29 research outputs found

    Detection of Procambarus clarkii by funnel traps and environmental DNA depends on pond characteristics and crayfish abundances

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    The presence of Procambarus clarkii was surveyed in a network of 158 ponds in France by using funnel traps and eDNA analyses concomitantly. Ponds were described using 6 habitat variables: perimeter, surface, maximum depth (sometimes estimated), estimated volume, mean shoreline slope and occurrence of litter. Additionally, 5 water quality variables (temperature, turbidity, conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen) were measured on a subsample of 82 ponds. For the 51 ponds where crayfish were trapped, CPUE (catch per unit effort - number of crayfish per trap per 24h) and the proportion of juveniles were calculated

    Run 1

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    Compressed file containing: 1) Forward sequence file 2) Reverse sequence file 3) File with experiment name, sample name and the tags, the forward primer and the reverse primer sequence associated

    Map showing all sampling locations across Europe.

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    <p>AL: Albania; BA: Bosnia-Herzegovina; CH: Switzerland; DE: Germany; ES: Spain; FR: France; IT: Italy. Location details are given in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0162493#pone.0162493.s003" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>.</p

    Diagram showing the percentage of assigned Culicidae species after the next-generation sequencing of 34 water samples and bioinformatic sequence analyses applying a 98% similarity threshold.

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    <p>Diagram showing the percentage of assigned Culicidae species after the next-generation sequencing of 34 water samples and bioinformatic sequence analyses applying a 98% similarity threshold.</p

    Run 2

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    Compressed file containing: 1) Forward sequence file 2) Reverse sequence file 3) File with experiment name, sample name and the tags, the forward primer and the reverse primer sequence associated

    Results from eDNA persistence experiment.

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    <p><i>Ae</i>. <i>albopictus</i> eDNA detectability in water as a function of time after the removal of eDNA source material. Circles are data points. Logistic regressions are given for initial densities of 15 (solid line) and 10 (dashed line) larvae per container.</p

    DNA detectability in water according to time.

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    <p>DNA detectability in water in control conditions (a) and in natural conditions (b) according to the time elapsed since the DNA source removal.</p


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    Compressed file containing: 1) Forward sequence file 2) Reverse sequence file 3) File with experiment name, sample name and the tags, the forward primer and the reverse primer sequence associated