88 research outputs found

    Maxwell Construction for Scalar Field Theories with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

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    Using a non-perturbative approximation for the partition function of a complex scalar model, which features spontaneous symmetry breaking, we explicitly derive the flattening of the effective potential in the region limited by the minima of the bare potential. This flattening occurs in the limit of infinite volume, and is a consequence of the summation over the continuous set of saddle points which dominate the partition function. We also prove the convexity of the effective potential and generalize the Maxwell Construction for scalar theories with O(N) symmetry. Finally, we discuss why the flattening of the effective potential cannot occur in the Abelian Higgs theory.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, comments and references adde

    The Lattice Free Energy of QCD with Clover Fermions, up to Three-Loops

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    We calculate the perturbative value of the free energy in Lattice QCD, up to three loops. Our calculation is performed using Wilson gluons and the Sheikholeslami - Wolhert (clover) improved action for fermions. The free energy is directly related to the average plaquette. To carry out the calculation, we compute all relevant Feynman diagrams up to 3 loops, using a set of automated procedures in Mathematica; numerical evaluation of the resulting loop integrals is performed on finite lattice, with subsequent extrapolation to infinite size. The results are presented as a function of the fermion mass m, for any SU(N_c) gauge group, and for an arbitrary number of fermion flavors. In order to enable independent comparisons, we also provide the results on a per diagram basis, for a specific mass value.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 8 table

    Free Energy and Plaquette expectation value for gluons on the lattice, in three dimensions

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    We calculate the perturbative value of the Free Energy in Lattice QCD in three dimensions, up to three loops. Our calculation is performed using the Wilson formulation for gluons in SU(N) gauge theories. The Free Energy is directly related to the average plaquette. To carry out the calculation, we compute the coefficients involved in the perturbative expansion of the Free Energy up to three loops, using an automated set of procedures developed by us in Mathematica. The dependence on N is shown explicitly in our results. For purposes of comparison, we also present the individual contributions from every diagram. These have been obtained by means of two independent calculations, in order to cross check our results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Expanded introduction and discussion, more details in presentation, no changes in results. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    A lattice study of the pentaquark states

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    We present a study of the pentaquark system in quenched lattice QCD using diquark-diquark and kaon-nucleon local and smeared interpolating fields. We examine the volume dependence of the spectral weights of local correlators on lattices of size 163×3216^3\times 32, 243×3224^3\times32 and 323×6432^3\times 64 at β=6.0\beta=6.0. We find that a reliable evaluation of the volume dependence of the spectral weights requires accurate determination of the correlators at large time separations. Our main result from the spectral weight analysis in the pentaquark system is that within our variational basis and statistics we can not exclude a pentaquark resonance. However our data also do not allow a clear identification of a pentaquark state since only the spectral weights of the lowest state can be determined to sufficient accuracy to test for volume dependence. In the negative parity channel the mass extracted for this state is very close to the KN threshold whereas in the positive parity channel is about 60% above.Comment: Manuscript expanded, discussion of two-pion system included, a comment regarding Ref.13 was corrected, version to appear in Phys. Rev. D, 19 figure

    Gauge-invariant two- and three- density correlators

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    Gauge-invariant spatial correlations between two and three quarks inside a hadron are measured within quenched and unquenched QCD. These correlators provide information on the shape and multipole moments of the pion, the rho, the nucleon and the Δ\Delta.Comment: 3 pages, 7 figures, Lattice 2002 (Hadronic Matrix Elements). Layout of figures adjuste

    Non-Linear Sigma Model and asymptotic freedom at the Lifshitz point

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    We construct the general O(N)-symmetric non-linear sigma model in 2+1 spacetime dimensions at the Lifshitz point with dynamical critical exponent z=2. For a particular choice of the free parameters, the model is asymptotically free with the beta function coinciding to the one for the conventional sigma model in 1+1 dimensions. In this case, the model admits also a simple description in terms of adjoint currents.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Liouville-Lifshitz theory in 3+1 dimensions

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    We consider a four-dimensional theory in the z=3 Lifshitz context, with an exponential (Liouville) potential. We determine the exact renormalized potential of the theory and derive the non-perturbative relation between the renormalized and bare couplings. In addition, we show that Lorentz symmetry is naturally generated by quantum fluctuations in the infrared regime, and conclude that the model can be relevant to High Energy Physics

    The nucleon electromagnetic form factors from Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the isovector nucleon electromagnetic form factors in quenched and full QCD on the lattice using Wilson fermions. In the quenched theory we use a lattice of spatial size 3 fm at beta=6.0 enabling us to reach low momentum transfers and a lowest pion mass of about 400 MeV. In the full theory we use a lattice of spatial size 1.9 fm at beta=5.6 and lowest pion mass of about 380 MeV enabling comparison with the results obtained in the quenched theory. We compare our lattice results to the isovector part of the experimentally measured form factors.Comment: Typos corrected, one reference added, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, 14 pages, 20 figure

    Nucleon and Nucleon to Delta Axial form factors from Lattice QCD

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    We present results on the nucleon axial vector form factors GA(q2)G_A(q^2) and Gp(q2)G_p(q^2) in the quenched theory and using two degenerate flavors of dynamical Wilson fermions for momentum transfer squared from about 0.1 to about 2 GeV^2 and for pion masses in the range of 380 to 600 MeV. We also present results on the corresponding N to Delta axial vector transition form factors C5A(q2)C_5^A(q^2) and C6A(q2)C_6^A(q^2) using, in addition to Wilson fermions, domain wall valence quarks and dynamical staggered sea quarks provided by the MILC collaboration.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, talk presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg, German

    Static three- and four-quark potentials

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    We present results for the static three- and four-quark potentials in SU(3) and SU(4) respectively. Using a variational approach, combined with multi-hit for the time-like links, we determine the ground state of the baryonic string with sufficient accuracy to test the Y−Y- and Δ−\Delta- ans\"atze for the baryonic Wilson area law. Our results favor the Δ\Delta ansatz, where the potential is the sum of two-body terms.Comment: Lattice2001(heavyquark
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