13 research outputs found

    Osoby ze spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych w cyfrowym środowisku pracy – przegląd rozwiązań technologicznych wspierających integrację

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    Zamiarem autora artykułu jest analiza możliwości wykorzystania technologii wspomagających w obszarze środowiska pracy w celu integracji w jego obrębie osób ze spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych (ASD). Rozwiązaniem może być szersze wykorzystywanie elektronicznych form komunikacji (jak komunikatory, chaty i chatboty), wprowadzenie elektronicznych systemów monitorujących poziom stresu i ułatwiających jego kontrolowanie, a w przyszłości zaprojektowanie całego środowiska pracy zgodnie z koncepcją smart workplace, współpracującego z siecią czujników rejestrujących parametry ciała człowieka oraz połączonych z czujnikami i kontrolerami dostosowującymi parametry otoczenia. W rezultacie czynniki rozpraszające i obniżające wydajność pracy mogłyby zostać w znaczący sposób ograniczone lub wyeliminowane, co zwiększałoby komfort pracy takich osób oraz ich współpracowników

    Competencies of graduates as future labour market participants–preliminary study

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    The aim of article is to examine and compare the views of employers and future employees on the desirable competencies of the potential labour market participants. The applied research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods –interviews conducted among recruiters (representing potential employers) and a survey of university graduates (future employees). The study shows that both the Polish graduates and the employers identify the deficits of professional competencies. The differences of opinions were related to their assessment of generic competencies, the deficits of which were pointed to by the interviewed recruiters, who described them at the same time as fundamental to obtaining the employment. Meanwhile, the graduates assessed their generic competencies as the highest. According to the recruiters, the future employees lack also practical experience. On the other hand, the employers believe that the graduates are not prepared to using the possessed theoretical knowledge in practice. It should be noted, however, that employers perceive a great potential for the development of graduate competencies, which, together with acquiring practical experience, will probably lead to the narrowing of the competence gap

    AMO perspectives on the well-being of neurodivergent human capital

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    Purpose: Existing management research and management practices frequently overlook the relationship between the above-average human capital of highly functioning neurodivergent employees, their subjective well-being in the workplace and performance outcomes. This paper calls for greater attention to the hidden human capital associated with neurodiversity by mainstreaming implementation of neurodiversity-friendly policies and practices. Design/methodology/approach: Drawing on the ability, motivation and opportunity (AMO) framework, this conceptual paper integrates research on employee neurodiversity and well-being to provide a model of HR-systems level and human capital development policies, systems and practices for neurodivergent minorities in the workplace. Findings: This paper illustrates that workplace neurodiversity, like biodiversity, is a natural phenomenon. For subjective individual psychological and organisational well-being, neurodivergent employees require an empathetic culture and innovative talent management approaches that respect cognitive differences. Practical implications: The case is made for neurodivergent human capital development and policy-makers to promote inclusive employment and decent work in a context of relatively high unemployment for neurodivergent individuals. Originality/value: This paper extends current debates on organisational equality, diversity and inclusion to a consideration of workplace well-being for highly functioning neurodivergent workers. It calls for more equitable and empathetic approaches to investing in employees with neurodevelopmental and cognitive disabilities

    Remote Work Support Needs of Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Poland: Perspectives of Individuals with Autism and Their Coworkers

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    Article aims to propose ways to assess workplace digital adaptation needs for individuals with autism and a framework for communicating these needs to employers. In this study, participants responded to semi-structured interview questions identifying advantages and risk factors associated with remote work for this specific group of employees

    Support for Employees with ASD in the Workplace Using a Bluetooth Skin Resistance Sensor–A Preliminary Study

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    The application of a Bluetooth skin resistance sensor in assisting people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), in their day-to-day work, is presented in this paper. The design and construction of the device are discussed. The authors have considered the best placement of the sensor, on the body, to gain the most accurate readings of user stress levels, under various conditions. Trial tests were performed on a group of sixteen people to verify the correct functioning of the device. Resistance levels were compared to those from the reference system. The placement of the sensor has also been determined, based on wearer convenience. With the Bluetooth Low Energy block, users can be notified immediately about their abnormal stress levels via a smartphone application. This can help people with ASD, and those who work with them, to facilitate stress control and make necessary adjustments to their work environment

    Inclusive Communication Model Supporting the Employment Cycle of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Difficulties with interpersonal communication experienced by individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) significantly contribute to their underrepresentation in the workforce as well as problems experienced while in employment. Consistently, it is vital to understand how communication within the employment cycle of this group can be improved. This study aims to identify and analyze the possibilities of modifying the communication processes around recruitment, selection, onboarding, and job retention to address the specific characteristics and needs of the representatives of this group. This qualitative study is based on 15 in-depth interviews conducted with 21 field experts, i.e.,: therapists, job trainers, and entrepreneurs employing people with ASD. The findings of this research informed the creation of an inclusive communication model supporting the employment cycle of individuals with ASD. The most important recommendations within the model that was created include the modification of job advertisements, use of less structured job interviews, providing opportunities for mentorship, and supportive and non-direct, electronically mediated communication. To apply the above-mentioned solutions and take full advantage of the talents of people with ASD, it is also necessary to provide tailored sensitivity and awareness training programs for their direct addressees as well as their neurotypical colleagues, including managerial staff

    Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Digitized Work Environment – Review of Technological Solutions Supporting Integration

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    Zamiarem autora artykułu jest analiza możliwości wykorzystania technologii wspomagających w obszarze środowiska pracy w celu integracji w jego obrębie osób ze spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych (ASD). Rozwiązaniem może być szersze wykorzystywanie elektronicznych form komunikacji (jak komunikatory, chaty i chatboty), wprowadzenie elektronicznych systemów monitorujących poziom stresu i ułatwiających jego kontrolowanie, a w przyszłości zaprojektowanie całego środowiska pracy zgodnie z koncepcją smart workplace, współpracującego z siecią czujników rejestrujących parametry ciała człowieka oraz połączonych z czujnikami i kontrolerami dostosowującymi parametry otoczenia. W rezultacie czynniki rozpraszające i obniżające wydajność pracy mogłyby zostać w znaczący sposób ograniczone lub wyeliminowane, co zwiększałoby komfort pracy takich osób oraz ich współpracowników.The aim of the article is to examine the opportunities for employees with ASD, arising from assistive technology in order to integrate work environment. The possible solution to a communication problem is replacing the interpersonal communication between employees with electronic forms of communication, communicators, chats, chatbots. Furthermore, there is the implementation of wearable electronic systems monitoring stress level and facilitating effective stress control. In the future, developing the work environment according to ‘smart workplace concept’ is expected, by connecting sensors recording human body parameters in a network with sensors recording ambient physical parameters and also with the controllers of its values, adjusting it dynamically. As a result, distracting factors influencing work performance could be eliminated, improving the work comfort of people with ASD and their collaborators

    Zasady efektuacji w działaniach początkujących przedsiębiorców

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    The article concerns the effectual, dynamic entrepreneurship model that constitutes a response to the requirements of the changeable, uncertain business environment where the contemporary entrepreneurs operate. Earlier studies concerning implementing five effectuation principles referred mainly to expert entrepreneurs already experienced in establishing and running their own business. This article takes up the challenge of identifying the effectuation principles in the nascent entrepreneurs' operations. First, the authors present the review of the literature, which discusses the effectuation rules and justifies using the effectuation model by pre-entrepreneurs. The second part of the article presents the results of quantitative research aimed at assessing the effectuation index in the nascent entrepreneurs' operations. In addition, the relationship between the application of the effectuation principles and the effectiveness of the venture, measured at the level of achieved results (financial and non-financial) and entrepreneurs' satisfaction, is analyzed. The research confirmed referring to the effectuation rules by the members of the studied group and indicated their importance for the nascent entrepreneurs' satisfaction. The conclusions were also used to develop recommendations regarding the promotion of the effectuation model in entrepreneurial education and the use of effectuation principles to motivate entrepreneurs at the difficult stage of incubating their own company

    Support for Employees with ASD in the Workplace Using a Bluetooth Skin Resistance Sensor–A Preliminary Study

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    The application of a Bluetooth skin resistance sensor in assisting people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), in their day-to-day work, is presented in this paper. The design and construction of the device are discussed. The authors have considered the best placement of the sensor, on the body, to gain the most accurate readings of user stress levels, under various conditions. Trial tests were performed on a group of sixteen people to verify the correct functioning of the device. Resistance levels were compared to those from the reference system. The placement of the sensor has also been determined, based on wearer convenience. With the Bluetooth Low Energy block, users can be notified immediately about their abnormal stress levels via a smartphone application. This can help people with ASD, and those who work with them, to facilitate stress control and make necessary adjustments to their work environment