174 research outputs found

    Physiological response of an Antarctic cryptophyte to increasing temperature, CO2, and irradiance

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    The Southern Ocean, a globally important CO2 sink, is one of the most susceptible regions in the world to climate change. Phytoplankton of the coastal shelf waters around the Western Antarctic Peninsula have been experiencing rapid warming over the past decades and current ongoing climatic changes will expose them to ocean acidification and high light intensities due to increasing stratification. We conducted a multiple-stressor experiment to evaluate the response of the still poorly studied key Antarctic cryptophyte species Geminigera cryophila to warming in combination with ocean acidification and high irradiance. Based on the thermal growth response of G. cryophila, we grew the cryptophyte at suboptimal (2°C) and optimal (4°C) temperatures in combination with two light intensities (medium light: 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and high light [HL]: 500 μmol photons m−2 s−1) under ambient (400 μatm pCO2) and high pCO2 (1000 μatm pCO2) conditions. Our results reveal that G. cryophila was not susceptible to high pCO2, but was strongly affected by HL at 2°C, as both growth and carbon fixation were significantly reduced. In comparison, warming up to 4°C stimulated the growth of the cryptophyte and even alleviated the previously observed negative effects of HL at 2°C. When grown, however, at temperatures above 4°C, the cryptophyte already reached its maximal thermal limit at 8°C, pointing out its vulnerability toward even higher temperatures. Hence, our results clearly indicate that warming and high light and not pCO2 control the growth of G. cryophila

    Susceptibility of Two Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Key Species to Iron Limitation and High Light

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    Although iron (Fe) availability primarily sets the rate of phytoplankton growth and primary and export production in the Southern Ocean, other environmental factors, most significantly light, also affect productivity. As light availability strongly influences phytoplankton species distribution in low Fe-waters, we investigated the combined effects of increasing light (20, 200, and 500 μmol photons m-2 s-1) in conjunction with different Fe (0.4 and 2 nM) availability on the physiology of two ecologically relevant phytoplankton species in the Southern Ocean, Chaetoceros debilis (Bacillariophyceae) and Phaeocystis antarctica (Haptophyceae). Fe-deficient cells of P. antarctica displayed similar high growth rates at all irradiances. In comparison, Fe-deplete C. debilis cells grew much slower under low and medium irradiance and were unable to grow at the highest irradiance. Interestingly, Fe-deficient C. debilis cells were better protected against short-term excessive irradiances than P. antarctica. This tolerance was apparently counteracted by strongly lowered growth and particulate organic carbon production rates of the diatom relative to the prymnesiophyte. Overall, our results show that P. antarctica was the more tolerant species to changes in the availability of Fe and light, providing it a competitive advantage under a high light regime in Fe-deficient waters as projected for the future

    Light Intensity Modulates the Response of Two Antarctic Diatom Species to Ocean Acidification

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    It is largely unknown how rising atmospheric COconcentrations and changes in the upper mixed layer depth, with its subsequent effects on light availability will affect phytoplankton physiology in the Southern Ocean. Linking seasonal variations in the availability of CO2 and light to abundances and physiological traits of key phytoplankton species could aid to understand their abilities to acclimate to predicted future climatic conditions. To investigate the combined effects of CO2 and light on two ecologically relevant Antarctic diatoms (Fragilariopsis curta and Odontella weisflogii) a matrix of three light intensities (LL = 20, ML = 200, HL = 500 µmol photons m-2 s−1) and three pCO2 levels (low = 180, ambient = 380, high = 1000 µatm) was applied assessing their effects on growth, particulate organic carbon (POC) fixation and photophysiology. Under ambient pCO2, POC production rates were highest already at low light in Fragilariopsis, indicating saturation of photosynthesis, while in Odontella highest rates were only reached at medium irradiances. In both species ocean acidification did not stimulate, but rather inhibited, growth and POC production under low and medium light. This effect was, however, amended under high growth irradiances. Low pCO2 levels inhibited growth and POC production in both species at low and medium light, and further decreased absolute electron transport rates under high light. Our results suggest that Southern Ocean diatoms were sensitive to changes in pCO2, showing species-specific responses, which were further modulated by light intensity. The two diatom species represent distinct ecotypes and revealed discrete physiological traits that matched their seasonal occurrence with the related physical conditions in Antarctic coastal waters

    CO2 Sensitivity of Southern Ocean Phytoplankton

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    The Southern Ocean exerts a strong impact on marine biogeochemical cycles and global air-sea CO2 fluxes. Over the coming century, large increases in surface ocean CO2 levels, combined with increased upper water column temps. and stratification, are expected to diminish Southern Ocean CO2 uptake. These effects could be significantly modulated by concomitant CO2-dependent changes in the region\u27s biol. carbon pump. Here we show that CO2 concentrations affect the physiology, growth and species composition. of phytoplankton assemblages in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Field results from in situ sampling and ship-board incubation experiments demonstrate that inorganic carbon uptake, steady-state productivity and diatom species composition are sensitive to CO2 concentrations ranging from 100 to 800 ppm. Elevated CO2 led to a measurable increase in phytoplankton productivity, promoting the growth of larger chain-forming diatoms. Our results suggest that CO2 concentrations can influence biological carbon cycling in the Southern Ocean, thereby creating potential climate feedbacks

    Stoichiometry, polarity, and organometallics in solid-phase extracted dissolved organic matter of the Elbe-Weser estuary

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    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is ubiquitous in natural waters and plays a central role in the biogeochemistry in riverine, estuarine and marine environments. This study quantifies and characterizes solid-phase extractable DOM and trace element complexation at different salinities in the Weser and Elbe River, northern Germany, and the North Sea. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), Co and Cu concentrations were analyzed in original water samples. Solid-phase extracted (SPE) water samples were analyzed for DOC (DOCSPE), dissolved organic nitrogen (DONSPE), sulfur (DOSSPE) and trace metal (51V, 52Cr, 59Co, 60Ni, 63Cu, 75As) concentrations. Additionally, different pre-treatment conditions (acidification vs. non-acidification prior to SPE) were tested. In agreement with previous studies, acidification led to generally higher recoveries for DOM and trace metals. Overall, higher DOM and trace metal concentrations and subsequently higher complexation of trace metals with carbon and sulfur-containing organic complexes were found in riverine compared to marine samples. With increasing salinity, the concentrations of DOM decreased due to estuarine mixing. However, the slightly lower relative decrease of both, DOCSPE and DONSPE (~77%) compared to DOSSPE (~86%) suggests slightly faster removal processes for DOSSPE. A similar distribution of trace metal and carbon and sulfur containing DOM concentrations with salinity indicates complexation of trace metals with organic ligands. This is further supported by an increase in Co and Cu concentration after oxidation of organic complexes by UV treatment. Additionally, the complexation of metals with organic ligands (analyzed by comparing metal/DOCSPE and metal/DOSSPE ratios) decreased in the order Cu > As > Ni > Cr > Co and thus followed the Irving-Williams order. Differences in riverine and marine trace metal containing DOMSPE are summarized by their average molar ratios of (C107N4P0.013S1)1000V0.05Cr0.33Co0.19Ni0.39Cu3.41As0.47 in the riverine endmember and (C163N7P0.055S1)1000V0.05Cr0.47Co0.16Ni0.07Cu4.05As0.58 in the marine endmember