23 research outputs found

    Validation of a Two-Dimensional Clinostat Design to Provide Functional Weightlessness to Custom Gas Exchange Vessels

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    Understanding the impacts of microgravity on bacteria is vital for successful long duration space missions. In this environment, bacteria have been shown to become more virulent, more resistant to antibiotics and form more biofilms. To learn more about these phenomena, many experiments must be sent to the International Space Station, which is cost- and time prohibitive. Instead, the use of ground-based analogs is advantageous to define preliminary results that can later be verified with a space-based experiment. This research explored the development of an innovative 2D clinostat for simulating microgravity using bacteria. Computational fluid dynamics, standards established by previous literature and biological test methods were utilized to validate the system’s functionality. More specifically, biological validation consisted of optical density, biofilm analysis and gene regulation. Additionally, prototype vessels were created to utilize aerobic bacteria on future clinostat experiments

    Evaluating Culturing Techniques of Arthrospira Platensis for Long-Term Usage

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    The intended research is to develop a long-term culturing technique for growing Arthrospira Platensis, a cyanobacteria that is commercially referred to as Spirulina. The chosen cyanobacteria is known as a superfood due to having high concentrations of varying nutritional values. Additional benefits of Arthrospira are that samples have been found to survive well in microgravity, can be consumed with zero processing, and removes CO2 from the atmosphere. These characteristics enable this microorganism to be an excellent candidate for use in space travel within an advanced life support system (ALSS). Experimentation for this project will consist of two main components; one being, to try to maintain a parent culture of Arthrospira with as little maintenance as possible. The other component would be to begin growing the Arthrospira in flasks to grow subcultures for experimentation. Ideally, only a small volume of the original strain is managed to reduce the resources required for maintenance and reduce the likeliness of contamination. Experimentation for this project will consist of two main components; one being, to try to maintain a parent culture of Arthrospira with as little maintenance as possible. The other component would be to begin growing the Arthrospira in flasks to grow subcultures for experimentation. The storage environments for maintaining a small parent culture will consist of placing samples in an ultracold freezer, at -80°C, an average refrigeration environment of ~2°C, and in room temperature with low light conditions. These environments reduce cellular activity and growth rates dramatically while still allowing the survival of the strain. Future work on Arthrospira will be conducted to examine growth rates under varying temperatures and light conditions, to observe chlorophyll and protein concentrations through fluorescence spectroscopy, and even exposing the cyanobacteria to radiation as well as a vacuum environment

    Assessing the Interaction Between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes in Simulated Microgravity Conditions

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    With the upcoming events of returning humans to the Moon and then to Mars, the study and application of food growth systems in space is becoming increasingly important. Beyond traditional plant-based food production, researchers are examining the ability to include cyanobacteria and/or microalgae production systems. These systems would be able to provide astronauts with fresh vitamin supplementation as well to efficiently fix carbon dioxide, supply oxygen, and recycle wastewater. However, these cultures must be maintained without contamination to ensure the safety of the crew and to prevent inefficiencies to the air and water filtration abilities of the microorganisms. On these extended missions in space, contamination events are very plausible so it becomes vital to understanding the effect on the photosynthetic organisms and how these events can be resolved. This work aims to use Chlorella vulgaris (a popular microalgae for space research) and Escherichia coli (a gram-negative bacteria that is found in the human gut) to simulate a contamination effect and study the competitive nature that ensues. More specifically, a mixed culture of the two microorganisms will be placed in simulated microgravity conditions followed by a series of assays to identify differences that occur. The experiments will utilize a spectrophotometer to identify chlorophyll concentration, microscopy for cell count changes, and image analysis software to measure colonies of C. vulgaris clumping together. Through this research, it will become possible to provide initial recommendations on handling contamination events in space while also giving insight into additional studies for space microbial ecology

    Physiological Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Microbial Communities

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    Past research has shown that bacteria experience significant phenotypical changes when exposed to spaceflight environments. These changes include an increase in biofilm formation that have been shown to increase resistance to antibiotics, osmotic and oxidative stress. These changes highlight potential health risks to astronauts during space travel. Because bacteria naturally occur in communities, rather than pure cultures, we are shifting our focus to study the physiological effects of simulated microgravity on microbial communities. We are using EcoPlates to study whole community responses to simulated microgravity exposure as well as exposure to ionizing radiation. Containing 31 different carbon substrates, we can see which substrates are preferred by the community. Any changes to these preferred substrates, following microgravity and radiation exposure, can give us insight into how the community reacts to these stressors. These experiments support the need for further research on space microbial ecology, including human-associated microbial communities during space travel

    Autonomous Satellite Recovery Vehicle (ASRV) Final Report

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    In collaboration with Embry-Riddle Future Space Explorers and Developers Society (ERFSEDS), we came up with the idea to build a quad-copter/sensor system that could be deployed from a rocket. The goal is to build a new chassis for the quad-copters electronic components that will allow the quad-copters arms to fold inwards to meet the required space constraints of a rocket. In addition to the critical components of the quad-copter, our design will integrate a number of other data collecting sub-systems currently being used in a weather balloon designed by Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. club members. After being jettisoned from the rocket, the sensor systems objective would be to collect atmospheric data as it descends. At the altitude of 2,000 feet the quad-copter would be programmed to deploy a parachute. Once it has reached a safe velocity the arms would extend, motors engage, and the quad would autonomously navigate to a prearranged location. Flight planning will be done using a preexisting flight planning application. Data gathered from the sensors will include pressure, temperature, humidity, wind, and video. This project will give us a better understanding of rocket propulsion systems and the effect of launch on the payload. It will also allow us to gain valuable research, data retrieval, team development and multi-club collaboration experience

    Biological Validation of a Microgravity Analog for Bacteria and Cell Cultures

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    With the future of long duration spaceflight missions looking to expand from the International Space Station (ISS) to deep space, it must be ensured that all critical systems, living and non-living, are thoroughly developed before humans begin the extended voyage. As we continue to unravel the effects of microgravity on cells, more questions arise on the molecular and cellular components and processes that sense and react to lowered gravity conditions. We have developed a microgravity analog that could simulate the effects of reduced gravity on cells and that could be maintained for a period of time long enough to observe and measure a wide variety of biological responses. On this instrument, the simulation of the effects of microgravity occurs when the samples rotate perpendicular to the gravity vector, moving in a very small circular path in the media that can be calculated based on Stoke’s Law. Once this path is significantly smaller than the natural diffusive motion, the cells can be assumed to be experiencing “functional weightlessness”. Here we present a new 2D clinostat design that operates under gravity and simulated microgravity conditions, simultaneously, and that is scalable to accommodate up to forty 2-mL liquid samples. This design was originally intended for bacterial studies that require a high number of replicates during multiple timepoints and it was mathematically and biologically validated using phenotypic and transcriptional endpoints on Escherichia coli K12 cultures

    Arabidopsis Under Microgravity

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    The research project will focus on the influence of simulated microgravity on the growth rate using clinorotation during the germination period of Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis is a small, flowering plant that can be found in Eurasia and Africa. It is suitable for laboratory research, because of its short life cycle and small sequenced genome. The experiment includes germinating the seeds and exposing the seedlings to simulated gravity achieved by vertical rotation on a clinostat. Vertical rotation will establish a constantly changing gravity vector, creating an environment similar to microgravity. After a period of rotation, the seedlings will be planted and grown in a growth chamber to complete their life cycle. Growth will be measured and evaluated, comparing the samples exposed to microgravity and 1g gravity. It is expected to see a change in the direction of lateral growth, as well as a vertically increased growth rate of the samples exposed to vertical clinorotation. This experiment is important to the field because it will give us insight into the effects of microgravity on plant growth, which will be valuable when thinking about long term space travel and the availability of nutrition. The more studies conducted on this topic, the more prepared current, and future researchers will be in growing plants in microgravity conditions

    Development of a 3D Printed Clinostat

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    A largely unknown topic is how reduced gravity (hypogravity) affects organisms and their functionalities at a cellular level. A common method to conduct initial hypogravity testing is using a device known as a clinostat. Essentially, a culture of microorganisms or plant seeds can be placed at a specific radius perpendicular to the axis of rotation and rotated at a set RPM to simulate the experience of being in the lowered gravity environment. An issue with purchasing any commercial versions is the cost being very large for a customized system. To overcome this, multiple iterations have been developed to increasingly improve the system. Currently, the entire framework is 3D printed and manages to operate experimental and control conditions in one unit. Because of the flexibility of the design, customized parts are very easy to develop. This results in a fast and low-cost turnaround for new tube holders to account for any desired experiment. Future experiments will be conducted on Arthrospira Platensis, Abaena, and varying plant seeds to estimate their viability in reduced gravity environments (e.g. Martian or Microgravity)

    Differential Gene Expression in Escherichia Coli Chronically Exposed to Simulated Microgravity

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    Exposure to simulated microgravity changes the physiology and gene expression in bacteria. We used a set of Escherichia coli strains grown in a 2D clinostat for up to 24 days to measure the differential expression of a series of biofilm and pH and oxidative stress response-related genes using RT-qPCR. For this purpose, we grew E. coli from glycerol stocks at 30 C in nutrient broth for 24 h. The cells were then separated from the media and resuspended in an RNA preservative to stop metabolic activity and maintain the integrity of the RNA. We then extracted the RNA and synthesized cDNA in preparation for real-time PCR. We amplified segments of genes that had previously shown regulated on a transcriptome analysis and used them as markers to study their differential expression in cells grown from four distinct timepoints during the microgravity experiment. Our results show that some of the genes were either up or downregulated in response to simulated microgravity, suggesting that the constant free-falling or weightlessness state created by our microgravity analog changes transcriptional events in bacteria

    Engineering Physics Propulsion Lab Thruster Test Stand - TTS

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    The Engineering Physics Propulsion Laboratory (EPPL) student team lead by Dr. Sergey Drakunov and Dr. Patrick Currier, has been working on the design, development, and construction of a Thruster Test Stand (TTS) in the College of Arts and Science. The TTS is a tool developed for a NASA STTR Phase II project titled “The World is Not Enough (WINE): Harvesting Local Resources for Eternal Exploration of Space” currently conducted in EPPL. This is a joint project of Honeybee Robotics, ERAU and UCF. It will allow the EPPL student team to measure the thrust, temperature, pressure, exhausted velocity, frequencies, and electrical loads on any kind of propulsion unit. Currently, cold gas propulsion is being tested with plans to develop and test a steam-based and chemical-based propulsion system. Current and future research to be conducted in optimizing the design parameters and conduct practical tests of the thrusters are being pursued at the University from several different departments, including the COAS, the COA, & the COE. The TTS is designed to be modular towards many different propulsion systems. The modularity on the design will allow all students involved in research related to propulsion and control thrusters to utilize the test stand and gather data on their projects. The TTS frame components are design to increase the stability and rigidity to minimize noise and unwanted natural frequencies on the readings