15 research outputs found

    Peroneus Quartus Muscle Causing Chronic Ankle Pain: Case Report

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    Ayak bileğinde uzamış ağrı, populasyonda sık karşılaşılan bir durumdur. Peroneus quartus (PQ) kası ayak bileği ağrısının nadir görülen nedenlerinden birisidir. Kronik ayak bileği ağrısı şikayeti bulunan genç bir kadın hastada, ayak bileği lateral kompartumanında PQ kası ve neden olduğu tenosinovit saptanmıştır. PQ kasının manyetik resonans görüntülemedeki ve ultrasonografideki görünüm özelliklerinin bilinmesi ve bu anatomik varyasyonun farkında olunması, diğer patolojik süreçlerden ayırımını yapmada önemlidir. Prolonged ankle pain is not uncommon in population. The peroneus quartus (PQ) muscle is rarely involved in pathologic processes of the ankle, but can be a cause lateral ankle pain. We report an unusual case of a young woman with chronic ankle pain caused by the presence of a PQ muscle in the lateral compartment. It is useful to be familiar with the magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonographic imaging appearances of PQ muscle and recognition of this variation will allow differentiation from other abnormalities

    İzole patellar tendon defektlerinin kuadriseps kas grubu üzerindeki etkileri: Tavşanlar üzerinde yapılmış deneysel bir çalışma

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.[Abstarct Not Available

    Current treatment of nerve injuries and disorders

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    The appearance of a normal peripheral nerve in imaging methods correlates with the histological structure of the nerve.&nbsp; Ultrasonography is considered to be an optimal imaging method to evaluate the normal anatomy and the pathology of peripheral nerves. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a promising diagnostic technique to imagine peripheral nerves. MRI can identify specific muscle denervation patterns within 24–48 hours after denervation. Ultrasonography and MRI are two&nbsp; complementary imaging methods, each having its advantages and disadvantages, which are suitable to study peripheral nerves.</p

    Ultrasonographic Evaluation in Plantar Fasciitis

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    The heels of 23 patients who were diagnosed with unilateral/bilateral plantar fasciitis were evaluated via ultrasonography and compared with their asymptomatic feet and a control group of 23 people. Plantar fascial thickness, echogenity, and heel pad thickness were evaluated, and the results were statistically analyzed. For symptomatic feet, increased thickness of the fascia and reduced echogenity were constant ultrasonographic findings (mean, 4.79 mm for symptomatic feet; 2.17 mm for control group, P .05). Ultrasonography seems to be a valuable, noninvasive diagnostic tool for the evaluation of plantar fasciitis. © 2007 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

    Ultrasonographic diagnosis of the posterior cruciate ligament injury in a 4-year-old child: A case report

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    Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury is a rare condition in children. We report a 4-year-old child with an isolated rupture of PCL in which diagnosis is made by ultrasonography (US). Magnetic resonance imaging is highly sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of PCL injuries and provides useful information about other potentially injured structures, but PCL can also be evaluated sonographically. Findings that should be looked for include enlargement or focal disruption of the ligament by comparison with the contralateral normal PCL. US may be a useful examination tool in children with a suspected PCL injury. © 2008 Am Soc Emergency Radiol

    Ultrasonographic evaluation of the iatrogenic peripheral nerve injuries in upper extremity

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    The aim of our study is to assess the efficiency of the ultrasonography (US) in the diagnosis of peripheral nerve injury. This study includes nine patients (six radial, one median and two posterior interosseous (PIO) nerves) with peripheral nerve injury diagnosed by clinical and electrophysiological methods in the last 3 years. Preoperatively, an ultrasonographic examination was performed and correlated with physical exam and surgical findings. Five patients, who were diagnosed as peripheral nerve transection by US, underwent surgery. The ultrasonographic findings were concordant with the intraoperative findings. Axonal swelling alone was found in the remaining three patients, who were treated conservatively because of preserved nerve continuity without display of nerve compression. In one patient, we were unable to visualize the nerve due to obesity and soft tissue edema. High-resolution US provide morphological information about the exact location, intensity and extent of the nerve injuries, facilitating the preoperative diagnosis. Thus, US may be a useful method for planning optimal treatment strategy in especially iatrogenic nerve injuries. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Krista iliaka serbest apofiz greftinin asetabulum üzerine transplantasyonu ( Tavşanlarda deneysel çalışma )

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    The free, non-vascularized iliac crest apophyseal graft has been transplanted onto the acetabulum in two different ways. In the first group, which consists of 15 rabbits, the graft has been inserted in the osteotomy line of the innominate bone. In the second group, which also consists of 15 rabbits it has been inserted in a groove expanding to the cancellous bone, which has been prepared on the acetabulum. The progression of the implantation has been evaluated radiologically in the 6th and 10th weeks and histologically at the end of the 10th week. As a conclusion, it has been stated that in the second group, the graft can form a roof with its own growth potential. Also, in the second group, it has been diagnosed that the over-proliferated apophyseal cartilage carries osteochondromatous charac-teristics.Krista iliakaclan alınan serbest, non-vaskülarize apofiz grefti asetabulumun üzerine iki değişik şekilde transplante edilmiştir. Onbeş tavşanı içeren birinci grupta greft innominat kemik osteotomisinin arasına konulmuş, gene 15 tavşanı içeren ikinci grupta greft atesabulum üzerinde hazırlanan ve spongiöz kemiğe kadar uzanan bir oluğun üzerine yerleştirilmiştir. Greftin gelişimi 6 ve 10. haftalarda radyografi k ve 10. hafta sonunda histolojik olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ikinci grupta kıkırdak greftin radyografik ve histolojik olarak asetabulum üzerinde büyüme yeteneğine sahip bir çatı oluşturabileceği belirlen-miştir. Gene ikinci grupta iki kalçada aşırı prolifere olan apofiz kıkırdağının osteokondromatöz özellik taşıdığı görülmüştür

    Correlations between ultrasonography findings and surgical findings in patients with refractory symptoms after primary surgical release for carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Objective: Surgical carpal tunnel release is very effective for symptom relief in carpal tunnel syndrome, and it remains the preferred choice of treatment. However, refractory symptoms following surgical release are not uncommon. We aimed to assess the usefulness of ultrasonography for determining the potential causes of ongoing symptoms following surgical release