3 research outputs found
Life-history and behavioural traits data
The file contains data on the mass (g) of mice used for rearing experimental broods, egg-laying date and weighting date, female treatment (C=Control, W=Weighted), body mass (g) of females before/after handling and (for weighted females only) weighting, at day 1 after egg-hatching and at larval dispersal (before and after handling and washing dirt around the lead weight), brood mass (g) at different larval stages, mass (g) of the lead weights, offspring survival rate until dispersal and eclosion, date and time each 30-min observation has been performed, frequency (number of scans out of 30 scans) each behaviour has been recorded, and the total number of larvae begging
Data from Gray et al. Behavioural Ecology
Data from Gray, Richardson, Ratz & Smiseth - No evidence for parent-offspring competition in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. See ReadMe for more details
Data on effects of offspring and parental inbreeding on parent-offspring communication in Nicrophorus vespilloides
Data on effects of offspring and parental inbreeding on parent-offspring communication in Nicrophorus vespilloide