44 research outputs found

    Hvad er betydning?

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    In the same way as Descartes defined body and soul, linguistic expression and meaning can be defined as extensive and divisible and as inextensive and indivisible respectively. Linguistic meaning is analysed in a model containing 1) the situation or scene of communication, 2) the physical utterance act, 3) the inextensive thought which is what the utterance counts as, and 4) the situation that the thought is a representation of. The thought is inextensive in time and space, but organized in a logical hierarchy of conceptual meaning included in propositional meaning, included in informational meaning, included in interactional meaning. Such a model of linguistic meaning makes it possible to make a functional analysis of, among other things, the overwhelming amount of monosemiation of the almost always polysemic lexemes of language

    Tegn og deiksis

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    Five theses about sign systems and articulation: It is shown that although most sign systems with single articulation (mathematics, predicate logic and sheets of music) lack deictic reference, the artificial language Ro has deixis. Double articulation of natural languages gives redundancy necessary for the performance in real time of the messages. In general, meaning is to be anchored to rhetorical situation, but mathematics and logic is not anchored and the meaning is consequently always generic. Natural sign systems have four types of meaning that are metacommunication of each other: conceptual meaning, propositional meaning, informational meaning and interactional meaning

    Ole tegner og fortæller. Om den semiotiske forskel på billeder og tekst

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    The basic notion in semiotics is taken to be, not 'sign', but 'representation', which is defined as 'something that indicates something for someone that it is designed to indicate'. Paintings, oral linguistic utterances and written texts, which are examples of external representations, and perceptual representations and conceptual representations, which are examples of internal (mental) representations, all share the two criterial features of being about something and the possibility of misrepresentation (conditions of satisfaction). A distinction is made between pictures, that are analog, i.e. holistic and looking like what they indicate, and texts, that are digital, i.e. consisting of discrete parts and indicating by convention. Hybrid representations have mixtures of analog and digital features, and komplex representations are compositions of analog an digital representations in one communicative application. Peceptual representation is analog, holistic and based on correspondence between what is in front of the eyes and what is in the mind of the beholder; conceptual representation is digital representation by which the discrete parts of what is perceived count as something by convention. Both man and cat have both perceptional and conceptional representations of external objects. But only man can distinguish the figure (subject) from the ground in a picture, and interpret a painting of a pipe, not only as a painting, but also as a painting of a pipe. In addition to these types of mental processes, interpretation of digital texts demands knowledge of both an inventory of letters (the alphabet) and an inventory of morphems (the lexicon) because texts (both spoken and written) have double digitalisation. The main differences between texts and pictures are the following: texts are acts in time, double digitalised, based on both compositionality and functionality, anchored to the now of the communication, have logical syntax, are unambiguous propositions that can be true or false, are learnt socially, and predominantly cognitive. Pictures are objects in space, analog, based on functionality, not anchored, no logical syntax, ambiguous, not true or false, but with resemblance, biologically learnt, and visual

    Sproglig mikrotillid

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    Når vi kommunikerer og deler tanker med hinanden ved hjælp af sproglige ytringer og tekster, sker det kun fordi vi samarbejder om det. Og samarbejde kræver tillid til at samarbejdspartneren udfører sin del af opgaven. Selv om vi igen og igen bliver skuffet når vi tror på hvad folks siger, forudsætter vi altid allerede at den anden samarbejder om at dele tanker næste gang. Denne sproglige mikrotillid er ofte kontrafaktisk, men det er alligevel det, der får kommunikationen til at virke og får samfundet til at hænge sammen

    Sprog og identitet

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    Forholdet mellem sprog og identitet kan efter Berger & Luckmann bedst beskrives som en dialektisk proces af tre strømme: Sproget (ytringen) er et menneskeligt produkt. Sproget (systemet) er en objektiv realitet. Mennesket er et sprogligt produkt. Den sociale orden er ikke en del af tingenes natur, men den menneskelige natur er på grund af sin verdensåbenhed og plastiske organisering underlagt socialt determinerende påvirkninger, og så snart vi taler om sproglige fænomener, befinder vi os i den sociale verden. Den menneskelige identitet er derfor spændt ud mellem at være vilkår og skæbne og at være intention og valg

    Handling, tekstualisering og tekst

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    Der argumenteres her for at talehandlinger og teksthandlinger er to forskellige typer af handlinger. En talehandling er situeringen af et udsagn om et sagforhold. En teksthandling er situeringen af helheden af en række forbundne paragraffer (som er degraderede udsagn) som udgør en beskrivelse af sagforhold. Talehandlingens type afhænger af konfigurationen af udsagnets realitetsværdi, emnetype og omsagnstype; teksthandlingens type desuden af den dominerende type af konneksionsrelationer mellem paragrafferne. &nbsp

    The Sign of the V: Papers in Honour of Sten Vikner

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    ‘The Sign of the V’ is a festschrift in honour of Sten Vikner, written by friends, colleagues, and collaborators, present and past, to celebrate both his 60th birthday and his contribution to the field of linguistics. The papers cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and empirical linguistic research, from phonetics and phonology, through morphology, semantics, and syntax, to pragmatics, as well as language acquisition, second-language learning, language processing, language teaching, language contact, historical linguistics, and language variation and change. Many different languages are featured, including the Scandinavian languages (i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, West Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Scots, and Yiddish. The scope and depth of the chapters in this anthology is a clear indication of the scope and depth of Sten Vikner’s own comparative research well as his impact on the field of linguistics.‘The Sign of the V’ is a festschrift in honour of Sten Vikner, written by friends, colleagues, and collaborators, present and past, to celebrate both his 60th birthday and his contribution to the field of linguistics. The papers cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and empirical linguistic research, from phonetics and phonology, through morphology, semantics, and syntax, to pragmatics, as well as language acquisition, second-language learning, language processing, language teaching, language contact, historical linguistics, and language variation and change. Many different languages are featured, including the Scandinavian languages (i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, West Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Scots, and Yiddish. The scope and depth of the chapters in this anthology is a clear indication of the scope and depth of Sten Vikner’s own comparative research well as his impact on the field of linguistics

    The Sign of the V: Papers in Honour of Sten Vikner

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    ‘The Sign of the V’ is a festschrift in honour of Sten Vikner, written by friends, colleagues, and collaborators, present and past, to celebrate both his 60th birthday and his contribution to the field of linguistics. The papers cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and empirical linguistic research, from phonetics and phonology, through morphology, semantics, and syntax, to pragmatics, as well as language acquisition, second-language learning, language processing, language teaching, language contact, historical linguistics, and language variation and change. Many different languages are featured, including the Scandinavian languages (i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, West Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Scots, and Yiddish. The scope and depth of the chapters in this anthology is a clear indication of the scope and depth of Sten Vikner’s own comparative research well as his impact on the field of linguistics.‘The Sign of the V’ is a festschrift in honour of Sten Vikner, written by friends, colleagues, and collaborators, present and past, to celebrate both his 60th birthday and his contribution to the field of linguistics. The papers cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and empirical linguistic research, from phonetics and phonology, through morphology, semantics, and syntax, to pragmatics, as well as language acquisition, second-language learning, language processing, language teaching, language contact, historical linguistics, and language variation and change. Many different languages are featured, including the Scandinavian languages (i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, West Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Scots, and Yiddish. The scope and depth of the chapters in this anthology is a clear indication of the scope and depth of Sten Vikner’s own comparative research well as his impact on the field of linguistics

    Erik Møller: Mundtlig fortælling - fortællingens struktur og funktion i uformel tale

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