58 research outputs found

    Place ratings, shifting neoliberalism and quality of life in communities

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    The publication of place ratings on the basis of their competitive attractiveness and quality of life has been one element of place marketing and promotion agenda associated with the onset of neoliberalism. The Places Rated Almanac in the US has epitomised and led the development of such guides, and after a quarter of a century appears on the basis of sales to continue to offer currency and utility. This paper explores the relevance of this particular almanac and its offsprings within the context of recent accounts of the periodisation of neoliberalism. In particular it considers the extent to which such guides have continued to have resonance through the shift from economic-focussed roll back neoliberalism to more socially-oriented roll out neoliberalism

    Carte mĂ©thodologique d’un groupe tĂ©moin

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    Comme mĂ©thode d’observation, le groupe tĂ©moin est utilisĂ© par un nombre grandissant de chercheurs, aussi bien pour le travail sur le terrain que dans des sphĂšres spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Cette mĂ©thode consiste Ă  rassembler des personnes en vue de recueillir des opinions ou des rĂ©actions sur un thĂšme particulier Ă  l’aide de questions ouvertes ou fermĂ©es. La formalisation des groupes tĂ©moins en tant que mĂ©thode en gĂ©ographie fut rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  compter des annĂ©es 1980 Ă  la suite d’une Ă©tude sur les valeurs environnementales et les espaces publics. Les groupes tĂ©moins permettent des Ă©changes directs et s’avĂšrent une mĂ©thode particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressante pour rĂ©aliser des entrevues. Les groupes tĂ©moins tĂ©lĂ©phoniques, en particulier, font ressortir l’importance du rĂŽle de pilote que tient le modĂ©rateur.Focus groups provide a method of observation used by an increasing number of researchers in field research, specialized or otherwise. The method consists in bringing together a small group of individuals as a sample of a larger population group in order to collect opinions or reactions concerning a predetermined theme, using mainly closed questions. The formal use of focus groups in geography began in the 1980s with a study on environmental values and public spaces. The benefits derived from this flexible interviewing method depend on the moderator’s steering ability as revealed during direct exchanges between participants. The talents required of focus group moderators in their steering of the group are best identified in telephone focus groups

    La compétitivité urbaine et la qualité de vie. Introduction

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    Les travaux sur le rĂŽle de la qualitĂ© de vie urbaine en rapport avec la compĂ©titivitĂ© Ă©conomique des villes sont relativement peu nombreux (Donald, 2001[5] ; Andrews, 2001[6] ; Rogerson, 1999[7] ; Gottlieb, 1995[8] ; Wish, 1986[9] ; Malecki, 1985[10] ; R. Tremblay, 2006[11]). Ailleurs, le type et le nombre d’indicateurs choisis pour dĂ©finir le concept de qualitĂ© de vie urbaine varient considĂ©rablement comme le montre Martha O’Mara (1998[12]) dans son analyse des principaux ouvrages de rĂ©fĂ©ren..

    La qualité de vie des villes du savoir

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    Dans le contexte de l’économie du savoir, il semblerait que la qualitĂ© de vie soit un critĂšre fondamental pour attirer la main-d’Ɠuvre la plus qualifiĂ©e et les entreprises de haute technologie. R.Florida prĂ©tend mĂȘme que les rĂ©sidents de ces villes seraient tolĂ©rants envers les minoritĂ©s ethniques et les homosexuels. Mais qu’en est-il vraiment? Les talents sont-ils sensibles Ă  la qualitĂ© de vie urbaine? Les villes de l’économie du savoir sont-elles nĂ©cessairement celles ayant la meilleure qualitĂ© de vie? Dans le cadre de nos recherches, nous souhaitons dĂ©montrer que les villes du savoir en AmĂ©rique du Nord ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement celles ayant la meilleure qualitĂ© de vie. D’autant plus que la qualitĂ© de vie est un concept on ne peut plus subjectif, sans compter que les talents n’ont pas tous les mĂȘmes aspirations professionnels et personnels.In the context of the new economy quality of life of knowledge-based cities seems to be a fundamental criteria to attract the best skilled-labour, as well as high-tech firms. R.Florida even pretends that residents living in these cities must tolerant towards ethnic minorities and gays. But is it really the case? Are talents sensitive to urban quality of life? Are knowledge-based cities necessarily those with the best quality of life? Our research aims to demonstrate that knowledge-based cities in North America are not necessarily those with the best quality of life. In fact, not only is quality of life a very subjective concept but talents do not have the same professional and personal aspirations

    Floribec: The life and death of a tourism-based transnational community

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    The authors outline how a tourist destination can morph into a tourism-based transnational community. A three-phase model is designed to explore the touristification process of a transnational community. The phases are the adoption of a tourist destination, the transformation of the destination into a tourism-based transnational community, and decline under real estate and ageing population pressures

    Academic Migration at the Canada–US Border

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    This article uses data provided by national faculty directories, individual and departmental websites, interviews, and autobiographical essays to engage the literature on academic migration at the Canada–US borderland. Our goal is to analyze the crossborder migration, spatial patterns, and motivational factors shaping the cross-border flows of academic migrants from one selected discipline. Following a foundational discussion of the related political, economic, and sociocultural push–pull factors influencing the migration of university faculty in Canada and the US during the past four decades, we focus on a case study of two comparative groups of academic migrants to compare the numbers, specializations, academic ranks, location patterns, and interrelated factors of North American academic migrants at the borderlands in recent years

    Le déclin de Floribec

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