15 research outputs found

    La grande scommessa. Turismo e pandemia a Firenze.

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    This paper is centred on the analysis of some recent developments of the touristic system in the italian city of Firenze. The COVID-19 pandemic hit hard the urban economic system of the city, which is increasingly dependent on tourism. We analyze how the pandemic has been exploited by some local actors to develop their own narrative of the touristic future of the city, in light of a rebranding attempt meant to position it as an «elite» touristic destination. We explore the contradictions between different ideas of how tourism should affect the urban fabric

    Squatted houses and city politics: communication and contention in Firenze

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    This paper is a study on the housing policy arena in Firenze. During the last years, local city governments have been focusing on fostering international, high-profile tourism. The local SMO, Movimento Lotta per la Casa (literally, Fight for the Housing Movement) has some traits of NSMs. At the same time, there are elements that remind « old » Social Movements. It is addressing a material issue, it exercises a very physical resistance and its grammar of disobedience relies on the appropriation of urban spaces. Through the lens of the « Right to the City », I discuss here the relation between urban movements and the urban regime