video generation and manipulation in space and time. With a single image at inference time, our novel framework allows the user to move objects in 3D while generating a video by providing a sequence of desired actions. The actions are learnt in an unsupervised manner. The camera can be controlled to get the desired viewpoint. Our method builds an environment state for each frame, which can be manipulated by our proposed action mod-ule and decoded back to the image space with volumetric rendering. To support diverse appearances of objects, we extend neural radiance fields with style-based modulation. Our method trains on a collection of various monocular videos requiring only the estimated camera parameters and 2D object locations. To set a challenging benchmark, we in-troduce two large scale video datasets with significant cam-era movements. As evidenced by our experiments, playable environments enable several creative applications not at-tainable by prior video synthesis works, including playable 3D video generation, stylization and manipulation 1 1 willi-menapace.github.io/playable-environments-website


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    A novel photogrammetric pipeline has been designed by INAF-Padova for the processing of the recent stereo images of CaSSIS and it will be a starting point for the future procedures that will be applied to Stereo Camera (STC) (Cremonese, 2009; Da Deppo, 2010) images for the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. The large number of stereo pairs being generated has made it necessary that several teams attempt to generate products. The presented procedures are the two strategies (proposed by INAF-PADOVA and by EPFLLausanne) available nowadays in an international attempt to generate 3D products from the CaSSIS images. The comparisons here presented will be the first of several such efforts and are important to make the planetary community aware of the accuracy of the 3D data available. Furthermore, the possibility to consider higher accuracy DTMs as the ones of HiRISE makes the quality assessment of stereo products of CaSSIS robust and important for the assessment of data to be provided to the scientific community. The performance evaluation of the INAF-Padova pipeline (3DPD software) is the main objectives of this work. Additionally, the comparison between the correlation phase of 3DPD and of ASP (Moratto, 2010) that is integrated in the EPFL pipeline has been considered

    A low-cost, autonomous mobile platform for limnological investigations, supported by high-resolution mesoscale airborne imagery

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    Two complementary measurement systems – built upon an autonomous floating craft and a tethered balloon – for lake research and monitoring are presented. The autonomous vehicle was assembled on a catamaran for stability, and is capable of handling a variety of instrumentation for in situ and near-surface measurements. The catamaran hulls, each equipped with a small electric motor, support rigid decks for arranging equipment. An electric generator provides full autonomy for about 8 h. The modular power supply and instrumentation data management systems are housed in two boxes, which enable rapid setup. Due to legal restrictions in Switzerland (where the craft is routinely used), the platform must be observed from an accompanying boat while in operation. Nevertheless, the control system permits fully autonomous operation, with motion controlled by speed settings and waypoints, as well as obstacle detection. On-board instrumentation is connected to a central hub for data storage, with real-time monitoring of measurements from the accompanying boat. Measurements from the floating platform are complemented by mesoscale imaging from an instrument package attached to a He-filled balloon. The aerial package records thermal and RGB imagery, and transmits it in real-time to a ground station. The balloon can be tethered to the autonomous catamaran or to the accompanying boat. Missions can be modified according to imagery and/or catamaran measurements. Illustrative results showing the surface thermal variations of Lake Geneva demonstrate the versatility of the combined floating platform/balloon imagery system setup for limnological investigations


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    Наукове та законодавче забезпечення реалізації концепції кримінальних проступків : монографія / С. В. Ківалов, В. О. Туляков, Н. А. Мирошниченко [та ін.] ; за заг. ред. С. В. Ківалова, В. О. Тулякова ; НУ ОЮА. — Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2014. — 176 с.Монографія підготовлена колективом авторів у результаті виконання науково-дослідницьких робіт за фундаментальною науковою темою «Наукове та законодавче забезпечення реалізації концепції кримінальних проступків у кримінальному праві України» за замовленням МОН України. Визначено наукові основи та законодавчі прийоми, що сприятимуть реалізації концепції кримінальних проступків як виду кримінального правопорушення, модель кримінальних проступків (правову природу, властивості, види та міру кримінальних стягнень, що мають застосовуватись за їх вчинення) в правовій доктрині та законодавстві України. Запропоновано формальне вираження моделі кримінального проступку — витяг із Загальної частини проекту Кримінального кодексу України. Призначена для наукових працівників, які займаються розробками концепцій диференціації кримінального діяння на злочини та кримінальні проступки та проблемами вдосконалення кримінального законодавства в напрямку запровадження інституту кримінальних проступків. Може бути корисною також для практикуючих правознавців, студентів, аспірантів і викладачів юридичних ВНЗ та кожному, хто цікавиться проблемами та перспективами розвитку вітчизняного кримінального законодавства