43 research outputs found

    Respon Penambahan Mineral Kalsium, Phospor, Magnesium Dan Sulfur Terhadap Karakteristik Cairan Rumen Pada Ternak Kambing Lokal

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    Microbial growth and various fertnentation processe5in th~ rumen require an adequate supply of minerals. An experiment was conducted to determine rumen fluid characteristics from 20 goats of local breed. ~ f They were randomly allocated into 4 treatments in a Randomized Block Design with 5 replication. Treatments were: A =forages (natural grasses, gIiricidia and leucaena) and concentrate (rice brand, com graL,,\ and coconut meal) ; B =ration A+Ca+P ; C =ration A+Ca+P+Mg and D = ration A+Ca+P+S. Ration between forages and concentrates is 60 : 40 with TDN 53.94% and CP 13.87%. The result showed that there were no effect of mineral!1Ca, P, Mg and S supplementation on the characteristics of the rumen fluid except for VFA even though it was still on the optimum condition for microbial growth. In conclusion, supplementation of Ca, P, and S was the best I among the treatments

    Respon Penambahan Mineral Kalsium, Phospor, Magnesium Dan Sulfur Terhadap Karakteristik Cairan Rumen Pada Ternak Kambing Lokal

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    Microbial growth and various fermentation processes in the rumen require an adequate supply of minerals. An experiment was conducted to detennine rumen fluid characteristics of goal They were randomly allocated into 4 treatments in a Randomized Block Design with 5 replications. Treatments were: A .. forages (natural grasses, gliriddia and leucaenJl) and concentrate (rice brand, com grain and coconut meal); B \u27" ration A+Ca+P; C \u27" Ration A+Ca+P+Mg; D =ration A+Ca+P+S. Ratio between forages and concentrates is 60: 40 with TON 53.94% and CP 13.87%. The result showed that there were no effect of mineral Ca, P, Mg and S supplementation on rumen fluid characteristics except for VFA even though it was still on the optimum condition. Inconclusion, supplementation of Ca, P and S was the best among the treatments


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    Stem and stump of bananas have potential to be used as an alternative for ruminant feed. However, one of the problem is its rapidly decomposing which affect high of water content. The alternative way to solve this matter by using silage. The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional quality of banana waste silage (stems and stump) with the addition of molasses with different levels. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized Design in factorial 3 × 3 with two replications. The first factor (A) was the composition of the substrate, A1: stump 100% + stem 0%, A2: stump 50% + stem 50%, and A3: stump 0% + stem 100%, while the second factor (B) was the levels of molasses (0; 2.5; and 5%). The parameters measured were dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, extract ether, ash and BETN. The results showed that the composition of the substrate has significant effect (P0.05) on extract ether and ash content. There was an interaction (P<0.05) between the substrate composition and the addition of molasses on the content of the ash. The best composition for increasing the nutrient content was stump 100% + stemps 0%. It is conclude that the compostion of stump and stemps may affect the nutrient quality of silag


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    Harvesting bananas will produce stems and stump that can be used as an alternative feed. One processing techniques to maintain the nutritional value is silage. This study aims to determine the content of the fiber fraction ie. Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose from bananas waste silage with the composition of the substrate and the different levels of molasses. Research using a Completely Randomized Design factorial pattern with two replications. Factor A : the composition of the substrate, A1. stumps 100% : stems 0%; A2. 50% stems : 50% stumps; A3. 0% stumps : 100% stems. Factor B : the addition of molasses 0%; 2.5% and 5%. Data were analyzed using a completely randomized factorial design, the difference between treatments tested Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed banana waste silage with the composition of the substrate and molasses with different levels have moderate physical qualities and fiber fractions are NDF 57.86-89.63%; ADF 34.44-46.20%; lignin 11.75-17.19%; cellulose 15.10-32.34%; hemicellulose 11.66-55.18%. Silage that contains 100% of banana stem with the addition of 5% molasses is the best result. Keywords : by product, ensilage, ADF, NDF, ligni


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    Ampas tebu merupakan limbah pertanian yang dapat diolah menjadi pakan alternatif ruminansia. Pengolahan ampas tebu secara fermentasi diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi dan fisik sebagai pakan ternak salah satunya dengan menggunakan inokulum feses sapi dan EM-4 (Effective Microorganisme-4). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan fraksi serat berupa Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Acid Detergen Lignin (ADL), Hemiselulosa dan Selulosa yang terkandung didalam ampas tebu dengan pemberian inokulum yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 kali ulangan yaitu; P0 : ampas tebu tanpa penambahan inokulum (kontrol), P1 : ampas tebu + feses sapi 5%, P2 : ampas tebu + EM-4 10%, P3 : ampas tebu + feses sapi5% + E-4 10%. Parameter yang diukur adalah kualitas fisik (pH dan tekstur), NDF (%), ADF (%), ADL (%), Hemiselulosa (%) dan Selulosa (%). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (Analysis of Variance/ANOVA) dan uji lanjut dengan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inokulum EM-4 5%, feses sapi 10%, dan kombinasi feses sapi 5% dan EM-4 10% berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) menurunkan kandungan NDF, ADF, dan ADL. Kesimpulan penelitian penambahan inokulum kombinasi feses sapi 5% dan EM-4 10% (perlakuan P3) merupakan perlakuan terbaik karena memiliki nilai NDF, ADF, dan ADL terendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Keywords: Ampas tebu, Effective Microorganisme-4, feses sapi, fraksi sera

    TURNITIN_The Potency of Oral Administration of L-Citrulline as Anti Heat Stress Agent in KUB Chicks

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    L-citrulline (L-Cit) is considered one of the potential amino acids that are able to reduce body temperature in layer chie However, there are no reports on functions of L-Cit in KUB chickens. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of oral administration of L-Cit on feed intake, body temperature and plasma biochemical parameters of KUB chickens over two hours post-administration. Neonatal KUB chicks were orally administered with different doses of L-Cit (0.3.775 and 15 mmol/kg body weight). At 30, 60 and 120 min. feed intake was determined, also rectal temperature chicks was measured by using a digital thermometer. At 120 min after administration, the blood samples were immediately collected through the jugular vein, then biochemical arameters of plasma (total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, and total glucose) were analyzed. The obtained results indicated that feed intake, body temperature, and plasma metabolites were not significantly influenced by different doses of L-Cit. In conclusion, L-Cit could not able to improve feed intake, decrease body temperature and change plasma metabolites in KUB chicks

    Kajian Keragaman Gen Penentu Kualitas Lemak Menggunakan Metode Direct Sequencing Sebagai Marker Assisted Selection Dalam Peningkatan dan Pengembangan Domba Lokal

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