82 research outputs found

    The Vision of St Paul the Apostle in a Serbian copy dating from the last quarter of the 15th century, preserved in the Nikoljac Monastery collection

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    У овом раду сагледава се Виђење апостола Павла на основу српског преписа из збирке манастира Никољца број 52. Он припада краћој мешовитој верзији овог апокрифа. Српски преписи сачувани су у неколико верзија – пуној, познатој у два непотпуна преписа из ХV века, мешовитој, са дужом и краћом варијантом, и два извода из овог апокрифа у којима су углавном издвојене сцене о исходу душе. Никољачки препис писан је српскословенским језиком са недоследним ресавским правописом и са неколико црта народног говора.Among the apocryphal visions of heaven, The Vision of St Paul the Apostle, also known as The Apocalypse of St Paul, stands out due to its scope and the picturesqueness of its fantastic scenes, in particular those of hell. This apocryphal text was translated from Greek into Old Slavic as early as the Ohrid-Preslav period. There exist several versions of the Serbian copy of The Vision of St Paul the Apostle. The complete version exists in two incomplete copies from the 15th century. Other Serbian copies contain a mixed version, encountered in the form of two subvariants, the longer and the shorter one. In addition to the above, there also exist two excerpts from this apocryphal document, mainly containing isolated scenes of the parting of the soul and the body. The Nikoljac Monastery copy № 52, which is the subject of this paper, belongs to the shorter mixed variant. It was written in the Serbian-Slavic language, characterised by the inconsistent use of the Resava orthography and a few features derived from the folk speech of the day

    L’étude des apocryphes dans la tradition manuscrite serbe médiévale

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    Cet article nous offre un aperçu de l’étendue des apocryphes dans l’ancienne tradition serbe manuscrite qui nous est parvenue, et se complète utilement par un tableau récapitulatif des manuscrits connus contenant des textes apocryphes de l’Ancien et du Nouveau testament.This article offers a wide vision of the extent of apocryphal studies in the ancient Serbian manuscript tradition existing to our days while the annexed table containing an overall list of the known manuscripts containing apocryphal texts of the Old and New Testaments is a useful tool for researchers

    Hyperbaric oxygenation as an adjuvant therapy for traumatic brain injury: a review of literature

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    In recent years significant amount of data have been published in the filed of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The main rational for the research in this field is that in TBI patients with the existence of dormant neural tissues that maintain cellular homeostasis but are unable to participate in neurotransmission, the addition of HBO provides a favourable environment by which neuronal reactivation can be achieved. As hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not all-or-nothing phenomena and the consequences of TBI can vary from mild to moderate and severe, it is important to evaluate each TBI patient before referring him/her to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Reports from the clinical trial that were investigating the effects of HBO on severe TBI show promising results. For example, significant reduction in mortality rates and improvement in favourable neurological outcomes were reported. However, conflicting results have been reported from trials that investigated the effects of HBO on mild and moderate TBI. The results from the experimental studies indicate that HBO can preserve mitochondrial function, reduce apoptosis and neuroinflammation and promote neuronal plasticity. Therefore, conducting of methodologically-based multicentric clinical trials is necessary to determine proper guidelines for inclusion of TBI patients in HBOT. As many reports have stated that even a few exposures to HBO can contribute to the recovery process, future research must be aimed at establishing most effective HBO protocol for TBI patients

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza Ag-NOR kod benignih i malignih tumora mlečne žlezde kuja

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    In this retrospective study, quantitative and qualitative analyses of argyrophil nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) in 54 malignant and 18 benign canine mammary gland tumors were made. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the mean number of AgNORs per cell between benign and malignant tumors (p lt 0.01). There was no significant difference in the mean number of AgNORs per cell between complex carcinomas, simple carcinomas and carcinomas in mixed tumors (p>0.05), as well as between adenomas and benign mixed tumors (p>0.05). Six different patterns of AgNOR distribution were observed. Types I, II, III and in only two cases, type IV, were observed in benign tumors, while all six types were observed in malignant tumors. The predominant types in malignant tumors were III, IV, V and VI. Cell types II, III and IV were predominant in malignant tumors with 5.5-7 AgNORs per cell, while cell types V and VI were dominant in tumors with more than 7 AgNORs per cell.U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji izvršena je kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza arigrofilnih organizatora nukleolusa (AgNORs), 54 maligna i 18 benignih tumora mlečne žlezde pasa. Uočene su statistički značajne razlike u prosečnom broju AgNORs po ćeliji između benignih i malignih tumora (p lt 0.01). Nisu dokazane statistički značajne razlike u prosečnom broju AgNORs po ćeliji između kompleksnih karcinoma, prostih karcinoma i karcinoma u mešovitom tumoru (p>0.05). Zapaženo je šest različitih tipova distribucije AgNORs. Tipovi I, II, III i samo u dva slučaja tip IV su uočeni kod benignih tumora, dok su kod malignih tumora uočeno svih šest tipova. Dominantni tipovi kod malignih tumora su III, IV, V and VI. Ćelije tipa II, III i IV dominiraju kod tumora kji imaju prosečno 5.5-7 AgNORs po ćeliji, dok tipovi V i VI su dominantni kod tumora koji imaju prosečno više od 7 AgNORs po ćeliji

    Advantages of Modified Osteosynthesis in Treatment of Osteoporotic Long Bones Fractures – Experimental Model

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    In surgery of fractured long bones, a patient suffering from osteoporosis represents constant challenge to a surgeon and applied material and instruments that need to destroy as little as possible of an already damaged bone. One potential way of increasing the contact surface between the implants and osteoporotic bone is injection of bone cement (methyl-metacrilat, Palakos) into a prepared screw bed. This method of osteosynthesis was therefore subjected to experimental research to prove that application of modified osteosynthesis using bone cement in treatment of fractures in osteoporotic patients has advantage over the standard method of osteosynthesis because this modified method enables significantly greater firmness and stability of the osteosynthesis, which is the essential precondition of a successful fracture healing. The research was carried out on six macerated cadaveric preparations of a shin bone from the osteological collection from Institute for Anatomy, School of Medicine, University »J. J. Strossmayer«. All samples of long bones were artificially broken in the middle part of the diaphysis and then standard osteosynthesis and modified osteosynthesis with screws filled with bone cement were performed on the samples. Results show that under identical static action of the moment of torsion in the modified osteosynthesis torsion angle deviation is lower than in the standard osteosynthesis. In modified osteosynthesis with bone cement the first results for angle of torsion deviation greater than 0.2 degrees were noticed after 120 minutes, while in the standard method of osteosynthesis they were noticed already in the first minute

    A Validity of Ultrasound Subdivision of Risser Grade 4 in Assessment of Skeletal Maturity

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    In the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, one of the most frequently used technique to determine skeletal ma- turity is the method described by Risser. The ossification of iliac apophysis progresses from ventral to caudal through the four zones and the fusion of the iliac apophysis to the iliac crest (Risser grade 5) indicated vertebral growth completion, therefore the termination of scoliotic deformity progression. The main disadvantages of Risser method are exposure to radiation and the questionable reliability, so there are efforts to examine iliac apohysis by ultrasound. There is also no resolute recommendation when to discontinue brace treatment of scoliosis. Using ultrasound, in this study, we subdi- vided Risser grade 4 to grade 4a and 4b, according to the amount of cartilage left unossified, in order to make clear when is safe to end brace treatment. We measured increase in height, during six month period, for 92 healthy children, who were classified by ultrasound in Risser 4a or 4b group. There was significantly larger increase in height for group 4a (p<0.001). For girls, we also noted time past from menarche as sign of biological maturity. Girls from group Risser 4b got menarche 2.74 years before they were examined while group Risser 4a got menarche only 1.57 years before (p<0.001). Subdvision of Risser 4 grade by ultrasound is promising method in determining end of brace treatment for scoliosis

    Numerical Analysis of Standard and Modified Osteosynthesis in Long Bone Fractures Treatment

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    The fundamental problem in osteoporotic fracture treatment is significant decrease in bone mass and bone tissue density resulting in decreased firmness and elasticity of osteoporotic bone. Application of standard implants and standard surgical techniques in osteoporotic bone fracture treatment makes it almost impossible to achieve stable osteosynthesis sufficient for early mobility, verticalization and load. Taking into account the form and the size of the contact surface as well as distribution of forces between the osteosynthetic materials and the bone tissue numerical analysis showed advantages of modified osteosynthesis with bone cement filling in the screw bed. The applied numerical model consisted of three sub-models: 3D model from solid elements, 3D cross section of the contact between the plate and the bone and the part of 3D cross section of the screw head and body. We have reached the conclusion that modified osteosynthesis with bone cement resulted in weaker strain in the part of the plate above the fracture fissure, more even strain on the screws, plate and bone, more even strain distribution along all the screws’ bodies, significantly greater strain in the part of the screw head opposite to the fracture fissure, firm connection of the screw head and neck and the plate hole with the whole plate and more even bone strain around the screw

    Hyperbaric oxygenation in prevention of amputations of diabetic foot

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    Background/Aim. Diabetic foot is the term for the pathological changes on foot in patients with diabetes. It is caused by diabetic angiopathy, polyneuropathy and osteoarthropathy. The treatment is complex and long-term and often leads to the loss of the extremity. The appliance of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has a lot more important place in adjuvant treatment of this disease. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of HBOT on the wound healing in comparison with the conventional treatment, the possibility of shortening the time of the treatment in patients with diabetic foot. Methods. In a five-year period a retrospective-prospective multicentric study, involving 60 patients with diabetic foot divided into two groups, was performed. The first group (group A) consisted of 30 patients treated by combined therapy (with medications, surgical therapy and HBOT). All the patients were receiving HBOT in the Special Hospital for Hyperbaric Medicine, CHM Hollywell-Neopren in Belgrade. The control group (group B) also consisted of 30 patients treated with medications and surgical therapy, but without HBOT. Results. The demographic data, the types of diabetes, as well as the Wagner classification stage of diabetic ulcers and radiography scans of changes in bones were equal in both groups. The median healing time of the Wagner grade III ulcer in the group A was 37.36 days [mean +/- standard deviation (SD) = 65.6 +/- 45.8 days], and in the group B 99.78 days (mean +/- SD = 134.8 +/- 105.96 days) and it was statistically significant (p = 0.074). The median time of recovery in patients of the group A with the Wagner grade IV was 48.18 days (mean +/- SD = 49.7 +/- 33.8 days), and in the group B 85.05 days (mean +/- SD = 86.7 +/- 71.6 days) and that was statistically significant (p = 0.121). The foot amputations were performed in both groups in 3 (10%) patients. In the group A there were no high amputations, whereas in the group B there were 4 (13.33%) below-knee amputations and 4 (13.33%) above-knee amputations which was highly statistically significant (p lt 0.0001). Conclusion. In this study, HBOT definitely showed positive adjuvant role in the treatment of diabetic foot. For the good treatment result it is essential the timely and successful surgical treatment of the ulcer and the use of bandage with the healing dressings. In case of the clear signs of local infection, the antibiotic therapy according to the antibiogram is necessary