285 research outputs found

    Saturn's atmosphere: Results of recent investigations

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    Saturn apparently has a high clear layer of H2 under which lies a comparable layer rich in dusty material. Beneath this is a thicker layer consisting mostly of H2 mixed with haze particles. An NH3 cloud deck probably lies below this layer. Evidence for seasonal variations is presented in the form of changes in the NH3, CH4 and H2 absorptions. Finally, the latest mixing ratios for the gaseous constituents are summarized

    Titan's atmosphere: Comments on haze content, methane abundance, band shapes, and hydrogen upper limit

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    The existence of scatterers in Titan's atmosphere was demonstrated in a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal three years ago. This conclusion was not affected by recent laboratory investigations showing that certain CH4 bands are independent of pressure because it was shown that the reflecting layer model failed to explain Titan's CH4 absorptions regardless on which portion of the curve of growth Titan's CH4 lines lie. Saturn's atmosphere was utilized along the central meridian for studies of CH4 absorption, and to show that the conclusion is insensitive to the moderate scattering there. The quite pronounced role of scattering in Titan's atmosphere strongly suggests that Titan's surface is obscured

    Changes in Saturn's south-temperate haze distribution during the summer of 1973-1980

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    Attention is given to the results of a long term monitoring study of Saturn's H2 quadrupole and CH4 band absorptions outside the equatorial zone, over an interval of half a Saturn year that covers most of the perihelion half of Saturn's elliptical orbit (which is approximately bounded by the equinoxes). Marked long term changes are noted in the CH4 absorption, accompanied by weakly opposite changes in the H2 absorption. Seasonal changes are inferred on the basis of temporal variations in absorption. Spatial measurements have also been made in the 6450 A NH3 band since the 1980 equinox

    A continued program of planetary study at the University of Texas McDonald Observatory

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    The program conducts solar system research in support of NASA missions and of general astronomical interest. Investigations of composition, physical characteristics and changes in solar system bodies are conducted primarily using the facilities of McDonald Observatory. Progress, accomplishments, and projected accomplishments are discussed

    Global scale auroral emissions on Jupiter

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    Jupiter's aurora are normally confined to limited regions around the magnetic poles. Our collected spectra show that very unusual periods of global scale auroral activity occurred during September and November of 1988. During the global scale events, the H2 and H3(+) emissions remained confined to their unusual auroral zones, but strong, unidentified emissions appeared in the vicinity of the H2 quadrupole lines. This would suggest that unusual periods of widespread magnetospheric dumping occurred

    Titan's spectrum and atmospheric composition

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    Spectroscopic evidence shows that hydrogen atoms are major constituents of Titan's atmosphere. Anomalous enhancement of the methane absorption band is attributed to isotopic shifts arising from methane photolysis. Anomalous ultraviolet absorption features suggest high altitude dust and an elevated cloud layer overlaying most of the methane in the atmosphere

    The jovian environment

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    Jovian atmosphere and environment - composition, structure, and photometric properties of atmosphere, period of rotation, magnetic field, and Jovian radiofrequency spectru

    Alien Registration- Trafton, Lydia L. (Mapleton, Aroostook County)

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    Tentative identification of a newly discovered class of material on Io

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    A newly discovered absorption feature in Io's spectrum at 2.1253 microns promises to reveal significant insights in the nature of the interaction among Io's surface, atmosphere, and volcanoes. The most likely candidate for this feature appears to be clusters of CO2 molecules. Observations are underway on a current series of occultations and eclipses of Io by other Galilean satellites in order to locate the source of this newly discovered material on Io, which should provide further clues to its origin

    Far Field Deposition Of Scoured Regolith Resulting From Lunar Landings

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    As a lunar lander approaches a dusty surface, the plume from the descent engine impinges on the ground, entraining loose regolith into a high velocity dust spray. Without the inhibition of a background atmosphere, the entrained regolith can travel many kilometers from the landing site. In this work, we simulate the flow field from the throat of the descent engine nozzle to where the dust grains impact the surface many kilometers away. The near field is either continuum or marginally rarefied and is simulated via a loosely coupled hybrid DSMC - Navier Stokes (DPLR) solver. Regions of two-phase and polydisperse granular flows are solved via DSMC. The far field deposition is obtained by using a staged calculation, where the first stages are in the near field where the flow is quasi-steady and the outer stages are unsteady. A realistic landing trajectory is approximated by a set of discrete hovering altitudes which range from 20m to 3m. The dust and gas motions are fully coupled using an interaction model that conserves mass, momentum, and energy statistically and inelastic collisions between dust particles are also accounted for. Simulations of a 4 engine configuration are also examined, and the erosion rates as well as near field particle fluxes are discussed.Astronom
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