1,818 research outputs found

    Multi-objective optimization of RF circuit blocks via surrogate models and NBI and SPEA2 methods

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    Multi-objective optimization techniques can be categorized globally into deterministic and evolutionary methods. Examples of such methods are the Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI) method and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2), respectively. With both methods one explores trade-offs between conflicting performances. Surrogate models can replace expensive circuit simulations so enabling faster computation of circuit performances. As surrogate models of behavioral parameters and performance outcomes, we consider look-up tables with interpolation and Neural Network models

    Use of phytotherapics in dogs and cats.

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    Phytotherapy is one of the most utilized non conventional medicines (NCM) both in human and veterinary medicine. It can be used to mitigate and prevent slight diseases and to support conventional medicine using allopathic drugs. In this paper the Authors report the phytoterapeutics most utilized in both dogs and cats, in which the use of phytotherapics is increasing, despite the prejudices of the academic world and of the veterinary practitioners. Laws regarding the use of non conventional medicines in veterinary practises are lacking in Italy, despite many other countries in Europe; yet National Federation of Italian Veterinaries (F.N.O.V.I.) asserted that the use of NCM has to be considered a veterinary practise at all. At the end of this paper, the Authors provided many examples of phytotheapic prescriptions to control different illness in both dogs and cats

    Shedding Light on Diatom Photonics by means of Digital Holography

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    Diatoms are among the dominant phytoplankters in the worl's ocean, and their external silica investments, resembling artificial photonics crystal, are expected to play an active role in light manipulation. Digital holography allowed studying the interaction with light of Coscinodiscus wailesii cell wall reconstructing the light confinement inside the cell cytoplasm, condition that is hardly accessible via standard microscopy. The full characterization of the propagated beam, in terms of quantitative phase and intensity, removed a long-standing ambiguity about the origin of the light. The data were discussed in the light of living cell behavior in response to their environment

    Migrant workers and psychological health: A systematic review

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    Migrant workers show an increase in the incidence of serious, psychotic, anxiety, and post-traumatic disorders due to a series of socio-environmental variables, such as loss of social status, discrimination, and separations from the family. The purpose is to elaborate a systematic review and highlight the prevailing psychological pathologies of these workers and categories most at risk. Our research included articles published from 2009 to 2019 on the major databases (Pub Med, Cochrane Library, and Scopus) using a combination of some keywords. The online search indicated 1.228 references. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria, we analyzed 127 articles, in particular 12 reviews and 115 original articles. Principal emerging disorders from the research are depressive syndrome (poor concentration at work, feeling down, or anger and somatization), anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse, and poor sleep quality. This causes low life conditions, which is also due to marginalization from the social context and strenuous work; in fact, migrant workers may suffer verbal or physical abuse, and they are often employed in dangerous, unhealthy jobs. It is therefore essential to increase the role of occupational medicine and promote wellbeing for this vulnerable job categor

    Hyperplastic cholangitis in a naturally Toxoplasma gondii-infected cat.

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    Toxoplasma gondii can cause in cats a multisystemic disease involving the liver, lungs, central nervous system and other organs. The liver generally shows multifocal necrotizing hepatitis with possible panlobular extension, with histological evidence of free tachyzoites and/or cysts containing bradyzoites within necrotic foci. Very rarely, toxoplasmosis is expressed by cholangitis, the latter being much more frequently caused in cats by bacteria of intestinal origin. We report here a case of cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis in a young cat, where cytology of the liver showed multiple maturational stages of protozoa in the cytoplasm of cells of the bile ducts. On the basis of the cytological, histological, ultrastructural and molecular details, the microorganisms were identified as belonging to the species Toxoplasma gondii

    OptEEmAL: Decision-Support Tool for the Design of Energy Retrofitting Projects at District Level

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    Designing energy retrofitting actions poses an elevated number of problems, as the definition of the baseline, selection of indicators to measure performance, modelling, setting objectives, etc. This is time-consuming and it can result in a number of inaccuracies, leading to inadequate decisions. While these problems are present at building level, they are multiplied at district level, where there are complex interactions to analyse, simulate and improve. OptEEmAL proposes a solution as a decision-support tool for the design of energy retrofitting projects at district level. Based on specific input data (IFC(s), CityGML, etc.), the platform will automatically simulate the baseline scenario and launch an optimisation process where a series of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) will be applied to this scenario. Its performance will be evaluated through a holistic set of indicators to obtain the best combination of ECMs that complies with user's objectives. A great reduction in time and higher accuracy in the models are experienced, since they are automatically created and checked. A subjective problem is transformed into a mathematical problem; it simplifies it and ensures a more robust decision-making. This paper will present a case where the platform has been tested.This research work has been partially funded by the European Commission though the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 680676. All related information to the project is available at https://www.opteemal-project.eu

    The ligand-receptor interactions based on silicon technology

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    We explored the use of porous silicon (pSi) technology for the construction of a biotechnological device, in which the ligand-receptor interactions are revealed by means of laser optical measurements. Here we report the settling of chemical procedures for the functionalization of the silicon wafers and for the subsequent anchoring of biological molecules such as a purified murine monoclonal antibody (UN1 mAb), an antibody anti-P8 protein of M13 phage and an antibody anti-A20 murine lymphoma cell line. The optical analysis of the interaction on the biochips between the bound biomolecules and their corresponding ligands indicated that the pSi is suitable for thi

    Proteomic approach for the detection of biomarkers ofexposure in mussels exposed to PCB

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    In the current study, a preliminary proteomic approach has been used in Mytilus galloprovincialis as a screening of changes in protein expression caused by a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in order to characterize the effects of PCBs on the protein profile and to develop new molecular biomarkers, after identifying the proteins more drastically altered. Methods:Mussels were exposed for three weeks to three polychlorinated biphenyls under controlled conditions. The edible parts were homogenized and lyophilized. Extracted proteins were quantified and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) in IPG strips (pH 3–10). The protein spots in gels were visualized by Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining. Gel images were obtained using a Image Scanner. Image analysis included spot detection, quantification and matching. The volume of each spot from each gel was normalized to the total gel spot volume in order to correct it for differences in gel staining. More than 500 spots were resolved and altered expression was qualitatively detected. Results and conclusions of the study: Our results showed a well conserved protein pattern regardless of the treatments, demonstrating that the exposition to the PCB mixture did not impair the normal physiological function of the mussels. However, the levels of a restricted number of proteins were clearly and reproducibly affected by the treatment; therefore, these polypeptides were considered promising biomarker candidates. In conclusion, even if further studies are needed to validate these findings, our data demonstrated that proteomic approach represents a valuable tool for identifying biomarkers of exposure to environmental contaminants