2,322 research outputs found

    Understanding the Long-Term Growth Performance of the East European and CIS Economies

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    The paper analyses the determinants of long-term economic performance of east European and CIS economies in two periods: 1960-1989 (the era of central planning) and 1990-2005 (the transition to the market economy system). Throughout the 1960s and 1970s economic growth in eastern Europe progressively weakened and during the 1980s most of these economies plunged into a prolonged stagnation or recession, which contributed to the collapse of communism and central planning. The transition from plan to market began with the transformational recession, which persisted until the mid-1990s in eastern Europe, but was longer and deeper in the CIS. Since then, the east European and CIS economies have embarked on a path of strong economic growth. The recovery has been accompanied by a surge in fixed investment, often complemented by large inflows of FDI. Despite robust output growth, however, there has not been - at least so far - a noteworthy recovery in employment. The main feature of the recent strong economic growth in the region has been a remarkable upturn in both labour productivity and total factor productivity. The considerable gains in productive efficiency and rapid technological change were triggered by wide-ranging market reforms and the modernization of the capital stock. Gains in aggregate output per person employed have outpaced by a large margin increases in real GDP per capita. In terms of average productivity and real per capita income levels relative to those of the more developed, industrialized countries, the east European and CIS economies still face a long catching up process.economic growth, East Europe, CIS, transition economies

    Trading Off Generations: Infinitely-Lived Agent Versus OLG

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    The prevailing literature discusses intergenerational trade-offs predominantly in infinitely-lived agent models despite the finite lifetime of individuals. We discuss these trade-offs in a continuous time OLG framework and relate the results to the infinitely-lived agent setting. We identify three shortcomings of the latter: First, underlying normative assumptions about social preferences cannot be deduced unambiguously. Second, the distribution among generations living at the same time cannot be captured. Third, the optimal solution may not be implementable in overlapping generations market economies. Regarding the recent debate on climate change, we conclude that it is indispensable to explicitly consider the generations' life cycles.climate change; discounting; infinitely-lived agents; intergenerational equity; overlapping generations; time preference

    Die Einstellung nach § 99 BetrVG

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    Die Betriebsratsbeteiligung bei Einstellungen nach § 99 BetrVG stellt eine fĂŒr Arbeitgeber und einzustellenden Arbeitnehmer wichtige HĂŒrde zur tatsĂ€chlichen BeschĂ€ftigung im Betrieb dar. In der Arbeit wird aufgezeigt, welche Arten von BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnissen den Beteiligungstatbestand auslösen: neben ArbeitsverhĂ€ltnissen auch andere weisungsgebundene RechtsverhĂ€ltnisse. Davon unberĂŒhrt sind hingegen TĂ€tigkeiten auf Basis freier Mitarbeit oder im Rahmen von WerkvertrĂ€gen mit anderen Unternehmen. Die Rechtsprechung weitet den Einstellungsbegriff zu sehr aus und fasst verschiedene Arbeitsvertragsmodifikationen darunter, was nicht mehr der Systematik des Betriebsverfassungsrechts entspricht. Neben Betriebsrat und Arbeitgeber hat der einzustellende Arbeitnehmer ein Interesse an einer Zustimmungserteilung, sodass es erforderlich sein kann, ihm im Zusammenhang mit dem in § 99 BetrVG vorgesehenen Zustimmungsersetzungsverfahren eigene Rechte einzurĂ€umen.»The Recruitment According to § 99 BetrVG«The participation of the works council in cases of recruitments according to § 99 BetrVG is an important barrier for the employment of an employee in an operation. The thesis presents, under which circumstances the characteristic of recruitment is fulfilled, especially which legal relationships except for normal employment relationships lead to the participation of the work council. Furthermore, the possible actions for the involved parties are demonstrated

    Wahlfreiheit und die Struktur intertemporaler Entscheidungen

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    Die Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit einer axiomatischen Charakterisierung von Wahlfreiheit. Im ersten Teil analysiere ich im statischen Kontext bestehende Axiomensysteme und erarbeite ihre impliziten normativen Annahmen und Defizite. Aus ihnen leite ich die Notwendigkeit ab, sowohl die PrĂ€ferenzbewertung einzelner Wahlalternativen, als auch ihre Ähnlichkeit untereinander bei der Axiomatisierung einer Wahlfreiheitsrelation zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Der zweite Teil meiner Arbeit untersucht den zeitlichen Ablauf der Bewertung und BeschrĂ€nkung von Wahlmengen. Ich stelle einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wert von Wahlfreiheit und FlexibilitĂ€t zukĂŒnftiger PrĂ€ferenzen her. Dabei verbinden sich im intertemporalen Rahmen bei Unsicherheit ĂŒber zukĂŒnftige PrĂ€ferenzen die beiden im statischen Kontext abgeleiteten Kriterien fĂŒr Wahlfreiheit (PrĂ€ferenzbewertung und Ähnlichkeit der Alternativen). Im letzten Teil der Arbeit erlĂ€utere ich die Bedeutung der gefundenen Resultate fĂŒr die Wertbasis einer umfassenden Wohlfahrtstheorie

    Trading Off Generations: Infinitely Lived Agent Versus OLG

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    The prevailing literature discusses intergenerational trade-offs in climate change predominantly in terms of the Ramsey equation relying on the infinitely lived agent model. We discuss these trade-offs in a continuous time OLG framework and relate our results to the infinitely lived agent setting. We identify three shortcomings of the latter: First, underlying normative assumptions about social preferences cannot be deduced unambiguously. Second, the distribution among generations living at the same time cannot be captured. Third, the optimal solution may not be implementable in overlapping generations market economies.climate change, discounting, infinitely lived agents, intergenerational equity, overlapping generations, time preference

    Conference Emphasizes Biblically Healthy Churches

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    Loss and opportunity

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    The author describes some detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Eastern Washington University and individuals he knows. He also identifies personal opportunities that arose during the pandemic.https://dc.ewu.edu/covid/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Teaching Entrepreneurs

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    With the growing popularity of entrepreneurship, colleges and universities are scrambling to accommodate the increasing need for entrepreneurial education. This research paper takes an in-depth look at the characteristics of entrepreneurs, the methods educational institutions are using to teach them, and the curriculum used to prepare them. I will explore to see if there are common methods used in entrepreneurial education and will create a curriculum that will strive to help aspiring entrepreneurs be successful. I will also explore leadership theories that incorporate the characteristics of an entrepreneur. All this will help identify key elements associated with entrepreneurs and thus assist in the development of a successful educational program to better prepare them for the entrepreneurial world

    Ten Months of Uncertainty

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