52 research outputs found


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    The aim of the European integration was to implement the economic integration, after that – due to the Maastricht Treaty (1992) – the political integration began as well. The integration was developed by the Lisbon Treaty (2007), since the EU got legal personality and own institutional system. This tendency has not finished yet, as it has led to the development of the European Administrative Space, whose existence has been proved in innumerable ways. The Member States are responsible for the implementation of the decisions, which was made on EU level, therefore the connection between the institutions of the Member States and of the Community is close and multilevel. This connection-system and its characteristics are examined and summarized in the study in seven theses.European Public Administration, Union’s institutional system, Public Administration of the Member States, network of the organs, European Administrative Space


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    Over the course of human history each state decided on its own how broadly and how extensively to encroach on social conditions, i.e. which tasks to take on. However, the growth of state tasks and abstractions by the state (taxation) is a historical fact, particularly in the 20th century. Centralization of state duties and GDP (40-50% of it!) in a bigger scale into the state budget by the 1980s led to the obvious fact that this tendency cannot be continued, the model of state-concept needs a change. It came forward firstly in the Anglo-Saxon countries, than in the developed countries such as France, Germany, etc.. From the public law crisis public management reforms could have meant the way out. The public management reforms can be classified into three tendencies dependent upon aspects of how the state or rather the administration tries to solve the social problems. According to this, on one hand, we can talk about the technical, the value- and participation-based, as well as about the regulative approach, and on the other hand, about the tendency of “New Public Management”, “Good Governance” and “Neo-Weberism”. This essay takes a look at these approaches, tendencies and their most important features brieflyPublic Management, Public Service Reform, New Public Management, Good Governance, Neo-Weberism

    Keresetlen gondolatok a magyar közigazgatásról, Martonyi Jánosra emlékezve

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    On October 5, 2006, the Faculty of State and Law at the University of Szeged organized a celebratory academic meeting to mark the 25th anniversary of the passing of Professor Dr. János Martonyi, a prominent figure in 19th-century Hungarian public administration science. As a former student of Professor Martonyi, I took part in the academic session and delivered a lecture titled ‚The Impact of EU Accession on Hungarian Public Administration, with a Special Focus on its Organizational System.’ Seventeen years later, I reevaluated the changes in the organizational structure of Hungarian public administration, offering a reflective analysis based on the most significant findings from my previous study. I explored the extent to which the conclusions I drew seventeen years ago were well-founded or not. This is the central theme of my study, presented as an edited version of the original lecture

    The Regulation of Public Institution Insolvency in Hungary

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    In the Hungarian legal system-after 50 years-, formerly known legal institutions (such as self-governments, private companies, public institutions) reappeared. These legal institutions are independent of the state, they have their own revenues and properties. Thus the possibility of their insolvency was brought up naturally. The Hungarian legal system does not provide an unambiguous definition of public institution. However, with an eye to foreign legal solutions and the Hungarian specialities, we can formulate the concept of public institution which includes organs that are actually separated from the state, that have autonomy, legal personality, independent budget, their own booking (accounting), and that perform tasks of public utility. These criteria are met by three types of organs: self-governments, public bodies, public funds. However, legal regulations concerning these types are not homogeneous. After 1990, when public institutions were established, the state drew back from several public functions and has striven to withdraw itself from the responsibility for inadequate financial administration ever since

    A Markov-chain Monte Carlo approach to simultaneous localization and mapping

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    A Markov-chain Monte Carlo based algorithm is provided to solve the Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem with general dynamics and observation model under open-loop control and provided that the map-representation is nite dimensional. To our knowledge this is the first provably consistent yet (close-to) practical solution to this problem. The superiority of our algorithm over alternative SLAM algorithms is demonstrated in a dicult loop closing situation

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