143 research outputs found

    Effect of planet ingestion on low-mass stars evolution: the case of 2MASS J08095427--4721419 star in the Gamma Velorum cluster

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    We analysed the effects of planet ingestion on the characteristics of a pre-MS star similar to the Gamma Velorum cluster member 2MASS J08095427--4721419 (#52). We discussed the effects of changing the age t0t_0 at which the accretion episode occurs, the mass of the ingested planet and its chemical composition. We showed that the mass of the ingested planet required to explain the current [Fe/H]^#52 increases by decreasing the age t0t_0 and/or by decreasing the Iron content of the accreted matter. We compared the predictions of a simplified accretion method -- where only the variation of the surface chemical composition is considered -- with that of a full accretion model that properly accounts for the modification of the stellar structure. We showed that the two approaches result in different convective envelope extension which can vary up to 10 percent. We discussed the impact of the planet ingestion on a stellar model in the colour-magnitude diagram, showing that a maximum shift of about 0.06 dex in the colour and 0.07 dex in magnitude are expected and that such variations persist even much later the accretion episode. We also analysed the systematic bias in the stellar mass and age inferred by using a grid of standard non accreting models to recover the characteristics of an accreting star. We found that standard non accreting models can safely be adopted for mass estimate, as the bias is <= 6 percent, while much more caution should be used for age estimate where the differences can reach about 60 percent.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 3 tables, 9 figure

    Dust photophoretic transport around a T Tauri star: Implications for comets composition

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    There is a growing body of evidences for the presence of crystalline material in comets. These crystals are believed to have been annealed in the inner part of the proto-solar nebula, while comets should have been formed in the outer regions. Several transport processes have been proposed to reconcile these two facts; among them a migration driven by photophoresis. The primarily goal of this work is to assess whether disk irradiation by a Pre-Main Sequence star would influence the photophoretic transport. To do so, we have implemented an evolving 1+1D model of an accretion disk, including advanced numerical techniques, undergoing a time-dependent irradiation, consistent with the evolution of the proto-Sun along the Pre-Main Sequence. The photophoresis is described using a formalism introduced in several previous works. Adopting the opacity prescription used in these former studies, we find that the disk irradiation enhances the photophoretic transport: the assumption of a disk central hole of several astronomical units in radius is no longer strictly required, whereas the need for an ad hoc introduction of photoevaporation is reduced. However, we show that a residual trail of small particles could annihilate the photophoretic driven transport via their effect on the opacity. We have also confirmed that the thermal conductivity of transported aggregates is a crucial parameter which could limit or even suppress the photophoretic migration and generate several segregation effects

    Theoretical uncertainties on the radius of low- and very-low mass stars

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    We performed an analysis of the main theoretical uncertainties that affect the radius of low- and very-low mass-stars predicted by current stellar models. We focused on stars in the mass range 0.1-1Msun, on both the zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) and on 1, 2 and 5 Gyr isochrones. First, we quantified the impact on the radius of the uncertainty of several quantities, namely the equation of state, radiative opacity, atmospheric models, convection efficiency and initial chemical composition. Then, we computed the cumulative radius error stripe obtained by adding the radius variation due to all the analysed quantities. As a general trend, the radius uncertainty increases with the stellar mass. For ZAMS structures the cumulative error stripe of very-low mass stars is about ±2\pm 2 and ±3\pm 3 percent, while at larger masses it increases up to ±4\pm 4 and ±5\pm 5 percent. The radius uncertainty gets larger and age dependent if isochrones are considered, reaching for M1M\sim 1Msun about +12(15)+12(-15) percent at an age of 5 Gyr. We also investigated the radius uncertainty at a fixed luminosity. In this case, the cumulative error stripe is the same for both ZAMS and isochrone models and it ranges from about ±4\pm 4 percent to +7+7 and +9+9(5-5) percent. We also showed that the sole uncertainty on the chemical composition plays an important role in determining the radius error stripe, producing a radius variation that ranges between about ±1\pm 1 and ±2\pm 2 percent on ZAMS models with fixed mass and about ±3\pm 3 and ±5\pm 5 percent at a fixed luminosity.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Accreting pre-main sequence models and abundance anomalies in globular clusters

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    We investigated the possibility of producing helium enhanced stars in globular clusters by accreting polluted matter during the pre-main sequence phase. We followed the evolution of two different classes of pre-main sequence accreting models, one which neglects and the other that takes into account the protostellar evolution. We analysed the dependence of the final central helium abundance, of the tracks position in the HR diagram and of the surface lithium abundance evolution on the age at which the accretion of polluted material begins and on the main physical parameters that govern the protostellar evolution. The later is the beginning of the late accretion and the lower are both the central helium and the surface lithium abundances at the end of the accretion phase and in ZAMS (Zero Age Main Sequence). In order to produce a relevant increase of the central helium content the accretion of polluted matter should start at ages lower than 1 Myr. The inclusion of the protostellar evolution has a strong impact on the ZAMS models too. The adoption of a very low seed mass (i.e. 0.001 M_{\odot}) results in models with the lowest central helium and surface lithium abundances. The higher is the accretion rate and the lower is the final helium content in the core and the residual surface lithium. In the worst case -- i.e. seed mass 0.001 M_\odot and accretion rate 105\ge 10^{-5} M_\odot yr1^{-1} -- the central helium is not increased at all and the surface lithium is fully depleted in the first few million years.Comment: Accepted for pubblication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Lithium-7 surface abundance in pre-MS stars. Testing theory against clusters and binary systems

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    The disagreement between theoretical predictions and observations for surface lithium abundance in stars is a long-standing problem, which indicates that the adopted physical treatment is still lacking in some points. However, thanks to the recent improvements in both models and observations, it is interesting to analyse the situation to evaluate present uncertainties. We present a consistent and quantitative analysis of the theoretical uncertainties affecting surface lithium abundance in the current generation of models. By means of an up-to-date and well tested evolutionary code, FRANEC, theoretical errors on surface 7Li abundance predictions, during the pre-main sequence (pre-MS) and main sequence (MS) phases, are discussed in detail. Then, the predicted surface 7Li abundance was tested against observational data for five open clusters, namely Ic 2602, \alpha Per, Blanco1, Pleiades, and Ngc 2516, and for four detached double-lined eclipsing binary systems. Stellar models for the aforementioned clusters were computed by adopting suitable chemical composition, age, and mixing length parameter for MS stars determined from the analysis of the colour-magnitude diagram of each cluster. We restricted our analysis to young clusters, to avoid additional uncertainty sources such as diffusion and/or radiative levitation efficiency. We confirm the disagreement, within present uncertainties, between theoretical predictions and 7Li observations for standard models. However, we notice that a satisfactory agreement with observations for 7Li abundance in both young open clusters and binary systems can be achieved if a lower convection efficiency is adopted during the pre-MS phase with respect to the MS one.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Astrophysical implications of the proton-proton cross section updates

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    The p(p,e^+ \nu_e)^2H reaction rate is an essential ingredient for theoretical computations of stellar models. In the past several values of the corresponding S-factor have been made available by different authors. Prompted by a recent evaluation of S(E), we analysed the effect of the adoption of different proton-proton reaction rates on stellar models, focusing, in particular, on the age of mid and old stellar clusters (1-12 Gyr) and on standard solar model predictions. By comparing different widely adopted p(p,e^+ \nu_e)^2H reaction rates, we found a maximum difference in the temperature regimes typical of main sequence hydrogen-burning stars (5x10^6 - 3x10^7 K) of about 3%. Such a variation translates into a change of cluster age determination lower than 1%. A slightly larger effect is observed in the predicted solar neutrino fluxes with a maximum difference, in the worst case, of about 8%. Finally we also notice that the uncertainty evaluation of the present proton-proton rate is at the level of few \permil, thus the p(p,e^+ \nu_e)^2H reaction rate does not constitute anymore a significant uncertainty source in stellar models.Comment: accepte

    Low mass star formation and subclustering in the HII regions RCW 32, 33 and 27 of the Vela Molecular Ridge. A photometric diagnostics to identify M-type stars

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    Most stars born in clusters and recent results suggest that star formation (SF) preferentially occurs in subclusters. Studying the morphology and SF history of young clusters is crucial to understanding early SF. We identify the embedded clusters of young stellar objects (YSOs) down to M stars, in the HII regions RCW33, RCW32 and RCW27 of the Vela Molecular Ridge. Our aim is to characterise their properties, such as morphology and extent of the clusters in the three HII regions, derive stellar ages and the connection of the SF history with the environment. Through public photometric surveys such as Gaia, VPHAS, 2MASS and Spitzer/GLIMPSE, we identify YSOs with IR, Halpha and UV excesses, as signature of circumstellar disks and accretion. In addition, we implement a method to distinguish M dwarfs and giants, by comparing the reddening derived in several optical/IR color-color diagrams, assuming suitable theoretical models. Since this diagnostic is sensitive to stellar gravity, the procedure allows us to identify pre-main sequence stars. We find a large population of YSOs showing signatures of circumstellar disks with or without accretion. In addition, with the new technique of M-type star selection, we find a rich population of young M stars with a spatial distribution strongly correlated to the more massive population. We find evidence of three young clusters, with different morphology. In addition, we identify field stars falling in the same region, by securely classifying them as giants and foreground MS stars. We identify the embedded population of YSOs, down to about 0.1 Msun, associated with the HII regions RCW33, RCW32 and RCW27 and the clusters Vela T2, Cr197 and Vela T1, respectively, showing very different morphologies. Our results suggest a decreasing SF rate in Vela T2 and triggered SF in Cr197 and Vela T1.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 20 pages, 22 figures, 6 table

    Single stars in the Hyades open cluster. Fiducial sequence for testing stellar and atmospheric models

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    Age and mass determinations for isolated stellar objects remain model-dependent. While stellar interior and atmospheric theoretical models are rapidly evolving, we need a powerful tool to test them. Open clusters are good candidates for this role. We complement previous studies on the Hyades multiplicity by Lucky Imaging observations with the AstraLux Norte camera. This allows us to exclude possible binary and multiple systems with companions outside 2--7 AU separation and to create a "single-star sequence" for the Hyades. The sequence encompasses 250 main-sequence stars ranging from A5V to M6V. Using the "Tool for Astrophysical Data Analysis" (TA-DA), we create various theoretical isochrones applying different combinations of interior and atmospheric models. We compare the isochrones with the observed Hyades single-star sequence on J vs. J - K_s, J vs. J - H and K_s vs. H - K_s color-magnitude diagrams. As a reference we also compute absolute fluxes and magnitudes for all stars from X-ray to mid-infrared based on photometric measurements available in the literature(ROSAT X-ray, GALEX UV, APASS gri, 2MASS JHK_s, and WISE W1 to W).We find that combinations of both PISA and DARTMOUTH stellar interior models with BT-Settl 2010 atmospheric models describe the observed sequence well. The full sequence covers the mass range 0.13 to 2.3 Msun, and effective temperatures between 3060 K and 8200 K. Within the measurement uncertainties, the current generation of models agree well with the single-star sequence. The primary limitations are the uncertainties in the measurement of the distance to individual Hyades members, and uncertainties in the photometry. Additionally, a small (~0.05 mag) systematic offset can be noted on J vs. J - K and K vs. H - K diagrams - the observed sequence is shifted to redder colors from the theoretical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. The extended version of the table will be available online soon. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic