8 research outputs found

    A Method for Histological, Enzyme Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Periapical Diseases on Undecalcified Bone with Teeth

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    Svrha je rada bila ispitati i primijeniti postupak histološke, histokemijske i imunohistokemijske raščlambe serijskih rezova nedekalcificiranih psećih zuba s okolnim koštanim tkivom čeljusti. Na premolarima pasa mješanaca induciran je pulpitis i apikalni parodontitis bakterijskom florom iz usne šupljine. Trepanirana pulpna komorica 50 je dana izložena djelovanju oralne mikroflore. Pošto je životinja žrtvovana, nedekalcificirana je kost s dekoroniranim eksperimentalnim zubima uložena u metilmetakrilat i rezana wolfram karbidnim nožem na debljinu 5 - 7 μm. Rezovi su za histološku raščlambu bojeni toluidinskim plavilom, te metodom bojenja kisele fosfataze i tartarat - rezistentne kisele fosfataze. Za detekciju CD 45+ limfocita uporabljeno je imunohistokemijsko bojenje. Debljina rezova 5 - 7 μm omogućila je na histološkim i histokemijskim pripravcima citološku raščlambu promjena u pulpi i periapeksu svjetlosnim mikroskopom in situ. Imunohistokemijsko bojenje nije bilo zadovoljavajuće. Postupak ulaganja nedekalcificirane kosti i zuba u metilmetakrilat i njihovo rezanje wolfram-karbidnim nožem zadovoljavajuća je tehnika za histološke i neke histokemijske raščlambe za potrebe istraživanja u endodonciji. Nužno je poboljšati metodu imunohistokemijskoga bojenja.The objective was to examine and apply a method for serial sectioning of undecalcified canine teeth with surrounding jawbone and to analyse it histologically, enzyme histochemically and immunohistochemically. Pulpitis and apical periodontitis were induced in a mongrel dog’s premolar teeth by exposing the pulp to the oral environmental influence for 50 days. After animal sacrifice undecalcified bone with the decoronated experimental teeth were embedded in methylmethacrylate and sectioned with a tungsten carbide knife at 5-7 μm. Sections were stained with toluidin blue (TB) for histological analysis and by a method of staining non-specific acid phosphatase (ACP), and tartrat-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). Immunohistochemical staining was performed for detection of CD 45+ lymphocytes. Because the specimens were 5-7 μm thick it was possible to perform a detailed cytological analysis of changes in the pulp and periapex in situ with a light microscope on histological and enzyme histochemical specimens. Immunohistochemical staining was not satisfactory. The method of embedding undecalcified bone and teeth in methylmethacrylate and sectioning with a tungstencarbide knife is satisfactory for histological and some enzyme histochemical analysis in endodontic research. However, immunohistochemical staining needs improvement

    Qualitative changes of the pulp and multiple electric measurement of the canal

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    U cilju analize faktora koji utječu na rezultat mjerenja dužine kanala promjenu broja i odnosa čestica s električnim nabojem, analizirali smo pomoću bioelektričnog potencijala, električne vodljivosti i mjerenjem koncentracije anorganskih kationa: Na+, K+, Ca++ i Mg++ metodom AAS. Uspoređivanjem vrijednosti bioelektričnog potencijala između gin­give i eksponirane pulpe, mogli smo razlikovati skupine: jednaki potencijali-normala, povišeni i sniženi. Normala električne vodljivosti izmje­rena je na zdravoj gingivi (test mjerenja) kao granična vrijednost između pulpnog i periapeksnog tkiva, i to znači da se proširivač sa stoperom br. 15 utiskuje kroz vitalnu pulpu do test vrijednosti. Udaljenost od vrha proširivača do stopera je prva dužina kanala (d1). Nakon provedene ekstirpacije mjeri se drugi put (d2), a prije punjenja treći put (d3). Toč­nost punjenja ocijenjena je rendgenogramom. U istraživanju je bio 41 pacijent sa 81 mjerenjem kanala, a u 18 eksperimentalnih pulpi izvršena je analiza kationa. Suma analiziranih kationa u skupini normala potencijala je 68,96 mg/g, postotak suhe tvari 22,24%, točnosti d1 mjerenja sa ±SE je 50 ±12%, a d2 + d3 je 81 ± 9,76. U skupini povišeni je Σ kationa 67,89, suha tvar 28,27%, 20 ± 8,7%, a d2 + d3 je 78 ± 5,86%. U skupini sni­ženi kationa je 61,59, suhe tvari 32,60%, d1 40 ± 7,0%, d2 + d3 je 80 ± ±10,33%. Povoljni rezultati u toku višestrukog mjerenja nisu slučajni (P <0,01). Presudni utjecaj na rezultat imaju nastale kvalitativne promjene pulpe.The aim of this study was to analyze the factors influencing the results of the canal length measurements and changes in the number of particles and their relations to the electric charge. Therefore, they were assessed using the features of bioelectric potential and electric conduc­tivity, and measuring the concentrations of inorganic cations, i.e. Na+, K+, Ca++ and Mg++ by the AAS method. Comparing the bioelectric poten­tial values between the gingiva and the exposed pulpa, the following groups were obtained: equal potentials — normal, elevated and lowered poten­tials. The normal electric conductivity value was measured in healthy gin­giva (measuring test) as a borderline value between the pulpal and periapical tissue, which means that an extender with a No 15 stopper was impressed through the vital pulp up to the test value. A distance between the tip of the extender and the stopper was the first canal length (d1). The second length measurement was carried out following extirpation (d2), and the third one before filling (d3). The accuracy of fil­ling was evaluated by means of a roentgenogram. Forty-one patient with 81 canal measurements were included in the study. Cations were ana­lyzed in 18 extirpated pulps. The sum of cations analyzed in the group of normal potentials was 68.96 mg/g, dry substance percentange 2.24%, d1 measurement accuracy ± SE = 50 ± 12%, and d2 + d3 = 81 ± 9.76%. In the group of elevated potentials, the sum of cations was 67.89, dry subtance percentage 28.27%, d1 = 20 ± 8.7% and d2 + d3 = 78 ± 5.86%. In the group of lowered potentials, the sum of cations was 61.59, dry substance percentage 32.60%, d1 = 40 ± 7.0%, and d2 + d3 = 80 ± 10.33%. Good results obtained by multiple measurements should by no means be considered casual (P <0.01). The results were substantially influenced by qualitative pulp alterations

    A step-back method for intracanal preparation with multiple length determination of the tooth root canal

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    Opisan je postupak intrakanalne preparacije koničnog oblika s cerviksnim proširenjem tehnikom »stepback«. Dužina korijenskog kanala određena je električnim višekratnim mjerenjem. Najprije se izvrši prvo mjerenje du­žine kanala (dl). Izmjerena dužina prenese se na početni proširivač te za­ počne ekstirpacija pulpe i čišćenje cirkumpulpnog dentina. U nastavku rada skrati se dužina sljedećim dvama proširivačima svakom za 1 mm. Kad su kanali suženi i zakrivljeni narednim proširivačima se radna dužina dodatno umanji za još jedan mm. Nakon što je ekstirpirana pulpa, a kanal posušen, pristupa se drugom mjerenju dužine kanala (d2). Na izmjerenoj dužini počinje oblikovanje kanala. U prvoj fazi obrađuje se na d2 duljini apeksna trećina od početne (IAF) do vodeće turpije (MAF), a zatim se vrtaljkom i endodontskim svrdlima preparira kanal u cervikalnoj trećini 5—6 mm duboko. U nastavku instrumentacije svaka sljedeća turpija se skrati za jedan mm od izmjerene dužine (d2) kanala. Na taj način se oblikuje kanal turpijanjem unazad »stepback« metodom. Najbolje je pri tome koristiti turpije H-tipa. Turpijom četiri broja većom od vodeće (MAF) završno je oblikovanje središnje trećine kanala.A procedure of intracanal preparation of a cuneiform with cervical extenision using a step-back technique is described. The length of the root canal is determined by multiple electric measurement. First, the initial measurement of the canal length (l1) is performed. The measured length is then transferred to the initial extender (No. 15), whereafter extirpation of the pulp and removal of circumpulpal dentin begin. Then the extender NO. 20 is reduced by 1 mm, and the extender No. 25 by 2 mm.When the canal have been narrowed and bent, fur ther extenders are used to additionally reduce the working length by 1 mm more. When the pulp has been extirpated, the second canal length measurement (12) is performed, then starting to form the canal. In phase 1, the apical third from the initial (IAF) to the leading file (MAF) is treated and the cervical extension of the canal prepared by a bur drill. In further instrumenta­tion, each next file is reduced by 1 mm of the measured canal length (12), thus shaping the canal by filling, using a step-back method. Files according to Hedström should be used thereby. Shaping of the canal is completed by a file by four numbers greater than the leading (MAF) one

    Procjena stanja zubne pulpe i mjerenje dužine korijenskog kanala primjenom elektroničkog uredjaja vlastite konstrukcije : disertacija

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    Sažetak disertacije "Procjena stanja zubne pulpe i mjerenje dužine korijenskog kanala primjenom elektroničkog uredjaja vlastite konstrukcije" nije dostupan

    Procjena stanja zubne pulpe i mjerenje dužine korijenskog kanala primjenom elektroničkog uredjaja vlastite konstrukcije : disertacija

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    Sažetak disertacije "Procjena stanja zubne pulpe i mjerenje dužine korijenskog kanala primjenom elektroničkog uredjaja vlastite konstrukcije" nije dostupan

    A step-back method for intracanal preparation with multiple length determination of the tooth root canal

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    Opisan je postupak intrakanalne preparacije koničnog oblika s cerviksnim proširenjem tehnikom »stepback«. Dužina korijenskog kanala određena je električnim višekratnim mjerenjem. Najprije se izvrši prvo mjerenje du­žine kanala (dl). Izmjerena dužina prenese se na početni proširivač te za­ počne ekstirpacija pulpe i čišćenje cirkumpulpnog dentina. U nastavku rada skrati se dužina sljedećim dvama proširivačima svakom za 1 mm. Kad su kanali suženi i zakrivljeni narednim proširivačima se radna dužina dodatno umanji za još jedan mm. Nakon što je ekstirpirana pulpa, a kanal posušen, pristupa se drugom mjerenju dužine kanala (d2). Na izmjerenoj dužini počinje oblikovanje kanala. U prvoj fazi obrađuje se na d2 duljini apeksna trećina od početne (IAF) do vodeće turpije (MAF), a zatim se vrtaljkom i endodontskim svrdlima preparira kanal u cervikalnoj trećini 5—6 mm duboko. U nastavku instrumentacije svaka sljedeća turpija se skrati za jedan mm od izmjerene dužine (d2) kanala. Na taj način se oblikuje kanal turpijanjem unazad »stepback« metodom. Najbolje je pri tome koristiti turpije H-tipa. Turpijom četiri broja većom od vodeće (MAF) završno je oblikovanje središnje trećine kanala.A procedure of intracanal preparation of a cuneiform with cervical extenision using a step-back technique is described. The length of the root canal is determined by multiple electric measurement. First, the initial measurement of the canal length (l1) is performed. The measured length is then transferred to the initial extender (No. 15), whereafter extirpation of the pulp and removal of circumpulpal dentin begin. Then the extender NO. 20 is reduced by 1 mm, and the extender No. 25 by 2 mm.When the canal have been narrowed and bent, fur ther extenders are used to additionally reduce the working length by 1 mm more. When the pulp has been extirpated, the second canal length measurement (12) is performed, then starting to form the canal. In phase 1, the apical third from the initial (IAF) to the leading file (MAF) is treated and the cervical extension of the canal prepared by a bur drill. In further instrumenta­tion, each next file is reduced by 1 mm of the measured canal length (12), thus shaping the canal by filling, using a step-back method. Files according to Hedström should be used thereby. Shaping of the canal is completed by a file by four numbers greater than the leading (MAF) one

    Methods for Histological Evaluation of the Deposition of Newly Created Bone after Endodontic Therapy in the Dog - a Preliminary Report

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    Svrha je rada ispitati uporabu histoloških metoda kvalitativne i kvantitativne ocjene odlaganja novostvorene kosti nakon endodontske terapije kroničnog apeksnoga parodontitisa na eksperimentalnome modelu psa. Pulpne komore dviju životinja (po πest korijena) izložene su djelovanju oralne mikroflore. Endodontska terapija učinjena je nakon 35 dana ProFile® Ni-Ti rotirajućim instrumentima i Thermafill® opturatorima, a kaviteti su ispunjeni amalgamom. Zatim je jedna životinja primila intraperitonealnu injekciju vitalne boje Procion red 100 mg/kg, a druga doksiciklin 10 mg/kg peroralno tijekom 12 dana. Nakon 35 dana po endodontskoj terapiji životinje su žrtvovane, a na izrađenim histološkim pripravcima provedena je kvalitativna i kvantitativna raščlamba. Kvalitativnom raščlambom pripravaka obojenih toluidinskim modrilom moguće je analizirati novoistaloženi osteoid. Na nativnim je pripravcima, raščlambom fluorescentnih depozita Procion red i doksiciklina, moguća raščlamba i mineralizirane novostvorene kosti. Kvantitativna histomorfometrijska raščlamba pokazuje veći potencijal cijeljenja lezija u životinje u koje smo za demarkaciju novostvorene kosti uporabili doksiciklin, kompromitirajući doksiciklin kao neovisni marker.The aim of the study was to examine the use of histological methods of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the deposition of newly created bone after endodontic therapy of chronic apical periodontitis in an experimental dog model. The pulp chambers of two animals (six roots each) were exposed to the effects of oral microflora. Endododontal therapy was performed after 35 days by ProFile® Ni-Ti rotating instruments and Thermafill® obturators, and the cavities filled with amalgam. One animal then received intraperitoneal injection of 100 mg/kg vital stain Procion Red and the other 10 mg/kg doxicyclin perorally for a period of 12 days. After 35 days of endodontic therapy the animals were sacrificed and qualitative and quantitative analysis performed on the histological specimens. Analysis of the newly deposited osteoid was possible by quantitative analysis of the specimens stained with toluidine blue. Analysis of mineralised newly created bone on the native specimens was enabled by analysis of the fluorescent deposits of Procion Red and oxycycline. Quantitative histomorphometric analysis demonstrated greater potential for healing lesions in the animal in which doxycycline was used for demarcation of newly created bone, compromising doxycycline as an independent marker